Another shoah for Atheists and Jews when Zig Forums?
Should we gas all Atheists?
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Just gas your self and your shit thread
Religious D&C
most jews are atheists…it would take care of itself on DOTR
If you are not an atheist the answer to this question is written in the book the dead kike gave you.
Oh the irony.
All athiests have skeletons in their closet. Every single one ends up being a degenerate.
FTFY schlomo
Ahmed spoted.
There are atheists on Zig Forums? I mean this thread and the OP are clearly shills, but I did not think we had any actual atheists here - or at least not many. There is a spiritual side to our struggle and always has been and quite frankly I'm a little bit surprised to see that there are so many hollow men among us.
I always thought we had a lot of agnostics.Pic related was one.
I'm going to unsage because I feel this could be an interesting topic about who and what we are. There are undoubtedly agnostics and atheists who are a part of the 'struggle'; but to me, and I feel for a lot of Zig Forumsacks - we are not fighting a game of mere animal survival. There is something to our people, perhaps to all peoples - that is more than mere flesh and bone.
That thing inside of us, that drives us, that makes the parasite hate and seek our destruction - and which makes our people the most empathetic, altruistic and suicidal; it is more than biology. Others cling to life however they can while we sacrifice ourselves for causes that are often not even our own; even those communists we revile are willing to fight and risk life and limb for their beliefs (erroneous and disgusting as they are). To me the idea that there is no spirituality is absurd - and my understand of our struggle is based primarily upon the idea of a spiritual struggle between righteousness and evil; the pure and the unholy; order and chaos.
Every day I pray to Yahweh like a good Christian :-)
Should we gas the Christians?
Reminder that all attempts to fuse christianity & racial pride i.e. Christian Identity, Afrikaner Calvinism etc., run aground because Imago Dei cannot be removed from its beliefs
I was raised by single mother, she had a single sex partner in her whole life. I was raised in modesty but most expensive family purchases were to make me and my brother more skilled in something, even our toys. None from my family is smoking or gets drunk. None of us are religious (except my cousin, which was, just for few years thhough)
I do not share some views which are shilled hard on Zig Forums and there are several important parts missing from discourse but Zig Forums provides invaluable perspective.
What a hateful comment. I know some jews hate christians, but "gassing" christians? That's too much, JIDF.
While I don't subscribe to the idea that all humanity is white - the Bible does suggest that both Adam and Noah are white men. Adam literally means 'red' (and what other people go red?) and Noah is noted to have been red also (though this is in an apocryphal text so take it as you will). Still from that it is quite easy to make the assumption that only 'whites' are 'men', and therefore only we are made in the image of God. If you consider what the image of God means on an abstract level (creativity) then the fact that only whites are made in His image also has a lot of support. So while I don't subscribe to the above ideas; it is also false that such a thing would negate the ability of Christians and racial pride to be one and the same.
Reminder that all these christian shill threads show how afraid these semites are of the cause.
My argument was not that religion makes us better or worse people; my argument is that there is more to who we are than mere flesh and blood. Our group identity is more than the shape of our skulls and the colour of our skin; it is what we are inside, and that is something that seems to largely adhere to racial lines. The desire for truth, order and justice seems to be something that only whites are concerned with; Asians will plot and scheme and screw one-another over to get ahead, and the African has probably not pondered such questions, instead only concerned with his immediate physical desires. The Jew is like a dark mirror of us; where we desire order they seek chaos, where we desire justice they seek to find loopholes to save the guilty, where we seek the truth they spread only lies.
This to me makes atheism antithesis to our ideology. Obviously we all see it in a slightly different way, but to reduce our struggle to that of an endangered species of wolf seems wrong to me.
There are differences in being called, "red" or "the red" and being an actual red head white European. Are either adam or noah described as having red hair? what about blue, green or grey eyes? No right? jews / semites are NOT white.
Red flesh, not hair. Adam literally means 'red' in Hebrew, and Noah to was described as being red skinned. It might well be more apt to refer to whites as 'pink, red, peach' as that is a more truthful depiction of our pigment than 'white'. It should also be noted that Esau was considered 'red' as opposed to Jacob; the reasoning given was the Esau was an outdoorsman (he loved hunting), while Jacob stayed at home with his mother. The point here is that only whites go red in the sun. Whether true or not, it is quite easy to make the argument that God created 'Man' as 'white'.
