In light of the 4th of July, I must ask- what is the answer to the American question? America has been promoted as a melting pot by Jewish-Russian-French immigrants for some time now, since the beginning of the 20th century. Since then it has taken HARD ethnic beatings, with the eventual mixing of most European peoples in America into a bland, culture-less mixture vaguely called "Americans." No longer are they Europeans of one blood, they are an amalgamation of different peoples, be it French, Irish, Swedish, English, German, and even Mexican Indian.
The American culture is also very underwhelming too, with it being straight taken from European culture, or some mix of "muh liberty" and Civic Nationalism. Americans would rather have a political identity of Democracy and Republican libertarianism than an Anglo identity, unlike Canada or Australia.
The question is however, once the collapse of ZOG happens (the US, Russia, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, and China will all cease to exist whence ZOG collapses), what do we do with the Americans? They don't fit into any ethnic boundary, with most of them being 1/5 Irish, 1/5 German, 1/5 English, 1/5 French, 1/5 Ashkenazi, etc.
I myself am American and ponder this question. Luckily I was spared from the mutting of the colonialists, however I can not say the same for my brethren.
What should we do with the Americans?
The American Question
we could try and establish a Nordic identity rather than just a euro one. I.E Irish, Brits, Germans, Finns, Swedes, Danes, northern Frenches, etc.
An anglo identity might be hard to pull off with all the other immigration.
this is a stupid fucking question
Being Nordic means you're in Europe. It wouldn't fit.
That second image is wrong
Americans aren't following the culture, they're following the ideology, the culture is still American.
It is simple. A suppression of the free will of a people by contrived means. America !/ (((jews))) greatness. America / (((jews))) pawns.
what the FUCK op
also this question fucking sucks, obviously the Americans just stay in NA. what else do you do? import them to Europe? Try to merc one of the most armed citizenries in the world for no good reason? U.S. balkanization will happen before anything pops off in Europe anyway, you'll already have governments springing up if escalation is real.
America is just a extension of Europe and Israel.
America is the Israel slave colony. They keep their golems and goyim there for easy military campaign management and propaganda channels.
Americans are peasants that said fuck you to Europe friend. Since we've been dragged into your shit for the last century is when you fuckers "got in". Don't forget you European cunts spoiled it for the rest of us starting with Wilson.
Data harvesting thread #1,098,766,004
Write your own thesis, soyfag
Sure thing faggot. America is literally the fire that sends the muslim smoke over Europe in Syria. The only country standing in the way of it is Turkey.
Kill yourself you filthy fucking subversive cunt. You are not fooling anyone.
you're not fooling anyone fag, the middle-east has been fucked up for centuries. europe's immigration adventure is a problem located at the hearth.
What is American culture? Nigger blues rock, coke, and burgers?
We are comprised of, at least 235 million european americans. The countey was founded with a culture and ideology based on that. There was no "taken" culture, it was transplanted culture.
But the USA is the moat powerful and the post powerful countries always get infested with jews. As a result of Hollywood and banks, america has been getting screwed by minroities and kikes. But outside of an incredibly small % of European countires everyone is getting jewed. Every country just gobbles down the holocaust, and allnof them deal with Jewish banks. So its kinda strange to put the onus on USA, when europe fell into degeneracy 1st. And thats how the jews do it. They make you more and more willijg to accept degeneratw thijgs and eventually your culture gets more and more subverted.
Sure, it was fucked but it stayed where it was. It didn't travel half the world you fucking mudman mutt.
America is the most powerful force in the world, the fact that it's run by jews is important. "Don't blame America" is like not blaming the tank when it breaks into an enemy compound. Without America none of the shit going on now could happy or would happen. It's the radio tower of pozzing we all have forced on us.
multi-ethnic enclaves based on race
Yeah, I have bloodties to half of Europe, that I know of, just within the last two centuries. We need to rebuild Amerikkka as a white only country, ruled the right way, maybe then we could have an identity again.
Obvious D/C attempt is obvious. What’s wrong sclomo? You mad I can say that kikes are shit and the holocaust never happened without getting arrested? Lol cry more faggot. Also the idea that American culture isn’t unique is laughable. The WORLD is in our culture like a fish is in water. So far as a bunch of Italians and the like coming here 50 years ago: I don’t see that it makes a difference. They’re white and became far more like us than we did like them.
America is a Republic founded upon English Whig Principles, with and English ethnic core and thereafter wider European ethnicities.
Recapture that Republican and Whiggish core, and you can thereafter recapture the Englishness and Europeanness.
What an incredibly delusional statement. You sound like a sand nigger(you probably are one). The problem is the middle east, its always been sand nigger and kikes fault. The only way you wouldnt have pozzed countires, you would have to wipe out most every other nationality. Quite teying to blame white people for a problem that is historically(pre America) a jewish and middle eastern problem. Its always kikes and sand niggers trying to blame white people for the shit they fuck up.
located at the hearth. you can whine all you want, but only your countrymen can deny foreigners entry. Too culturally weak to do that, huh? I wonder which one of your dipshit inbred leaders fucked up to allegedly make you so beholden to a 200 year old country across the fucking ocean.
Is this the kike plan?
Nice try, but no.
There is no American Question, Chaim. There is the Jewish Question, and once we're free of your kind you won't be able to use us to do your bidding ever again.