Why is health cost so expensive?
How do you reduce it?
Why is health cost so expensive?
You reduce it by regulating how much doctors and hospitals can charge, you dismantle and destroy the insurance system, you revamp and reinstitute the educational system and you instill in the people a sense of responsibility where they don't go to the fucking ER for every cough and booboo. Do you really need to claim your insurance to pay for a 25 dollar medication? No. Do you need to see a doctor for the ouchie you got? No. Do you know basic first aid? Use it.
Anything that is subsidized by the government ends up being un-affordable without government subsidy. This is the same reason that textbooks in the US costs hundreds of dollars: student loans. Since anyone can get them everyone ends up having to get them. The same thing has happened because of medicare and medicaid, the US government's second and third largest annual expenses (if I'm correct, the first being military).
You solve it by forcing doctors to provide itemized lists of what you are being charged, making it illegal to charge different patients different prices for the same service, and everything said.
Rest is supply & demand. Private healthcare WAS affordable and in socialdemocratic countries public healthcare HAD short to no queues.
Also, maybe kill everyone over the age of 75.
Don't require a license to provide medical services.
No, that's a good idea. I want to be able to hold my doctors responsible.
Exterminate all jews.
Its expensive because the state pays for it (for the most part). If each individual were given X amount of dollars per year, could be carried over to following years AND the doctors are forced to print the prices of everything = Problem solved overnight.
By changing the laws to make lodge doctors an attractive option again which will also have the benefit of encouraging the growth of fraternal organizations and strengthening community identities.
Instead you receive a voucher when you receive your tax return.
Wrong. It's because the state is not the ONLY payer for it. It basically cuts blank checks for whatever the medical industry bills it.
Because of overinflated prices on drugs (big pharma kikes), overinflated prices on hospital maintenance (kike companies lobbying for every hospital having to buy THEIR tech instead of letting the hospital decide for itself), overinflated prices on medical services (kike doctors pretty much hogging medical schools for themselves, then charging exorbitant prices). And don't even get me started on insurance companies and Planned Parenthood.
This is compounded by overall worsening health of America and the world in general (shitty food, prevalence of cancers and obesity, HUGE increase in medication-dependent people), nanny state-induced helplessness (calling the ambulance for every sneeze) and lack of basic medical knowledge in the general public. This allows the medicare system to pretty much hold the population hostage.
Revamp the entire fucking system. Prohibit big pharma from exploitative and monopolistic activity, ban medtech companies from interfering with the medical market, make medical education more accessible (aka cheaper) but make requirements for getting the degree much stricter, gas the kikes.
Long-term, promote a healthier lifestyle, make people more self-reliant, ensure that schools teach first aid and basics of medicine, so that people would be able to at least properly self-diagnose.
Enjoy getting a vital organ cut out of you by Pajeet and LaQueeshaNeesha prescribing "twerking" as arthritis therapy.
Pic unrelated.
Government also spend a half of its budget on Medicare and Medicare, inflating cost of care.
Demand photo ID.
The leafs used to have a yuuuuge problem with people lending out their medicare cards.
Just let anyone practice medicine, no licenses or anything. 300% More people die from Medical Malpractice than from Guns in the USA…
Clearly licensed medical professionals don't work.
Eliminate medicaid and medicare.
Bust big pharma.
Tort reform.
Deregulate requirements for medical practice and licencing.
Reduce costs for medical education.
We already are.
Because the enrolling in med school costs $250,000 at least.
Make sure med schools can't Jew the shit out of their students.
Yeah. And if something like that happens, you are able to sue both the pooinloo and the sheboon into oblivion. They will lose their medical license, pay huge fines and likely go behind bars. You can't do that with a non-licensed "doctor". What are you going to sue him for? Wrongful death? Medical malpractice? Criminal negligence?
High demand and low supply.
Raise supply.
End patents, end restrictions, uncap med school positions, hand out residencies ASAP.
