Are Jews suppressing our technical evolution by befuddling our academics? Modern physics is largely the apparatus of the Jew, in which untestable theories are publicized to an eager crop of fresh minds, all too eager to parrot their teachings for the promise of a conferred degree of intelligence (and a lot of debt). In most areas of life, the Jew is regarded with rightful suspicion, owing to centuries of observable deceit, yet for some reason, we give them a pass when it comes to the sciences. It's one thing to let them produce entertainment in which we willfully suspend our disbelief for a make believe universe, but quite another to project the Jewish imaginarium into the real world. To the physicists out there, what current theories should we be exceedingly suspicious about? I'm sure most here realize the world is in fact spherical, but we very likely did not go to the moon. This is also a call for alternatives, I've heard of the electric universe but is it bullshit? For a new student, how much physics can we read before we encounter obvious lies? I would assume classical mechanics is largely judenfrei, but what about electro-magnetism?
Jewish Technology
Other urls found in this thread:
I dunno, Mordechai. What do you think? Why don't you try redpilling Zig Forums for a change?
Ask yourself the following: Why is solar power so underdeveloped? Why has no one sent a cheap satellite with a camera into orbit to record the curvature of the earth in real time? Why are diamonds expensive when they have virtually zero use besides a handful of niche industries (hint: it has nothing to do with their rarity)? And most importantly, who is benefiting from all of this?
I do ask my self such questions, aloud. The reason I ask is so that we get a roadmap for those things which are useful to learn, and others that we should avoid. Modern academia is a minefield, and that's just the sciences.
you already posted this in Zig Forums
Yes, I figured people here might have studied the intersection of Jews and Science more closely.
Fucking 'ell, spoiler that shit. Worse than any gore.
(((They))) do the same with history. We need a /hoax/ general.
No joke, the Rothschilds.
yes, that's why evolutionism exists
ahh, so you're an anti american kike then. got it
I assume you are implying the earth is flat. If the earth is flat, why do ships on the horizon 'sink' below the horizon, rather than growing infinitesimally smaller?
trust nothing, isolate yourself from everything, die in a hole to avoid being touched by jews
Jews steal anything white men develop. That is it. We're done doing it for you.
Never forget JIDF's word salads!
Place your head in front of a particle accelerator. I will turn it on. We can test your theory, JIDF pawn.
Nice try JIDF.
What goes up keeps going up
I wish you flat-earthers would fuck off back to /x/. Not only has this been done countless times, fucking high school students can easily attach cameras to a payload and send the balloon up to capture the curvature. It's not even that hard, you just need to purchase a balloon, attach a payload with a GPS signal, a camera that will continuously take pictures and a parachute and you're good. Organizing with the FAA so you don't hit a plane isn't hard either. Pic related can be found from nearly every university in the US, and plenty around the world as well.
We're not going to fall for a fucking psyop intended to make us look like crazy conspiracy theorists merely for calling out the Jewish elite.
Not very curved, bruv. Looks like the edge of a spotlight.
Is that the best JIDF shills have to offer? (((You))) are too obvious.
No, you are not. We don't believe in stupid conspiracy theories. We believe nepotism is bad for human kind. We will end your nepotism.
Weather balloons cannot go high enough to observe the curve. Those that think they've captured it are usually being fooled by the type of lens they've chosen. It's a disk, probably on the back of a turtle, on the back of another turtle… all the way down.
You can't walk on the moon either, that was a NASA lie.
Gravity is made up bullshit, it doesn't exist, it's all electro magnetic.
You cannot even leave the "dome" we're surrounded by, the bible verse epitaph on Wernher von Braun's tomb even alludes to that.
What is Psalms 19:1?
>The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Hidden in plain sight.
Another JIDF member
No. You are jewish and JIDF.
we of the flat earth research society are legion torfag. Youre wise to hide your identity.
Amen dude! Why the fuck can't we invent things without kike lawyers fucking us with paperwork? Fucking kikes are killing innovation with their bullshit. It makes me livid. SAY NO NO NO!
The only things jews invent cause misery and pilpul to proliferate. I used to think the entire jew moloch worship and ritual sacrifice was a meme but holy shit is it proven right at every damn turn.
You can always spot an autist by their inability to interpret sarcasm.
If your MOSSAD overlords are worth their salt, I've been deanoned months ago. I don't fear death shill, for if I fail stopping forced immigration my loved ones die. As for me, terminal cancer is not a good prognosis. I honestly hope you give me a good death by allowing me to get 1 or 2 of my wanna-be murderers with me.
