#based Ontario well on the way to be a mini UK, can't wait
Source: Toronto Star june 27th paper
Medical proof overrides individual rights
I dont understand, are you expecting me to be outraged?
I don't give a damn if some shitskin dies, christcuck. Take your jew worship elsewhere.
And nothing of value was lost. Even if it was a white, the person is fucking gone. These shitskins just intrinsically desire to waste white people's tax dollars.
Christniggers are retarded.
You missed first post, rabbi.
>all these sages calling me a shill because (((medical opinion))) takes precedence over you or your caretaker's will
This is what happens when you're an organ donor and worth $1million dead but nothing alive. Kikes will through 100k bribes at judges just for a shot at your flesh mine.
This is you trying to get us mad over “Christian beliefs” being violated but we don’t care about those since pol is only minority Christian and even the ones who are Christians don’t care about some shitskin ODing.
I’m not saging this thread so people can read this post. Take yourself OFF the organ donor list Anons. In a white country, being an organ donor is a noble thing. In today’s world, it’s just an excuse for them to work less hard to save you and carve you up before you’re dead. I have a horror story but no proof of it so I won’t bother to tell it here. Please just believe me, I don’t want anything bad to happen to any of you. Please don’t just ignore this post if you see it.
At least they aren't wasting resources like those monkeys keeping their potato hooked up to tubes a while back.
What good are nigger pieces to kikes?
fug off
delusion: the post
gas yourself you fucking nigger faggot
You next
Are we sure she wasn't always like that?
TORfag being a TORfag again.
Yeah we know you do.
Keep LARPing it’s what you people are best at. Douche Vault and all the rest of it.
Don’t pretend (((they))), based medical administrator of NHS will limit themselves to nigger, shitskins, tranies and other undesirables.
Don’t know if pretending or really retarded. Same each time police oversteps their border kills someone in their home, if it is some nigger – based police.
While in reality…
cue police-killing-new-york.jpg
… it is more likely to be killed by police for a white person, than for criminal nigger.
Yeah, worship the Stalinist police state, because it is so “fashy” for them, the ZOGbots to be unaccountable.
Jesus wasn't jewish, though.
If my brain stopped working like that I'd want somebody to unplug me tbh
same for if i stopped breathing for more than like 5 minutes
You're chattel in (((Ontario))). Look at your birth certificate. ALL CAPS
t. based Quebecois natural person, owned by the Pope
Absolutely this. Organ donors have lower priority in triage because they're full of useful parts to save non-donors. If you don't want to killed by doctors, hacked to bits, and have your pieces used to rescue shitskins, do not be an organ donor.
In such instances families should be granted the right to transfer the patient from public care to private, which they may fund themselves or by crowdfunding or however they legally like. The government doesn't have the right to violate her supid religion, but that doesn't mean the stupid religion has the right to override and waste state funds either.
Remember this thread when the christcucks cry "muh d&c"
Remember they were never on our side and likely christcuck posters aren't even white.
If brain-dead people are legally dead, does that mean we can kill all niggers?
Take it to /b/.
Literally thousands of faggots stuffing AIDS-riddled cocks up their cancerous buttholes lining up to collect their medical gibs for their endless parade of diseases and destroyed organs
Really activated muh almonds
>(((medical proof)))
What about that man who doctors used the same (((medical proof))) to pull off life support when his father/family didn't want this. The father barricaded himself in his son's hospital room with guns and during the impending shootout the son woke up.
What about how regularly people wake up from being (((brain dead)))?
It used to be if the heart stopped you'd be offed by (((medical professionals))), why'd we stop doing it that way? Oh right - that is proof of nothing.
"Humans" kikes included in that to avoid confusion know shit all about the human body, how it works, and how to treat it.
Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.
Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.
Brain dead people were being taken off life support back when white countries were still entirely Christian. I have a hard time believing that it's incompatible with actual Christian beliefs. It sounds like these niggers were just trying to play the religion card to keep the taxpayer footing the bill for this forever.
I would be interested to hear the story. I've never been listed as an organ donor just out of a vague sense that no good can come out of it, but it would be nice to have an actual example to back it up.
yes,the truth is electricity costs are really actually nothing and hydroelectric and nuclear power could be basically free. france and canada have had surplus of power for fucking years and they still justify turning people's machines off.
look at the CN tower,times square,the leicester square and look at the thousands of pounds and kilowatts wasted advertising globalism and shitty products for free which could be used to keep people alive. fucking grey american pact shitting away technology given to us by god and the universe for free.