Lowering price without raising supply, i.e, price controls, means demand will exceed supply and rationing will occur.
Medical malpractice is virtually impossible to even get off the ground in an court case now. Only the most outrageous of shit gets into see an judge, much less an jury, and more often than not, its because other medical practitioners or lawyers want to see an specific medical doctor taken out more than because of their actions. The medical profession closes ranks every bit as much as cops and judges do.
The judges in courts, their fellow doctors, nurses, prosecutors, media, and even your own council always give focus to protecting or minimizing the damage you can do onto those whom profess to do no harm. And should you make it to jury, the majority of jurors will give benefit of the doubt to the doctor/specialist far above what is warranted. Then should you win, the actual payout is either dribbled along for decades before judgements are paid or so low month to month that you will not be able to afford the medical bills you most assuredly will have after such crimes that you will be bankrupt anyway. And the money is never enough compared to what actually happens for those whom 'make it'. Your only really hope is being an minority in an majority minority area, the ghetto lottery is a thing. And to top it ALL off, once you actually WIN. You are blacklisted from vast segments of the medical profession since you are an risk at best, or most likely seen as an outright con man whom victimized the profession.
You really should look into what is going on with the medical profession. I've already decided should my family need major medical care my doctors are more than likely going to die very viciously in retribution. Not because I care one way or another on doctors or the profession but because the highest chances are that they are going to either hurt my family even more than the original issue or allow their own negligence to exasperate the issues to critical levels. Its an matter of principle and one of my lines I will not accept. I cannot do a host of things to save my own in many cases, in such an situation, natural law will superseded mere opinions on crime and justice.
This is the truth of our society today. Another lie upon an fucking lie.
1. ER forced to take care of niggers and landwhales then billed to gov
2. artificially limited medical schools
3. laws fobidding open pricing and allowing providers to charge whatever they want after the service is rendered. Basically this creates monopoly pricing because pricing info isn't free.
4. Because of point 3, insurance companies are the only way to not get ripped off but they are run very inefficiently (claims processing is a nightmare) and soak up a huge amount of the margin
5. Copyright laws make medication absurdly expensive even when research was funded by government (lobbies ensure government does not excercise their copyrights permitting monpoly drug pricing)
6. Malpractice kikery drives insurance up
7. Insurance plus government regs make healthcare such a depressing post modern nightmare that doctors quit, turn to drugs, or just kill themselves. This means fewer providers and more expensive care.
8. Many places forbid basic health services without doctor's permission furthering chokepoint in care. For example there is not reason a basic web hueristic couldn't recommend a series of lab test to narrow down your diagnosis with extreme efficiency. But instead you'll need a couple useless doctor visits before you can even get testing.
I forgot most importn
9. Landwhales are incredibly expensive to keep alive and take many decades to die slow extremely costly deaths
And why did med school cost so much in the first place? Because they want to limit the supply of doctors. United States has gotten a bit better with the recognition of DO instead of just MD degrees, but there also needs to be some price negotiation between the government and the private hospitals and practitioners to standardize their treatment price.
The worst excuse I have heard is how people claim that America health care is the best in the world, and that's why Americans should pay a premium, well, yes and no. America has a lot of good doctors, but it also has a lot of mediocre doctors that shouldn't be overpaid for the services they provide, and while licensing works, the pay is usually standardized to an extremely high amount.
People complain about lacking doctors, and yet we don't see an increase in medical schools, nor do we see increase in residency positions for graduates. America loves to complain about it, being a literal cuck, while taking no action in solving this problem at all.
