This might be a perspective you've never heard before. Other's have criticized Unite the Right over "optics" concerns. I personally don't think optics are ever perfect, and you're better off marching in large numbers than sitting at home. The system is terrified of us rising up with the numbers they had on the Left during the 60's, so they'll do anything – even infiltrate our ranks with concern trolls over "optics" – to stop that from happening. My argument is a bit different:
The BIG TENT idea that "Unite" the Right is based on, is INHERENTLY FLAWED
There's a reason that all these different groups aren't actually able to get along (natsocs vs. libertarians, cuckservatives vs. racialists, etc), because THEY AREN'T ACTUALLY ALL RIGHT-WING. Libertarians aren't right wing, they're far too "classical liberal" to ever be ok with Natsocs, Fascists, or Monarchists. Furthermore, the Right isn't united on matters of RACE, not at all. Look at Ricky Vaughn vs. the average white nationalist (who he calls "whignats") – their wars are endless, and Ricky Vaughn will NEVER give a shit about race, not ever. There are tons of hapas, castizos, mystery meats, and whites who have fetishes for these groups in the normie MAGA ranks. Most boomers hate "Notsees" more than they hate commies. My conclusion:
If we want to fight, the Right needs to leave the centrists and moderates behind
If we want to radicalize the right, we stand a chance of success, but we can't do it by "uniting" the right. We have to choose what will pay off more in the long run: smashing together people with different goals, or radicalizing those with compatible goals.
Why Unite the Right is an inherently bad idea
There are no boring topics, user – just boring people.
What are you so triggered by, faggot?
UTR is bad because it had no real solid agenda, and still doesn't.
It's led by a retard (Kessler) who has a sketchy background and was a literal who prior to forming the event.
Said retard also is a bad leader. If you don't know how to follow you'll never know how to lead. He refuses to fall in line and instead wants to be the center of attention.
People are still in jail because of that rally in a city that's completely commie held and has shown what it is willing to do to you sentencing one guy to 6 years and another for 10. Some true gulag shit.
Antifa could put him in a casket and they'd be doing us a favor.
Little down the list of concerns isn't it? You know, seeing how it's run by a leftist jew whose into playing puppet master.
No, you don't think. If you did, you'd realize your enemies want you dead for existing and normies have had a life time of public school and CNN.
And yet, you don't say why that is.
They're? You know this how? Are you admitting to being law enforcement OP or just a fag talking out their gapped asshole?
Actually OP is a nigger. The reason they don't get along, is because they're White people. If you knew what we are like, then it would make sense to you. The solution, is to focus on what we all HATE. After our enemies are gone, THEN we can have endless debates.
No. We only leave behind those who aren't for White people. It's that simple. Are they for Whites or not?
(((KESSLER))) is the only reason you need.
Forgetting that whites have fought more wars between each other over their political agendas throughout history, than they have against other races? I'm saying you need to choose: either you fight for "unifying the right" – including some who aren't really concerned with race – or you focus on getting the people whose priority is race ahead. Are you going to tell me that the average MAGApede is concerned with the 14 words? They don't give a shit, they think that's "stormfaggotry". Stop trying to weld together people like that with people concerned with race.
You're not wrong. Uniting these said fractions would mean taking on goals of the more soy induced crowd. On the other hand, rejecting them whole heartedly would be committing ideological suicide. To cut ties with lesser "right wing" groups would set a dividing line and i'm afraid at this time would only encompasses at best like 5-8% of whites. Even the more red pilled people i stumble into, they might acknowledge spics and immigration being a problem, but are totally ignorant to the JQ and even if willing to be apart of a revolution, would not even consider jews a problem and thus allow them again to worm their way into the movement and subvert it in the long haul. At the moment, to be honest, i think that the course we are heading is more favorable to our views. Since trump announced his candidacy, more whites have woken up than any time since the civil rights movements. I always believed that trump was nothing more than a cork plugging the crack in the dam. However, his charismatic presence has accelerated the (((bigotry)) by the left to unprecedented levels. The next democrat that takes power will do everything they can to undermine anything and everything white in this country(Abolish ICE, allow more immigration, break whatever wall is built and tear down pre-existing infrastructure of border security, crack down on 2A like never before seen, institute UBI
give out free heroin and whatever gibs can be got).
