REPORT: (((Soros))) Held ‘Secret Meeting’ with Spain’s Socialist, Pro-Mass Migration Leader >Progressive campaigner (((George Soros))) has met “secretly” with the new socialist, open-borders supporting Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sánchez, according to a report by Spanish media.
Feminists divided over call to boycott 2018 Running of the Bulls
After Trump letter, Spanish PM avoids committing to more military spending
Transgender Person Wins Spain's Beauty Pageant, Aims at Miss Universe Congratulations us
Spain moves towards legalizing euthanasia, as parliament agrees to debate bill Legalized white genocide
Spanish PM Refuses to Negotiate New Referendum on Catalonia’s Independence
Hey a kike assblasted about a country who had a village named "killthekikes" for centuries. Hmmm it must be a coincidence.
Charles Moore
Forgot the kike-free first post.
Carter Perry
So are you fuckers ever actually going to do anything? Because what good is a Declaration of Independence if you’re not going to shoot some Spaniards over it? Never mind the fact that most of your political parties are outright communist.
William Murphy
Yes, we've got the same problems as you burgers. Sometimes we can't stand the jew degeneracy we see, but I'd like to think that we'll wake someday. In the meantime, we get stories like these:
España: Así es la aplicación móvil que avisa a la Policía en caso de agresión sexual en Sanfermines
Rest assured that if it was whitey the (((government))) would have sent the civil guard and treat them like the old ETA
Jackson Diaz
How is Spain these days alwayswanted to visit lovely architecture and fun local customs
Zachary Rodriguez
Thank you for this. It's about time someone had the time to make Spain news threads.
Cooper Murphy
We needed this general. Canario here harto de la degenerancia. Here things are… idk if stable or (((stable))). Lot of kids with really expensive clothing and shit and when I hear them talk they are always moros. Never fails. Even the normies are dropping brands because no monis hermano. And you know who are the ones who LARP as jihadists… the scond and third generation migrants. Also no jobs. Only glovo, lidl and all that international shit gets you employed. Tons of people in the streets. The loons are getting crazier and there are new loons. Whole… idk how to say it (los bajos de los edificios) but the usually first floor of a building that is used for business…. ALL OF THEM FUCKING CHINK OWNED. WHY? COS FOKIN SLYEYES DONT NEED TO PAY NO TAXES. COS CHINA IS OJR BEST ALLY I REALLY NEED CRAPPY TOYS AND ONE TEAR USE ONLY ELECTRONICS.
Sigh… Ive even heard communists talk about zionism. Thats gong to be a hell of a fall when they come full circle amd realize that communism is the same zionism they are sniffing with weird face.
Also, let the moromierdas come. Italy just started accelerationism and if we ever find out a pedo ring like the one in the UK…. Thats wishful thinking bros because the español its not like the fucking lechosos. We are going full fachas and I think we need that NOW before Pedrito fucks us another hole with the soros shit
Robert Hall
Jackson Bell
Can Spain get a nationalist/populist leader through democracy? Spain and Portugal are so far the only "enriched" European countries without a nationalist party with at least one seat in their parliament
If past history is used as an example: no. It'll be a violent revolution.
Evan King
Reminder that currently in Spain exist South Americans who declare themselves "Spaniards" who value not our culture, not our heritage, but only the fact that they're not being chased by cartels. Most of these mutts are Mestizos at best, but apparently to them, being 56% White Spanish is good enough for them to come here and declare themselves true Spaniards. I recently met one who claimed the Moors did nothing wrong, and when asked about Spain's history, he only knows the bare basics, and even then. He tried to push the leftist idea that "Spain was always multicultural and Multiracial!". Reminder you can beat the fuck out of these wannabes with just scientific research easy to find on the internet.
In general, the Spanish population is similar to the Western and Northern Europeans, but has a more diverse haplotypic structure. Moreover, the Spanish population is also largely homogeneous within itself, although patterns of micro-structure may be able to predict locations of origin from distant regions. Finally, we also present the first characterization of a CNV map of the Spanish population. These results and original data are made available to the scientific community. Use this to fight against any socialists trying to push this lie.
kek. americanised scum, such as yourself should be hanged in public squares. no society will ever thrive while it has to carry so many useless faggots
Parker Reyes
We would need a guy with a lot of charisma and propaganda skills. I'm quite positive it could be doable but the first stages (becoming a small party that can reach say 5%) would be the most difficult, and it's designed that way. From there I would say it would be easier to get to 20% and beyond since politicians here are utterly incompetent and unlikeable.