After the last jew lies dead can we start talking about other problems in the world.
Yeah, that's one of the points which I refuse to share. There is a shitload more in human than genetics. I do not give a fuck about that white vs everyone sentiment.
Guys stop replying to this thread. It’s an obvious attempt to divide us. Being a pagan myself I understand your issue with Christians and I’m guilty of attacking them at times here myself but hold your thoughts. Christians, atheists, you guys too. Don’t sink to the level that they think we are to make us fight to easily. Remember why exactly you’re here, I bet the reason has nothing to do with religion. Jews don’t care what religion you are, they hate you for your skin, your hair, your eyes, your blood. They don’t hate you because of your personal beliefs, they hate you because your are an Aryan and they know that we’re better than they are. United, even a small handful of us can turn this train the fuck around. That’s why they try so hard to divide us this way, they’re afraid. And they should be.
Cheers brother
Trips confirm all D&C attempts come from enemies.
Back in the old days of the chans, before imkikey, most threads were made by terrible OPs with a terrible starting post. This is where the "OP is a fag" thing comes from. The thing is that most threads would still turn out decently as people latched onto something relevant and made the thread become about that.
As such I suggest that this thread becomes about who and what we as white people are. I think there is far more to us than mere biology, we a spiritual people and that is what separates us from the beasts.
Also it should be noted that atheism exists today solely because of jews; just like feminism, racism, transgenderism and most other kinds of isms.
Atheism is not a religion and neither is judaism.
When you gas jews, race traitors, leftists, sexual degenerates, drug addicts, brainlets, and mongrels, you'll be eliminating 99.9% of atheists anyway.
Seriously, were talking about people so fucked in the head they actually believe they are the offspring of proto-chimps.
They also steal our sun every night.
We reddit now? Seriously you deluded fucks atheism, feminism, multiculturalism were all angles of attack used by the Frankfurt School to undermine the West. Surely you've heard how they sought to destroy the foundations of the West, and that those foundations were: faith, family and nationalism.
I'm not joking by the way, I cannot imagine that grasping the right of human to not give a fuck about something only because it was written in a bestseller 2k years ago is so difficult.
JIDF approved thread
If identity matters to you, why the Bible and not the Illiad or the Edda, which is certain to be written by White people. Why not all three of them.
You see, it doesn't make sense, you are a Christian first and a Identitarian second, because if you where an Identitarian first, you would not be in a cult, because your racial community would be your cult and your religion would be something personal and symbolic.
I have no doubt the majority of people here belief in evolution, in fact Christians and Leftists both belief that evolution doesn't apply to people, therefor we are all equal.
How about we begin with jews first? Okay? Okay.
Which Jews? The Hebrews or the modern Jews….
There were no doubt a few, but religion and culture were so mixed in EVERY culture EVERYWHERE that the amount of them could well have been zero. People simply took for granted that there was a spiritual side to existence. Birth was attributed to the divine, as was the harvest, as was rain, as was death and famine and draught and natural disasters and really most everything. People would make offerings before going on journeys, before going to work, before doing everything. The belief aspect of it was not really relevant; it was just how life was, the vast majority would never have contemplated atheism because it was so utterly alien to their way of living. … But post-modernism allows imbeciles like you to just say what you like. Good job you reddit nigger.
Actually I am not an 'identitarian'. I am a Christian and a Nationalist. First in my life comes my relationship with God, then to my immediate family, then to my tribe or nation (England), then it is to the cousins of my tribe (Europeans), then to those of my faith (I would rather Christians in the East win than muslims or jews), and then to humanity as a whole (because you can bet that if there are aliens out there I would rather a nigger fighting for earth would win than some potential 9 armed squid creature that sees our planet as ripe for conquest). That's how I see it and how I fight.
But my point has nothing to do with me because I am not trying to make the argument you are attributing to me. I am simply saying that if one was so inclined; they could make the argument that Christianity is the white man's religion, and man was made as white man in God's image.
Also why Christianity over the Illiad? Because the vast majority of whites today are Christian, maybe? Far more than are Greek.
Sage because seems like a waste of time trying to get people to talk about the spiritual aspects of whites vs others.