IMO: The course that is taking place with the factions already at hand will carve out a new america through civil war within our lifetime. As extremest on the left continue to get larger and more radical, they will push and make "the right" more radical by reaction to self defense of preservation. Of course, as we have witnessed at any event thus far, the right will prevail just off the basis of being the people who are
I have never seen any evidence that these other "right wing groups" are even right wing. Libertarians aren't right wing. They just get lumped together with other anti-communists, but they're also anti-fascist. They're anti-monarchist. They're anti-statist. They aren't actually right wing, but everyone keeps trying to shoehorn them into some kind of alliance with fascists, etc. That's insane and politically illiterate to even try. Just because people are white doesn't mean they'll all come together, or that this is even realistic. The majority of white people fought against the 3rd Reich in World War Jew – they didn't come together over shared racial interests.
We can't wait for all whites to be on the same page racially to take serious action for our racial interests
Really? I've seen fewer whites become racially aware. I've seen more whites doubling down on bluepilled bullshit about "based niggers" and other stupidity. MAGApedes are notoriously bluepilled on race: they're as egalitarian and anti-racial as leftists, they just think their way is the "correct" way. I don't think Trump is redpilling any whites on race. We're doing that, not Trump.
This is a kind of hubris and fairy-tale thinking that will fuck us up more than anything else. Everyone likes using rhetoric that makes it sound like "our victory is inevitable", but it isn't We're standing on a knife edge right now, things could go either way for the future of our race.
Agreed. The only thing that all those groups has in common is a common enemy. It isn't something to unite over, though it doesn't mean one must attack each group so much as convert and recruit the cream of the crop from them.
First the goal is to leave the false dichotomy behind of left versus right, and rather take the Third Way approach that the author of your pic related took. From that position, articulated and developed as a monolithic set of broad to specific ideals and practical steps, you then draw from all those groups which hold some promise of recruitment, like lolbertarians, conservatives, and classical liberals. The enemy is also monolithic, the one who wants you to fall into a framework of left versus right. Don't forget that quote from Mein Kampf either.
You only need a dedicated core and a supportive mass of 10% to tip the scale. Continuing to push the ideas Zig Forums does into the public conscious and particularly into groups who will push the proper direction against certain (((powers))) is the goal alongside developing a true core platform with Third Way philosophy to draw in those seeking the Solution to the world redpills reveal. Zig Forums is not the party, but a testing ground for such ideas.
go to bed young boy … this is not your game yet
White Lefties that want to destroy the banking institutions are our natural allies.
We're radicals, we need more radicals in our ranks. Commies are just to stubborn to tune into racial awareness.
You're the same fag who keeps posting babby's first redpills and expects Zig Forums to be amazed, aren't you? Yes we've heard it before. We've been over it endless times. There may still be faggots who don't accept it, but you can't have been here more than two weeks to think this is some sort of new perspective to anyone but people like you.
National Socialism is not on the right or left, it is above all petty political denominations. Lurk another two years and get the basic shit right before you attempt to lecture anyone on anything again. That or kill yourself.
This. Fuck the Left and fuck the Right too.
>hey goys I mean guise let's (((unite the right))) and I'll set up my gefilte and lox stand
That's what's going on.
Then meet them at your Fuck the Banks, Use Buttcoin rally, not (((UTR))).
Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics:
The average white nationalist is Ricky Vagughn. Look at the people who showed up to Unite the Right, they weren't hardcore Nazi LARPers like "wignats" are.
If only the wignat could understand that he is being called a nigger, because he acts emotionally like one and this makes him anti-social and a target of ridicule. But most Nazi LARPers on this site are non-whites anyhow.
Fuck off back to where you came from you alt-kike scum.
The Communists of today are of a different breed than the Communists of yesteryear. Some of the most ardent National Socialists (like Goebbels for example) were former Communists. But todays Communists are mainly soyboy bugmen who worship weakness, so I don't think there is much to work with on that front.