Tenemos un partido al estilo afd de alemania o ukip del reino unido. Se llama Vox España. No estoy seguro que tan efectivo seran pero estare viendo a ver que tanto crecen.
Yes, in a way la ola de negros would wake more up. Pero necesitamos agitar a la gente en contra del (((gobierno)))
Parker Allen
¿Y la Falange de las JONS? (Excluyendo a los idiotas que alaban al marrano de Franco y no a Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera). Por cierto, ¿Que hay del Carlismo, esta totalmente muerto?
Anthony Howard
Mmmh, parecen ser los únicos que denuncian Bruselas y Soros abiertamente. Interesante.
Si no me equivoco el VOX está compuesto por gente que se fue del PP por estar demasiado cuckeado. Los medios apenas les hacen caso (a propósito) y no tienen el carisma para crecer sin atentados y demás happenings. En otras palabras, es probable que las cosas se tengan que poner muy feas para que el VOX pueda subir.
La Falange se dividió, y los que se hacen llamar "Falange Auténtica", es decir con los ideales que tenían antes de que Franco se la cargara, son… bueno, mira las imágenes.
No, eso lo hace Democracia Nacional. No sé en un futuro, pero ahora mismo no se puede nombrar directamente al judío y tener un papel relevante en las elecciones de un país europeo, y por eso DN está donde está. Es mejor hacer como Orbán o Polonia, preparar el terreno poco a poco como dice Pero desde luego no esperéis que lo haga el VOX:
Hay dos partidos que vienen a mente. Son nacionalistas españoles y (((la prensa))) siempre los ha denunciado por (((xenofobia))) y (((racismo))). Son España 2000 y Democracia Nacional.
Aunque la DN no parece con tanta accion, todavia tienen una presencia en la web.
Parecia que España 2000 estaban sin actividad, pero hace poco tuvieron una demonstracion en contra de los animales africanos de los (((rojos))) invadiendo en este momento.
es.d ai lys tor
Los rusos fueron los unicos cubriendo este happening.
Robert Sanders
We are fucked like west europe. Mostly in big cities. Some are jew wise though that's not really a concern of normies. But yes, we do have nice countryside with the occasional franco apologist old guy.
Logan Clark
Es un buen inicio. Pero fuera bueno si tambien empiezan a denunciar los matacristos
Jason Sullivan
El cucking de vox is lo mismo que hacen todos los tal partidos euroscepticos de los paises en la EU. Si algun patriota español es inteligente, infiltrara el partido y haria lo que hace Bjorn Hocke de la AfD alemana. Es decir, nunca disculparse por ser español o por la historia de España .
Connor Sanchez
Mierda se infiltraron (y cagaron) en toda la Falange
Andrew Lopez
Isaiah Cox
Tyler Kelly
Solo 25 pasajeros del Aquarius han pedido asilo desde Valencia
Bomba demográfica: la amenaza silenciosa que acabará con España tal y como la conocemos
Al posar para la foto final de la cumbre, los líderes encarnaban un problema de fondo de la sociedad europea: la llamada bomba o suicidio demográfico.
Las estadísticas le están dando la razón a Cicerón, que escribió hace dos milenios: "Si quieres ser viejo mucho tiempo, hazte viejo pronto". Nos espera una vejez larga e inminente con achaques económicos y sociales. En el libro Suicidio demográfico en Occidente y medio mundo (disponible en Amazon), Alejandro Macarrón Larumbe aborda esta cuestión que no sólo pone en jaque al estado de bienestar sino a nuestra supervivencia. "No creo que se haga lo necesario para revertir la situación si no nos asustamos de verdad, porque la baja natalidad es parte central de nuestro modelo de sociedad", dice Macarrón Larumbe, director de la fundación Renacimiento Demográfico.
La Falange esta tan dividida que algunos veneran a Franco en vez de Jose Antonio, La Falange Autentica ya lo han mencionado, y el carlismo esta tan apaleado y destrozado que hasta da asco verlo, pero bueno hace poco nacio el sucesor carlista asi que no esta tan muerto
Jacob Ortiz
How nice, not difficult to guess were the rest is heading for
Schengen should be abolished.
Like that 33 years old rapist, murderer in Germany.