So, you admit Christianity isn't true? Because this is a question about truth, why is the Christian religion more true the religion of our ancestors?
Well no I think Christianity is true, as do Christians. There are more Christians than there are Greeks, and there are more Greeks than there are genuine pagans - so that is why the Bible is more relevant to white people than the Illiad. You can be upset about that if you want but that's just how it is right now.
No, you don't, reread what you wrote down, you aren't saying that Christianity is true, you are saying it is more vulgar and more popular.
Vulgar and popular is not the same as true, try again.
Why is Christianity true.
Since when was this a religious debate? I am happy to debate Christianity with you but that was not what we were talking about. You were saying that Christians could not separate their faith from the idea that MAN (as in all of mankind, non-whites included) was created in God's image. My counter-argument was that it is very easy for people to use the Bible (and apocryphal texts) to make an argument that God created the 'white man' in His image, and thus potentially not the rest of humanity.
Again, something is not true, because it's vulgar or popular, people can make easy use of netflix, doesn't make netflix da trueth.
Try again.
Why is Christianity true.
Sure, whatever. Christianity is true because God is the Creator of the world and the spirits bow before Jesus. I have cast out spirits in Jesus' name though I do not expect you to believe me, I am therefore certain that Christ has authority over all the spirits in this world. If you want to get into arguments about the veracity of Scripture or evidence for Jesus or the events recorded in the Bible then go to Zig Forums.
Having a relationship with God and seeing spirits flee from the name of Christ is all I need.
I do belief you, put if you can cast out spirits in Jesus' name, it means he controls them, he is their lord, it means Jesus is one of them.
Donar does not command spirirts, he destroys them, because Donar has not authority over those spirirts.
The worship of Jesus is demonic worship, or as we say, Jotonic worship.
You know the Jews made the exact same argument, right?
Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.
19 He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.
20 A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.
21 And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.
22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.
23 And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?
24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
27 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.
28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.
30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.
34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
You are not awnsering my question, just blindly quoting.
Why does Jesus not destroy those spirits?
He does. It's called the day of judgement. Everyone awaits judgement and then they will be destroyed in the fire. That is the whole point.
No, why doesn't he immediately destroy demons, like Donar does with Mjolnir?
You are not awnsering, if he casts them out, he is one of them, if he destroys them, he is not.
That's does not look like an argument to me.
My sides evaporated.
Because God is a a force of Order and thus puts us all on trial for our crimes? Judgement day is a pretty easy concept to get behind. You can say that you would prefer him to just 'kill them'; but then I would make the argument that those spirits you are following actually don't do anything.
This idea that casting them out makes him one of them is also just something you have made up. Jesus Himself makes the point that if He went around removing/banishing (for that is what 'casting out' means) evil spirits, but did so for the gain of evil spirits, then he would have only worked against himself. It would be like white nationalists going around and telling each other not to breed with white women; it would be the destruction of themselves (and yes MRAs are obvious kikes).
Actually it is. Go read any history or anthropology book not written in the last 15 years and they will tell you that religion and culture were inseperable for essentially all of humanity. There might have been a few philosopher types who were 'atheists', but the vast, vast, vast majority of people - according too all recorded history - simply took the existence of the spiritual for granted. Atheism was introduced as it is today by Jews seeking to undermine the West - whether for their hatred of Christians or white people is up to you to decide, but it is obviously the truth.
He is asking me for proofs about Christianity when we were talking about the potential for Chrisitanity and 'racialism' to coincide with one-another. I was making the point that what he was asking for had nothing to do with the original argument/debate, and thus him wanting to debate the 'truth' of Christianity made it something it wasn't. Good job picking up on a couple of words and laughing though. Hope it made you feel good?
Still not awnsering my question. Clearly, if he commands them, he is their master, thus he is one of them, Donar never commands anyone, he slays them. Thus Jesus is an evil spirit.
No. He is the Master of ALL creation. Thus everything obeys God, even those that have decided of their own free will to struggle against Him - when He commands them, they must still obey.
Right, thats the kind of grandiose and narcistic fantasy I would expect a demon to tell his followers.
But yeah, let's go that route, your "god", who claims he is the Master of ALL!!! Is so powerful he can command everything!!!!
