You cannot be pro-white and an atheist at the same time, being an atheist is to be anti-white.
Atheism is equivalent to nihilism, atheists must reject morality, tradition, purpose, etc. As it necessarily rejects the metaphysical and transcendent worldview in favor of a purely materialistic, deterministic universe.
Keep in mind I am not talking about agnostics, deists, or even those who believe in supernatural forces, but not god, I'm talking those purely naturalistic, scientistic, fedorafags who insist that they take their "pro-white morality" from nature (the jewish hoax that is macroevolution), these are the types who can never be truly pro-white, most of them are virgin MGTOW losers who want to make white women into property (white sharia), who can never, and will never pursue a traditional woman for the purpose of starting a traditional family, because they cannot believe in tradition.
We must purge these people from this board, make it clear that materialistic, naturalistic atheism and other jewish ideas like it are not welcome here.
Whether christian, pagan, agnostic, deist, or just spiritual, we are a movement of light, naturalistic, materialistic, scientistic atheism is a movement of nihilism, of shade and darkness, removing these guys, banning them from the board, will improve it in my opinion.
Remember, religious, spiritual, or supernatural belief of any kind is the best insulation a society can have against subversion, the first thing the jews do is attack a nations traditional faith.
People who refuse to believe in something other than the physical can only weaken our movement, they are nihilists by necessity, and are mostly jobless obese losers that must be banned from Zig Forums every time they show their faces.
I hate Atheists even more than I hate Jews, especially atheists who pretend to be pro-white.
Remove Fedoras from Zig Forums
Did you mean to post this in the existing atheist thread and/or any of the other religious threads?
Nobody is more anti-white than Zig Forumss.
Take the d&c elsewhere, kike.
Rope yourslef d&c shill.
Biology and paycholigy are a viable paths to racial in group preference.
The only real problems with atheism are
Sage and report
Kike D&C
into the trash it goes
There's a difference between fedoras and someone who is just an atheist
You cannot be pro-(((Christian))) and pro-white at the same time. Christcucks gotta go.
Actually Shlomo, you gotta go.
I agree. We must spread redpills on the subject.
Of course. However, their reduction isn't a question of bans, but culture and standards.
Absolutely true. Atheism is spiritual and memetic AIDS, a type of skinlessness - only possible in a vacuum with no directions. (Hence the connection with autism)
Of course they are. How many successful crack whores and AIDS ridden hobos do you know of?
No. How much bullshit did you believe when you first step on Zig Forums? We still don't know the extent of truth stolen from us. Spread red pills. Heck, by publicly shaming circumcised people and jews as mutilated slaves
Hate is a funny thing. It talks in a certain way.
98% of all atheists are agnostics. Atheism the word, really just means, to not have a theism. It doesn't assume there isn't a correct religion or god.
Things like morality, and tradition, can be useful without believing in god. I have moral beliefs about what is and isn't right, despite not believing that I'll go to hell or heaven for it. Traditions are regularly just necessary societal patterns or events, justifiably enforced by religious leaders, using mystical reasons.
Didn't mean to reddit space but I guess it fits the topic
Every poster in Zig Forums knows we can have this debate in a calm cool and comlected manner but only after we rid ourselves of every jew on tjis planet. But only then and until that time every religion D&C thread is by a jew.
Fedoras are actually the antitheists. Agnostics and others who have at least a pretense of humility or a deep spiritual tiredness are of a different stock.
The semites are truly afraid.
Stop conflating kikes with Semites. They are living embodiments of lies. No family name, no temple, no lineage, no pact, no tribe, no law, no purpose.
Mere fanaticism; empty shells.
legit lel'd
Yes the art is impressive, but that is no factor of worshipping a jew religion. Its because it was made by whites. Become pagan or fuck off back to Jerusalem.
That is someone who has no idea that the idea of Christ is much older than any jewish intervention (the Romans were complaining bitterly about the difficulty of dealing with 'christians' [tengi or XINRI religion that didn't rely on a organized priesthood] 200 years before Pharisee paul perverted the religion with Mithraism). Christ is our patriarch/archetype relating to Enki and old myths that are now almost completely forgotten and perverted by the jews…he is perfect for Ethnic Europeans because he is EXTREMELY ANTI JEW…as a non jew, he fucking HATED jews and that makes the archetype a HERO in my book.
i like peterson's version of god
A pavlovian dog can jump THIS high!
Agreed, but I'm not a fucking snowflake who needs a safe space. Seriously just stop posting about religion/atheism, it's D&C. Let's talk kikes instead. Kikes are our problem. Religion is not.
