IPFS on Android:
IPFS will be a better Archive within a couple years. and if the kikes try to Shut It Down, they'll have to attack the Blockchain itself, risking crashing Bitcoin, which is rapidly becoming too valuable to destroy because Bitcoin is the only hail mary to save the Federal Reserve's $20 trillion hole in the ground by restoring "Animal Spirits" which keep the whole fake economy going and which serves to soak up those trillions pouring out of The Fed's printing presses, preventing a run on the USD and the doubling of interest rates, which would instantly crash America like pulling tower 7.
btw if you use iPhone, you are the biggest censorship loving faggot for being so gullible to trust the biggest tax dodger in history–that Crapple's closed ecosystem isn't secretly selling all your shit to (((you know who))) and that Cupertino isn't just handing your fucking iCloud keys to NSAFBICIA niggers.
besides the fact that Snowden revealed NSA CORESECRETS, where NSA places thousands of blue haired soy boy IT faggots into the staff of all the big tech companies to then just give NSA full access without needing to hack or steal shit.
and then there's the fact that Apple's VP of iCloud is the ex CTO of (((Gemalto))), and before that guess where he worked for 5 years? that's right, the dude at Apple with the keys to your iCloud kingdom is ex-NSA.
at least on Android you can compile your own stock AOSP and rip out all the Google spyware, if you choose to.
so the moment Archive.is goes down, dozens of clones using IPFS to store web pages forever on the blockchain will ramp up.
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