Ultimately the healthcare industry should not be given a blank check when they are working with the government, in fact, the government leadership does have the ability to influence and lower the price of medicine if they have the political will to negotiate prices with the medical and pharmaceutical community, it's just that the government employees are pretty gutless when it comes to confrontation and are willing to turn a blind eye to the problem so they can get an easier retirement rather than actually negotiating against the medical community and big pharma into standardizing the drug prices. Since modern hospitals and big pharma are now running like a business, the way how government treats healthcare should also be how governments treat other businesses, and that is with a lot of skepticism and negotiation to standardize the care practices. Ultimately, corporations will have to bow to the national interests because they will still be able to make money, but the government should exert force to remind the health care industries that their interest should be to serve the citizenry first.
Of course, this will only happen if we don't have a cucks running the government. And as much as I am okay with the current leadership, I don't think health care is the major focus of what Trump have in mind. It will probably take a while until it is solved.
It's an interesting point you are pointing out, doctors do get it pretty easy once they hold position after med school. Again, I don't think that the doctors I go for are necessarily going to be as competent as somebody from an elite school, and yet, they are still paid very well for being mediocre at their job.
Because lawsuits. 25% of prescriptions/procedures doctors do are completely unnecessary but they do them so their patient won't sue them.
I was mostly talking about redundant licencing for every stupid little thing from what hospitals they are allowed to practice in to what equipment they are allowed to use. Even then, there's nothing suggesting you couldn't sue for much of the same shit and the consequences could even be the same. Chiropractors for instance don't require a medical licence in order to practice their profession so I don't see a reason why the same idea can't be applied to other fields of medicine.
And god forbid you might actually have to do your research to make sure you're not seeing the local witch doctor instead of a well practiced orthopedic surgeon.
Part of the problem is that the redundant licencing prohibits capable individuals from performing duties that they would otherwise be perfectly proficient in. An MD is required to do every little minor procedure where another degree or adequate nursing experience could handle it. It would save a lot of time and resources if my optometrist could lance a sty instead of having to refer to the Ophthalmologist every time. The constant tossing around patients to see specialists for even minor shit inflates costs everywhere and bogs down the system when patients really need care. Even if there were specialized training for surgical professionals, where they would only handle just a few specific routine procedures without having to deal with clinicals it would help free up doctors and streamline the system to reduce costs.
It isn't when you get rid of (((socialized))) health "care".
When people are responsible for their own and only their own health care it's incredibly cheap. Insanely cheap.
very true and if OP dont wanna pay for it he should kill himself …
Are we leaving it "free market"? 1. Get rid of the brown people who use the ER for everything and never pay their bills. 2. Insurance goes back to being a hedge against risk, and only covers catastrophic incidents. Accident and severe illness only. The hospital paid off their x-ray machine years ago. They're charging an arm and a leg because insurance will pay it. I would not be surprised if the insurance companies roll of those expenses to the taxpayers through some sort of government subsidy. 3. "Direct primary care" is what they seem to be calling monthly memberships. You pay a monthly fee and covers everything but operations. 4. Make society take care of their elderly. Beyond the ER hospice care costs a lot. Hospice care is nurses taking care of the elderly because their kids are too lazy. You don't need to be an RN to inject morphine and wipe your dying mother's ass. Houses need to become multi-generational homes once again. Family should care for family. Not some fat korean with a 16 credit medical assistant certificate from the local community college. 5. Get rid of the brown people who are doctors. Primarily streetshitters. From personal experience they tend to order a lot more expensive tests and make more mistakes. And that's just off the top of my head.
well it's easy OP. you just let another country pay for all the advances in medical technology and then regulate any advances to get it on the cheap, like how europe leeches off america.
health cost is expensive because it takes a lot of effort to achieve the thing to make you healthy, you dunce. and before people go spouting "pharmagoy" or any derivative of that shite, do some research on investment costs of medical innovation. oh, and this time, don't forget to factor in the amount of failed developments before a successful one and the general usability duration of medicine before a newer, better one is developed
Remove the ((( tumor )))
Charging $3000 for a single use plastic tube is wrong.
Because Jews are self-destructively greedy and the "heroic medical care" aspect of the spic-nig cycle is fucking expensive.