So he is responsible for all evil, all demonic acts, in fact, just imagine that, if he wanted, there would be no demons attacking people.
So, you have just proven your "god" as lord of all demons.
Actually no.
God created all things, and He saw that they were good. (Genesis 1) Thus all things are good. Now, God is the font of all righteousness, and He is the highest form of it; now tell me, is it a greater good to do righteous actions because you are forced to do them or because you chose to do them when having the choice to disobey? Obviously the choice to disobey and the rejection of the disobedient act in favour of the right one is a higher form of good. Thus God's creations have free will, with the potential to obey and live according to their purpose; or to disobey and use the abilities in ways they were not supposed to be used. For instance the anus was made for excreting, and the penis was made for insemination of the female; but the disobedient will put the penis inside the anus, an unnatural and purposeless act known now as sodomy. God did not create sodomy, though God did create the anus and the penis - but they have the purposes, and it is on the disobedient one to use them in ways they were not supposed to be used.
Thus everything God created was good, and evil is simply the absence of good, or the disobedience of Creation unto their intended purpose.
A little girl being raped is good?
Sounds like more demonic bullshit, not everything is Good and this world is a struggle between the forces of Fire of and Ice with the Aesir and Vanir.
Right, I am sure God didn't create the poisonous stinger of a scorpion to sting folks to death, that's just the wrong use of it….
Try again.
Of course God gave the scorpions the ability to fight, defend themselves and kill.
God did not create rape. Rape is a misuse of our bodies in the same way that sodomy is. With many of these things God makes it abundantly clear what is the right and natural purpose; marriage is defined early on in the Bible as a loving union between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation.
I will not 'try again' just because you're too stupid to grasp simple concepts.
Weird, then why do people have the impulse to rape?
Still not awnsering the stinger question, obviously the stinger is an evil and nasty thing, so why is it good.
Why is a stinger evil and nasty? Is it wrong to be armed with ability to fight back against evil? Is it wrong to eat other animals? You are mixing all kinds of moralities up here.
Your impulse to rape could be explain in a similar way to the negro's impulse to steal or the Jew's impulse to deceive. You might have a demon, you might be a wicked person who willingly delights in disobedience and by this point it has become a part of you. I don't know you nor do I know what drives you, but I do know that Jesus is King and can take us out of our fallen state and reconnect us with our Creator. Also why do you not sage? This is clearly just a conversation between me and you and the rest of the board will get irritated if this hasn't been anchored.
Wait a minute, you are saying that when a scorpion kills a small child, that's good and fighting against evil?
You are clearly a demon worshipper.
Excuse me? My impulse? You are starting to tell lies and make me appear like a pervert, demonic, also demonic, when you deny the existence of evil and call everything good.
Right, bet you don't want other seeing you fail in the logic department.
The world is in a fallen state since original sin. Man's purpose was to be a steward of creation and we failed and now there are all sorts of nasties out there. Nonetheless all creation was made good - evil comes from doing what was not intended. The scorpion was never supposed to sting the child.
I misread what you wrote, many apologies. The main point still stands, just not directed at you.
Thread is anchored so it doesn't matter. And no, I think people will see through your dodgy logic; but really I just don't want to be contributing to the non-stop religious D&C that we have here. I enjoy a good debate but not when it gets in the way of other topics. I do hope I can open your eyes here though.
LMAO Literally contradicting yourself!
Right, the scorpion with it's pinhead brain, decided it wanted to sin against god and so stung a little girl!
Right, I am the one D&C, not you!!
Do you not see the difference between being created with a penis and using that penis to commit rape or sodomy? Do you not see the difference between being created with a stinger and using that stinger to kill an innocent? I am surprised I have to elaborate on this point.
I don't think either of us are D&C and I am quite enjoying the conversation. I imagine the shills left when it got anchored. I don't hate you brother, I just think you have some things wrong and I believe Christ is the answer. No doubt you think the same of me.
None of this contradicts reality in which science, urbanization, typography and industrialization were main reasons for the rise of the culture of not giving a fuck about transcendental powers. Prove me wrong.
