Cultural marxism and the spread of nigger culture into white communities. Graceful western dances are being replace by nigger trash such as twerking
Destruction of Western Culture
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This is also connected to and a prelude to coalburning and racemixing. White people being tricked into thinking nigger culture is somehow superior and having sex with niggers is an ok thing to do. Its a shame that this assault is now making deep roots in white communities.
A woman who twerks is on her way to becoming a coalburner
You're lucky you never got to experience ICP and wiggers, rap used to be way more popular a couple decades ago.
Rap surpassed rock as the #1 form of music just like 2 years ago. Juggalo.
While concern in this matter is well placed; it is fading from popularity like said, things were worse.
Nigger culture has been teetering out of the mainstream for awhile now. That's why it keeps getting injections from (((producers.))) It is being forced on us and will inevitably fail as a bludgeon for that purpose.
I shutter to think what comes next though.
They're being tricked into thinking white culture doesn't even exist, especially in America
Only spics and niggers buy pop music since they can't into computers.
Whites have a very diverse taste in music and don't rally around a couple of genres. But ghetto culture for Whites is dead compared to what it was, I haven't seen a wigger in years and they used to roam around in packs.
Relive the magic, bring the magic home!
rap/hiphop/r&b is cheap to make; this is why. its all kike garbage
There is a trend I have been noticing which I will describe below.
From my subjective observation there has been a general decline in the number of males who participate in subcultures such as wigger, goth, punk etc. The reasons for this are many but principally it has to with the amount of time white men spend outdoors and the time they spend socializing. the majority of a white adult males lesure time these days is spent on televison, television like alternative like netflix and most important of all - video games. I think that in a sense one type of degenerate behavior has been replace by another.
Adult white women on the other hand being more social than men spend their time on things like facebook instagram etc and spend relatively more time outdoors and is socializing with the result that they are more susceptible to these degenerate alien trends. Twerking is the latest fad of course. It will hopefully soon die away and won't be replaced by something that is even more cancer
Biebers new Christian rock album should be out soon.
Nah, it's been around for almost a decade now. Probably longer in some parts, like Africa. If you want White girls to stop just invoke the words wigger, slut, coal burner or whore.
I've noticed most White people don't care about trends anymore like they used to back in the 80s and 90s, even the younger kids in school. There used to be a real consumerist zeitgeist that hardly compares to today's treading app, gizmo or video. Everyone has their own channels of information it seems.
If you want to end consumerism: deconstruct self-actualization and individuation– the nirvana of modern society.
Most here are probably too young to remember when the Thong Song came out in 1999 and then every girl in college was showing their whale tail and tramp stamp.
Here's the silver lining … niggerfication of our culture is threshing out our genepool of all the failed, high time preference, spiritually ugly elements. In the coming war they'll side with kikes and niggers and be purged.
or they win and we die a glorious death in the last battle and I meet you all for a drink in valhalla
sigh… let me explain something to you guys who have been pseudo-intellectualizing patriots for too long to the point of stagnation in thought and blaming everything on the same thing.
Now add that to the fact that most of you who post "white music" on both Zig Forumss have a tendency to like songs that would of caused most of my friends as a kid to assume you were all homosexuals (t.oldfag). There was a weird gay nostalgia "I listen to the Cure" kind of culture that sprang up with Millennials, right around the time you started obsessing on queer jap cartoons. You did this to yourselves.
Now add that to the fact that when you post masculine white music most of you go full fantasy angry boy mode with screaming monster music or vikings or long guitar riffs that go nowhere.
The reason women like nigger music is because its sexual and masculine and you can dance to it. They're having sex with the music. It's not fake manly like death metal. It's street realism (even if it's made by gay hollywood niggers). Song related. It's masculine white music that isn't angry fantasy boy shit.
Death Metal, Metal core all these shitty genres of Numetal…. depression, fear, rage….. Then there is screeching Emo, druggy grunge, and hipster music that killed the masculinity in white music. And thus teen hormonal girls went looking for nigger dance-fuck songs to have sex with'''. (except Queens of the Stone Age, they were masculine and sexy)
Video — same shit – all white song — white dancing
Next 100 times these threads are made I want you to post all of what I said and this video.
USA is cultureless. Even Joseph Goebbels said so, in 1942 in a brilliant text titled "God's country"
Lol, that's pretty shitty propaganda for NatSoc. Goebbles was subpar to Hitler's honesty and made shitty movies. Good propaganda doesn't have to lie.