Carter Sanchez
You guys need to step up your memetics, find something silly that your antifaggot friends did and fuck with them over it, also keep using pictures of a smug Franco because if there's one thing the left absolutely hates is being pointed out that they lost in the past.
Chase Edwards
No. That happened because some moro(n)s from Andalusia couldn't not record themselves fucking a girl.
Easton Powell
ajajajajaj mierda. Ya decía yo que demasiado bueno era que VOX copara todas las secciones de comentarios en el mundo, el país etc. Ahora que viendo como los comentarios de cualquier noticia que los mencione aún de pasada se llenan inmediatamente de JIDF no se puede hacer uno ilusiones. Empecé a hacerme colección de apologistas de francotiradores judíos que luego iban a la noticia de al lado a echar mierda sobre cualquier intento de hacer valer nuestras propias fronteras, pero los mods comprados censuran a cualquiera que intente exponer tamaña hipocresía.
castillians are the scum of iberia. you keep sucking your french king's cock ahahahah
Luke Moore
t. Catalan
Bentley Sanchez
1640 never forget. a good castillian is a dead castillian. at least all of our kings were actually portuguese. not like yours, which is french kek.
Ryder White
Keep crying faggot, Castilians are the heart of Spain, and even I acknowledge that as a Cantabrian.
James Walker
hey OP I'm the admin. of "mexican / pol /" a meme page from FB, send me an imbox to the page to be able to coordinate and size the memes of production.
Jack Hall
Wyatt Myers
Aqui se habla español no panchito
Leo Long
uyyy papa ni te la sabanas topu, panchito mis huevos prietos, pus que te crees ? que soy pinche pochuelo vale vergas ? ahora vas aquerer contactar a la banderwa o que show, ya te deje un medio para que lo hagas. ahora a chingar a tu madre. Pd te quiero user
kek es en serio? y si estuviera posteando desde penezuela?
Ian Roberts
pues tendrias mas hambre que un Hebreo en un campo Aleman
Isaiah Gutierrez
Esto es un hilo castellano no mexivergano
Jordan Cooper
Maduro vendra a follarte tu culo burgues
Anthony Diaz
Todavía hay partidos vascos nationalistas tipo Sabino Arana? No entiendo que quieren un País Vasco independiente y también quieren adoptar 'refugiados' que diluirán el pueblo Vasco,
weren't jews trying to colonize some part of argentina or something? if true that would be reason enough for me.
Robert King
Plan Andinia
Tompkins Pumalín Park
Jordan Flores
Oy vey! No, gojim. Solomente son unas de varias teorías de la conspiración judía. El ejercito israelita usando territorio chileno e argentino para practica no tiene nada de significado!
thanks alot port/brit bro. Hope that cunt goes through with brexit.
Cameron Reed
Españoles, queria saber más informacion sobre la Legion Española, se que ellos aceptan a ciudadanos de ex-colonias pero solo si tienes la nacionalidad española o residencia temporal. Vengo con lo siguiente:
Y finalmente ¿Que me recomiendan? Se que lo mas cercano a vivir conflicto sera una posible (((insurgencia catalan))), pero almenos tendre la oportunidad de desaparecer rojos antes de ser juzgado en una corte marcial vivir un conflicto. ¿Que dicen?
I don't know all the parties that are active in Catalonia but my coworkers are natsoc and tell me that their are a couple that are not communist as they tried to explain the different Catalonian flags. My suggestion was to make a new flag. Keep the stripes but Make the triangle red and replace the star with a swastika. Watch the commies go ballistic. The swastika will trigger them even more then the yoke and arrows.
Colton Bell
Para que nos llames ETA y nos encierren a todos? JA
Dylan Walker
City? Not all catalans are multicultural commies (pic related, by yours truly), just most of the separatists. Barcelona is the most pozzed but I've been told there are some nice areas.
Earlier this year I found this sticker in a bus stop in my city. Low quality pics, took them with my old phone.
North of Berga indawoods somewhere secret, its very beautiful around here. One of the weird things being an american and traveling the countryside though is seeing the old ruins and what not sprinkled around everywhere. I told my coworkers they need to start making connections with the non separatist groups so that we can start employing their people out in the country side and work to revitalize the little villages and show something other then separatist flags in town squares. One of the villages we visited only has about 40 people in the winter if that and the general shop owner has to take work in Barcelona to make ends meet during the week.
