If a few edgy madmen "restarted" the Waffen SS, would you consider joining it? First it would be one of those stupid "secret clubs", then it would expand into a stateless army that takes part in civil wars.
The best way to fight for white interests is to establish a stateless, 'occult' nationalist organization that operates outside the realms of jewish politics.
Restart the Freikorps, not the SS. Id join that.
I would join it and kill everyone that is in my way in a manner that is unprecedented.
When others call you death, because they think you’re chasing girls rather than an education in arm breaking.
I wouldnt do it like the streetboys would do it, i would absolutely wreck everyone and everything.
No, I'm going to fence-shit until things get serious, right now that sounds like a honeypot. No offense, somebody needs to do something, but organizations tend to get (((infiltrated))).
They don’t get infiltrated, who do you think starts them?
Finally, progress.
This. Without state sponsored support all you'd be doing is denigrating the actual SS let alone Waffen-SS and that would be 100% larping nonsense.
Like the FBI? With fucking idiots.
Do you also have the consultants that tell you bullshit? I wonder if that is the case.
This is why no one takes /cuckpol/ seriously.
Didn't you niggers already try this shit and fail?
You'd just end up basing yourself in an African nation or a fort like Sealand and get blown up with one or two rockets if you got anywhere near US/Western interests.
The KKK is a reactionary organisation that wants to protect its tribe, in a rather ineffeciant manner.
You are right fellow white men, we should not do anything irl but instead continue to recruit normies.
You first sow it then you reap it. Not the otherway round.
Also more daywalker girls with big tits.
No, it'll never work because the symbolism itself is completely tainted in the eyes of the average person and cannot be untainted until (((you know who))) are brought down a notch.
If you join, you're marked to get fucked by the most largest powers in the world, it will be best to not completely recycle old ideas, but still have the ideas as a creative influence to make some new and unassuming in nature, until the climate is right to put fourth overt political thought of which we are bound to.
You… realize I was being ironic right?
Not unless they showed commitment through action first.
All centralized top-down organizations are alphabet soup honeypits until proven otherwise, and even then I'm skeptical. GLR got mkultrad, remember?
Until then you are either
Zig Forums is decentralized and that is it's strength. White nationalism must grow organically on a cell model. Redpill your friends, spend time with redpilled whites, train together for gtkrwn.
All this shit only applies to environments that have the ability to sustain revolutions, this one doesnt.
Your honeypots are nice and all, but if you invade my privacy i will slit your throat.
I also fundamentally disrespect all kinds of rats, but since you are rat people i cant change that hence you choose that job in the first place. A sorting iteration.
Also have some non nigger girls with big tits.
I want to go on a gland diving mission which means my fingers will dig deep into her titmeat exploring all the little rough parts of her tits until i slide my dick into her secondary.
I largely agree with this, but at some point people need to start organising in person.
They are too busy getting their shit sorted analmouse, and your hypermoralistic garbage doesnt make shit easier unless you are an eunuch or a retard.
shit thread OP, kill youself
But i bet you like being a fucking lunatic or fringelord.
I like the word fringelord.
No I would not because I'm not a cringes retard. Literally Antifa right-wing edition
An exclusive club for white advocacy sounds more like it however. Keep it exclusive/underground for now to avoid becoming infected with Identarian or CivNat cucks and focus on strategic lobbying and white nepotism instead
I even have a cool name for it: W.E.S.T (White European Society Triumphus)
I'm too much of an armchair warrior to start such a thing though so if anyone else does could you please credit Zig Forums for the name somewhere in fine print?
>they're feds trying to protect the (((tribe)))
So you're just going to ape back what white people are saying?
Smart and stupid shit is actually not pozzed with race.
But i have some more pretty nigger girls for you.
We ll kill anyone that invaded our privacy, that includes you the fbi or random analmouse rats and we ll not stop until this person is dead. And i will do that deed if it is in proximity, you have my word on that.
I wouldn't start it, but I'll be the first to stand up and be counted as a supporter.
The problem lies in who puts themselves at the center. Where do we put at risk of firebombing leftists. What kind of hazing do we commit to prevent infiltration?
I have ideas, but I must keep them for the occasion of this actually happening, here or fifty years from now.
Dont do anything to the normal leftists, pull out the rats.
That means you either imprison this asshole or we ll kill your rats and then we do it on a large scale. So get me this rat.
Doesnt matter if you are the FBI, the FBI reads it and knows what we want.
I m usually a very nice happy person but i want that rat dead and i m serious about that.
Kill that rat or i will spread it like a virus until bring me that rat. And i wont stop at you i ll go further.
So bring me that rat.
Considering the trajectory we are on, it won't be long