Why do millennials and boomers hate each
other when they're nearly identical
The 30 year old boomer was never just meme.
Millennials are literally boomers
You also have the Stepfather.
Forgot that one. What else have they done?
Just you wait, soon millennials will begin advocating for foreign intervention in Europe to "save" them from the "far right" rising there.
Not if gen z and gen x has any say in it. Gen z kids will probably all be absolute monarchists after dealing with millennial assfuckery.
Shill thread, report filter ignore
>(((we))) Zig Forumsacks hate you
JIDF pretending to be us
Fuck off, torpedo. If anyone ended up here they probably don't fit any of the categories listed.
JIDF is punctual as always. He posted at 05:47, or 8:47am Israel local time.
They wake up at 8:00. Eat, have a short briefing by the shill in charge.
Then the commander leaves and watches vids on BestGore of palestinian kids being burn alive by Israeli white phosphorous munition. Then browses some more and watches vids of IDF snipers using hollow-point on Gaza's teens they use them intentionally to cripple the kids for life. He enjoys watching kids being amputated.
Then he prays to G-d. Doesn't type the 'o' cause typing the name of God is a sin.
Boomers are slow and retarded which make them repulsive and a genuine displeasure to talk to.
The 30 year old boomer meme is also a rape of grammar to no end. In contrary to Boomers, Millenials haven't become yuppies or remained hippies. You can deal with aging by being a selfhating faggot posting shit that feel mutations.
OP is a kike.
OP has not been paying attention.
OP is a faggot. safe assumption because OP is a kike
I don't think he was talking about divorce.
He was saying that Sargon aka the Stepfather, is a 30-something boomer.
into the trash it goes
Have a feeling OP is Gen X. Gen X is always stirring up shit sitting back with their popcorn. Good thing Gen Z is going to gas every generation before them.
Obvious like d&c thread
whatcha sliding Rabbi?
Also inb4
The point of the Boomer meme is that so many changes happened under their watch. Now that the changes have already occurred, obviously younger generations are going to have the same problems if not worse.
And the point of the OP is to shed light on the shared behaviors that led to the problems.
don't bring that dumb forced meme here , keep it on missing-chromsome-chan
The vast majority of people never supported this, moron. It was enacted entirely at the government level, with no support from the greater population, and then the government forced whites to allow blacks into our schools and neighborhoods. We never voted for the '65 immigration subversion. We never voted for a single amnesty. We never asked for our borders to be undefended. How fucking stupid are you to posit that people support[ed] this?
No, that would be educational institutions and media.
Get fucked you low-IQ nigger.
Aw look guise. Another d&c shill thread with the 30yr old boomers aborted meme just barely baked from cuckchan.
How is the weather at Tel Aviv, moshe?
Boomers are hippies that failed to legalize weed or learn from vietnam. Millenials are misguided by genx and boomer parents. But atleast have the moral courage to do something.
Boomers have no moral courage.
Yet another trumpnigger release valve
Such as? We type on the internet, and the lefties, having more corporate and media support, feel safe enough to go outside and hold signs up. No one's actually doing anything.
They are, newfriend.
Shills don't even have to try with their threads anymore? This place really did die when I was gone, huh?
Except the former has a house, a boat, another house, five ridable lawnmowers, ten jetskis, five thousand yachts, a basement full of gold, guaranteed jobs if they decide to walk anywhere, part time jobs that must, by law, be enough to buy a used car and other such things.
Wheras the latter feels about as entitled as:
Fuck, well, fuck I can't even pay for basic healthcare.
Vote for extremes. Most millenials are either full left commies, or facist. Boomers smoked weed and thought. "Well i like this, but making it legaal even as medicine might be going too far"
They showed the same cowardice in consistently voting the status quo. Boomer conservatives are pro life democrats. Young conservatives are right leaning libertarians. Boomer liberals are socialist-lite. Millenial liberals are commies.
That's not even remotely true. A small minority are.
Still d&c thread.
Fuck off shill. This meme needs to die as it only creates divide and conquer.
Dude, they were coming off the second world war still fresh in memory. The lies was as strong as ever, the only means of information was via the (((media))) and (((school))). They got brainwashed, they were fooled and most importantly, just like every other white person, they had nothing to do with these changes.
It's the random boomer who took the action and signed the papers of immigration or feminism. You useful fucking idiot.
Gen Z is like millennials without neurosis and less debt.
Changes mostly happened on the "greatest generation" watch. Boomers weren't in power until the late 80s, after the damage had already been done. Most boomers couldn't even vote when the 60s immigration and civil rights acts happened, for example
Nah, it's chaotic but it's nice. Some mods were removed.
There's nothing like exposing a JIDF shill who promotes pedophilia, terrorism, felonies, or D&Cs like this OP.