Q - Plan To Save The World

Q - Plan To Save The World


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Q is a kike

Everyone knows you're full of shit qarp. Go back to your bots.

I want Q to ironically fuck my asshole and fill me with his AIDS ridden semen so that I can die a faggot death.

show me one example

Bretty good video actually.



To post so passionately so quickly, and to speak with such authority, you must truly be members of this knitting forum. Surely then, you must recognize that Q is the memetic embodiment of the conspiracy theories we so proudly hold dear? Why protest, brother?

The government wouldn't let you die. The government would prop you up on welfare so vast you would be a king.

i asked for one example, and i reiterate

An example of what?

The wall is coming fkin Reeeeeeeeeeeeee

Global Cabal Structure in 3mins - bit.tube/play?hash=QmcdtXeye1MKTaCJJj2t5kJzM1CvQDqGnLkWsRbWi4ZCqL&channel=19916

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of q having any legitimacy or vindication

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it's happening!!!!

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Instantly closed. It literally is human nature, no; mammal, no; living thing's nature t be "racist". That's been known for so long this video is discrediting itself.


there are websites full of compiled copypasta for that. Go read, I don't feel compelled to prove it as I'm undecided myself.

Would you consider FBIanon to have been legitimized or vindicated?

Would you consider Trump to have been legitimized or vindicated?

How about Yeats? Ovid?

Where is legitimacy relevant in the act of content creation? Is this not a forum that eschews just that criterion for dissemination of valid ideas regardless? And might you also just be larping as a community member right now? Post the handshake or I'll out you as a shill.

WTF is bit tube?
I know all the kikes will (((echo))) about the only non pozzed board everyone left here for, but can you webm it?

I continued watching for muh laffs.

This video appears to be entirely controlled oppo propaganda.


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Iz dis tippy top kek enough for ya


dunno it's new
it's replacement for KikeTube
decentralised cryptotube… mayb Nasim didn't have to shoot ((())) & die

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Finished. Not one single mention of jew anything.
It's a very well put together video, but it's a fucking distraction.