Middle aged, unmarried, childless women in Europe are at the forefront of "helping" the migrant children, going so far as adopting them and bringing them into their homes. The problem is…they are also fucking them.
Swedish Feminists Fucking Their Adopted Migrant "Children"
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This is the result of a society lacking men, and that has only jewish media for an authority figure.
6 million kr that hat was a false flag designed for the feminists to make idiots out of themselves in public.
Here is an entire website of desperate middle aged Swedish women looking for African migrant men.
There are also black women looking for white men
Sound familiar anons?
Woman cheats on her French police officer husband to help a migrant "she fell in love with" almost drown off the coast of England. She had to go to jail and be put on a watchlist.
Was it all worth it?
“Yes,” she replied without hesitation. “I did it for him. You do anything for love.”
Strategically, each one has a house to operate from. Shame, none of this forthcoming bloodbath would occur would have happened if people simply maintained a healthy weight and virtue signaled less.
Very interesting!!!
(but not entirely comprehensible, because only part was in English, but there was plenty of body language)
Old news. Cat ladies for life then banging some muzzie who ends up killing them.
They always did love their goats a little too much.
coal burning cunts better get used to the smell of menthol
ripping holes in the bottom of the dignity barrel
What the fuck is wrong with shitskins? Banging old ladies for a life here? Have they no honor, no dignity?
Fucking worthless scum all of them. We'll beat them in war, like it's a fucking tuesday.
This shit sounds like brainwashing. I don't mean the passive, deep rooted brainwashing that we have in our society that we grow up with; I mean the kind where someone kidnapped this bitch, strapped her in a chair and fucked with her mind until she came out retarded.
don't underestimate the natural proclivity of women for insanity in one form or another.
No children. Who would have guessed.
They say that while exclusively dating certain races. Oh boy. The cognitive dissonance
So they're so mentally damaged that they can't have a normal romantic relationship that they tried to outsource their love life to foreign retards? Seems right.
Here come the white knight pussy slaves.
The man was long dead and the picture is fraud, she is a old hag, see actuall picture:
The shitskins are stealing our throw-aways.
Seriously, shitskins, stop going through our garbage.
This is the neckbeard fantasy for realz–
it's old lonely spinsters coming to terms with the truth–if they want any kind of man around now they have to aim low…
and they're STILL not taking neckbeards ;>D
Jewish staged race mixing propaganda. Do you believe fake news?
Natural societal peer regulation is what kept things in order.
These fat dykes would have been branded and cast out to die in the wilderness not long ago.
Now the reasoning for doing it is vividly clear.
Imagine paying tax so dried up feminists can import their own boytoys. At least the male wife importers usually pay out of their own pockets.
Awakening a feminist a day keeps der juden away.
It's pretty much common knowledge now that the main driver of liberalism among whites is poor non competitive genetics.
Well, at least these are the kinds of women that abort if they get pregnant. I suppose in a perverse way, this is shitskin birth control.
jewish feminism weaponizes women's lazy, selfish, bitter, joyless, cunt nature in order to ruin everything for everyone
just like
jewish race-baiting weaponizes non-white's lazy, selfish, bitter, joyless, cunt nature in order to ruin everything for everyone
no surprises here
I think we should start allowing 18-21 year old Eastern European women in to the west as refugees and adoptng them as wives.
Make that 14 to 18
user why do you think they call it Stockholme syndrome?
Pedos get the bullet first
Well, yeah obviously.
In other news;
water is wet.
I wasn't white knighting, or at least that wasn't what I meant by it. I meant it as in it's just crazy as to what depths these people have gone to; it's so nearly inconceivable to me when I see things like this that it seems like they've really got something external going on to make them like that.
Angry Foreign did an video on this almost a year ago.
Not pedo stupid, that's prepubescent. If you're going to bitch, at least be accurate. They're hebes.
"Fuck the children…. No, not literally! Jesus Christ…"
This world is a joke.
There have to be American equivalents of these European / Swede stories, anyone able to dig this up? Border Patrol considers anyone under 18 a child and releases them into the country, and you know a lot of these are men who are fucking American women. You also know that many men over 18 will simply lie about being 16-17 (you can't prove them wrong! Guatamala and Honduras have shit records) and still get into the country free and unpunished and start impregnating women here.
Sweden will be bred brown, deal with it racists
This is wrong on so many levels.
Reported :^)
Hebes and pedos get an all expenses paid one way trip to the gallows.
Its already in place. Check Russian gold digging forums.
sup fags, posting here why not. reporting in from oslo. the place looks nice and norwegians have a certain charm, they all speak english seems like. Olso seems to have it's city heart around a train station called oslo S or oslo central. about lets say a km or a mile around it is infested with gypsies, addicts and fukkin niggas. its a disgrace, first day here i kicked two syringes on the ground. taxi drivers, gippos niggers and addicts are all working together in a big network and its an open secret since norwegians are to smart to not notice it. congratulations norway, your capital is just another melbourne or sydney go fuck yourselves. im fuckin lucky since the sun stays up 20 hours and the other 4 its basically still lit enough to be like 4 full moons of lu[person]s. god knows how bad sweden would be. im here for another week at least and i dont know what to do, im so sick already of being around these fuckers. gippos, niggers and scum. fucking herion and hash everywhere. zombie fucks and the worst part is most of the real fukken junkie looking fucks are norwegian. goddam. what do pol? should i just piss off to poland?
