CIA and DoD efforts at mind control are widely documented. Unclassified documents indicate the human mind is capable of affecting and observing the physical environment via telekinesis and remote viewing. However available documents also state the reliability of these capabilities is questionable and they may be of little utility to the government.
should the white nationalist movement pursue such capabilities to further its goals?
CIA and DoD efforts at mind control are widely documented...
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Yes but I doubt any but a small handful have the necessary mental capacity for such an undertaking.
Not what the declassified CIAnigger docs I've read conclude.
Little bird on the Farm said these boys are in for a real headache. May be demo of Deep State capabilities.
Remotve viewing n shit is more like experience put to task.
The RWDS will be highly trained in remote viewing and will be the apex predator with their psychotronic Semite Seeker helmets.
I watch you pee with my mind.
Really pretty face but did she forget to bring her tits?
The real psy-war is classified beyond your wildest dreams.
Why is there such a rapid decline? Cant make any sense of that.
Because they are already in place, just waiting for the command.
They stopped recording the data.
citations needed
a-at last I truly see
Dont think so, so what is the reason for that, maybe an acceleration of internetz and less of rat shit?
The next time you write citations needed you will think of little kids like KITAS, where little kids are put when their slave mommy goes to work.
maybe everyone is on the internet
Try it now, psychic RV'er
You are still a rat analmouse.
Telekinesis CIA document. I'll dig around for the remote viewing.
Can you host it somewhere that's not on a fucking CIA server?
brother just google both topics
Too drunk too read that, if you want an advice there are uri gellar eyes. Which means zoe quinn in big and other jew shit.
What in the goddamn hell are you talking about
Look at his eyes you morron. The intensity combined with gypsie eyes gives it away.
I would tell you how he does it but i actually really hate you eunuchs.
Everyone in the CIA willing to spill the beans on the CIA right now gets spared on the day of the rope. Start talking.
Please respond.
Shut up moron. He's a Jew just like your CIA Negro buddies.
Well the CIA even though it consists of borderline psychopaths isnt a childlike morron like analmouse which is even worse if you would wager that.
They're all bronies. Bronies were a travistock-MKultra joint mind control experiment, but it went horribly wrong, now all of the CIA are bronies and they can't stop masterbaiting to them.
They are just a bunch of hyper competitive men with no real goal and talent.
Absolutely. The next logical step is manipulation of the physical world at a whim. I'm imagining ripping roofs off the Chaims and even opening a crack in the Earth where he stands. We must work harder. And, Jews they just don't want to do anything and just steal all our work. Remember, Jews don't believe in science themselves. There's a price to pay.
That's bullshit but I believe it.
Doesn't work on me, and boy do they try.
And when it comes from an unofficial source you guys call it fake news. You humans. Never change.
It always works that is why they are wizzards, in a game sense. And they met their master.
No wait the wizzards use shit of tech shit the eunuchs made, hard to beat them way.
No it doesn't.
I want to rip them into shreds.
Are you a proud enuch?!?!?
What do you think of this?
Does that stimulate your script?
What i wonder is after all your commitment and all the shit the idiots tell you, are you still you? After all is said and done, are you still you. After all isnt it all about the money or do you believe in that shit.
No, but it's easy to withstand. Most people can't because they believe it began working which creates a thought form that reinforces that belief through subtle ways. Also, no. Women don't stimulate my dick. They used to, when I was a teenager. But I actually gotta love the woman, or "set myself" back to that mind frame. It takes a lot of effort and hardly worth it. Even when it comes to sex. I'll get turned on from a woman I'm in a relationship that's attractive AND we both happen to see eye to eye on things. But that has only happened once. Every other woman required focus and intent. They can't mind control you without your consent. It's literally like letting a demon inside.
That is what i thought earlier, but what i love about the boobanimals leaving aside their physical features is what you describe, eye to eye. I would have already met a nice boobanimal i really liked but it had small tits, and i m not joking, if she had two cupsizes more i would insta marry her and put a child in her.
I liked her essence, i really loved it.
Shit cuckchan disinformation thread.
I know the Jedi and the Republic had many issues at the time but if he was a good guy he could have fixed so much with his authority at the time without tearing the whole thing down just for absolute power. Also I'm pretty sure he did not foresee the Vong, but could have during their invasion.
I believe you. I laughed out loud. The one that did that for me ended up being someone else after the honeymoon phase and we eventually broke up. Sometimes, women say what they think you want to hear in order to get with you. Most have lines and I tend to cross them with philosophy and controversial subjects. Let's just say I'm in the minority when it comes to my perspective of things. Being honest tends to weed out the bad quite effectively. Not perfect though.
I saw a craft flying in the sky on my way to work one day. Looked huge considering how far up it was. Looked like something you'd see for a design in a video game more than a plane. It was moving around, and I ended up getting under some trees and when I got out from under those trees, it was completely gone. When it was in the sky it was leaving behind a trail, but once it was gone, there was no trail to indicate where it went. It really was gone.
Or invisible. Wouldn't surprise me.
Na she showed me her ID pass and told me she had a nose job and all kinds of other shit. I knew that she was difficult but i can easily control that, my whole family is like that, they are all devils.