Their bodies make my dick hard. Am I a degenerate, Zig Forums?
Where did the moron think we came from? Just because we were born here, it doesn't mean our ancestors didn't spend thousands of years in Europe contributing to the formation of every culture, language, and tradition there now. The guy sounds like a fucking moron to me. He also doesn't seem to know shit about the country or our history.
No. Zig Forums has become beta and we use to make cool synthwave music that would of become the next masculine dance craze if lyrics would of built up and genre but then Imkikey ruined us.
He was doing shit propaganda. That's what happens when you lie and try black ops.
you have no history amerimutt, my fucking door knob is older than your whole fucking country, no one in europe is impressed about new worlder history of essentially low life scum
that's how europe sees the new world
low life scum, losers who couldnt pay their debts, who gambled or drank their money, who escaped from prison, who were unsuccessful criminals and so on
american food is diabetes
american music (and presidents) is niggers
american socialization is turning white women into sheboons
american ethnicity is being proud you cancelled x with y (im part french, part german, part cherokee princess, which makes me a whole lot of nothing, certainly not french or german or whatever the fuck)
culture is something you build, and so far americans not only built none, but they just copied and made shittier already existing ones
when european tribes settled europe, they were also creating different cultures, depending on where they settled, they didnt copy a previous one and made it worse
That's some hard core Judaism you're practicing there, son.
Yeah, and it can happen in a generation. The fact that Europeans have produced almost zero high culture past the 1890s outside of Britain should tell you something about your bitterness. The fact that everything you produce is a bad American copy post 1890s tells me a lot about your nihilism and that Nietzsche was right about the "under men" in Europe.
that is because europe is american vassal state just like you are jewish golem number one
european autonomy was destroyed in 45, try practicing any authentic european culture and you are getting a call from the nearest american military base first thing tomorrow
who do you think is pushing all the degenerate shit in europe?
this is why russia is so important on the geopolitical scene for europe, if europe maneuvers the two into conflict somehow it could set itself free from (((american))) influence
eastern europe not looking so stronk now
OP, read Evola, he warned of the niggerification of white culture decades ago.
Look up "Negrification of America"
queens of the stone age are fucking gay
LMFAO once again Men outdo women, the man owned it. lol
European history is my history, and American history is my history. You also have no idea what you're talking about and you sound insecure as hell. What you're doing is a part of American culture. Internet is a part of American culture.
You can't copy culture when your ancestors are the ones which developed it.
Yeah, my ancestors were there doing it. The culture you enjoy? My ancestors made it. You're welcome.
No that's your sad excuse beta male. Europeans haven't produced jack shit outside of NatSoc since the 1890s worthy of appreciating. It's a fucking ghost town of Christkike culture and trinkets for sale. People go there to look at shit from before WW1, and since then all your works have been ugly and feminine. You've been Marxists a lot longer than we have. We are Rome. Not a failed attempt at Rome but actually the 3rd Rome. The problem is unlike Romans we inherited European wars, European Jews, and the Christkike culture of death and destruction.
You left overs who weren't brave enough to die for Hitler or move to the new world of the Americas are the ones who infected us with Marxism, World Banks, a Cold War, and two fucking world wars. Now you want to drag us back down to hell with you and your immigrations by slamming us with tarrifs. George Soros didn't come from America. Alexander Dugin/Alt-kike didn't come from America. Cultural Marxism didnt come from America. We didn't bring "gun control" to your country, you brought that shit to us! We didn't create a global usury-backed monitary system. You fought us in 3 fucking wars to infect us with the central banks!
Get the fuck off your backs and let us deal with the fucking Chinese. You're not helping at all.
You Euro-peons are worthless.
Let me guess, you listen to Lamb of God or Varg or some gay "manly shit". Point was women like them and can dance-fuck to their music.
I dont even know how to help you.
So you admit you have no culture, yet you just boasted of having a culture. Interesting. Any culture you do have though, my ancestors made it. Again, you're welcome! =)
This. All of this.
Strawman the post lol
Nigger music sucks
A looped beat with some ape bullshitting about how gangster he is does not equate to music.
Women dance to/fuck to/like nigger music because it is artificially popular
(buoyed and propagated by radio/mtv/ and now youtube)
If disco was forced into media, whores would still be out doing saturday night fever in bellbottoms just to fit in.
You yourself posted a video of glam rock hair band whose style would be laughed at present day.