Sage for QTTDTOT and What Does Zig Forums Think Of X. Take your shitty datamine somewhere else.
It's actually the other way around. New shit springs up all the time in Europe because companies can just bounce from country to country until they can find one that's willing to let them use their new tech there. If the new tech is successful, its easy for the other counties to pick up once they can see it in action. The US has a dozen different regulatory committees, namely the (((FDA))) that prevent any new technology from entering the states unless it has already been a wild success for 5-10 years in Europe.
This is correct and it goes back to the (((FDA))) and the other regulatory committees. The hoops and costs to get something approved for use in the US are insane. You could take years developing some treatment, test it on a million trial patients, have all the necessary information possible on why your treatment will be a success, then spend something like 6 million dollars just for the chance to show it to the FDA kikes only for them to say "Oy, I think you need to try it on another 100,000 trial goyim. We'll consider it in other 4 years when you have more shekels for us." This is why Europe gets new shit well in advance of the US.
this user knows whats up
for the pharmaceutical site the kikes in the FDA are killing 1000's of goyim each year by withholding technological advancements in their rentseeking schemes, as mentioned before remove the yid see most problems disappear
but to a more structured approach remove all patents in healthcare
for starters the justification for patents and ridiculous pricing for medicine is otherwise companies wouldn't invent new medicine is a lie
true innovation is happening in universities payed for with tax dollars/euros/yen
FDA regulations are so byzantine that most of the costs of bringing medicine to market is compliance with FDA bureaucracy thus withholding new advances far more than accidental deaths would occur
my proposal was bring all RD even clinical trails under universities with free published research killing the kike owned scientific journal scam in the same move
kill the FDA and let any national company try and mass produce the newly discovered medicine, creating competition between corporations to bring the most efficient synthesis process to industry and the cheapest medicine to market lest they be outcompete
just add punishing tariffs on medicine from places like china that don't pay their part of scientific expediture
there will be no drop in true innovation as most scientists today are barely payed for their work as a kike is right behind them to steal everything
End so called "preventative medicine”. It's a scam. Doctors and hospitals are only for sick people. But modern society has brainwashed sheep into going to doctors when they are perfectly healthy. Nobody makes any money from healthy people. So vaccine corporations make you sick. That's the real crime. Only go to the doctor when you have a problem.
a single tube of plastic isn't 3000 dollaroos, my retarded friend, the cost of placing it in there without something getting infected or wrongly cut is.
Then how do you possibly explain why people around europe always go to america for the newest development? embryonic research, epigenetics, cancer treatment, the list goes on and on. Europe has a laughably amount of developmental trails, these treatments almost always were developed by american pharma's, which was either already approved by the FDA or approved by the EU-variant. You think the FDA is a dick? Try the big brother-type of shit they pull in the EU. While the FDA might try to suck you dry, the EU will simply regulate that a medicine should cost 100 bucks, even if the objective cost to break even would need to be 300.
i'm not saying that american regulation is good, just that it doesn't stifle development in the way the jewery at FDA does. at least they have the common goddamn sense not to shoot your own milkcow.
Health is not expensive. Health is very inexpensive. What is expensive is pharmaceuticals and surgery. Solution: stop believing that you can achieve health by filling your body with poison.
Eliminate government involvement. No more student loans backed by government dollars. This means the universities cannot charge whatever tuition fees they want and the government will sign the checks. Get rid of the public health care system and all the providers to compete with one another and thus lower the price.
They can get a lot of it quicker and cheaper. The US isn't bogged down by socialized medicine so they can actually see the patients that need treatment and don't have to charge a kings ransom every time to make up for the cost of seeing niggers for a couple of tax dollars, although that's rapidly changing. Europe has the newest shit but nobody can use it because your system is bloated with niggers. In the states you can get the treatment you want from private practices but they can't get the treatment you need here because kikes won't let them have it.
So it's a matter of would you rather have somewhat less effective treatment in the states or pay much more for treatment in Europe and still have to wait a few years before you actually receive any of it.
