Well Zig Forums it's happening, the 5th of July the European Parlament will make the referndum about Article 13 and Article 11.
So…Before the end arrive once for all, what is your thought?
Well Zig Forums it's happening...
Other urls found in this thread:
Will a VPN get around the censorship?
Your pan-european needs a Muslim migrant fucking him in the ass.
if EU is communist then why was my country forced by EU to privatize highways, telecomunications company, airports
Fuck and fuck your retarded americanised logic. you're nothing but a useless faggot
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, nah, that's not communistic at all
There are a lot of anonymous retards with stupid memes.
Then there are some anonymous Jews with poison memes.
The Jew wants to get the left half of our bell curve to repeat his poisonous memes as readily as they repeat stupid memes.
This is how the Jew imagines he'll triumph.
Fuck you and fuck your faggot European self. You, your countrymen, and your forefathers are to blame for letting kikes come in and run your countries. You never stood up, your friends never stood up, your family never stood up. Thankfully, the EU will now protect you and them from your dangerous thoughts.
If my shit gets blocked, I will dig my way out of my filth - maybe take a shower - and take advantage of the free movement of peoples within the EU to put to death suits in the tower of babel, in Terraria
Send email to non-leftists parliament members. Find compelling arguments:
>This will destroy small online businesses, unemployment will go up (people will accuse you for not voting against it)
Make it seem both as a threat to their position and a threat to freedom of speech.
Make sure you don't copy paste the exact same message to 20 people. Otherwise gmail and the likes will think you are a spam bot and nuke your emails before they reach your target.
Preferably use multiple email providers. (not multiple accounts of the same provider that knows your IP, CPU serial number, etc.)
Not really, it's about content hosted on a CDN in Europe. As long as it infringes their "copyright" it's liable to taxation.
It's not just taxation. They will aggressively remove content with automated tools to err on the safe side when it comes to possibly copyrighted material. This targets our memes containing links to newspapers.
What better way to 'protect' EU from the evil far-right that posts inconvenient "6 refugees rape a woman on a wheelchair in sweden"-type of facts. This whole law is a desperate attempt at limiting far-right growth.
Look up at Russian and Chinese vpn bans and fines for using anonymous applications and proxies. As soon as they find out people ignore bans, they will ban all proxiefagging, or start jailing whites for their usage.
If you live in EU, archive everything that's important to you. Find some other websites to use outside of Zig Forums. Find something to do IRL instead of the internet and transmit your hobbies there. Or prepare big amount of HDD space to archive vidya/music/films and other stuff you have in backlog.
This is what you get for using centralized systems that are inherently vulnerable to kiking. It's also why anything distributed gets aggressively attacked: the system is defending itself.
My thoughts are that normalfags are making everyone eat shit like always.
This is the end game,
Victory or Valhalla.
See you, space cowboy.
If they take away my internet I'm gonna fuck shit up
Ehh fuck it Ima just risk jail then, I don't care. EU can go fuck itself
This shit is ridiculous. What determines if this censorship bill gets passed or not in occupied Europe?
If jews want it or not. And jews want this. If you’re stupid enough to think it isn’t that simple, this place isn’t for you.
Don't be a defeatist, loser. We can still fight back. Send emails to your MEPs about how bad this will be for the freedom of speech and how people could end up blaming them. Also link Creative Commons and all other companies that oppose this and signed a open letter against it.
Search, write, and email.
Call me when we start putting things on fire
you fools lost hard
There's only one way out of this hell and its not democratic.
Russia has banned Zig Forums for Nazism and Pedophila. Also Russia has banned VPN providers.
Can they detect Tor use?
Kill yourself, shlomo. The only thing they understand is fire and lead.
I'm just gonna go ahead and say this is the end of the EU. This move will force Brexit, which will lead to Hungary, Italy, and Germany to pull out of the EU shortly thereafter. Some will remain, the EU army will show it's hand, and blood will flow yet again throughout Europe.
t. time traveler
Who is president in 2025?
Hulk Hogan
Just email your parliament members and try to convince them this will harm freedom of speech and imply in a very subtle way that they will not get elected anymore.
Forward your email to 5 of them. DO NOT spam, or their server will see the exact same message and delete them all. Alternatively, send multiple emails but phrase them differently. DO NOT copy-paste.
Low IQ shills.
Can you quote the talmud on that? I only know quotes about the 3 year olds.
They were holding back until now because we and others didn't let them sweep shit under the rug. Once those articles are passed, expect shit like migrants murdering the native population and likes setting up whites-need-not-apply job offers to go onto absolute overdrive.
>Spike (((Spiegel)))
…Make it stop, Zig Forums. I can't un-see it.
At this point I actually hope this causes a massive acceleration. I warned so many White Europeans and they didn't listen. The least the likes can give me is some karmic bloodshed for me to watch.
Who is The Jew in this case?
well that's ironic
Let's kill the kikes
Hey JIDF, wanna stop promoting terrorism?
YES. Lets go!
YUrope does not tell America what to do all yurope faggots that's what you get for being communist and no guns
The bulk of the top in the EU consists of old communists and Jews. It's the literal succession to violent communist revolution, which failed in central Europe. The EU tries to accomplish the same goals by other means.
Yeah, that's almost as much of a mystery as why what the communists plundered in Russia ended up on Wall Street. What ever could be the link be?? Maybe the Bolsheviks were all secret capitalists?? I just can't figure it out.
Has a version of this ever been made without the bad teeth? I get it, but it’s easier for normalfags to absorb if their programming can’t latch onto an “ad hom” like that.
I doubt most zuckbook normalfags are going to immediately notice the bad teeth, connect that to the "brits have bad teeth" joke, and then discard the point of the image in a fit of principled reddit-rage.
Most people I show that sort of thing to notice the details like that later, and then laugh harder.
Email your MEPs, imply subtly this law will hurt their PR.
at what point do you fight back?
how much more must they hurt your people for you to strike back?
cucking is suicide
victory or valhalla
I say, let them. Let them go all out in their futile tyranny, let them try keep the lid on the boiling cauldron clamped tight. When it finally blows, Turner Diaries will seem like an innocent fantasy in comparison.
To enable them to be bought by right owners.
I don't honestly care, and part of me wants it. Forcing us to organize IRL because internet is too monitored just makes us stronger. A lot stronger.
If the EU ever try anything, do they really think NATO will be on their side? Kekekeke.
They're in the process of getting rid of NATO for a new eu army. No doubt this new EU army will be jam packed with muzzies that will eventually be sent into europe to keep the peace.