Nice. As you have figured out small towns have plenty of historical stuff (just there, as if nobody cared) and tend to be more nationalist, sadly Catalan nationalism is commie separatist bullshit but at least there shouldn't be as much ethnic diversity as in the big cities. You seem to be much more concerned about these villages' future than those "nationalists" are. Keep up the good work Americanon.
Stay away from big cities, rent a rural house near some castle in a village or town with a "Carta Puebla" [medieval municipal charter]. Do learn some Spanish before you come or bring an interpreter along, old and most village folks no habla inglés.
Jason Jackson
It is ground floor in GB and first floor in the US.
Christian Clark
Our political scene is even more of a farce than usual for other countries. Our "evil right wing" "worker's party" ex-PM is an open Israel supporter ffs.
The coat of arms of the Catholic Monarchs is designed with elements to show their cooperation and working in tandem. Their joint motto was "Tanto monta, monta tanto". The motto was created by Antonio de Nebrija and was either an allusion to the Gordian knot: Tanto monta, monta tanto, cortar como desatar ("It's one and the same, cutting or untying"), or an explanation of the equality of the monarchs: Tanto monta, monta tanto, Isabel como Fernando ("It's one and the same, Isabella the same as Ferdinand").[citation needed] "The royal motto they shared 'tanto monta', "as much one as the other," came to signify their cooperation."[8]
Their emblems or heraldic devices, seen at the bottom of the coat of arms, were el yugo y las flechas, a yoke, and a sheaf of arrows. Y and F are the initials of Ysabel (spelling at the time) and Fernando. A double yoke is worn by a team of oxen, emphasizing the couple's cooperation. Isabella's emblem of arrows showed the armed power of the crown, "a warning to Castilians not acknowledging the reach of royal authority or that greatest of royal functions, the right to mete out justice" by force of violence.[9] The iconography allowed all to recognize the royal crest and is found on various works of art. These badges were later used gathered by the fascist, from fasces, Spanish political party Falange, which claimed to represent the inherited glory and the ideals of the Catholic Monarchs.[citation needed]
Technically it's its own thing. But it's D&C bullshit, so who cares?
Hudson Turner
Galicians are Gaelics. It's actually technically the same word. There are more pure Gaelics in Galicia than anywhere else in the world. Arguably, that makes it the Whitest place on Earth. Fuck off kike.
Nicholas Brooks
lol no, no me voy a poner a contar a mis antepasados españoles para llamarme "blanco". Naci mezclado, y eso no es blanco. Es una maldicion que llevo desde que naci. Ahora, ¿Que opinan de la Legion Española? ¿Es buena?
Elijah Miller
Don't let any sudaca fool you There are no white spics
forgot to mention, for the last article go for the supplementary table 4
Julian Rodriguez
Truly, they were the heroes that Spain deserved. sadly they're probably now remembered as muh ebil nazis. This also means I'm gulag proof :^) since I inherited much from him.
And here I am, my grandparents were literally from Spain, and I could never get citizenship if I tried. But hey, let the filthy muds in instead.
Tyler Morris
Si, I was able to visit gosol recently and see the ruins of the castle and old town. They are flying the commie flag unfortunately but it might disappear one of these days very soon. Being a permaculturist and NatSoc their is just something about blood and soil and big cities are literally cancer on the human race as far as I am concerned.
Ian Clark
No soy de España.
Owen Wood
¿Cual es la diferencia entre una mujer española y una vaquilla de San Fermín? Tocar la vaquilla no es delito.
Jonathan Kelly
Pues tienes que ver el espectaculo que esta montando el gobierno tratando de revivir a ETA, en una pelea de bar en un domingo a altas horas de la madrugada en Altsasu dos Guardias Civiles fueron agredidos, utilizando lo que no era mas que una bronca de fin de semana entre borrachos, el gobierno les acuso de terrorismo. Para mas inri, pasado un tiempo, en La Linea, hubo una situación peor, un grupo de encapuchados asaltaron a unos policias que iban a detener a un narcotraficante. Se le dio el mismo bombo en las noticias? Ni de coña.
You clearly don't know much about catalan nationalism. Many people are starting to realize that the threat posed by Spanish centralism to our culture is nowadays way less dangerous than multiculturalism.
I'm not even independentist but I don't want unadapted inmigrants (both from the rest of Spain and from other countries) turning this land into a shithole where Catalans are a minority.