This is a pretty important political topic. It sucks to sway away from this fight against the jews for a second but I'm so pissed all around that I have to bring this up.
Don't bring up cuckchan arguments about cut vs. uncut. I just simply want this thread to be about the negative affects of circumcision and the founders and (((advocates of circumcision))).
The first argument that I would like to pose is simple:
Why is it ok to do this to males, where female circumcision is viewed as a global crisis against humanity?
Other urls found in this thread:
So circumcision on the 8th day (Abraham's covenant) induces mirror narcissism and creates jewish people whom have no free will. There are other ways to obtain the eyes of God, anything sufficiently traumatizing will work. The practice of circumcision is a religion built around including those of the phimosis covenant, Satan the adversary to Israel, so as to avoid the social harm brought about by extreme subjective isolation. Those with the phimosis covenant need to be circumcised and the jews circumcise so that the situation of the former is not hopeless and they can be included in God.
if you rape a girl, she will feel remorse, and want to go to the police.
when a jew circumcises you, they get off, because they OWN you.
that's why it is so painful.
you have nobody to go to your whole life and you are too scared to name the jew.
Trump is ok with circumcision and so am i
problem with that? I DONT CARE
Banning circumcision would be among the most important policies I would have in an attempt to win office.
Your IP is now compromised. Fuck off, paid jewish shill.
I doubt Barron is circumcised.
You're the same idiot who keeps making these posts on the other viewers too.
you're not hiding anything
You know who else this pushes against besides Jews? Morally decent Christian americans.
You know who else this benefits? Just about everyone who wants people to turn their back on God and any sort of institutionalized worship, and the moral codes that come with it.
IT'S LITERALLY NOTHING! Don't get me started on the mound of health benefits circumcision gives children, it's literally just a bit of fucking skin!
Get over it.
Time for the gas chamber.
Also, female mutilation severely damages their genitals. Circumcision doesn't damage genitals severely. It does damage their mental development, but that research was suppressed by (((kosher))) people for being antisemitic™
Does that D&C work?
Ok, this is another slide shill thread.
Right. Don't provide an actual argument, just spew out meaningless social-psycho babble instead!
This thread is reaching never seen before heights of stupidity.
Also, all shills for circumcision should have their crotch doused in gasoline and set alite
It must because Circumcision threads have outlived Holocaust truth threads. (((Someone))) likes pushing them.
Once again outright REFUSING to provide any kind of argument whatsoever.
This even though you can’t /thread on your own post even if you’re right faggot.
Your pants and a mirror. Check your circumcised dick. Look at the mirror.
Now ask yourself:
Jews picked it up from Egypt which probably picked it up from Northeast African tribes. Christians do it because they branched off from the Jews. It's all about ingroup-outgroup tribal marking that became part of the dominant religion.
It's done to infants who can't complain while FGB is done to twelve year olds
You were banned for a reason. No one believes a word you say.
I did! Search for "acute radiation sickness". There are also reports of leg skin come off like a sock. The problem is you are too narcissistic and you resort to wishful thinking.
Forgot to sage. Sorry.
Shilling. Multiculturalism. WW3. Skin-Leg-Sock.
In that order.
Radiation has nothing to do with circumcision in the slightest.
Are you brain dead?
No point in arguing with a Jew who wants to cut up baby dicks
Same Jews who persuaded Americans to cut dicks of their boys tried to push female circumcision too under the same reason (masturbation prevention) but failed. So you argument is invalid.
So, because I'm a Rabbi you're just not going to give me any evidence or any kind of argument on how or why it's bad. OK.
And you wonder why the public doesn't listen to you.
There are many forms of female circumcision, some are more excessive and damaging then male genital mutilation some less. Some like purely ritualistic prickle with the pin (draw the blood) are not even possible to detect after healing. But all considered terrible crime against humanity unlike male genital mutilation.
Not very effective you need to prove that perpetrators are guilty (you don't really want to run "justice" with no due process). I suggest adding such execution for parents too. Very easy to prove. Penis inspection day. Circumcision? Yes? Shoot the parents.
Yep, that’s all you.
You were banned for a reason. No one believes a word you say.
