Roe v. Wade will certainly be overturned via Trump's appointment of a Supreme Court justice. Women rights aside, who are the winning and losing demographic groups in a post Roe v. Wade America? How will it affect the racial composition of the nation?
Roe v. Wade will certainly be overturned via Trump's appointment of a Supreme Court justice. Women rights aside...
Mexicans reproduce endlessly and become citizens after the first generation of illegals, so that issue remains the most pressing. Blacks are a bit of a wildcard. They don't care for their youth, so they may still about in weird ways, however, the percentage they makeup of the populace would still probably increase overall. Lastly, whites probably have an aversion towards weird forms of abortion (although some may still do it), so their population might increase. Their percentage might not increase though if the Mexicans increase in too great a number.
I'm unironically great with abortion
If our enemies want to off their offspring then I'll have a fucking coke
That includes commie filth and all manner of shitskin
On one side I believe in people having to deal with the consequences of their actions. Sex is not for fun it is for reproduction. If you fuck around prepared to get fucked with back by the consequences. Its not my fault nor is it the state's responsibility to help you reverse a bad decision.
On the other side I dont want niggers or spics to reproduce. Less of them means less degradation. Its a catch 22 that I really dont like. Im very conflicted since I know I cant have it my way. I would rather ban all whites from abortions and enforce them on non married non white people.
But many of them are cowards that will side with whatever is the stronger side. You might be sacrificing some pretty good cannon fodder material for the race war.
Abortion should be supported and expanded. It's mostly nonwhites and degenerates that do it so it helps us. The primary argument against it is religion which shows that it is an enemy of white nationalism.
No, it won't. All the talk of Roe v. Wade getting overturned is just propaganda designed to boost Democratic turnout in the midterms.
100% accurate. Sage for terrible thread.
In the short term reversing Roe V Wade would surely enrage the Left and push them to taking extreme measures. That acceleration would probably be a good thing. Radicalization into Weather Underground bombings would wake up more redeemable whites. Ending Woe v Wage would just make abortion the state's right. Libshit states would still have abortion. Conservative states with lots shitskins would just get libshit orgs that make birthcontrol and Plan B pills easier to get at a young age and bus in whores to lib states to get scraped. Overall I don't think it would effect demographics much on its own.
States being able to outlaw abortion would be a deadly blow to feminism, that's the main issue and that's why the left is freaking out about the SCOTUS. Abortion being illegal would greatly reduce the amount of whites that get abortions, while forcing niggers to resort to DIY methods that would likely harm their long-term fertility and some might even die from infections.
America is about half white now and the long-term outlook is apocalyptic. The focus should be on stimulating a race war that whites will win, not the long game, which is a guaranteed loss.
No, I have it for fun.
That's what birth control, and terminating pregnancies are for.
When your income goes towards supporting a deadbeat bother, it actually becomes your problem.
I can barely believe what I'm fucking reading. Abortion merely being an "options" doesn't go far enough. It should be fucking mandatory if she, or they (on written consent to have a child together) can't raise their own fucking children without government support.
Fine, but then why not be allowed to put down the parents after X number of fuck ups?
killyourself faggot
I'm pretty confident it won't.
The way you curb abortion is the way you get any woman to change their behavior - Shame and withholding the attention they crave. Pro-choice women don't give a shit that you call them murderers, it's like someone calling you a Nazi. Water off a duck's back. But act like they are tainted, reject them for it, and shit will change. In no uncertain terms let them know you're grossed out by the idea that they took the risk and then actually had to deal with unwanted pregnancy for the few minutes it took some shlub to cream their pie. Then let them know you wouldn't allow your dick near their defiled thotpocket. You can even be really delicate and nice about the fact that their cunt repulses you. Remember, THEY repulse you, not the abortion itself. They will throw a fit but the seed will be planted. This kills the roastie and makes the younger girls think twice before they become that rejected roastie.
Roe v Wade should have always been an amendment or individual state law, not activist interpretation.
This may usher in a new age of states rights.
Why would you?
The whole idea that you can "stop white genocide" by "outbreeding everyone else" is a fucking idiotic race to the bottom.
No, kick out all the foreigners. Keep a stable population that your own country can actually manage. Firebomb any country whose practices globally fuck up the planet.
If anything it will be pushed back to the state level. That alone would be a huge blow to their cash flow.
Lol, conservacucks are so dumb. Voluntary only child support and alimony would be a deadly blow to the feminism. Without abortions just more men would be walking wallets for thots. More thots would feel uncomfortable but this not make men under their heels do any better.
retarded argument
Your nose is showing moshe
OP's pic is a lefty that never had a chance to cause damage to his nation.