Yeah, that's bullshit, because people are still leaving hospitals with horrible infections anyway.
The US has 350 MILLION people living in it.
Let that sink in
That's way way way over a manageable level without complete socialization and keeping a sizeable portion out of the system.
US, China, India, and Sub-Saharan Africa are overpopulated.
Make law that no one after 60 years old can own property or have income (gifts are fine).
It's not a big loss unless you break a bone or something, anyway. Going to the hospital is a good way to come out with much worse problems. You're basically paying 5 digit prices to go home with c dif.
Fixed prices on medications is first as every other country in the world does that. Second is litigation. You need caps on what people can be awarded to get liability insurance down. Some obese sheboon having complications from surgery isn't worth millions. Maybe something with medical school costs though, more spots are needed. Immigration of foreign doctors wouldn't be popular here. A more efficient approval process for new drugs. It shouldn't take a decade and a billion dollars to get a new drug to market or whatever it is. Promotion of exercise and healthy eating. Target the kids early on. Help for the elderly.
How does that refute my point?
If you don't earn 40k don't have children. If someone does not have good earning power when they go to the doctor they should be on SSRIs to limit their libido.
Nigger the united states passed the 400 million mark years ago
How does that make my point any less valid? There are too many people alive.
Just saying, no big loss unless you like paying to be culled.
Too many niggers.
Eliminate jews.
(specifically jews in the AMA)
remove jews
Kikes own the hospitals, the drug companies, and the insurance companies.
Admittedly there are plenty of greedy non-jew fatcats in there too.
The hospitals and drug companies charge the insurance companies HUGE amounts of money for healthcare. The trick is that the insurance companies are THE SAME MEGACORPORATIONS. As such it is the left hand paying the right hand. The insurance companies then reimburse the hospitals for most of the "cost." This forces everyone to get expensive insurance since uninsured people who go to primary care (not emergency room) are required to pay the inflated "fake" cost out of pocket. Massively inflated.
The whole system is DEEPLY corrupt.
MASSIVE trustbusting of the medical industry would help.
Banning insurance companies, medical companies, and hospitals from being owned by the same companies would help.
Putting more power into the hands of doctors and pharmacists rather than in the hands of (((administrators))) and insurance officers would help.
Making it easier (or, indeed, possible) for doctors to work for themselves or in partnerships with other doctors (like they used to) rather than be, more or less, FORCED to work for megacorporation hospitals would help.
Restrictions on insurance subsidizing "end of life" problems would help. A million dollars for an additional six months of life is of questionable value.
Subsidizing promising candidates for medical school would help.
Restricting medical lawsuits would help. Some are fully legitimate, but many are frivolous and seriously hurt doctors.
You mean the literally demonic kike-worshiping freemasons?
Good points.
"America" is run by traitors, kikes, and oligarchs.
Our government is massively corrupt.
They have no interest in making anything better for "the people," especially White people.
That is kind of the point of why we are here.
Excellent point.
Blacks and browns are a drag on EVERYTHING.
Including medical care.
Deport them all.
Good points.
Much of the "patent system" has become deeply warped and twisted away from its original intent.
It has become a kike shekel factory.
Disagree, but depends on context. Healthy diet and exercise are preventative medicine, after all, and are good. Antibiotics for a cold, on the other hand, is retarded.
Now this is a very good point.
I 100% believe that they are intentionally poisoning us all.
Fluoride in the water causing brain damage.
Birth control pills and atrazine (among other things) in the water making men into soyboys and women insane.
Bromine in the bread harming thyroid function making everyone sad and tired.
Vaccines giving people brain damage due to aluminum and mercury being present in them.
Anti-perspirant deodorant containing aluminum that is absorbed through the skin causing nerve/ brain damage.
Chronic boron shortages giving people arthritis and many other problems.
They are poisoning us.
