Other urls found in this thread:
Too bad.
I wanted to see how much worse things could get.
BBC source:
It's like you don't understand is tracking you.
post above, please, i was just archiving it.
Take more than 3 seconds to make OPs, you fucking nigger.
Okay. BBC is tracking you even more. Also in my country archive is banned at all, so fuck you.
At least i am the fastest to deliver the news.
Lowering board quality by being a lazy fucking nigger isn't something of which to be proud.
That's why jews are winning, mossad faggot.
Threads promoting freemasonry as based - Check
Smug anime girl JPG spam - Check
Gore porn when the subject is too Kushner unfriendly - Check
Bans for criticism of the ZOG Emperor - Check
Board mysteriously back on the Trump ZOG train - Check
Are we still pretending that Kampfy was removed as mod from here?
"It's not enough we need to make it even more restrictive."
I found the kike:
That's a Mossad agent.
Are you the one making all the zero effort ops?
Untrue faggot, but thanks for the news
Oh, it's the (75) from the other shill thread who called everyone a kike/mossad because he's a little retarded nigger.
The fact that you're arguing FOR lowering board quality shows you're the shill btw.
No, that's me, and you're still Mossad.
Reminder that jews always try to pretend they are from here and try to establish some "quality" control, and take that control in their own hands.
what was article 13? spoon feed me.
wait wasn't Zig Forums made global like a month ago, and he's still butthurt?
If this is true its good news. The memes are still free.
Did your entire IP range get banned by now?
VPN are super cheap, too…
When the jews pretended Kampfy got gassed for the 6 millionth time recently, this board was approaching nearly half decent, then you MAGApede retards have made a full on assault on the board returning it back to the judeo Republikike news aggregator it always was under kampfy
He's still posting smugs and banning anons for being too antisemitic towards the ZOG Emperor Trump
kikes trying to ban memes
Copyright enforcement for everything uploaded.
Just like Kampfy does here still on Zig Forums?
Reminder you're still a newfag who started posting in march of 2016.
"We need to wait for the issue to calm down and reword it so it tricks more people into thinking they aren't being shafted."
OP is Kampfy, and its been busy banning the most critical anons of the ZOG emperor Trump for the past week
What about A11?!
Yeah it will pass eventually.
Will it pass before the EU separates?
I honestly didn't expect it too as-is, because implementing it would have crippled the internet in the EU. It would have also been an absolute nightmare for social media services as well, likely leading to a massive dropout of users. Another thing is that making the internet too unpleasant to use means making people consider real life actions (because fuck it, even the internet is too far gone now).
It has to pass before the next year's EU elections. DNS records not found (using
He's been here the whole time. Who would have thought otherwise?
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO>8/pol/ can't mobilize even a tiny bit to do anything about
For what cunt? To make sure the future non-white european population will have rights that the white people died for? Fuck that.
Remember WW2? Americans and europeans fought Hitler for what? So their countries could become non-white in 100 years? HA HA HA GTFO
You just got meme cucked and you're acting like you won?
Low effort thread
You fucking retard. This law would destroy social media.
It didn't pass Torfag.
Yes. Due to lobbying done by facebook and google.
Anyone that did not support this law is a cuck.
I'm incredibly fucking happy on one hand but on the other this kind of worries me. I'm hoping for a Poleave because of pic related before it passes so that EU implodes and I can go back to eating borsch and watching anime.
There's a reason why anons call "Tor" the "TORah".
It's a bluff.
Hahaha you're funny.
you weren't censored, corporations were
Shame president is on a tight leash of ex-soviet kikes that have primary goal of lining their pockets by any means necessary. like taking bribes to open a CIA blacksite in north-eastern Polish town of Stare Kiejkuty.
Fun fact, citizens can call a referendum unless it regards
Though (((Kornhauser)))'s husband even dangled a brilliant idea of writing into the constitution, that a foreign millitary occupation would be required for Poland to accept foreign rules over it's constitution
Now such a thing isn't in place, so EU law overrides whatever Polish law states, however EU doesn't have any capacity to enforce anything but browning of Europe.
Poland won't leave the EU. Not with the gibs they're getting anyway. You should rather redouble your efforts in getting Italy and Greece to leave first. Italy has a partly right wing government who has often talked ill of the EU in general, while Greece could say goodbye to debnts.
This. OP is a dumbass liar - the vote literally just got rescheduled for September 10 as the legislation failed to pass sneakily in a faster procedure
I like how this meme is peddled all the time, especially since at best the gibs go to put a bench in a park, and embezzle the rest of it.
The new and improved version of
That's not a lie, though, but a very misleading truth.
Are you a pole? Care to elaborate? Also Belarus is rightful Polish-Lithuanian clay.
The only thing i know about Belarus is their ridiculous price tags and taxation of NEETs.