Do you fear WW3, JIDF shill? Your commander will die along with you. Your family will get a bunker buster since all major nuclear states know bunker locations. You will die with me shills. Every single one of you. Only Rothschild-type of vermin will survive in their bunkers. That is their plan. You and your family burn alive or starve to death, they rebuild.
Don't worry, it's for their greater good.
Reason number 103858027 why we need Fascism
Electric Universe!
Here is a theory that rejects all the /x/-tier bullshit propsed by mainstream scientist. Watch these to see what I mean:
And here is a good lecture to introduce some more of the central ideas::
But if you are too lazy to watch that, then here are the bullet points:
If you want to know more -and you should want to know more-, then just start clicking on more videos, or visit their website:
They maintain that scientists wasted close to a hundred years and who knows how many hundreds of billions of dollars on research that is based on nothing but unproven dogmas.
If it turns out to be true, then even the lowest plebeian will see mainstream scientists as nothing more than a bunch of charlatans. It will undermine the trust of the masses in established dogma, opening up space for new theories in other fields too, including biology. After all, if modern cosmologists and physicists have been indeed ignoring reality in favour of fairy tales, then who is to say that biologists who deny the difference between races are not wrong either? And if hard science is so full of falsehoods, then soft science must be even worse. Economy and history too will be open for new theories.
And a post by some faggot:
>And on it goes:
They use this technique on qresearch too. It's hilarious to watch the shilling, even more concentrated than here.
Translation: I have never seen the inside of a university but I know exactly what's going on in academic circles.
Opinion discarded.
You guys at JIDF really believe that shit? Visit Zig Forums more often, we'll easily dismiss your stupid conspiracy theories.
Says the TORfag redditor.
The worst part is when they give you some Jew sand nigger book quote as proof
All I want is peace, shill. Withdraw your invading army from our societies and can prosper together.
Kek. I think I'll stick with (((Feynman))) over
literally the second reply to your post lmao
many theories about reality proposed by jews have turned out to be great models but they have always been supported by prior experimental evidence brought up by mostly european (non-jew) physicists - experimentalists, not theorists.
the problem with jews in physics is they create a lot of bullshit ideas that have absolutely zero experimental evidence to support them and claim these ideas are how reality works (stuff like alternate universes, blackholes being wormholes, "dark energy", etc).
I would say its the Global jew is funding goys in such a way to build worthy enough tech so that a small clique of jews can run the whole world easily distributed about it. So yes jews are suppressing technical evolution by allowing only funding in useful directions for (((their))) interests.
You're very wrong there, you only need to know at least 16 decimal places of PI in order to do a moon shot. The dynamics of Celestial bodies is well known, all the computer tech was there for simulations, Apollo 13 even proved how you didn't even need much of a computer to get back to Earth after going around the Moon, this was already known and a contingency plan because of the almost catastrophe with a bad seem in the LEM memory of Apollo 11. The only thing lacking would be the will and the National Socialist work ethic Wernher von Braun brought inspired those below him to work until they collapsed, and they often did. He was treated as a celebrity by workers or non-jewish higher ups whenever he visited a Science Center to overlook the fabrication process.
Perspective, convergence, fata morgana (mirage), looming, refraction and more are all at play when viewing objects at the horizon passing the vanishing point.
To prove that optics and not curved water (LOL) are at play one only needs to record video of a boat passing the vanishing point with digital zoom only, then once it's gone use optical zoom
They've got all they ayylmao tech locked away. We're still running around using century-old tech in huge sectors of society - same old shitty combustion engines, same old shitty copper powerlines et cetera.
Even our scientists & physicists are hobbled by probably faulty foundational theories, that are taken as gospel for some reason.
Speculation abounds of course..
Damn it touch screen. ..
to pull the boat back into full view.
They're traps crafted by shapeshifting doctors smooth brain, Earth is a flat and motionless plane covered by a dome; a closed system.
This. Before Einstein Jew our spaceship could fly at any speeds they want. But then Jews introduced this idiotic light speed limit locking us in the Solar system. Ask yourself the following: why Jews don't want us reaching us stars?
is this some way of making Zig Forums look even more batshit to the normie, by adding in some liberal amounts of /x/? go jerk off to your tulpa or succubus or whatever you people are into these days.
