Yet another lunatic liberal comes out in public to try to shame a government official because they have a different opinion than her half-shaved dyed hair noggin.
That's right you fucking monster, YOU FUCKING MONSTER, you need to resign because ==I== think you're doing something wrong.
He did not acknowledge the lunatic-like rambling of a daft cunt in the middle of a meal! I won! Take THAT Trump!!! Holy shit you delusional horse-faced dumbfuck.
I got arrested protesting Trump, and now I have a criminal record. Take THAT!
Scott Pruitt becomes latest Trump official to be harassed at a restaurant
Any lawfags here? Is it legal to pop people who do this? Can you claim that you thought they would get violent, and you feared for you life? If one of these motherfuckers got shot/hospitalized, this bullshit would end.
mental illness haircut & prominent tattoos
Fuck off with your blogpost. Old news. Even gawker reported on it already.
No it wouldn't. They would just chimp out in the streets.
Now if the people chimping out on the streets got shot and the press kvetching about it got shot, THEN it would end.
No, but the punishment varies from state to state. In some states, you can't carry a firearm into any establishment that sells alcohol, so you'd be doubly liable in that case.
Further, government officials don't really have the same rights as normal people. If you came up and harassed me, then you could be arrested for harassment. It's a lot different when confronting a public official, however, since the First Amendment guarantees us the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.
Interesting how the Amendment that specifically says it should not be infringed is the one we are worried about liability over.
someone should post those mexishit 56% selfies. the beandyke and the taquito look like the backfired meme.
Please God, make them do this more and more. This has got to be a first in this country where the harassment has reached these levels, and the next time the left is in power, we will bring it 100 times worse
It varies from state to state, but harassment/stalking usually requires repeated unwanted contacts after being informed that your presence is unwanted. and, as user said, this may or may not apply to public officials bc they often don't have the same "rights" as others and bc "political speech" often trumps other laws such as harassment or indecency laws (for instance, in the latter case feminist protests where they get naked are considered often "political speech" so they're not able to be prosecuted under lewd conduct laws)
In reality these people should have Secret Service protecting them so they don't have to listen to this shit while they are eating. I'm very much for self-defense over privatized defense but at their level they clearly need guards. They should throw her kid into a sensitive age camp and deport them both to the middle of the ocean.
Nice user, but not praticable and it has no results. I would call for her supervisor. Then I would ask hix full name and ask what is going on. If he repeats that I should go I would warn that I will sue hix ass off. If they still insist I would make sure everyone in the restaurant understands what is going on and then leave. - If you stay and eat they will spit in my meal. - Afterwards I would see how social media does its magic and sue the restaurant. Whatch how the restaurant becomes insolvent and the lefties become jobless. Party.
He's probably smart enough to know that this was an insane bitch who was also recording him and trying to bait him into an confrontation that would make him look bad. So he just stonewalled her.
This. Add to that the triangle pyramid capstone earings. Cohencidence I'm sure.
This. Nothing he would have said would have made her calm down and getting visibly angry on camera wouldn't do him favor sense he does a good job not getting in the public's face this could have been his first and possible only public opinion forming moment for him.
It's shitty to say but public opinion is turning and in good time he could have just done pic related.
Honestly this lady is the most polite leftist i have ever seen. She attempts to make points… attempts to develop articulate thought.. and probably does give a shit to some degree. I consider this a victim of social engineering more than anything. Unfortunately she has read one too many "the epa head is a white male… this is why you should care…" articles. Its sort of sad actually as this lady is an emblem of the mass media machine hypnosis. Her appearance and posting of this video (even though she is clearly uncomfortable taking a stand) is just a cry for the attention she has been taught to idolize and use to justify her worth. Thr fact the cowardly husband was not convicted enough to face possible confrontation but rather hide behind his camera, wife, and toddler is further example of this social engineering. If he were truly a man he would have had no other choice to directly confront the man who is supposedly poisoning the water his wife drinks and the black tar his infant breaths. This little video says a lot more than meets the eye.
You never really read or hear much about civilizations that use their women as shields.
The men won't stand the women won't care-take. Everything that made humanity possible is slipping down the drain.
Back in the day they father would have challenge the politician to a duel or fisticuffs. For fuck's sake the presidential debate at one point was also a boxing match.
Question: How hasn't CPS paid this bitch a visit already? Not only should that child be rescued from her, she should be forcibly sterilized!
I'm just waiting for the day one of these officials responds by just treating the cuck-of-the-day as a waiter and completely disregarding anything they say unless they bring him a drink.
teaches at the private 40k/yr Sidwell Friends School
nah user, gotta have bantz:
Option 1:
Option 2:
Her husband is worthless too
Oh, i dunno. There's a thread of hope, he highlighted "my", so he's at least laid a claim of ownership.
The hypocrisy of the "bigger hands" next to the "my body" makes me chuckle
Kek what a soyboy.
Where Chelsea Clinton went.
Public officials should be approached and spoken to, in a negative way if warranted, on a daily basis. They aren't "leaders", they are public employees and should be reminded of it constantly. Even the appointees who work for them. The r/the_donald stench is thick in this thread. Yeah let's use more tax payer dollars for a SS detail so this one guy can have a salad and not be talked to while he eats it. ffs
Basically this. I wouldn't hold her in any contempt at all if I thought she was sincere (although naive) and not doing it to score social media virtue points.
Agreed; there's a difference between stating your views to a public servant and assault (which is what Antifa does). This girl was well within her rights and behaved like a civilized human being. That being said, her Twitter posts give evidence to her being an attention whore, but what young female isn't these days?