Heiling those dubs of fitness and healthy living.
They are the foundation.
Gotta keep that White genocide rolling, eh kike?
Nevermind the fact that real income has been decreasing for fifty years because of non-White immigration and financial kikery.
Noooooo, blame the poor White people.
Look at this spiteful loser. It's a fact: If you are not contributing to society you are part of the population issue. Stop having kids if you're not earning enough, problem fucking solved.
You've already revealed your hand. Why do you kikes only ever say this to white people? Whites who don't have enough money should have kids anyway and go on welfare.
1. Absurd malpractice suits and associated malpractice insurance which is practically mandatory if you practice medicine
2. Government subsidized medical school means the barrier of entry is huge
3. The cost of paying for illegals and other non citizens
4. Massive regulations on the introduction of new medical techniques and drugs make it very hard for anyone to break into the market but also very hard to make it worth while to introduce a new treatment without potentially losing hundreds of millions
5. Malpractice risk means every possible test will be done to cover their own asses
6. Government subsidies always increase the price of whatever they subsidize. Always.
Same reason college and homes are expensive: gibs to nigs.
We need more government regulation is what I'm hearing.
This is another thing I didn't initially think of but it almost certainly comes up. Working in health care I can confirm that a lot of tests are largely unnecessary and are only performed because one person at one time sued for some obscure problem that was missed. Now every patient has to pay for a few more tests on their routine examinations just for the exceedingly off chance there might be a problem the person doesn't know about.
When it comes to professional industry, the cost of hardware & servicing is disgusting when you consider the production costs or labor.
>(((sound familiar yet?)))
well you know, a bottle of aspirin is like 3 bucks at wally world, a pair of aspirin in a doctors office or hospital is like 10 bucks. a Yard of guaze is like 25 cents for the VA…yet about 3 bucks a yard at the doctor.
If you remove the middle man jews, get the insanity out of tort, and get everyone especially the spics to quit going to the doc for every little thing prices would fall. If you outlawed health insurance the doctor is faced with a choice…no one can afford him w/o it, prices have to adjust downward or he has to find a new profession. You used to could have the doc come to your house and deliver a baby for a bushel of apples a jar of shine and maybe an old plow or nice wood carving…can't now.
Competition, drop the barriers for imports. Health insurance across state lines.
That's fascism.
Expensive? Doctors are highly skilled and highly in demand. Pills are owned by evil jews and megacorps who jack up the prices.
Be an accountant. Break down the hospital balance sheet into its components and identify where waste and malpractice occurs.
Not regulation. Actual banning and a goddamn hit squad being sent to the hospitals and businesses who don't comply. No strongly worded letter or vague legal action. Either stop extorting people or kiss your business license goodbye. Enforcing the law and acting socially responsibly: a matter of both will and common sense.
Hey. This is a good question. I know there's not enough kindness here. I want to say thanks for asking it. Someone's probably going to parody this comment being kind to something atrocious, but at least I can provide this moment. I'm glad to see a politics question that isn't awful.
I don't have an answer. I think this is a "not a perfect world" thing. Right now we might be able to keep people alive a few decades longer than we do if we had infinite resources. Resources aren't infinite. Healthcare is eventually more expensive than people. It'd be nice if we could bring up the value of people somehow, and everyone does their best. It might work better to bring down the cost of healthcare somehow.
Think of inputs. For example, there's a lot of expensive equipment that goes into medicine. All those scanning electronics require rare earths and precious metals. They require skilled assembly workers and highly paid designers. Think of the cost of the hospital buildings themselves. They're big buildings with difficult sanitation problems that have to be solved as completely as possible. A lot of infrastructure has to center around a hospital, and it has to be maintained over time with its own salaried expenses. Think of the expense of paying doctors and staff. There are many kinds of specialized knowledge in healthcare. Even if we reduce people to baskets of food and goods for consideration of potential economy cases, we still have to support those basket cases through years of difficult training.
