Philadelphia ICE protests turn violent as police clear out demonstrators
Philadelphia PD v. Antifa
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O wow really
wheres the video? none
live stream?? none
hahaha enjoy a bump. good stuff
you know, even though its fox news, liberals might believe it anyway
in case you forgot, liberals thought they were fake news long before it became a meme
Bump because Antifa's butt hurt has to be high and their morale dropping faster than Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stock.
concrete pasted four to seven years. sandwich
Let us hope for more pantifas getting brain bleed and maybe some deaths too
Stupid nigger, it's all over Philadelphia local news
your calling me a nigger ?? but you live in philly ?
kys if your white which i doubt , fucking mongrel
You really must be a nigger. Do you understand what the internet is? Are you really too stupid to look up local Philadelphia news online. No, at this point it's obvious you're a paid D&C.
should ask why yankee states have puny leo,..
besides everyone there is a soy boy
yes i do JIDF since you have to have multi responses on the same fuckin post on every fucking pagefaggot
go back to your hole
o look i live in philly witha bunch of nigs and junkies ,ill show some lame shit and be a big goy now
The more of these fucks we send to prison to get culturally enriched the better kek
Always good to see Antifa destroyed. Not a fan of proudboys (in particular Gavin McInnes), but this vid from the Portland protest is fantastic.
thats a video and that was a "pro"test still have national socs there unlike niggerdelphia
You think it was staged? I did wonder that.
no he was doing what panti fags do and tape a wrench or the like to there forearms, was a true knock out
Took them only what? 2 fucking years?
Cop chucks red head skank…. she looks back with scowl… thinks twice remembering Philly cops don't mess around.
Oh, he was gold alright.
Why did that cop push that qt redhead gril?
Fuck off Ari.
Report [c3b772] pretty obviously a kike.
Ginger thought twice and didn't "resist" the Zogbots.
Ginger got the fuck out and went to go have a coffee.
Ginger didn't go to jail.
Be white and be right like Ginger. Go home and make white babies.
I'd consider them fellow travelers, although of course I'm no fan of the kosher right (Gavin isn't too bad but working for a jew is pretty much unforgivable - I was a punk back in the 90s as well so I can kinda understand some of where he's coming from).
I thought the proud boys were gay as fuck but they really redeemed themselves by beating the shit out of a bunch of antifa. Credit where it's due. The main criticism of the proud boys was that they didn't do shit, and now they've gone out and done something. Good for them.
we should still gas the kikes though
you are all niggers cause i like to think it
whats this faggot ass fucking west side story shit …
so all the protest shit just the poor whites vs the other poor whites vs the blacks to see who can be the top slave of the jews
what the fuck are they fighting over, why do they care?
I've seen more vids where proudboys beat the fuck out of Antifa than any alt right
Yep, and they should get full credit and keep up the good work.
I guess I'm just trying to balance out the shills trying to D&C by targeting our most obvious fracture points. There's no reason we can't have non-white allies like some of the proudboys. Still not onboard with Ezra though.
Sure she's not antifa? I think she was just knocked due to the fact that she was standing in the very center of the scramble, basically in-between one police human wall and one group of police wrangling protestors. Then they go ahead and arrest her in the same video.
I bet you those cops had a field day. Looks like a lot of fun. I have personally have clashed with Antifa twice and the majority them are all bark and no bite. They look genuinely afraid when any non-state opposition shows up.
noticed how they toned down the language
I'm honestly impressed.
I thought cops in Phily would be among the most pozzed kinds.
How desperate are you?
This cute mousey antifa ginger shouldn't be out there.
She should be at home, raising her cute ginger daughters and sons.
The world is not as it should be, and it falls to us to set things to rights.
So be it.
You when your enemies.are losers
Whoever's the best sabbos goy.
There's nothing to protest, it's all fight club bait to get the other side to swing first so they get arrested
the left is mostly middle class or children of middle class. the right is mostly working, middle, and upper classes.
if antifa were working class they would have muscles from working their whole lives. The muscles you get from riding a fixed gear bike don't really help a person fight.
Trump curse in full effect.