What if we'd do something like this to the public officials but instead being extremely courteous, friendly and giving them printouts of redpills? You could even have a decent conversation with a few of them for a moment.
Another case of the spy apparatus being used to find Trump personnel to harass and intimidate.
I guess acting obnoxious in public is what these fucktards consider "socializing".
When someone does this and any of you faggots happen to be there next time, you should photobomb them and support the official in question. Act polite, give the official a handshake, say how they're doing God's work in fixing the country and tell the encroaching party they're being a harassing little fuck.
Tell her having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet and that she should kill her child to save the earth.
Also noting the fuck she is doing to her hair. Remember, a drastic change in hair styles is a sign of mental and emotional distress in a woman.
Don’t you have a dick to suck in Zig Forums?
I'm curious. Did you think that way when Obama's staff was being similarly "harassed"? The government's fee-fees should not be protected from the people. Had the woman physically touched him, I would think differently, but if we're not allowed to confront our government, then we give up our consent to be governed and become little more than chattel for those in power.
that's basically how these retards function. not to mention they also hope to get 15 minutes of fame by doing something relatively easy.
Holy shit those crazy eyes
I can't wait to see how much of a wreck her son turns into She doesn't even know that there were laws prohibiting emancipation of slaves except when their owners died and some of the Founding Fathers inherited slaves
No way this dumb looking bitch would know anyone in trump's official besides trump himself.
She clearly was instructed by someone to go there in the first place.
no, I suggest you reread up on that one, its any establishment who makes 50% or more of their revenue from alcohol.
source, CCW holder
Emissions and MPG limits still need to be scaled back by at least half of what they are now. Scott's doing the right thing, but he needs to go more aggressive on removing regulations so I can have a 2018 car with a low compression iron block.
Pruitt just resigned. That crazy bitch was actually successful, hopefully they continue to fuck with trump's cabinet full of kikes.
[citation needed]
Thanks reddit boomers for ruin everything.
He's right, you faggot. One should respect the office of President and the power it wields, but one must also remember that that power is derived from the people, and if the people are dissatisfied with the President's performance, they have a right and a responsibility to constructively criticize said performance, to his very face if the possibility arises.
Of course, being a dumb bitch isn't quite constructive criticism, but the point stands. The President is not a lord or king, but a mere Mister.
"Mr. President, I don't like how you're running this country, and here's what I think you could do to fix it" vs "My lordship, are you sure we should tax the peasants fifty percent of their wag- *gets thrown in prison and executed the next day for displeasing the monarch*.
Hahaha holy shit he actually did. What a little bitch. Family men should not be involved in government offices. It becomes a weakness during times such as these.
If you can’t defend yourself because you’ve been mkultras’d then what?
Family men are the men who have a real investment in the country's future. We need more of them in government, not less.
Usually makes me blackout. Forget trying to do anything that requires thought for the next half hour or so. Even driving is dangerous. Gotta sit and recover.
In a normal, functioning society sure, it helps to keep the balance of things assumimg there arent any scandals. In times of war such as now, men who have no ties and are willing to take the hate and burden of many are much more valuable. Anything that can be used against them will and a family is a very strong motivator for men. As you just saw, a man resigned because he wanted tthe best for his family. Its a weakness in the world we live in now.
I think a lawyer could very easily make the case that that's child abuse.
Someone's a puker.
I understand your point, but a family man in politics is representative of the virility and vigor of his nation. A nation led by childless men is a nation to be replaced or repressed.
And you think america as it is now is not in that same state? Its pathetic what has developed in society lately and only strong men will be able to reverse that. I will grant you a man who has a family willing and able to take the heat and defend their views is something is agree should be in place, but we clearly see that is not the case with this man.
Civilised human beings don't need to virtue signal by recording their rant. They would respectfully express their opinion and leave the man to eat in peace. Once you continue to berate someone or demand a response you can fuck off.
But that's what we have right now from these "virile christian" leaders.
Not at the same level as the EU, which is full of childless power seekers like Macron and Merkel and so on. I'm curious, if we did a count of childless senators/representatives, how many would be in each party? I wonder who would have the most childless members, republicans or democrats? Hmmmmmmmm…
The whole thing is staged. Listen to her when she's questioned about her motivation and the receipt. She did not decide to do this on her own. The question is (((who))) specifically put her up to this?
Sasha Obama goes there now.
He resigned. What a pussy.
Terrorism works. Maxine Waters is not as stupid as these cuckservatives think. Violence, intimidation, this is what makes the world go round.
why should we care though ?
Trump and his administration won't reveal the truth about anything. JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas. If you care about the truth and honor etc Trump and his team clearly don't give two shits about it. They expect you to still be qProofing or listening to Alex Jones or Fox News. Face it whatever is going in it's just another gang, it's partisan and it doesn't really give a fuck about anything except power inside the rules on the preexisting sand pit set up for them already.
I get it right, anyone with a brain is going to hate the 'left' irrationality but it's just reverse psychology. There's no point defending Trump until he actually does good things.
If his underings are being harassed or they want to fly a 'baby Trump' over London, honestly, who gives a fuck. If he was doing his job they'd be in no position to be plausibly denying their crimes out of a jail cell, but here we are 2 years on and it's the same old bullshit.
This. It's all so fucking tiring.
like that black woman who got on the bus?
over this?
Why? Why do I hate being right? for once I wanna be wrong for the love of god.