See OP, one line is all that was needed.
there is no BO, board is globally-administered now
Another white meet up movement what's your opinion thread. Look, this is a movement for the masses, not a mass movement. It is to serve whites who aren't yet even aware of their having a saviour yet. The ideology stresses quality over quantity. Do not concern yourself with numbers, they will come naturally as the weak shed elsewhere. We are at a pruning stage. The chosen will end up at National Socialism. Anything you do will be manipulated by the majority media for a net negative effect. If anything, a public gathering should be done on favorable ground so those standing by will see it is ok to join. Not DC. The masses will be told to stay away. Their conditioning will be reinforced. Redpill anonymously on social media. Little by little. Specifically convert military and police, that will be decisive. Most still hate natzees more than commies. You will not out jew the jew in a jewish system. The media and finance are beyond locked up now. Create a parallel system. You do not need to lone wolf the jew system and feed jew propaganda/censorship/law enforcement when the jew system eats itself by design and all that you must do is coordinate outside of it and grow stronger. Patience lads. Enjoy your life. Burn with passion for your people. Radiate with brilliance so your fellows must seek to join you when they are confronted with self evident truth.
Oh, look, someone finally picked up on what I've been saying for more than a year now.
At last they are starting to see.
LOL. If you guys truly believed whites were superior you WOULD be libertarians. In a free society those who are best will rise to the top. Whites HAVE. Whites are the best, come together and work towards getting us back to constitutional values. We will rise to the top again. Hell if we could just manage to secure our borders and start getting rid of all the illegals, you would see a marked change in policy that would bring us back to where we belong.
This. Too many (((right wing))) and (((conservative))) faggots spreading their cancer on Zig Forums these days. Alt-kike converts and shills are absolute morons.
Dumping Rockwell for newfags ITT
Optics do matter. Thinking cat ladies and r/the_donald will get behind swastikas and Roman salutes is idiotic. We need to rebrand.
Babbys second redpill, and if you knew more about your pic related, you would know that he rejected the left/right dichotomy, something you (and many anons) still use to this day. National Spcialism, and Fascism are not far right nor far left, they transcend that, they go way beyond that retarded dichotomy.
And why would you need cat ladies and redditors in your movement dumbass? Did you even bother to read OP's pic to understand its only detrimental in the long term to cuck out and merge with other non-radical and ideologically different people?
This is why these kike shills are working so hard to prevent demonstrations by the right.
-This one is being advertised correctly, with an appropriate length of time to prepare for it, so it has the potential to draw huge numbers. The traitorous kikes are optics cucks and a sea of red hats is bad optics for them.
- Antifa are faggots,. so they need to vastly outnumber the conservatives to accomplish their goal of looking intimidating. A force a third their size can clear them from a city block in under 2 minutes, as Portland has shown.
-They want to maintain the illusion that they control the streets, that they are able to dictate whether red hats can hold public meetings or not.
-When redhats retake the public square, antifa won't be able to take it back.
-People are attracted to power. Jews don't want displays of power or organization by the right to make it into the mass consciousness.
Only fucking T_D-tier brainlets think that the 'right-wing' means 'capitalist assfuckery'. Thinking that the right vs left diochotemy is about economics is how you get shitty infographics depicting NatSoc as similar to communism because of its economic control of the market. Natsoc and fascism is called the Third Position because it rejects the materialism of communism and capitalism for the social well-being of society
In terms of right vs left in terms of the embracement of hierarchical social structures, NatSoc and fascism are second to monarchy on the right-wing, which makes sense considering that they are both a response to the death of monarchy following WWI and the need for a similar structure in the era of democratic republics
Fucking retards
A national socialist desires neither of these types as members, that's exactly what the swastika should be used for today to ward the ovenworthy away not towards.
Irrelevant and you're a retard for not realizing the. The point is a sea of people for the cameras. However, since you've already shown that you're too stupid to realize that, I don't hold much that you'll understand why that would be helpful.
So what, you screeching little faggot? You waste your time discussing politics. More importantly, you waste my time.
There's the obligatory accusation the shills take great pains to include in any post about anyone they oppose.