What is with this massive wave of religion D&C?
how about you fuck off
Learn to prioritize your fights. Anybody seeking infighting before the enemy is defeated is an enemy himself. Kill yourself. The fact of the matter is, without the nihilistic weeb fedoras on imageboards Zig Forums would never have risen in the first place.
But I digress. You are likely just a d&c shill deliberately attacking a known community fracture point, as per standard COINTELpro doctrine.
They cycle through angles to gauge effectiveness. Whenever some happenings are ongoing they pick whatever works and is most relevant at some given time.
Saged and reported
Divide and Conquer SHILL
YOU CAN BE ATHEIST and a White Nationalist just don't be anti-religion
Checked and wrecked.
It's their latest attempt at sabotaging the midterms is to try and drive a wedge between the new Millennial Far-Right and the more evangelical side of the Far-Right. Basically they're attempting to dictate to us - what are or aren't our principles. It's just Jew trickery to divide us on wedge issues that aren't even relevant to why we've banded together in the first place.
When an atheist says that his ancestors were amoebas, invertebrates, arboreal rodents, chimp-like primates, and spear-chucking dindoos, I don't argue one bit, because I can totally see the resemblance.
Poe's law in action.
athiesm is anti-religion
I wont bump a potentially DnC thread but I ought to ask our fedora-clad comrades, can you name a self-proclaimed atheist personality that is not explicitly leftwing?
No one believes you and no one ever will.
Kike sorcerers are sweating seeing that our wizards have built an army straight out of legend, and that we literally shitpost alongside our gods.
>>>Zig Forums
You were sounding moderately convincing until:
This degree of rejection of genetic and scientific fact is laughable.
I personally do not believe that atheism is "good" or "healthy," but as long as they are White nationalists who oppose kikes then they are on our side.
You are advocating D&C among White nationalists.
Then they are not actually atheists, are they?
Not according to the commonly-accepted meaning, anyway.
But, whatever.
I kek'ed.
Still D&C, though.
Christians who embrace White nationalism and oppose kikes are already "one of us."
But they must do the above.
And also not D&C White nationalists who oppose kikes.
Peterstein opposes White nationalism and actively steers his "followers" away from it.
He is part of the enemy.
Kikes being kikes.
Some of the shills have figured out that "religion" is one of the most effective ways to "stir up" Zig Forums.
It's a type of "time wasting" shilling.
Have some respect!
They are your ancestors too, after all.
Don't listen to the shills.
You are probably also a shill, though, so…..
Not even an atheist but the fact that you need the threat of afterlife punishment to make you not behave like a nigger is pretty telling about you as a person and your very non-European outlook and philosophy in general. Saging your gay little thread too.
What I'm saying is that, the vast(VAST) majority of those who call themselves atheists use that definition, with it being correct. The word you're looking for is anti-theist.
Hilarious how these semitic religious extremists imagine this imaginary wall that prevents and organism from evolving past an imaginary point. If you don't understand, or refuse to comprehend evolution because you think you're above nature then you have an egotistical immature mindset.
Thanks for pointing out, now I can sage the creationkike with no remorse.
It also defeats the purpose of being an ebul far-right racist.
What the fuck's the point if you think that YHVE made all people equal?
Never…and I have met a lot of them…they are always jews (or a jew mongrel bastard). They can't seem to wrap their minds around the meaning of archetypes, either the classic teaching type or archetypes as gods (what is striven for). There is some measurable disconnect in their brains to anything larger or more grandiose in their own minds…
I mean, I know that they are the 'god' of the Old Testament and THAT is obvious in the writing itself (as they are homosexuals 'wrestling' or fucking god all night long after they send their wife and children away)…but to think that they ARE GOD…that is a whole other level of mental illness.
So they long for the Ain Sof or the Ain…[absolute nothingness] let's give it to them…it is time already…lets send jewish atheists back to where they belong ABSOLUTE NOTHINGNESS…
If you don't worship a dead jew on a stick and praise jews as God's chosen people then you DON'T belong on this board.
being atheist allows you to be this butthurt apparently
Nice dubs you've got there… it'd be a shame if something were to happen to them.
I see you're starting a D&C thread.
Who cares if they are 'anti-white', the jews consider themselves to 'be white' when it serves their purpose. As I said before, I have never met an atheist that wasn't a jew as well…this would mean that you could be 'pro-white' (a meaningless phrase that lacks any standards or definitions) and be an 'atheist' as well…but you CAN'T be pro-Ethnic European and be an atheist…because the two things are incompatible at their core.
Anyone who ever shelters or lives around the jews for a fractional amount of time becomes anti-semitic…it is a natural product of being around jews and their disgusting destructive behaviors.
I had a really in-depth response typed up, but decided to scrap it since it would only give you a (you)… eh… or should I say (((you))).