Oh yeah totally, Rabbi. I also heard (((Juden Peterstein))) has created a device to effectively wash your penis thoroughly that only costs a measley 6 gorillion shekels a month!
Well poisoning kike shill. Narrative designed to send low-IQ low-trust dissidents on wild goose chases. Do not indulge this bullshit, anons, especially not by posting on your devices that rely on quantum phenomena to work.
Instead, every one of you should reach at least a basic level of scientific and technological literacy. It can help you in the future and it will certainly prevent lying kikes like OP from fucking with your head and manipulating you.
How the hell does this even fit with the rest of the kike narrative? Fusion and fission aren't even a thing in retard electric universe flatland. Neither are the transistors that created this image on your screen. This whole thread is gardbled disinfo.
don't fucking bother man, this is just pol's variant of the tinfoil hatters. if someone can't understand that this is BS at first sight, they will not be swayed by anything anyone has to say, even if presented with objective evidence.
Then why aren't you conquering the solar system?
Don't get me wrong. Jews have been poisoning the well with disinfo or partial disinfo for a long time, and actually delaying interesting stuff (NASA defunded).
But is our duty to restart investigation on those areas most important for our survival. We cannot (or should not) depend on jewish money and funds any more.
If nobody is around to call out the shills and retards who fall for them, the board becomes infested with the retards. Internet turf wars are won by demonstrating presence.
Light speed invariance wasn't discovered by Einstein, fuckwad, he just created a mathematical model to describe it. That model has been consistently experimentally upheld ever since.
The scientific method and empiricism are powerful tools, discarding them just because parts of our worldmodel were invented by a kike is retarded. Low IQ faggots like you should not be allowed to discuss anything science related.
yeah, you might be right, sorry. i don't know, i'm personally just about done arguing with these fucks. not much seems to come out of it, and it only gets my blood pressure up. good to know some people are still sane enough to see the blatant IQ drop of recent posters.
Just don't take it too seriously. You have to remember that most people posting in these threads are just trolling. They pretend to be retarded to try to get people worked up.
Does anyone out there unironically buy that shit? Most people think aliens exist and there's enough shit out there to imply they've been here which would IMPLY there's a fucking way around that, either by breaking that limit or circumventing it. Is it possible to be that much of a goodgoy?
No they aren't. You're either extremely new here or a shill yourself. Everything and everyone on this board is trying to tug it their own way, be it individual anons or shill outfits. If you aren't, you're just noise and nothing you say matters. Lurk 2 years before making statements like this you faggot.
And no, don't claim you're an oldfag and you've been here since usenet. Newfags always do this and it never works.
fuck off, kike
"Zig Forums are flat-earthers", shill
im a physics student and this is an awful fucking thread
1) physicists dont get told what to do, they figure shit out for themselves, they are immune from the jew because physics (like all actual empirical science) is ground up from the fundamental principles, it is never top down like social sciences (no math, listen and believe, do what you are told even tho you have no proof for any of your worthless garbage theories you cant even test)
2) general public is too fucking retarded for physics
you dont need to be able to calculate how much coolant and how much propellant do you need to put a satellite into orbit, you just need to be able to press a button on your phone with your fat greasy fingers to make a phone call
general public is too fucking retarded to calculate thermal efficiency of a piston or fuel efficiency of an engine cycle that plows countless miles of farmlands, they are only expected to be able to order their freedom fries and pay
there is only "jewish technology" if you are a mouth breathing subhuman who does not develop/understand his own, only scientifically illiterate consumer population can be told what to believe, legitimate scientific community tests all lies and science itself is a zero bullshit policy
You're clearly not from around here. We're not flat earthers. We're not a conspiracy theory board. Fuck off back to whatever forum you idiots strategize on and don't come back.
Until you say something rayciss. Better luck spelling and capitalizing next time.
kys inbred
is this the logic of this board? hard science and technology, where things either work or dont work, where the ONLY consideration is if something works or not, can be "befuddled" by jewish magic?? jews can "befuddle" our scientists who test theories for a living with untestable theories?? you think our technology, which fucking works, can be somehow be false and tricked by the jew and still work??
get the fuck outta here you semi functional schizos
why should any physicist or engineer or anyone give a shit YOU think the theories are suspicious? who the fuck are you? just a mouth breathing consumer??