Yes he is, and you're retarded for expending so much effort engaging the shills.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Successful strategists build coalitions of their enemies to pursue common goals and progressives pursue ideological purity at the expense of success. You people that demand division are just kikes in disguise. You're cancer and you don't merit an audience, you merit an oven on broil and my smiling face staring in through the window.
Right wing protesters beating the holy fuck out of antifa in washington is just what this nation needs to see. They've attempted to deplatform and dis-empower the right on a grand scale. What the right needs is to see a display of their power, and a march like that would provide the ideal platform for that display. A rally like that which had a large attendance would completely change the narrative. Overnight antifa would be despised by the normie American and the right would feel empowered, their morale would increase greatly.
Anyone that tells you otherwise is a fucking kike shill.
Skip the rally and speeches, but participate in the torch march. That's what really bootieblasted everyone.
The mayor turned the rally itself into a trap.
You sound just like Kessler.
Your shilling is out of control and too stupid to even address.
Okay. I'm not right wing either.
I'm not saying that I'm open to big tents with libertards. But National Socialism isn't right wing.
In fact, the entire left, right paradigm is idiotic and it is easy to break it.
There is no way that libertarians will understand the reasons why we fight. This is because they are religious individualists and believe that working together for shared interests is "collectivizm" which is akin to communism!
So they unironically believe that we who want White people to survive on the planet are the same as communists who want than our complete extermination.
That being said, I am completely open to the idea of working with libertarians, contitutionalits, Evangelicals, and even black nationalists for short term aims.
Happens all the time retard, any given (((MAGA))) rally is larger than any antifa drum circle.
You're blatantly lazy moshe response is lacking.
Keeping busy Jew mods? It will never stop.
Jesus christ you're clearly a leftist faggot. Get goodified kike.
I don't know who's jewing who anymore.
kikes never stop arguing. That's why curb stomping them is a god given right.
said the jew jewing you
Except that's wrong you retard. They are literally more right-wing and more white (like 99%+) than Nat-socs. It's literally the whitest ideology and most male ideology ever. Every man for himself, if you fall you're a burden to society, nobody has an obligation to support the weak, no altruism, no socialism, no laws to protect the degenerate from their own stupidity and the wrath of god.
The real reason why so many nat-socs get triggered by libertarianism is not because they're not right-wing enough, but because too right wing and too scary for the normie nat-socs, who still hold on to their degenerate idea of a welfare state, helping the poor and all the rest of it, because deep down they are weak and they know it. That's the dirty secret.
You're the only obvious kike in here faggot. Stop projecting. Oh and look he finally listened to people and moved from Charlottesville after getting ass blasted for his stupidity for all the reasons I and others listed.
Stop talking about this garbage. Stop giving Sessler attention. This shit is dead in the water, even most of the altkike is saying to stay away.
Its not "Unite the right".
Its a march for white rights, you're going to have to change your attack vectors pal.
there are only two sides:
They do not care if you are white, brown, liberal or a nazi.
The want to make everyone godless amoral retards, not only genetical abominations.
Do you not see that in a globalized world you need a global effort to stop globalists? This is divide and conquer for all the goy, working toghether doesn't mean we'll mingle togheter.
You're not very good at this. Keep listening to your rabbi for more support.
Is that why you kikelbergs always side with communists and jews?
Would you like to have a discussion on different shades of green?
I would!
Which aspect of green should we cover;
Potential emotional inspiration
Why it's associated with envy
It's applications in camoflauge
And these are some some of the things I'm curious about, I'm sure you have your own perspective!
You are not wrong, intellectualizing the bullshit killing you as you implode is endemic to white people.
also this>>11810080
You and your are the stupidest goy
You’re objectively, demonstrably wrong. Go away, LIBERAL.
*you and your liberturdian buddies are the stupidest goy
They have more potential than the Israel-worshiping retards at Kikebart and /r/The_Donald, not that that's saying much at all.
Do you mental untermidgets have an argument or are you waiting for the dead mods to come out of their graves to save you from getting your pathetic little sheltered ideas smashed in?