But the slut likes to dance to it because it it has a beat and promiscuous undertones
Or are you arguing the masculinity of Def Leopard?
Lol what fucking club is playing QOTSA
To you it does. But that doesn't mean women can't fuck-dance to it. That's what they want. You want to live in a world where you ignore that and not counter it then keep bitching like a beta.
Modern white men's music is fucking depressing, feminine or something you lift weights to, that's it. You can fuck a bitch to it but she's still going to go out and dance with niggers.
"Disco Sucks" was a popular phrase and bumper sticker back in the 70s because it fucking sucked. It was feminine and not masculine.
Because it's been done, stupid. The point was the music (even though the style was faggy) attracted white women to masculine white men. You haven't lived until you've been to a rock concert or bar with tons of hot glammed out white girls getting whet as fuck and dancing with abandon to white men - not niggers. NOT ONE NIGGER to be seen humping them like an african.
umm yeah. Would you rather it be Beyounce and Jay Z?
Or are you arguing the masculinity of Def Leopard?
Yup. That's exactly what I'm arguing. Death metal bands aren't masculine. They're mock masculinity like trannies are mock femininity.
Watch this scene! It's masculine voice - not fake modern-metal mock masculine.
Yeah, it's not something to go to war to or larp as a warrior to. It's something that girls still dance to in country bars to this day. I've dance with them to this. It works. It's WHITE. And it's not depressing. it makes girls want to fuck WHITE MEN.
bars. I've worked in a lot of them. Girls like to fuck white men when they hear subconscious white man rhythms.
Same girls hear nigger music or EDM become complete cunts when that music is playing. I've watched it happen, like a zoologist watches animals.
typing this dissertation bullshit to try and sound intellectual
Most rap albums are 10-20 songs.
There are maybe 2-3 "hits" that are pumped nonstop on the radio / in the club.
The rest are just the typical "muh struggle" "I'm a gangster" "hood life" bullshit that you never hear or see women dancing to.
You don't even know what you're talking about
the state of american mongrels
white culture will return once unidos estados or brazil 2.0 is done with its brazilification and degrades into favela obscurity that cant launch things into space, build and crew modern subs and tanks, etc
who stopped iran and all other countries from wiping israel off the map? jewish golem number one, america
who stopped the serbs wiping out islam from europe? jewish golem number one
who stopped the germans wiping out international jewry? americans
who is spreading jewish culture poison from hollywood/mtv/etc? americans
who is donating quadrillions to israel in foreign aid? americans
american brown golem is what needs to disappear so the white culture can return
yeah sure
and my dad works for nintendo
It's so fucking true though. I think it's because he's just having fun vs. the women trying hard to look sexy. Fag or not, male confidence is the light of the world.
The two darkie pigs were putrid.
Hey everyone ITT calling it now, 2aab10 is an autist and will type out another huge wordy response in defense of jiggaboo music and whores.
Generation Z all listen to fucking sound cloud rappers while playing Fortnite. It's non-stop GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG. It is literally even more brain dead and niggerish than previous nigger music.
Those digits don't lie
trips of truth bro
all niggers rap about is either gangster shit or sex
metal has multiple rhythm changes that do not match with "twerking"
(((airwaves))) are flooded with Drake and other shit music so they are popular
2+2 = 4 this shit isn't rocket science
Fuckin' magnets…how do they work??
The days of Vanilla Ice and Marky Mark are proof of the unbelievable influence Jew entertainment producers, their Jew financial backers have over white culture by going straight for the empty brains of adolescent whites. Jews are predators.
Not to mention the fact that he ignored Jews skewing charts, messing with pop culture as well as drowning out smaller record labels by buying all the air time on the radio or in some countries, mandated by the government to be on the radio for allotted time. It's just "Hurr durr White Womenz are whores."
case in point
This bozo raps about nothing other than SMOKE WEED ERRYDAY!!!
Yet he is topping the charts.
well I guess he's so masculine
True. Shitty European electronic music kind of killed nigger music in a lot of ways. It was unrivaled as dance music, but then that kind of music popped up and took over clubs and shit. I hope folk rock gets big. There's so much of it from nobodies on youtube that I love. Some really good stuff. It's not like the old stuff, it's more modern, and it's really good. I can hear hints of it in some mainstream stuff. I doubt it'll ever get big though. It seems like "big" is solely determined by the interests of women these days. If you can't dance to it, then it doesn't get big. So we're stuck with iterations of electronic music and pop music for the foreseeable future.