just get the fuck out of here
i cant believe were still using whats essentially just steam power
you think technology is "suspicious" or a "lie" or jewish? just boycott it, just dont consume it, build your own
you think physicists or engineers (who are all smarter than you btw) fell for the lies only precious you can see through? just boycott their services, build your own physics and engineering then
pro tip, you wont
you wont you double digit iq moron
let me see you make a reply from your "non suspicious" computer you built yourself
i get that lots of things out there ARE suspicious, computers especially when it comes to privacy, but blindly lashing out against the whole world you dont even understand is no more productive than an average nigger shouting 'we wuz kaangz whyte devuls stole our flying pyramid tech n shiiiiiiiiiiiiet' instead of trying to understand things and being able to rely on your own knowledge instead
Please don't stop till you reach 100 posts ITT.
watching this guy is no way to spend your fourth of july
not an argument, subhuman faggot
go and build your own science with your unique intellect, only you can notice the "suspiciousness" of physics after all, so why not also built a physics of your own then?
let me guess, complaining is easier than building your own non suspicious pc?
96 more to go.
dude i cant wait to grill up some burgers
More shills than real people itt, that means OP is correct
Relativity is a lie
Quantum physics is a lie
Dark matter and dark energy are lies
Humans have never landed on the moon. Passing the Van Allen radiation belts is impossible for humans even with our current technology.
What's wrong with JIDF today? Isn't there a /JIDF/ board on Zig Forums where they can post their conspiracy retardation?
Look at this idiot pretending to be us
I've done experiments confirming the results of quantum mechanics
You are using a device right now that relies on quantum mechanics to operate.
you do know radiation belts arent a physical fucking barrier, right? you do know that no one is impressed by you spouting physics terms you do not understand, right? you do know no one believes you understand quantum physics, right? you do know how pathetic your post looks, right?
explain gravitational lensing without dark matter, faggot
And you are responding to a troll, friend. And you are not saging the slide/smear/newfag-repellent thread.
these jidf shills are too obvious
probably a boat
How did that experiment to find the gravity particle go? Oh right, didn't find it.
On the bright side, JIDF is being destroyed. Heartwarming.
We know where the red shield bunkers are. They will be known as fabulous graves.
The thread was probably created by a troll, because a normie OP image would include Einstein. Also there is a disconnect between the well written text and its retarded mouth-breathing subject matter.
Yes but not on purpose. They do it so create nests of circular groupthink they can colonize eternally. It's just talmudism applied to science.
This is wrong and you're naive about the process that directs science. I'll give a concrete example. Transmutations in anode cores during electrolysis has been repeatedly observed. Furthermore excess heat from electrolysis has been observed since 1880, There are literally hundreds of reproductions of this. This indicates there is some sort of unknown and unexplained phenomenon happening during electrolysis. However, since there is no theory to support it and all proposed theories conflict with the common dogma, no funding is provided to investigate this phenomonon suitably. In other words Science puts theory before experience. This is ass backwords and gives all the power to the journal gatekeepers and talmudic theory circle jerking. Nazis understood experimentation should drive theory but this is decidely non-jewish approach.
Talmudism has colonized Science.
Portland University has been running these experiments for years
Mediocre Tits but fair play rostie
lol jew
same jidf tactics every time. take note lurkers and posters, the playbook of the jidf
create strawman or put words in the other's mouth, then insults, then make an absurd demand.
They do these 3 every time. Take a look how many other posts have this exact same format.
The jews are here, and they are mad that we know their lies.
more jew
says the jidf
that sounds like it is on purpose
Hi, paid jewish shill.
Freescale Semiconductor.
Billion$ in global defense contracts.
Sold to all 'sides' of whatever 'war' happens to be instigated.
I hate idiots who don't understand or respect science as a way of thinking. I hate habiru even more.
Yep, like Einstein. They position themselves in places where the innovators must come to interact with the establishment, and hijack or kill anything that threatens to hurt or supersede their influence and dominion over the sciences.
That poor tattooist.
He's Jewish though, we cannot even talk about "based Jews" because then we get banned.
Wrong. The speed of light in a vacuum and various media was determined before Einstein. Einstein's contribution was that the speed of a particular photon is invariant for all inertial observers and also a physical speed limit for all things. Neither of those things have ever been experimentally verified and in fact can not be by their very nature.
Confirming which results of quantum mechanics? Because the contentious jewish aspect is arealism as promoted by the copenhagen interpretation. If you have experimentally disproved realism then you are up for a nobel prize my friend.