It's been awhile since there was a thread on this, and in the meantime, Zig Forums has been infested with newfags and mainstream cynics. So, in keeping with the theme of spreading the love, let's list some of the places where the late-to-the-feeding-trough can lurk, learn and get good news. Post your fave links, redpills, and jew-naming comments.
I'll start with two oldies: - Jeff Rense can sometimes travel far afield of reality - Filterman blames anyone but Jews
and my fave - burned, battered, and bruised, but still the best
While he doesn't name the Jew explicitly, James Corbett's research and production quality is second to none. I'll be providing hooktube links as he is not monetized on youtube, so support there would make no difference.
I think the sub-genre of Zig Forums affiliated or otherwise far right/nationalist music is vastly underrated so I'll post a few of my favourites here. I would be very interested if anyone has links to any other artists. Note that this is not an opportunity for you to claim superior musical taste or criticize the genres or styles, no one cares. I'm merely posting potentially hidden resources for the betterment of all.
I don't limit my reading list to (((pre-approved ideology)). Filterman has his finger on the pulse of the Nation right now. And Red Ice is doing great work in forging a path to real, working form White Nationalism. IMHO. - worth mentioning again not to be missed -
You have newer version? I know it changed because we don't have to break links anymore.
Samuel Cox
If you can't tell that a penis juice-selling neocohen who lies to his followers isn't a reliable source of information on anything, then you're far too much of a newfag to be giving advice to others.
That will work hand-in-hand with so-called "jewish nationalism"?
relevant to politics: - watches whom counts the votes - keeps an eye on political movements and surveys and polls, though it leans slightly left-of-center
Sir Oswald Mosley is a legendarily good speaker, economist and fascist leader who, in my opinion, is vastly overlooked. I know for me his speeches alone, just short clip from one of his speeches, moved me from sympathetic to the right wing cause, to delving full force into the philosophy and theory of Fascism, National Socialism and the Jewish Question. Never underrate the power of speaking.
Beefcake’s Bootcamp is a podcast designed to train people in how to tackle anti-Whites with practical politics. Beefcake is an excellent speaker who gets his points across simply in his podcasts, which he does in an amusing and memorable way.
Evan Hernandez - Trump watch, - always good for a laugh - esp. for its international perspectives
Sebastian Mitchell
Run by a kike who admitted publishes disinformation.
Alexander Jones
Ethan Smith
I sure hope you aren't suggesting anons give their IP to (((SPLC))).
Joshua Thompson
didn't know that, thanks
Do you suggest visiting left-leaning and loony websites only through the Tor network?
Some really are. The only question is: have they given up their race-mixing agenda? idunno how to answer that
Carson Diaz
only steve pieczenik and brother nathaniel are based, the elders of zion are our enemy, but there are some jews on our side, most jews stand in the middle and usually lean towards the elders side.
also fuck ben shapiro
Hunter Morris
We are in agreement that it takes denouncement of the Jewish agenda to break free from it.
Nolan Butler
also check our rocking mystery, based greek ashkenazim that supports white nationalism + ashkenazi nationalism
Connor Miller
Even Jonestein privately admits that he's a fraud.
Correction: Brendon O'Connell is Australian, so he works for ASIS and SOCOMD rather than CIA.
Ethan Morales
In the alternative media and white nationalist subculture?
Elijah Barnes
but brendon is the only one talking about the talpiot program and he was imprisoned for 3 years and exiled to malaysia
Eli Robinson
A few of us, sure.
Parker Allen
1. We don't know for a fact that Brendon O'Connell was imprisoned for three years. Someone has commented that Brendon was removed from the general prison population early on in his sentence and was removed to protective custody where no one could interact with him, which means that he could have been released from prison and none of the other prisoners would have ever known.
2. Brendon O'Connell wasn't exiled anywhere. He voluntarily traveled to Iran and Malaysia for the sole purpose of spying on their governments for the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, which is his employer.
Evan Jackson
Thanks I'll check it out!
Adrian Williams
The Definitive 9/11 Documentary
9/11 The New Pearl Harbour
Nicholas Richardson
Tomato Bubble is another CIA psyop website that pushes pro Putin/Russia propaganda (all CIA psyop websites do that).
Andrew Peterson
you know i wonder if 8chn is a cia psyop, my threads that post info keep getting banned, i posted rabbi rabinovitch's (1952) speech and dr.richard day's speech (1969) and they both got banned
i think the alt media is setup according to one of the protocols, the one where they say the media will be controlled so that the opposition will reveal themselves and believe fully in free speech
Lurk more That's rule #1. If you fuck up you may end up next to Tyrone in jail for years. Fight but don't get destroyed recklessly for no reason.
Use different devices for browsing/posting on Zig Forums and your real life E.g. a laptop. Use Tor (VPNs are honeypots). Tor is not 100% safe either, but still your safest option. Perhaps use whonix. Use NoScript. Keep javascript disabled on any site that is linked from anons; it will make it harder to get malware simply by visiting the site. When NoScript warns of an XSS on Zig Forums do not ignore the warning.
Don't commit serious crimes online JIDF and Mossad will pretend they are Zig Forumsacks to encourage you. Don't take the bait.
Jonathan Jones
making posts is degenerate.
Daniel Howard
When you see a JIDF shill, short comment exposing it and explaining how you know and sage. Don't bother reading walls of text that look like word salads, because they probably are useless.
Some argue that you shouldn't expose shills' mistakes but if you do you are educating more anons. I believe it's worth the cost.
Ayden Lee
>>>/polarchive/ >>>/pdfs/
Jason Gray
Drudge is boomer clickbait now. "House found with 4000 brown recluse spiders" it's all a distraction, and he has an agenda. He will purposefully ignore big events and post mundane headlines at top.
This is good.
Too many post in slide threads criticizing the thread but not knowing how to sage. There should be no explanation on how to sage because if you don't know what that means or how to do it, then you need to lurk more.
If a thread is clickbait here it is a distraction. Learn to pick out shit threads, sage, post a redpill and move on.
Aiden Sullivan for Zig Forums-tier memes. See pics related.
I like it when newfags break links, it shows that they're trying
Tyler Anderson
Liam Walker
Aiden Hall
No wonder the white people are too demoralised to do until we are completely cornered and lash out to kill everyone. Jews have no idea what is going to happen after that.
Brandon Anderson
I'm a newfag myself but I believe that E. Michael Jones is a good resource when it comes to knowing about the jewish question.
Jaxon Parker
Gavin Collins
James Corbett is a CIA agent, and also a Jew.
Levi James
E. Michael Jones is another CIA piece of shit, just like his fellow Catholic University PhD recipient Greg Johnson.