Start killing circumcision doctors
My foreskin was removed when I was 2, in a surgery, I hate how ugly my dick looks now. I want my foreskin back.
Google “Steven ralston”. A literal kike mutilated my penis.
Checked but undeserved.
Why would kikes be pushing for the discussion and banning of one of their staple foods?
I change my mind, you're probably a troll
Circumcision is vile.
It is mutilation.
It should be BANNED other than in cases of legitimate medical need (deformity or some such).
Kikes are to blame.
Blah, blah, blah religious magic sky spirit hebrew fairy tale bullshit.
Circumcision is pure evil.
You're a woman, aren't you?
If you circumcise your sons (if you have/ will have any) then you are an abuser.
Circumcision is mutilation.
How about you cut off your eylids?
They're literally just a bit of fucking skin!
Idiots like you who think that powerful groups are "honest and good" are why everything is going to shit.
The medical industry is MASSIVELY CORRUPT.
In truth, circumcision is actually against Christian doctrine because of Jesus. A "Christian" who circumcises his son is like a Christian who still sacrifices animals to God. It is now, since the Crucifixion of Jesus, a high heresy and a sin. Please don't believe the Jews who claim to be Israelites of the OT; they are lying to you like they lie about everything else
Circumcision causes
I'm sure other shit I'm not aware of.
It one issue that the Jews are inarguably in the wrong in, even to the average normie. And a ban on circumsicion is a ban on Jews.
This is a fight we should be pushing as it is winnable, and easy to get public opinion on our side.
t. salty cutfag
t. bait poster
I used to think Jews were bizarre and perverse for their practice of mutilating a boy's genitals. I even thought that rabbis are strange crypto-faggots just because they suck the blood from a boy's penis. But then I heard Mellencamp's song.
''Ah, but ain't that America?
It's somethin' to see…
Ain't that America…?
Little pink hoses for you and me;"
Neanderthals, Semites predecessor, in unmixed form, had goat like penis, without foreskin. With hybridisation with Homo Sapiens, foreskin started to develope, so they chopped it off.
It is basically ancient Neanderthal ritual.
Circumcision is so widespread because it allows jews to more easily hide amongst gentiles.
I would call losing 3/4 of the nerves and half the total skin of the penis pretty goddam damaging.
further, serious complications are far more common than is let on.
often, when they botch a circumcision and the kid loses his dick they just pass it off as "he was born without one"
Other reason is, jews are more spread that you would imagine. They are 250 000 000 strong.
Means Neanderthal hybrids - Semites, Hamnites, Arabs, Jews…
I know the feeling user.
The "psychological trauma" part of that forbidden research also explains nearly everything wrong with my brain that I've noticed by myself over the years, before hearing about this stuff.
That's dumb. Yeah, cutfags have worse sex lives but I wouldn't translate that to overall inferiority in life. Smart cutfags restore their foreskin to gain back some pleasure and vow to never do it to their sons.
Restoring foreskin is a lie. You might be able to graft some skin in there, but it's the equivalent of a FtM tranny's fake dick made out of arm-skin that grows arm-hairs and gives them no sexual pleasure. Stretching what's left of your dickskin to cover the head doesn't solve anything either. These methods don't re-grow the lost nerve endings. They don't repair the dry, damaged, calloused head to a nice smooth state. And they definitely don't undo the permanent brain damage that's been with you since shortly after your birth.
Pretty much this, I feel bad for people who were mutilated by the jew at birth but these restoration methods are snake oil at best. Just strive to not do the same to your own kids and spread awareness to expecting parents.
Yes. Neanderthal ancestry is strong. At least 250 000 000. Jews are just upper caste.
They are everywhere. And they can smell each other.
Restoration is a gilded hope. Regeneration is where true hope lies.