It will be put on individual states guaranteed -
That may be. If that were the case then maybe what one or two percent of them? At best??
I would get rid of the 99% of the problem every time. If that 1% were fit then it will survive somehow. If not tough shit
You can’t say that.
Were all those ayylmao photos that popularized the look of grey men actually unripe democrats?
Why should I not say it? Are you capable of policing my speech? Want to give it a whirl?
Studies indicate Anons living in their parents' basements are 3x more likely to use RED CAPS.
But just think of all valuable and sacred human life all those unwed tindr sluts are creating!
do you ever feel anything with your heart?
do you have one, or did it atrophy away into nothing when you turned 14?
More like unethical child murder you fucking degenerates.
Studies show that the majority of statistics on the internet are made up.
Observations show that only faggot foreigners to image boards immediately jump the "basement" dweller ad hom.
No what you want to do is make excuses for bad choices. You want all these get out of jail free cards. Instead of having sex with people that you DONT want to truely start a life with you should actually find other better uses of your time. Having wonton sex like that causes a massive amount of resources to be misused. People spread diseases that should not really been around in the first place. If people did this correctly we wouldnt have STDs being at the levels they were and almost be stomped out in the west. We wouldnt have to have entire doctors and buildings dedicated to the removal of creatures that should of never existed if the human was practical in the first place. Its fucking retarded. Instead of creating a problem, prevent the problem from ever occurring by being a logical fucking creature.
Sex to create life is fine. "Recreational Sex" creates a drain on society and spreads diseases. So closing argument is stop being retarded and plan for things that have LONG TERM EFFECTS. Also women dont want abortions due to some retarded notion that they feel like even if its the worst situation possible that they could raise a child in, they will still have it due to motherly love.
While im all for the forced sterilization of people who shouldnt have the kid in the first place I still think an even BETTER idea is to just not do things that would create the problem.
nice blogpost
So ban recreational sex? Like weed, poppy and bumpfire stocks?
Strawman. Try again.
Are you capable of proving your claim?
Thanks for admitting you can’t prove your claim and are only repeating jewish talking points.
Really makes you think.
Sorry, paid shill. No one gives a fuck what you have to say.
Like a pottery.
Without their endless stream of child sacrifices, the legions of Satan's followers will quickly run out of magic to influence reality and their empire of lies will begin to crumble and fall apart.
Niggers and spics deserve to be murdered in the womb.
Your digits and shit picture are lame and Satan hates you
Tell your boss to fire you. It’s not working.
meme potential is great with this one
die plz
I have no shop skills at all. Can someone dye those gloves green and impose Wojack on the fetus?
I cannot reply to your question seriously until you realize that Roe v. Wade is not what defines current federal legislation about abortion.
Planned Parenthood v. Casey is the currest ruling and is what States use to create abortion laws. Be informed before you start threads. More effort on your part will justify effort on ours.
The composition of the nation is based on immigration for now, because they do not stop coming.
How would it be overturned? Can the supreme court just up and overturn stuff randomly? What abput precedent? Could we have a court making huge law interpretation constantly when new majorities come in? We could have a duality of laws depending who is in session. Morally I'm against rvw but it kills so many niggers i like it.
Hello, my anons. I would like to dismiss this leftist pro-abortion tactic that has scrimmaged its way through our chans; this left pro-abortion tactic which goes as, "I support abortion because it kills the non-white!" Such claim is simply not true. One can simply take a look at the statistics and see that whites are leading victims of fetus murder. If you can, I'd like you to imagine a Reich under the Fuhrer. Would such barbaric procedures such as abortion be authorized under a state which prides itself in being ethical and humane? Nein! Countless white lives will be saved. White lives matter! Think of how barbaric abortion is for a second. Is that something you allow upon your population? Nein! I promise that overturning abortion will open us to stopping the next one solo barbarity which compares: male circumcision. By removing these two foul, Satanic acts I guarantee you a true choice and freedom to the white American.
This is not Yahoo questions section
The damage abortion does to the nuclear family and to society, by helping to normalize reckless sex, outweighs the benefits of a few dead shitskins we would kill anyway.
No it won't be. Why would it be? There's no demand for it from any significant portion of the population. It's a dead issue now. the only issue now is "don't force me to pay for your abortion." No one cares if people get them or not. And rightfully so. I want niggers to keep killing their babies.