Well they are as well as braindead.
Hence why the propaganda works so well.
His argument (as well as being disingenuous and leaving off your point) was that "white" music wasn't masculine enough or fake masculinity.
Even though 99% of rappers are completely full of shit.
Yeah let's just completely pretend a society designed as one giant propaganda machine has nothing to do with that. How dare these people fall for the lies they're sold from cradle to the grave.
I agree
Its not ALL their fault
That's all I'm saying man.
I call bullshit on "those charts." I just looked at the billboard top 100, and this shit was number 1. Sounds fucking horrendous, it's not catchy at all, and you can't dance to it. I don't know what determines what makes those charts, but holy fuck the music on those charts sucks.
bring back whipping your kids with the belt
Or an even more revolutionary concept than your belt in 2018. Actually raise your fucking kids. Don't send them to government day care for the first 18 years of their life, don't be at work every day of their adolescence and then wonder why you don't recognize them or they look like the spitting image of a Kike's hand drawn caricature.
Forget corporal punishment, parents today suck at all the other parts of parenting as well - it's not just discipline these kids lack. It's balance, a sense of direction, purpose and identity - something parents owe their children to at least attempt to impart.
Putting your kid in front of a TV all day long isn't going to cut it. Unpopular opinion I know.
The whores can twerk to it
Meanwhile this is infinitely better but has broken rhythms so you can't dance to it (plus anything over 2-3 minutes isn't club material)
Wtf is a Hooktube?
Well of course.
sure sure
but I'd like to have that ass-whipping ace of spades card in reserve just in case
Stap enkurageing wamen to0 do this
Shit that I don't use.
Women want whatever the kikes in charge of our media tell them they want.
The only way to counter the jewish media's control over our popular music is to create our own record companies and try to growth them to compete with existing record labels. William Pierce attempted to do just that with Resistance records and failed.
All driven by whatever the kikes think should be "modern white men's music" and actually having nothing to do with the music white men want to create or else we would still be writing masterpiece orchestral compositions. I agree with you that it would be nice if white men were in charge of the music industry and they made music that made women want to fuck white men but that isnt the case
Learn to dance, anons. It's not inherently degenerate. Here's a video from the eighties I learned a lot from. It is rap, but before rap went full on degenerate into 'hip hop'. can someone tell me how to embed a video? thanks t. oldfag
I don't listen to the radio or search new music or go to clubs or anything, so I have no idea what's being played these days. I just searched popular music, and I see shit like that nigger XXXTENTACION (guy who got shot) is really popular. This is "white rap" though. It's a form of rap I saw amateur white people doing a couple years ago. Yet it's only made popular when blacks do it. Goes to show "popularity" is all bullshit. Good thing that nigger got killed. He seems like the entry nigger into the white rap/emo scene to draw a while new audience of white people into nigger music.
Why would I want to learn to dance when I could do some woodworking?
>Choreography by (((Laurin Weizel)))
1. every era has some sluts, don't worry about it.
2. it's just another one-step dance fad, no-fun police
3. poor sexual behavior is a result of poor values which is a result of poor parenting, parents who probably blame everyone else for how their kid turned out
4. today's women, whose value as wives and mothers have been stripped from them by feminists, have been reduced to sex objects
5. women are competing for men's attention, and this is what they think men want - in no small part thanks to the men who pay attention to these women
This is a boomer wojak image in the making. We might have Boomers with us for a century if medicine keeps advancing as they age, so we better get used their shitposting I guess.
MIllenials don't know about women and post weeb memes, topkek
More like women like what's popular (because they are lemmings) and that's a long time hit.
Just like "I like big butts" by Sir Mix Alot.
Play that shit in the club and watch every white girl in the joint start singing along and shaking their asses.
ip-hopping again?
The United States must be restored. Your mission is to kill Jew banksters, Mexicans, and niggers. The news should tell you where to go. You have 70,128 hours or your race will self-destruct. The timer begins now.
Stop welfare and the media
All this triggering beta emotion.
I'm saying that "white music" has become cuck for the reasons I stated. They are either extremely fem, or insecurely masculine (death metal). I'm saying the topic is about women dancing like apes to nigger music and that is a problem. Right? The "dad rock" (a meme invented by angry effeminate gen-xers who wanted to separate themselves from the 1970s rock) just so happens to have a proven 60yr track record of causing young white women to dance with young white men and breed.