You were blown the fuck out, libertarian. Nothing you say or believe is relevant to the real world, conducive to the maintenance of human civilization, or NOT A LEFTIST POLICY.
That's not how it works. In this world you have to defend your silly ideas. Claiming victory without doing so is tantamount to accepting defeat. There are no dead mods to bail you out.
Said the libertarian.
Those Papists are right
why were they their specifically? Pedo scandal?
capitalism and communism are both (((jewish))). lolbertarianism is just a trap to catch the more autistic of the bunch, and it's also (((jewish))) as hell, as pointed out by . my favorite example of the kikedness of lolbertarianism is (((ayn rand))) who literally would never have amounted to jack shit were it not for the ethnic nepotism of the tribe, but who championed a philosophy which, if implemented thoroughly, would make the goyim vulnerable to any ethnic group which invaded, hid, and used nepotism to its advantage.
true, some of the tenets of (((lolbertarianism))) grew out of british mercantilism, which is a style that only works in two conditions, one of which is when you ruthlessly run a global empire without conscience, and the other is when you live on an island with nobody except other people like yourself.
the best thing that i can say for the average lolbert is this:
every lolbert is actually a frustrated implicit White Nationalist waiting to emerge
let's have privatized schools
let's have freedom of association
let's have our own political party
let's abolish the welfare state
pretty much every single policy position which lolberts put forth is somehow magically one that would make it easier than it is today for the lolbert to completely and totally avoid niggers and spics … provided he were wealthy enough to afford it … which, amazingly enough, is usually the case among lolberts, who either are scions of the upper/middle classes or are possessed of enough intellectual ability to earn their way into it.
any lolberts reading this? WAKE THE FUCK UP. realize that what you implicitly are chasing is an all-White society. then act on that.
We already know this, nigger. The fact of the matter is that no one give a fuck about muh right and muh left. We are National Socialists, period.
Zig Forums us full of omniscients like you, its fucking amazing. Every single fucking thread has some moron saying "we know already", etc, while the whole thread is rabidly disagreeing over what we supposedly "know". You don't even fucking read the thread before you post, obviously there is no consensus.
Uniting under one leader or group is a bad idea. All "right movements" are comped or will be given enough time. Decentralization is the key to victory.
posts pics of jews and implies his interlocutors are the same. must be one of us..
Ugh, that is literally not how it works.
I would refine that idea if you want to make sense.
The kikes opened a duplicate thread they think they can control to shill for this. Desparation.
Holy shit sherlock! What did you gave that idea?
Why do lolbergs want to destroy the white race?
Why do lolbergs want to destroy the family unit?
Why do lolbergs want to destroy the nation state?
Why do lolbergs side with communists?
Why do lolbergs attempt to hijack American symbolism and culture to use it for their cosmopolitan ideology?
Why do lolbergs hide behind police while siding with communists only to get their ass kicked and roll around on the ground crying like a bitch?
vid related faggot.
kill yourself you diet communist
I said it before, and I'll say it again.
Public demonstrations exist to legitimize an action which the people in power already wish to take. They are the means by which the facade of the will of the people is maintained.
There is no such action which Unite the Right will prompt.
Until the Right has a reason for WHY we are uniting, and what we actually want done, AND until we have people behind us who are able and willing to DO those things, there will be no purpose in meeting.
The exception to this is if you are a mob willing to riot, take on the riot police, storm the politburo (the Capital and press buildings) and cease power.
Any other demonstration exists for the purpose of legitimizing an existing power, or is otherwise pointless.
There should not be UTR rallies, but there should be "free Fields" rallies, or at least #ReleashFootageFromN31VA trends
All those shitting on UTR and marches in general are accepting normalfag ideas that it was inherently a bad thing because someone died even though the accused had nothing to do with it. ==WE DID NOTHING WRONG== ==THE BLOOD LIES IN THE HANDS OF THE VIRGINIA STATE GOVERNMENT== Everyone needs to remember how good they felt seeing the torchlight march and all of the salt mining from that. If you are worried about the optics from something like another car crash, plan it better so the group doesn't get corralled or so antifa doesn't have months beforehand to prepare