#secondcivilwarletters trending on twitter
reinforcements are needed post your #secondcivilwarletters on twitter
context will be explained in images
calling on reinforcements
#secondcivilwarletters trending on twitter
reinforcements are needed post your #secondcivilwarletters on twitter
context will be explained in images
calling on reinforcements
NYPA, also learn how to make a good thread because this is trash. Also learn how to crop a photo faggot.
Fuck Twitter
If you give a democrat a rope he will inevitably hang himself with it.
fuck off reddit
Seriously underrated post. Check out the future idiots cover.
Leftists can't hashtag. We should hijack it.
June 28th, 2019
Our reserves of Soylent are running low. An air resupply has crashed into a tall oak tree on the western ridge, and none of the comrades have the upper body strength to climb it. Skyler threw xir opener at it in an attempt to dislodge. This also got stuck, and Skyler is now in hysterics. Morale has been devastated.
June 29th
So hungry, so tired. The fascist nazis made a push into no man's five miles south of our position, and while Forward Polite Request Post was busy gathering votes on whether or not we should push back, their position was entirely overrun. We have received DMs advising us to flee our position, so we've retreated to the second line of defense. I had to bury Skyler. Xe caught a fragment to the skull and refused aid from anyone except for another member of xir tribe.
July 4th, 2019
The end is near. Our position has been overrun. I've escaped the initial wave by hiding under Trayquan's massive corpse. I just hope that they don't send a cleanup de
All Twitter lefties need to be bulldozed into a mass grave. Maybe they will get the chance in the next five years.
As if no one can see this is a kike trick just like the first civil war.
July 3rd 2018-
Dear father and father,
I write to you in a time of turmoil. It was but a week ago our forces were in high morale having gained control of the final burrough. The enemy was no match for our forces as we outnumbered them 18-1. They retreated across the hudson and we celebrated in such a manner as you have described in your youthful tales from fire island. If only it would have lasted. We awoke the following morning to news the enemy had blockaded the harbor. Many soldiers began to suffer from a dire physical sickness as the blockade has cut off our supply of beta blockers and estrogen tablets. To make matters worse the enemy is armed with high capacity assault rivals and Our generals do not believe we should carry weapons. I do not know how we will win this war.
So they're LARPing about fighting a civil war after they got their asses handed to them in a fist-fight.
What do they think will happen in a war?
April 2nd, 2022
It happened. They struck while we were dilating. The horror. The blood. The screams of agony as invasive objects plunged into our open flesh. And then the bullets started flying.
"When they finally legalized hemp, we didn't realize it was to make the rope being used to hang us all."
That the US Army will fight their battles for them.
July 4th, Year of Their Shitlord Trump
Dearest Cats, of which whom I treat as my children,
Today was the first day of war, and the challenge was ever prevalent. My healthy body struggled with the stairs, but I finally made it down only to find I could not fit through the door. Luckily for me my vibrant hair alerted another passerby that was with our cause. He was out patrolling leaving his wife in the service of another man and helped squeeze me through the Nazi trap. However, he looked at me for too long, a criminal act of rape in these times, and I was forced to shrill at him until he killed himself under the war time laws of #MeToo.
"War is hell". I don't know who said that, because they aren't on my Twitter followers, but such wisdom could only come from a gender queer foxkin that has experienced dissenting opinions online.
I must stop writing, as my arm is heavy and my heart enlarged too much to expend such energy. Tonight I will sleep where I fell, outside my apartment complex next to the rapist.
Tomorrow I will try to push forward after second breakfast.
is where I started losing it.
Day Two
The rapist's wife's son came looking for him, as his mother wished to leave him for a man named Tyrone. I informed him of where his body was. He shrugged and asked if I had his wallet. I did not, but only because another man named Tyrese had taken it in the night.
My objective is to make myself to the local college, which has been repurposed as a Safe Space and is impenetrable due to it being a Gun Free Zone. The Nazis have not yet figured out that by declaring an area Gun Free they can no longer shoot us there, and when such a concept makes sense to them they will feel foolish for shooting so many of us in them already.
I believe I am 3 days (a long 3 miles) away from the sanctuary. I must time it right, because there are only 2 McDonalds between here and there and food is becoming a serious concern. I only hope my benefits card still works in these times, if not I may have to use my survival training I obtained in Women's Studies years ago.
Write a whole diary like this, like a month's worth. It's great stuff.
This is brilliance.
just fucking wew