She was absolutely nuts about me even brought her female friend to "judge me" or made selfies at work where i should "smile" which was absolutely forbidden. I would have married that grrill if she had bigger, she also had a really pretty face and i liked her temper.
remote viewing is low tier too. I can do it and I'm degenerate atm. Not at will with full control, but I can do it every day. I end up in a random place and I can hold myself there or move around if I'm really lucid, but most times it's like a window of light opens up and you are all of a sudden somewhere. The second you react in the body you get pulled out, but it is possible to return. I have done it. When you get pulled out and you're fighting the pulling you see the place get smaller and smaller until it's nothing but an abstract shape of light and finally nothing but the darkness of your eye lids.
I have been to the moon, to unknown planets, and a multitude of times in the skys up in the clouds. Sometimes I'm down on earth in a forest and depending on what I have been doing and allowing myself to interact with, I have been in horrible places. A pit full of nasty murky water. A shoreline littered with human bodies and a voice literally telling me that the flesh of all men shall perish. And much more. How one is in life will affect their meditations. You can still grow though, but it may not be in the ways one may like if they go against the grain, so to speak.
When me and my brothers used to fight we didnt stop until the blood was flowing or we broke her bones, with hockey sticks, rackets or any other objects in reach.
The point is the i have an hyperfocus on stuff and usually it gives. I made 20k in poker in two months with minimal buyins. If i have a train i ride it.
Also the point is that all men gotta die, in a way it is a stimulation to risk. Like 2pac said all men got to die and we decide how much we want it. We cant change that unless we still want to remain men. In a way it feels like the door for the hoitytoity shit as been closed so we have to something else.
Also have pretty nigger girl.
The tits are all natural btw.
I'm really hesitant to fall in line with occultists. There is a guy on 4chan who freaks when the jesus freaks talk about their beliefs. The occult is the reason WWII was lost.
You are basically retards no matter which cult you worship.
Ignore all remote viewing and paranormal/parapsychology and UFO bullshit.
if you waste one second believing in that nonsense, you just just hoodwinked by CIA disinfo.
here are a few twitter threads from an account who is still in the "Woke Leftist" phase of consciousness,
but he has found several very interesting connections between the network of personnel in the CIA Stargate (remote viewing) program,
and several hippy-dippy 1970's New Age Though Leaders.
it was all a Langley funded psyop to trick the Russian's and to create a means for Soviet leaders to be approached and Mind Kontrolled
and recruited to Capitalism and sent back home to sabotage the USSR and bring down the Soviet system from within without needing to fire a shot nor start a hot war.
Both Yeltsin and Gorbachev "converted to Capitalism" at Esalen hot springs, one of the centers of thought of the whole 1970's New Age paranormal bullshit movement.
"Gorbachev might as well have been working for the CIA"
remember that time in 1989 when the CIA used one of the forgotten tunnels under the Kremlin, which were first dug centuries ago by Ivan the Terrible, to bug the Kremlin, and then warn Yeltsin to stand up to the Soviet Army after the army detained Gorbachev at his Dacha and attempted a military coup?
we Uncleared Morlocks out here in the real world always misjudge and assume the CIA won't happily light billions on fire in running pointless and shitty Sci-Fi cover stories like project Stargate which ran for 27 years, and employ a cast of thousands, including respected Academics, Physicists and Scientists, and plant them all throughout society in fake fronts, fake Institutes, fake Think Tanks and fake Universities just to promote (((certain agendas))) in order to maybe, possibly, almost open up one tiny door of opportunity to mortally strike a Great Enemy.
I mean just how fucking stupid would you have to be, to work at NSA and your job is to investigate the veracity of intercepted Soviet research which claims
the Soviets are working on a "Psychic Nuke", where 10 psychics could focus their telekinetic energy and "cause matter to reverse direction and sink back into a sea of energy or displace time and space" and thereby destroy entire US cities.
of course scientifically trained hypersperg technical experts like NSA wouldn't believe baloney like that.
it was all a cover story for recruiting Soviet moles.
the KGB won't allow a Soviet scientist to talk to an American scientist, but if a Soviet becomes enamored by 1970's New Age pop culture and dabbles in UFOs and Paranormal Phenomena as a hobby, then he'll be able to more easilly meet and talk to American kooks interested in the same bullshit. And then that Soviet can be recruited.
That is the plain simple explanation for all of the ridiculous weirdo CIANSA paranormal research.
That such program continued until the fucking 1990's is where it gets weird.
Either the covert aims of these programs really worked in recruiting moles, or the CIANSA niggers were as dumb a shit and really believed in their own ludicrous bullshit about magic psychic superpowers.
another theory from that @cuttlefish_btc account is that all of the Stargate and paranormal programs were also a cover story for the continuation of MKULTRA.
when your Medical Doctors are force feeding LSD to involuntary victims in labs, that crosses ethical and legal boundaries.
but when you're doing it to hippies who volunteer to come to your unlicensed "Institute" and who want to have their minds "opened" and who want to "elevate their consciousness" and who want to talk to the Space Aliens or the Aquarians or whatever the fuck supernatural entities they have been led to believe are "returning" any day now like Jesus to "save" humanity from destroying itself, well, that's perfectly ethical and legal and nobody bats an eye at CIA.
Your nickname is cuttlefish.
The plebbit spacing and lack of archives tells me you're not from around here. But I like how nowadays shills don't try to disprove ESP scientifically anymore, they just badjacket and well-poison.