What the fuck is this "nein" shit? You're not German. You're not living in 1930s Germany. Quit fucking LARPing, faggot. I'll take millions of less niggers and beaners over a smaller number of still living white kids in foster care and living with spiteful and angry single mothers or their parents. You can take away abortion, but you can't force a woman to raise a child properly, or force the guy who impregnated her to stay in his life.
Moot point because a Reich would be 100% white
Why? Make rising child improperly a felony. All bad things can be fixed by laws.
Wew lad. It's like you don't even know it's the GOP's job to lose. Pic related.
How's that wall coming along?
That's not even remotely true and there's no historical precedent to prove it. Historical precedent shows that when laws are too restrictive, people become more prone to criminal behavior. Prohibition is proof of that. Now if you'd said we can educate people and socialize people differently growing up, that's different. Either way, we don't have control of either of these things, so what the fuck is the point in discussing them?
Typical shill talking points with no substance. The only thing to do is filter.
This user gets it. If women have to have consequences for their actions again, that changes everything.
I'm torn on the issue, shouldn't abortion be up to the state legislature?
The problem with blacks is the gibs. Welfare state keeps fathers away, fathers don't spank their sons when they do stupid shit in adolescence, so they go on to do increasingly stupid shit. Blacks tended to be less criminal than whites before the great society.
Wrong. The focus should be on fighting the people that forced degeneracy on the blacks, and brought in unlimited immigration of low IQ, incompatible cultures. Killing the blacks won't do a fucking thing if the masons and the kikes are still around.
So this is an argument to not ban abortion or stealing…
All, sort of.
I would say that it does, spook.
Well you're wrong.
Murdering your children isn't a right.
No it isn't, the left's hysteria is over nothing.
5 of the justices presumed to be much more likely to overturn Roe than uphold it.
Based on what? Proofs?
Hey you shill faggot
We know you're doing this because your professor asked you to. But don't worry. Once the course ends, you'll feel an itch. A desire to Know More will intensify. You'll come back. You might be intrigued by the discourse, or shocked by what you find here into further fact-finding.
You're here forever now.
That was two fucking years ago, user, and it was for 4chan, not here. OP’s still a fag for a different reason, though.
No, torpedo, you have no idea what you’re saying.
Race Fags.
Abortion is the only eugenics program left. Without abortion, niggers reproduce endlessly especially in states where abortion will likely be made illegal e.g. the south. This will make southern states like Florida where a slim majority for non-D parties exists evaporate under the durress of uncontrolled nigger reproduction. I drive by a PP every day and the line out the door is all black.
Clearly abortion doesn't fucking work, you kike
Fags and leftists don't reproduce sexually, they reproduce ideologically
That entirely depends on the environment, fags and leftists (cultural marxists) do not have any roots, that is why shitholes like berlin have to be nuked.
I also pity the cops in berlin, but somehow i think they deserve that.
Naturalistic Dissociative Disorder
No, it won't. You don't understand how the Law works.
Agreed. Would prefer it to be done on the state level though.
Trump is going to appoint Trey Gowdy as SCJ. It will be interesting.
brb gonna have sex with my gf for FUN
There is no primary argument against it. This was how niggers and abos performed birth control in their nations before 'jewish values' showed up to show the 'primitives' how to live…they should be allowed to control the population anyway they can.
proud degenerate
Think about this further.
Niggers and shit women will flock to democrat run states for their abortions.
Many won't be able to afford the trip back.
Stage 1: Identify
Stage 2: Containment
I'm not helping you write your Washington Penis article
You are the worst type of insidious cancer upon the White race and when the time comes I will greatly relish your painful demise.
Plus, people from places like California will straight up refuse to move to states that ban abortion.
Essentially, it will reduce the economic refugees from leftist shitholes.
Trump said after winning before inauguration that Roe v Wade wouldn't be overturned.
Then I'm guessing you won't be using a condom.
So then I assume she's on the pill.
So that she can have sex with you 'for FUN'.
That's gonna fuck her up, physiologically and psychologically. Its gonna fuck you up too, because psychologically, phsyiologically, you think you just bred your gf… But you didn't.
It was all a sickly act. A sterile pretend. A decadent pursuit of the hedonistic pleasures - the flavor of your choice, as it were - without any of the, ahem, 'nutritional value', even in potentiality.
You've taken the process via which new life comes into the world and pair-bonds are formed, and espoused it in an ugly mockery, cumming into a purposefully-sterilized woman, so-sterilized such that your seed can find no purchase, and no impetus for lasting pair-bonds need arise.
The degeneration of an existence, two no less, and you flaunt it proudly like a badge. A pitiful ape.
Well said.