See pic related. Funny guy
Legit Q trolling on Halfchan?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're not allowed to take pictures on AF1, but you can take pictures of reflections of the back of iPhones. I think he did it to cause just the reaction you fell for.
The whole muh larp thing is an (((attention getting tactic))) you all fell for.
who the fuck knows. this /cbts/ "q" shit is so obviously controlled opposition bullshit. that /qresearch/ board looks like a cult. i don't like it at all
at the end of the day none of the shit he is saying is helpful at all. zero.
i know it's not. that's not the concerning part. i didn't even know the "q" larp got its own board on cripplechan. i recently took a look over there and it looks like a cult, man. so what's stopping them from flipping the script and turning these retarded drones against us? it looks fucked up with the potential to be bad
There are a lot of us inside there slipping redpills about the JQ into the Monster, DMT and FE shilling.
Only retarded boomers believed Q to begin with.
i guess it's reasonable to be afraid of schizophrenics, but if you entertain the idea that it is all real and look at the type of people it's attracting (trump supporters) i think you can make a pretty good assumption that most people will 'leave' the 'cult' once it goes against what they believed to begin with.
and of course like any cult, the cult members will grow more and more hungry and this requires more and more activity from Q, so if it ever gets to be a big enough problem and you see Q user advocating anything resembling a crime the whole thing comes crashing down with the larpers going to the clink.
that being said, it could continue to grow and have a huge following without hurting anybody except the threads that die talking about the crap.
i forgot to mention; on the other hand it could be all fucking real. i mean, this timeline and all….
golden age?
2018 + 4
youre close
im cumming
expecto petroleum
God's work user.
the original q trip was cracked and spread many months ago, people shitpost in almost every thread with it. i had seen someone post the password at one point.
people are shilling for DMT now? wtf is Joe Rogan on there or something?
Yeah, DMT, pleadeans, flat earth, it's like a fucking leftist demonstration with all the ad homenim affinity groups.
A thread died for this.
This has been going on a while, when Peterstein first came on the scene, one of his talks on DMT was being heavily promoted, "truthers" taking dmt on youtube etc.
Turn on, ego death, get reprogrammed.
There are DMT "retreats" in Peru.
Guess who runs Peru, and it aint Peruvians.
i mean im game for acid every now and then, but never messed with DMT. do those machine elves make them super boomers or something?
fuck you bitch , dont try to take my identity. Im going to awake the masses
The Plan Is A Go
Most people seem to believe the things they meet on the DMT trip are somehow real, it's a doorway to another dimension just as real as this etc. It makes them less concerned with this reality, that can be good or bad for them. But all you have to do is agree with that one point (nothing's real, and DMT proves it) and you can pretty much lead them around by the nose if you are that way inclined.
ahh, same reason ive seen like 4 threads on astral projection today im betting too. i was wondering where all that came from. thanks for the intel user! got caught up studying for the bar in a few weeks so im missing a lot of these small fads
Its so easy to crack trips nowadays. Even Codemonkey's one got cracked easily within couple of days.
haha, guess i missed that. thanks for te info! im learning a lot tonight lol
More crap reposting from the '16 election cycle
fucking fbi faggots don't know how to run the site lmao
Q is a legit jewish Larp
Fidget spinners for the mind, stops those nasty goyim throwing stones at those who will forcibly occupy their psyche.
Q predicted this
Jk Q is a shill created by the Mossad to perform disinformation tactics while infecting the movement with pro-Israeli sentiments. The fact that Q exists not only on these boards but in the (((mainstream media))) shows that it's a psyop being done to dissuade any and all criticism in regards to (((our greatest ally))). Cuckchan had thread after thread of this Q shilling afaik yesterday and it seemed a lot of useful idiots were buying into it. Other than that, some of these fuckers were saying pizzagate isn't real and their proof was a tweet Barack Obongo made denouncing its existence-despite all of the proof otherwise which people were gladly posting in response to that thread. If cuckchan can be saved, which I highly doubt given its malignant tumors present, it starts with getting the truth into people's minds and allowing them that opportunity to really think critically instead of buying into some LARPing shill who won't touch pissrael and doesn't reveal shit, but rather lets the people in on what his buddies are planning and then only small tid-bits mostly being disinformation.
Q is a Zionist disinfo shill working for the (((deep state))) and the majority of people are retarded enough to fall for it.
Q Brediktid dis
It had the potential to be very useful, getting boomers working together toward a goal. Q had (and likely still has) the chance to use thousands of followers to do his bidding. Subtly or overtly guiding them down a path. That's something we do not even have. I just hope that Q is a Zig Forumsack and is playing the long game.
"Q" is actually a fucking Heritage foundation israel cuck boomer faggot nonfiction writer named Jerome Corsi
That was me dog. The trip is the name of an 80s TV show about a bulldog prosecutor.
I've yet to see actual evidence of this yet it's still posted all the time. He could be Q or just another boomer who has fallen for this Q larp, most of the people who follow the Q larp are retarded boomers.
Great that this happened after Posobiec, Loomer, Roseanne, the fake Ben Garrison, and a bunch of other ecelebs finally jumped on the Q train.
So is that Q autist finally admitting he was fucking around the whole time?
Q is a larp confirmed. All these sources say so. Plus 8ch Zig Forums.
Q is obviously fake, but you're a faggot.
I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm and he was using the fact that the liberal media outlets drew attention to something retarded believed by Trump supporters as proof that Q must be real.
It doesn't matter if "Q" is a larp or not. The Q movement has moralized and pushed normalfags further to the right, and acts as baby's first redpill to many Boomers and plebbit cucks who were otherwise written off as hopeless. He's gotten most of them to swallow pedowood pill and realize that our elites traffic and harvest children for rituals and lulz. That alone is a huge step in the right direction. It's true that Q pushes the cucky civnat agenda, but per there are many Zig Forumsacks on qresearch who are slipping subtle and not so subtle redpills to them.