After deportation trains arrived at the killing centers, guards ordered the deportees to get out and form a line. The victims then went through a selection process. Men were separated from women and children. A Nazi, usually an SS physician, looked quickly at each person to decide if he or she was healthy and strong enough for forced labor. This SS officer then pointed to the left or the right; victims did not know that individuals were being selected to live or die. Babies and young children, pregnant women, the elderly, the handicapped, and the sick had little chance of surviving this first selection. Those who had been selected to die were led to gas chambers. In order to prevent panic, camp guards told the victims that they were going to take showers to rid themselves of lice. The guards instructed them to turn over all their valuables and to undress. Then they were driven naked into the "showers." A guard closed and locked the steel door. In some killing centers, carbon monoxide was piped into the chamber. In others, camp guards threw "Zyklon B" pellets down an air shaft. Zyklon B was a highly poisonous insecticide also used to kill rats and insects. Usually within minutes after entering the gas chambers, everyone inside was dead from lack of oxygen. Under guard, prisoners were forced to haul the corpses to a nearby room, where they removed hair, gold teeth, and fillings. The bodies were burned in ovens in the crematoria or buried in mass graves. Many people profited from the pillage of corpses. Camp guards stole some of the gold. The rest was melted down and deposited in an SS bank account. Private business firms bought and used the hair to make many products, including ship rope and mattresses.
STICK TO THE FACTS. THERE IS ENOUGH EVIDENCE OF THESE HORRIBLE EVENTS WITHOUT RESORTING TO DISINFORMATION. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, claims circulated that Ilse Koch, wife of the commandant of Buchenwald concentration camp, had possessed lampshades made of human skin, and had specifically tattooed prisoners killed in order to use their skin for this purpose.[2] After her conviction for war crimes, General Lucius D. Clay, the interim military governor of the American Zone in Germany, reduced her sentence to four years' prison on the grounds "there was no convincing evidence that she had selected Nazi concentration camp inmates for extermination in order to secure tattooed skins, or that she possessed any articles made of human skin".[3] Jean Edward Smith in his biography, Lucius D. Clay, an American Life, reported that the general had maintained that the leather lamp shades were really made out of goat skin. The book quotes a statement made by General Clay years later: There was absolutely no evidence in the trial transcript, other than she was a rather loathsome creature, that would support the death sentence. I suppose I received more abuse for that than for anything else I did in Germany. Some reporter had called her the "Bitch of Buchenwald", had written that she had lamp shades made of human skin in her house. And that was introduced in court, where it was absolutely proven that the lamp shades were made out of goat skin.[4] The charges were made once more when she was rearrested, but again were found to be groundless.[3] Journalist Mark Jacobson claims to be in possession of this lampshade, but those claims are disputed.[5][6]
Grayson Nelson
I'll have a 3.pack of dove soap cheers nice Tale got any facts?
Michael Kelly
yeah we want lice infested hair mattresses, put me down for two.
Surprisingly a little child survived that selection in Auschwitz, Anne Frank. She survived Auschwitz, quite a feat for such a weak child, considering that camp was made to kill jews, either outright or by working them to death by heavy labour.
British POW in Auschwitz prove nothing, they were in different Camps. Not a very smart decision to place so many foreign witnesses near to your secret mass exterminating plant. Still the POW didn’t provided much evidence after the war, but that security must have been very low.
Kayden Moore
WOW! - Maximum stupidity in this thread…
She survived the selection because she was not sick at the time.
This thread is a laughing stock, the lies are barely hanging on here! Barely any sources, just word of mouth from random users on Zig Forums years ago
Honestly I don't even know why I try anymore. I guess it's just to entertain myself.
It doesn't really matter, all your fighting.
We have giant towns completely above US law (Kiryas Joel for example) that will continue to grow, and are taking US land away from you right now as we speak!
You have literally already lost. Our "towns" so huge in your country they literally are Israel territory, and could even be considered a state of Israel, as well.
Every year one of the "towns" spread out and take at least a mile more of land. What happens to the White residents that did not move out of the newly taken land? The value of their homes bottom out, becoming nearly worthless, and they struggle for the next 10 - 20 years trying to get a new house, or apartment, even.
All the odds are against you, you're busy posting here doing little to nothing while we're literally shoving your people out of their homes.
I alone, just one Rabbi, have done more for my People in the past year than you could ever hope to do for yours in your entire lifetime! LOL
Oops, my bad, I meant every year ALL of the "towns" take at least a mile more of land.
Luis Walker
simply epic
Xavier Thomas
Children and elderly women alive and well at the time Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviets. Not immediately gassed to death on arrival as per The Myth.