You're dumb as hell, OP. Ain't even gonna waste my time.
JIDF is strong in this one. Atheists are the most worthless people in our movement. They don't believe in something greater which is required for a civilisation to prosper. Remember before religion all we were is spear chucking cavemen. Unfortunately the religions we could use are all kiked to the bone.
Christianity has been controlled by the jews for quite a while the catholic church is the reason why. Catholics are heretics to god and most of them don't even read the bible. Protestantism is far too fractured to be of any real threat and I don't know shit about orthodoxy. Pagans seem better but it feels like controlled opposition. They feel like larpers and this would cause people to take it more of a joke rather than an actual movement.
Kikes actually do have an origin. It's from the kingdom of judah or the guy who sold the rightful person Joseph into slavery for some momey
Social Justice came from the Christians. Civil Rights and Abolition came from Christians.
It is Christians who beat us over the head with "we are all the same under God" until we accepted millions of uncivilized people into our lands.
Christianity is just a descendant of Judaism anyway.
Fedoras, by which you mean atheists, are simply the stage of awakening from Christian shackles.
what kind of blatantly false kiked out shit is this, dude? the civil rights movement was heavily influenced and created by jews. the whole abolitionist thing is far more complex than just religion as well. there was many actors from across the pond that meddled in our affairs. england was one of the biggest offenders and even sent charles dickens over here to do cross country shilling about abolishing slavery
It is a fact that Christians were a dominant force behind the abolishment of slavery and the advancement of civil rights. They are well known for preaching that we are all equal, and it is a fact that they are the originators of social justice.
Simply talking about kikes ignores that Christianity is a branch of Judaism.
These are simple, incontrovertible facts why Christianity is a sucked religion. Atheism is an absence of belief in God. That terrifies those who hold the chains on Christians through dogma.
What the hell is Zig Forumss opinion on Peterson, I've only watched an hour and a half of one of his presentations and I'm not cucked enough to need inspiration to "clean my room"
He is someone on the left forced into a position to attack it. He isn't an ally, in fact he opposes us, but he is useful insofar as he attacks the left.
I agree 99% that pure Atheists / Fedorahs are a cancerous wart on our not (((our))) ass. Deism is the only true solution to the God question, while simultaneously promoting Christianity because it's the foundation of the West.
Tradition and transcendence require sprit. OP is very right here.
Modern deism / religiosity is degeneration.
Prayer is all about ""please great god aid me''"
Ek trui a matt min og megin.
Traditional religions were different, for all of Evolas dislike of Jung he still explains traditional prayer as (paraphrased into Jungian terminologi):
Becoming the archetype of a god and drawing power from that.
Not meekly asking daddy god to help.
That led to asking daddy state to help once (((science))) killed god.
He won't answer the JQ…EVER…so there you go (I will put his fancy footwork video to avoid the JQ in the next post). Also when asked about the JQ he says that jews are 'really smart' (not true) as the average IQ in Israel (not according to the web which has all been (((updated))) but according to IQ research is 84) so they aren't smart AT ALL…what they are is a Inherited Criminal Mafia, like the Thuggee of India…I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were a corrupted branch of the Thuggee who performs ritual human sacrifice to a male god instead of Kali…their psychology and modus operandi is EXACTLY the same as the Thuggee.
I knew of a guy (ICUB4UC2/IWARNUB4I8U…etc) who had traced their origin back to India and they persecuted him and his information (they killed his YT channel and blog multiple times and then one day, within an hour they took down every scrap of info he had up on the web; I have never seen a larger violation of 'free speech' in my life…so it is 'free speech' until you are over the target or as long are 'useful to them' and then when you get too close to the truth the real hammer get put down on you).
For as long as Zig Forums is up and running it is 'useful' to them…the day it is not, it will vanish forever. They are simply keeping an eye on you guys to feel the pulse of Ethnic Europeans and gauge when they have 'gone to far' with their agenda. Think of it as a feedback loop…in which they study you to figure out how hard to squeeze you next time you exhale…they want to crush you to death without you resisting.
This is the way it is done…they want you voluntarily enslaved. Slavery without any resistance…because you could EASILY crush them…so they shadow box with you, never showing you their true face so that you could understand AND KNOW who is tormenting you, killing you and your children, stealing from you and betraying you for money.
Video: Anatomy of Treason for Yidiots
Read a fucking history book nigger. Christianity contributed very little to the West. Well, it added to the cuck shit but mostly it just took pagan ideas and called them Christian.
ok then which religion then?
I propose old TradCath. Not all of Catholicism is cucked. Based Italy and Austria are deporting migrants by the truckload and they predominently catholic
Hello inverted satan