I don't get it. Was the guard that Amir0x faggot talking about golden showers?
Dox her so I can send hundreds of dick pics. I've already started taking the pictures at different angles and degrees of tumescence
Is she determined to prove gingers have no soul? A joke, but seriously, her dad must have been abusive or absent. Sad. Female ANTIFA deserve a mild punch. Male ANTIFA deserve the full program.
Antifa all dress like they're straight out of tumblr.
faggot keeps repeating himself over and over like a robot, jesus christ
that was hilarious when that pig shoved her into the bicycle hahaha dumb bitch
Amir0x wanted the dye job you see here. In Africa he would have simply licked the anus of a cow to get his urine to bleach his hair and pretend to have those proud aryan genes. But his cell mate wasn't into that and just pissed on him. Corrections officers fed up with the degeneracy stepped in.
Where do you think these idiots get their political information?
We need to have a counter "defend ICE" protest.
Ginger females are often the most rabid Antifa and race mixers in America for some reason.
This kind of stuff should be waking people up.
Ebil, Nazi, racist nationalist supporters of the U.S. rally by having a legally sanctioned march, and are violently attacked by ANTIFA (they kick Antifa's ass, but that's beside the point).
Pro-invasion traitors "rally" by illegally blocking citizens from their place of work, no violent counter-attacks on them, but the police are forced to arrest them for their illegal acts. They violently resist.
The whole country is watching this, can they not see who it is that is attempting to force their agenda using violence?
Just hang the faggots upside down for a few hours.
Most white Islam converts are also gingers. Probably because they are bullied weaklings and thus want to feel strong in a group.
Also she isn't a cutie. Look at her mouth area. Huge red flag hinting and bitterness and malevolence
Reminds me of the Aloha Snackbars, always saying the same thing. NPC theory? Magical words? Low IQ? Who is to say.
To know of the fact that you held a legally sanctioned march, you need to have a reliable information source that will say this to you. Without such information, many on the 'center' will think that 'both extremes are bad', even if the Right accidentally litters a while the Left detonates a nuke.
Oh hell, they're breaking out the STRONG LANGUAGE. Cops are truly fucked.
Is Philly running a fitness program for fat cops? Is that why most of the bike cops are fat?
You’re talking about Chechens and they have a gene that makes them that way. They are also the furthest thing from pussies whether you agree with their politics or not. New faggot.
Philly cops aren’t that bad. I know a few and they treat the real scum like total shit while basically leaving normal whites alone. I’ve never had a negative interaction with a Philly cop.
If they were arrested, could we find mugshots to find their identities?
Apparently 29 people were arrested and issued citations for $25 before being released.
had a feeling mr. impotent rage would be popular
Pastor Aden (local burn in hell enthusiast) showed up tuesday and that really rustled their unwashed jimmies
The moment were the squat fatty takes away his umbrella is perfection.
You dont get mugshots for CVNs. I at least respect the people who nutted up and actually got arrested, like they were actually going to take some hits for their cause.
It was fucking hilarious though, first they were shouting "We shall not be moved" they they got fucking moved to the corner and we put up a fence. They came back to the fence begging for some of their shoes and bikes back.
This poor Asian dude got his sandals rocked off when we made the push. The best part is that we let 2 of them cross the border and get stuff that they left behind.
We literally allowed them to go a pick up some of their left behind fixies and flip flops while the rest of them called us "sheep with guns" and "pawns of the state" like how pathetic is that if your going to have to nicely ask the ebil nazi wall of short short wearing bike cops for your cooler and bike back kek.
Sauce: i may have been picking teeth out of my bike wheel Wednesday
lol fuck no
no vein bulge
Signs in Yid, shouts of "Shut It Down".
Call it a hunch, but (((somebody))) may be behind all this.
TBH Police did a great clean up job here.
dont give credit where credit's not jew
Know whats worse than being a soyboy cock sharing anarchist? a limp-dick soyboy cock sharing anarchist who hides in the back of the protest with a megaphone instead of getting a beat-down.
The shirtless curly haired dude with the ancap and antifa tattoos and the megaphone is the worst kind of person.