Eh, I'm willing to sacrifice the unfuckable and infertile cat ladies of sweden to make sure these mudshits don't actually breed.
What's the problem here except for these people being alive in sweden at all?
Let them have these disgusting hags tbh
We'll use their mongrel offspring as our future slaves
christcuckery mind poison leaves people defenseless to jews jewing, jews get let in and jew, like jewing women to vote and say in governing society, media being jew media, jews jewing open borders, jews jewing banking, jews jewing business. jews using media to trigger cunts to wield their ill gotten power to enforce destruction is jew theater of sorrow and destruction. What thwarts this is ethnic identity and communities, jews have the hardest time attacking them. The thing jews right now wail the most about are Whites coalescing, screaming it's the worst in the world for Whites to unite and operate in ethnic interests, and by the by, christcuckery is also anti-ethnic group identity, hence the defenseless against jewing.
How's the weather in Tel Aviv today, rabbi?
christcuckery is mind poison.
crying jew shill any time it's pointed out isn't convincing anyone.
There's a few good candidates for the "if you only knew how bad things really are" meme in those photos, in particular middle, middle-left and top-right.
Not the blonde pussy they were expecting.
Sickness. Nasty old hags using poor shitskins like that. I almost feel bad for the little fuckers no pun intended. At least the old cunts can't reproduce. Maybe we can report some. If there's any real Svenska bros left they should get on that.
Coming from a place with polygamy, these males weren't going to get any pussy at all. So this is a step up for them.
If you think Oslo is bad go to Gothenburg, its not far away.
Ugly old hags who alienate themselves from the local population seek foreigners. What else is new? I believe several dating sites have indirectly shown this conclusion as well in their preference polls. Shouldn't come as a surprise for either side really, after all third worlders are basically manchildren incapable of taking care of themselves, of course they'd also be looking for new mothers since they could never grow up to be independent men. Just look at their societies, they owe absolutely everything to the inventions of the European man.
It's another version of importing thai hookers who proceed to shit up and destroy society around them.
No slavery, it was a mistake the first time around. It destroyed wages for low skill white laborers and gave us a huge population of thankless niggers, and put our people's lives in danger. For actually dangerous labor in the future we will use robot labor. Instead of enslaving these mongrels we will deport them to the sun
fish bazaar under their robes. fffffuck you!
they are your problem now!
they both look like the female versions of the heaven's gate leader and jim jones of the people's temple
All such creatures should be decapitated with a greatsword.
There's no way this shit is real. Women are not attracted to powerless "victim" losers. Sage for doublepost.
How would the press and women react if it was 50-60-yr-old men "helping" female refugees aged 18-22?
You know shit about female psychology.
You also assume that the leftist women involved in this, are not fully aware that these men are "playing" the system by sneaking in as children, something everyone on the left AND the refugees understand completely.
Final point, women don't give a shit about how much money you make when it's just sex they're after, then it's all about looks and personality.
tl;dr they're not "powerless", they're the top bad boys of their cultures, who clawed their way thousands of miles and as far as these women see it, are way more masculine and heroic than any White man.
You don't know anything about politics. They're communists, if anything. And yes, they're absolutely powerless losers, which is why they fled their shithole countries to be rapefugees. They are the absolute most inferior sort of man.
Don't conflate this shit with female nature either and insult our women, faggot. Nothing about kike bullshit is natural.
Not fooling me.
You do realize 45-65 is infertile eh?
Just because they live with & fuck the old ones doesn't mean they don't go out with or rape the younger ones.
No, this is a bunch of ugly hags who couldn't appeal to a man because they lacked feminine value and beauty, so they imported fuck toys who were forced to fuck them. You think they see these guys as masculine? They see them as their property.
We should use them at Fukushima and Mayak first.
So wait when Feminists harp about rape culture, it’s because they want to get in on the action. That would explain why my junk smells like cookies.
Bumping this to say NTR is the worst fetish, especially when it’s being used by the Eternal Semite to destroy civilization.
get /fit/, white men. We’re gonna take our wives back and fuck them so good Tyrone will seem like Shlomo
Every single one of these traitorous whores deserves to be executed for treason right alongside the shitskin trash they are fucking. None of this behavior surprises me, I know all too well the insidious nature of women when left to their own devices, but it still manages to inspire a deep rage in me, and I'm not even Swedish. I did visit there about 15 years back, before grenades were more common than virgins (but not by much sadly). Was a beautiful country with some really lovely folks although I did purposefully stay out of the cities. Anyhow these cunts deserve to burn in hell, and frankly so do a whole lot of Swedish men as well for being such castrated effete faggots that won't stand up for their country.
To any Swedeanons reading this I wish you godspeed in the coming chaos because you have a particularly wretched and arduous task ahead of you to unfuck your country. Not a black pill, just reality. The kikes exploited your Nordic penchant for extreme altruism and holy fuck did it do a number on you. Good luck, I'm pulling for you guys. As long as there are Swedish men who draw breath that aren't willing to be subjugated by Semites then there is hope for your homeland.