I hope that was a laugh. I don't mean to be unkind. People are expensive to maintain.
Regulatory costs can creep into healthcare. Soylent bureaucracy is made of people. Reducing regulation can reduce staff requirements. So can automating compliance with better information technology. More productivity or less to do reduces staff requirements, reducing expenses. Hospitals also struggle with their budgets. This is where some people propose paying for medicine for those who can't pay. It would smooth out hospital budgets dramatically if they could be sure everyone would be able to pay. However, this brings back in the basic expense problem, and creates a political balance of resources issue. It's expensive to give people a few more years at the end.
Dramatic expansion of resource availability might reduce the capital costs of healthcare. Asteroid mining might help. The raw materials needed for equipment and infrastructure can get cheaper. Conventional mining might conceivably help, but even though the resources are very necessary, it's hard to mine your way to health. The environmental hazards of conventional mining create their own health challenges both for miners and for surrounding communities. More automation elsewhere in the economy could make more resources available for healthcare, if some mechanism is found to transfer those resources. It might also free up labor for healthcare, if people can find ways to retrain workers for healthcare tasks. That's not easy. Healthcare is mentally hard work, and people often have trouble retraining for mentally hard work.
We could deploy vaccines more broadly. This is often limited by cultural factors, but it provides great long-term savings prospects. Research into new vaccines is ongoing. Preventative medical strategies are cost-effective when they can be implemented successfully, but vaccines aren't the only kind of prevention that gets limited by cultural factors. There are other drugs that are also being studied for preventative purposes, and anti-aging drugs may soon be real. Expanding the healthiest portion of the human lifespan will reduce healthcare costs. It's cheaper to treat a young adult than a middle aged one, and it's cheaper to treat a middle aged one than an elderly one. If each age range can be expanded, savings can be achieved.
To the extent that we can reduce people to biomechanical systems, we might be able to come up with new strategies to reduce costs significantly. Notice how the study of corpses greatly enhanced anatomical knowledge. Humanity did not grow poorer for that, and in the near future our ability to dispassionately analyze and optimize human tissue systems will greatly increase. Biofabrication plants are already starting to open. Early products of biofabrication are comprised of cells and small cellular structures for research purposes. In a few years, that will expand to include other products of implantable new flesh. I used to believe cybernetics would be mastered before more organic technologies. That appears to be incorrect. The promise of biofabrication should make curative treatments much more dramatically efficacious, and may even grow cheap enough to permit new frontiers of preventative medicine for bold consumers of the new flesh. Also, kidney pies. Yum!
Reducing the cost of healthcare is difficult, but extremely worthwhile. Different political systems may put different weightings on the value of human life, but sickness is a kind of suffering that rarely fits into anyone's schemes. Failing all else, it's bad for business.
doctors that submit reimbursement claims to health insurance companies already do this
one way that health insurance companies "make money" is by charging premiums (from patients), denying benefits (refusing to pay doctors for medical services), and pocketing the difference.
sometimes health insurance companies refuse to pay doctors for medical services AFTER the doctor provided the medical service.
1) Kikes. They restrict the number of domestic doctors, they used to be upper middle class and far more numerous per capita before the medical fraternity capped their numbers. By their contorl of the legal system they force doctors and institutions to buy expensive insurance or be sued by patients the use as a bludgeon. Every cent in a kike injury lawyer's pocket is taken from the doctors and patients.
2) Muds. Niggers and spics use more healthcare in the US than whites, they are the most obese, get injured the most, and demand the most service as a means to be granted disability payments.
Why are no-effort threads like this ever bumped?
i should start a medicine company
This is a post-kampfy shill thread that's made by not a Zig Forumsack.