It's a very simple point but you faggots let your emo-tions get in the way. And if you want to change the current scene, stop screeeeetching and growling into microphones and trying to play your guitars like you're fucking Beethoven, and start singing with clear, masculin voices to music that makes bitches want to dance.
Well, who doesn't? Don't breed then.
Nobody listens to the fucking radio. It's all youtube and it's all fake hits. Fucking Eminem doesn't have more hits than people on planet earth. It's fake. You create the music, create the scene, the people will dance, the people will come.
Video: this song is still played in bars today and you can dance with girls to it. It was made before I was born.
Had to re-sign in
You too faggot, read it
Pointing out reality of rap albums is emotion?
You aren't very bright are you?
opinion discarded shill faggot
Maybe your menopausal wife boomer
So you don't end up like pic related.
hey why you keep posting old as fuck shit?
others are posting drake / cardi b / wiz khalifa
you keep posting shit from 40 years ago and claiming to be an expert on modern music. NOBODY PLAYS THAT SHIT IN THE CLUB
I mean maybe they play it at the local legion hall where you and your fellow boomers get together to remember THE NAM
This song has
1. An incredibally effeminate man singing
2. A guy growling faggot screamo trying hard to be a man.
It's AWFUL and sounds like every other song I've heard for about 15yrs. Now that's just my opinion but I think this is the reason that niggers dominate music for white females. Yeah girls can listen to it but who can dance to it without jerking around by yourself and banging your head like a retard?
I pointed it out better than you though and suggested a long-term well documented solution. You have low reading comprehension and listen to emo metal. You've been demoralized.
scream some more, emo. Better yet, sit in the back of the bar and watch me dance with your chick while you cut yourself because the music isn't edgy post-modern enough for you.
I'd make fun of you, kiddo. But I know you don't go out much and I feel kind of bad. It's a repeating standard at country bars which you can find even in places as kiked as like Las Vegas. And those bars have the hottest fucking chicks.
menopausal boomer wife CONFIRMED
That's just not true, I just graduated high school and most of my class doesn't listen to rap. Only niggers and wiggers and whores listen to it.
There he goes again posting 50 year old music while claiming to be an expert in modern music
Opi-san, do you not know?…The Japanese couldn't have a physical empire anymore, so they created their own version of Travistock in conjunction with those brought over with project paper clip. They invented anime and Nintendo to bring back the Axis and to shift American metaphysical values and archetypes to that of the Vedas and Eastern philosophies, to show us the new ideal.
MIllenials have been programmed to make anime real.
careful your nose is showing
Because as I've stated, modern white male music isn't made to cause girls in video to dance with white men and make niggers not want to show up at the bar, dance club.
Clubs arent good for meeting women user. You want local bars that play country and/or rock. If you have a country bar with a dance floor it's not that hard to meet a girl. Well, it's hard because girls travel in packs so there is still major cockblocking but at a classic rock type dive bar that local girls go to after work where no rap music is played you wont find a lot of niggers. You wont find a nigger at a country western dance bar. It's like poisen to them.
Video (1:44) is of a Las Vegas country bar. Vegas is the home of niggers dancing with white girls. Point out one fucking nigger in this bar.
Yeah, it's vegas. Point is, it's poisen to niggers EVEN IN (((LAS VEGAS))). Create white male music and breed white children.
"I've never been to a country dance place with girls and I'm freaking out with insecurity over the thought of it!"
If you don't want to be around niggers and dance with white girls you should try it sometime.
haha. Well, that actually made me lol. I can't argue with that theory. I grew up on Nintendo and don't remember smashing turtles with a greasy Italian plumber or elf boy making me want to fight ZOG but whatever you say.
With that music it's not going to happen lmao. How old are you ?
awwww are you mad
Just stfu faggot
He's some 60 year old boomer who thinks he knows music
women love to dance to masculine music deal with it
Then what are you even arguing you colossal retard?
This whole discussion has been about white women shaking their ass to nigger music.
Sounds like someone got kicked out of a metal band back in his 20s cuz he sucked at playing his instrument and is still bitter to this day.
nice ip-hopping shill faggot
women love to dance to popular music with a monotonous looping beat
counter me here or forever shut your dumbass mouth
this is why you guys should promote KPOOP
better than rap
I'm down
a little too similar to american shit over the last 2 decades for my tastes
doesn't have to be good, it's better than a music where the dance is literally shoving 2 black dicks into your vagina and anus… heheheh stupid goyim.