If they ever perfect that then the same tech could be used to give everyone a fucking Wolverine healing factor. It's vaporware.
how about you quit being a colossal faggot.
anything that grew once, i.e. anything on the human body, can be grown again. There are animals who can naturaly regrow lost limbs all on their own. This is possible right now, only the application techniques need to be learned.
right now ther are numerous labs working on growing body parts. Right now the most successful story is the one of the skin gun. Basically they just use your own stem cells and spray it on and it just heals Burns and shit like that right up no problem
And again, everything you just said, is currently the realm of comic book super-science. If they can regrow a real, functional foreskin, they could grow you a whole new dick. A second dick. They could grow you, a man, real functioning vagina and magnificent breasts by activating whatever strand of DNA bullshit it is that decides your sex. They could grow a whole new arm if your arm got cut off. They could re-grow a body if the head was intact and kept alive somehow. Do you think that research would somehow end up restoring foreskins, in this jew-dominated world, when they could be using it for practically immortal super-soldiers and lengthening their own lives instead?
and a colossal faggot you continue to be
the skin gun is not comic book super-science. You seem to think things are developed in a vaccum. Technology far outpaces (((their))) ability to control, it's why you are able to shill even on this website today.
here is a link for yhose who are interested in learning more about regenerative medicine.
i imagine there are plenty of mental effects about having your dick chopped apart as a newborn. and here's someone who watched a newborn's brain become traumatised on MRI machines and documented it:
maybe OP should do some fucking basic googling and go back to fighting the jews or whatever the fuck. sage for half-tier thread
Where the fuck is the info graph that details just the amount of nerves that are severed during penile mutilation? Especially when to reach and sever it, not even pain killers can block it.
And niggers (((coincidentally))) forgot that kikes pay to have their shit upticked on the search results while others are (((omitted)))
"Foreskin restoration" is just stretching the remaining skin to eventually get full glans coverage. It's better than nothing, but not nearly as good as an anatomical foreskin.
FOREGEN.ORG is working towards actual foreskin regeneration with stem cells that would create an actual, anatomical foreskin with full function.
no, not really, life is worthless without sex, be honest
Like the wife says: When you cut a piece of cake and remove it, you have less cake. When you cut a piece off the dick and remove it, you have less dick. No one wants less dick!
Op here. The conclusion is that if you are on this board and defending circumcision then u are jewish or uncut and trolling.
I have to believe that anyone defending it wouldnt be educated or shouldnt be on this board.
Jew shills come to this board to promote circumcision. U will hang the highest
This actually does happen though. I've regained sensitivity and have a more moist and smooth inner foreskin and glans that stays permanently covered now. It even produces the same scent now that an intact one does. True, it will not restore nerves or reverse the brain damage, but it's effective damage control.
What's odd to me is that the left doesn't seem to care about circumcision. I understand the right not caring since they're philosemitic cuckolds, but the left's whole angle is that they deconstruct everything until it's bad. It doesn't take that much deconstruction to figure out "cutting baby dicks = bad", but since it's a jewish cultural thing they ignore it. Then they turn around and invent 56 genders.
Where do you get this from? It sounds insane but I want to know more.
Good morning Israel!
JIDF punctual as always. Bumping the 'good' threads.
(posted at 05:41 or 8:41 Israel local time)
Threadly reminder that (((christians))) are the foremost proponents circumcision outside of the juden.
I'm going to stop you right there kike. Europeans and ONLY Europeans have the highest admixture of Neanderthal DNA. Jews have none or barely any at all. Niggers and chinks have none either.
Anti-neanderthal is anti-white.
If you deny this, you WILL be strung up on the DOTR. That is a promise and a certainty.
Because we're slaves.
The left makes everything about women, including circumcision. If you bring it up they try to make it about FGM being worse and so you must be a loser to care about your dick being mutilated. Then they gaslight you about being unattractive and unable to get laid.
If foregenital really cared, they would put their resources into banning it.
Now they are just making money off of the committed crime.
faggot please
Circumcision threads are a d&c tactic. Notice the seeded hate towards parents and women.
You get an f-. Apply yourself, or kill yourself.
This, but you forgot to sage this dogshit thread.
Everyone here should already know circumcision is fucking jewish. Some kike doctor torturing little goy babies.
You manage to call out D&C, but you still bump. Way to be a fucking shill, nigger.
Nobody is blind, fucking jewish abomination. Just go and fuck your goat god Baphomet in the ass, you fucking creep.
jewish God