It's a two-pronged (((issue))). Jews spent the last century amongst other things, poisoning western society with fake medicine, fake medical practices, and a focus on artificial remedies. The focus on artificial remedies is the most jewish aspect to this, not because they're inherently jewish but because many safe, inexpensive and perfectly safe remedies have been used for thousands of years. By depleting whites of ancestral remedies and their knowledge on them, jews made their alternative the only one available. Then they control the prices on everything and keep inventing ways to make things more expensive.
See: the dozens of natural medicine doctors being assassinated like hillary clinton's enemies.
Sage for shit-tier OP
You should, and you'll probably make quite a huge profit from it as well.
Until you get slammed with spurious mishandling suits so that you can't capitalise on the obvious arbitrage here. RIP pharmabro.
Because the greedy, high handed bastard doctors demand it.
Holy shit, why is this dogshit slide thread still being bumped?
The trick is not to pick up any dis-eases.
Hey shills.
user here again. Just letting you know that you and your class (and the international academic effort that brings you here) are playing with matches next to an oil spill.
Either you will join us, or we will find you.
Also, As per your OP:
Reduce the amount of niggers in the system and the system will start to balance itself out. Fact of the matter is that niggers and spics are both a net drain on the economy. The only groups that actually are a net profit are asians and whites.
1) Instill health and fitness in the population.
2) Offer a free government run healthcare service to compete with private companies.
3) Pay for doctor's medical school.
4) Subsidize healthy foods and tax unhealthy foods.
5) Get rid of any unnecessary regulations on private sector healthcare
6) Mandatory military service, so everyone is fit at least once in their life.
all of those have been tried and they're all ineffective in fixing anything.
When have all of these been tried? The only thing that comes to mind is National Socialist Germany.
Imagine if everyone ate healthy and was responsible.
it's expensive because of health insurance.
since the insured no longer have to pay for the healthcare they don't care what is charged, and the larger insurance companies have so much legal and financial clout they can strongarm helthcare providers into prices too low to recoup the costs of the services they provide, leading to them padding their income with whatever they can legally get away with, like charging $50 for a single tablet of aspirin, or recommending C-sections when not needed, or talking parents into circumcising their babies for $1000 a cut then turning around and selling the foreskins for $24,000 an ounce.
the more middle men between provider and consumer, the more expensive the product or service will end up being.
get rid of insurance companies and you'll solve 80% of the problems with healthcare in the country.
6)most countries have had mandatory service, and it was widely regarded as ineffective in both providing capable soldiers and healthy citizens.
2)most developed nations employ a government-run health system, and none of them are in any way as efficient as america's healthcare industry was in the 1950s.
1)most countries had social fitness programs, they don't anymore. since their abolishment the private sector has exploded with innovation and research into nutrition and excercise.
4)many places instil additional taxes onto "unhealthy" foods in order to drive up the cost, they are all poorly received and ineffective. because top-down solutions are always ineffective and resented.
5) this is the exception, and is very effective. in fact many healthcare regulations here in the US have been removed since Trump entered office, and we get things like cheaper generic epipens.
3) has potential but if it's just "paying for education" I'm wary of it. throwing money at a problem never solves it.
6) Putting people into the army, with compulsory exercise, is obviously going to make them fitter.
2) Technology has advanced a lot since the 1950's. An MRI machine is a lot more expensive than a stethoscope.
1) Innovation and research is useless if it's not implemented.
4) I don't care about hurting degenerate's feelings. We need to raise demand for healthy foods with a price incentive, and lower demand for kike poison with taxes.
5) I'm glad we agree.
3) Doctors have to be paid a lot because their education is so expensive. European doctors are paid a lot less because it's free over there. Throwing money at a problem won't magically fix it, but I think this one makes sense.
Go vegan and drink distilled water you dumb nigger. Every thing you would ever need to know can be found on yt. Most of you will die of cancer and heart disease because you insist on perpetuating the satanic jewish practice of blood drinking and ritual slaughter and I couldn't be happier about you leaving this plane prematurely.
Fat people.
Put fat people in concentration camps
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Kikes and niggers
Day of the rope
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