Yes it made me feel good because it reminded me of a jew whom I personally knew who was very proud of his religion and refused to discuss the reasons for him being so sure in anecdotal evidence of miracles described in Torah. Made infinite statements about how judaism is cool but never managed to speak out a single fruitful argument and posted only in his own thread about Israel which he created for few years straight. He did not grasp the concept of belief, same as you do.
You can phrase it any way but evil exists because god allows it to or he could at least see it coming.
No I do not.
You world view if of a mad and illogical God, who creates things without a reason or purpose, like a weird piece of art and then acts surprised if the the sharp bits on the statue cause people to bleed. That's a demonic world view.
But as a religious person, I see everything as a plant that slowly grows and evolves. Thus the stingers main purpose is to kill people, thus there is a lot of evil in creation.
God created everything with a purpose. A scorpion having a stinger does not mean a scorpion was supposed to kill innocent children. A man having a penis does not mean that a man is supposed to rape another man's anus. There is a difference between something being created with a purpose, and using that created thing for another purpose.
Man made lightbulbs to provide light; but some degenerates stick them up their anus because they are degenerate. Just because some twisted person uses their free will to do something they are obviously not supposed to, does not mean that a lightbulb was made for putting up your bum.
Believe what you will, but the vast majority of people in the USA, UK and Europe were devout Christians even after WW2, even after we had aeroplanes and nuclear warheads, steam trains, surgery and medicinal drugs, even when we had an extremely good understanding of the world atheism was still very rare.
You will find that a good many of the enlightenment thinkers who pushed atheist concepts were actually from a certain (((tribe))). Atheism being popular has far more to do with jews in education and media than it does with technological progression - as is evidenced by the censuses and the memories of our grandparents of a time that existed a mere 60 or 70 years ago. Yes atheism was on the rise then, but we also had jews in the government, the frankfurt school in full swing, communists ruling in Russia and a host of other obvious signs of jewry. We had technology before this stuff - and even with it at very high levels, the masses were faithful. The same is true of the relative advanced cultures of the Romans, Greeks and many more. Atheism as a mainstream thing is a very new phenomena and can be traced with little effort back to jews.
Yes He does, because those who do good with the choice perform a greater good than those who do good because they are forced. This is the premise behind free will. If He did not allow for man to be disobedient and therefore do evil, then He would not be the highest form of good AKA God. Thus God, to be the highest form of good, must allow disobedience from His creations so that they can reach a higher level of good.
Wrong, it is clearly the purpose of some men in life to sodomise each other, it is evil, it is an evil purpose, but it is their purpose in life as that is what life evolved to do.
I view Christianity as a form of atheism, as did the Romans and Egyptians viewed the Jews and Christians as atheists.
Monotheism = Atheism.
All that are writing down sounds like gooblygook to me, an attempt to make sense of something illogical.
Then I guess we are at an impasse. If you lack the logical ability to understand that there is a difference between something being "created good" with a specific purpose in mind, and later being misused to do evil then I cannot help you.
If you equally cannot see that being forced to make the right decision is 'less good' than making the right decision of your own volition, then I also cannot help you.
I hope God opens your eyes brother so that you can see such simple things. God bless you.
There is no difference, because this world evolved, it was not created, there is not all powerful monotheistic God, just an impersonal destiny and thousands of personal and somewhat impersonal divine forces.
To claim otherwise is atheism.
I hope the Gods open your eyes, so that you can see we do not life in a good world and to stop fighting reality by using a bunch of weird concepts that make no sense.
Not an argument.
The world as it is, is not good. The world has fallen. The prince of this world is the devil. But everything was created good initially, until we fell to sin. That is the Christian understanding. So we now seek to reconnect humanity with God, which is the gift of Jesus and His sacrifice, and then God will judge the world and the evil will be destroyed ushering in 'heaven'.
I sure hope so.
He, your slowly agreeing with me, the world is not good, end of story, it's not evil either.
The world is a battleground, where different forces fight.
Expose it.
If creatures obey god he may exclude the need for evil by making those choices for them, as good as he wishes.
Are you mad or something?
Making improvable statements is practically the same as being wrong.
Just because they call it God, doesn't make it a God. Think about it.
That's understandable but you are not making your discourse clearer by reintroducing terms.
I don't care.
(((Fellow Christians)))
Which of Alinksy's Rules for Radicals was the "cause infighting" one again?
Checked & fpbp.