Jew media for Poles were pressuring Lech Kaczyński to sign lisbon treaty using vague threats of
Enough with the lies. This was exclusively schemed up to silence and suppress the growing right wing in occupied Europe.
I know you're salty about it not passing and you're trying to spin it as being a loss to the right. As if the "corporations" didn't have an army of lawyers to deal with any tax related shit while average Joe is deterred from posting any non-approved opinion.
Good news!
Now I'll get to see kikes turn the internet into computer cable.
Good news, shitty 0 effort OP.
Poor EU. How are they going to suppress hate factsspeech now about Cultural-sexual enrichment? Far-right parties are growing too strong.
Yes but resisting the process benefits us as well. You missed that tiny detail.
This user is completely right, I'm also from the Slav part of the EU and 95% of EU funds are lining the pockets of politicians, while the rest is used for what it was intended for. They rebuilt only about 2 kilometers of a train track going through my town and somehow this was a 3 milliom euro project? Only idiots would be fooled by this shit.
Also, their agriculture subsidies completely fucked our agriculture and now instead of homegrown groceries we have soyed up imported dreck in supermarkets. That's because unlike our national subsidies where you have to return them if you don't produce enough goods, with EU subsidies you don't have to do shit so farmers used the money to buy BMWs and Lambos instead of producing crops, so they just sit at home doing fucking nothing because EU subsidies give them enough cash to last them a year and then they get even more money.
Hey if anything this regulation will turn out good because it will kill Facebook since most of it is now virtue signalling via link sharing. Also narcissistic losers can't pose on Instagram anymore without paying a tax for every fucking tourist attraction they've included into their pics.
Well, it's all a game of politics and a royal masquerade.
Just gotta make sure to remind the lemmings come September
How the heck did you make a new thread without an image?
Anyway, this isn't over just yet, the EU has a history of repeating referenda and elections until they get the result they desire.
Sounds like a certain religion that involves candelabra and greed.
It's not over yet.
Even if the vote was turned down, it was actually sent back to the discussion phase in which this will be brought back in September. Which in US the Midterm elections are heating up including other important events, and with 2 months the fire and activity against the article 13 and 11 will dissipate. They're waiting for the anger to quiet down until they can bring their votes back.
Just recently, only one news agency in my country ever mentioned about this vote, 'and only once, and at the same time shilling for these articles.
So better be prepared for September.
Okay the script you're going off is so obvious, I'm wondering whether you're a bot
Too bad, it would've been another nail in the EU's coffin. And it would've removed one of the distractions preventing Eurofags from seeing what's happening to their countries.
Fucking hell you faggot, you've been doing this shit for months now. Fuck off.
Those faggots and the kikeadvisor faggots wreck all the quiet spots these days.
But Belarus (at least according to Ukranian friends currently living abroad) is worse than Russia as far as authoritarianism goes. Still though I strongly agree that your PM not doing any of the (((EU))) backed shit is great news for us all and I strongly encourage you telling your peers to stick it to the union.
I've heard that and stories about it. Romania especially has some really industrious engineers who keep on working with their government to siphon as much dirty money from the (((EU))) into their country.
Yes I strongly agree. Luckily Italy's got a new political elite who is against this kind of shit and who gets slandered by media over and over again, just so they can show (((PD))) in a good light.
And about those subsidies, I've heard that it's all part of the (((EU)))'s big plan of having each region specialize in a particular export, so that every nation is completely dependent of each other and anything else they don't produce or research must be imported internally or externally - part of the reason why Germany is the only country allowed to have a functioning pharmaceutical complex (though just like with France it's all big pharma so who knows), the Southern states are considered the bread basket of the (((union))) and fishing way too much compared to France will force the elites to sanction your country.
You keep saying this shit but the eternal anglos allowed their country to become a police state no matter how much grooming of their kids muzzies have done. I don't really get you accelerationist types, you want the house to crumble down just because there's an invader inside. Who do you think will rebuild it if not the fucking (((megacorps)))?
Megacorps are designed to drain goods and the potential for their production and supply. A corporation, at least a (((western))) one, will never again in a million years build an infrastructure - that they need - out of their own pocket. They haven't since the eitc, they won't start now. Ever since they (((changed))), they have always relied on someone else's dime to make their existence possible. That's why acceleration ist want the entity that provides those goods and that money to collapse.
Kek just like their brexit faggotry
The idea behind accelerationism(at least for the EU) is that a total collapse of the EU would force people to have to defend themselves. The current system of bread and circuses is entirely slanted in (((their))) favor.
The (((EU))) is using this system to kill us by inches. A collapse of this system would l level the playing field and give us a chance to take power in various countries/start our own countries. Not to mention, a sudden descent into chaos would be a shock of cold water to the face for millions of otherwise good goyim. The (((EU))) wants a descent so gradual that nobody notices it until it's too late.
A server reset, basically.
please kill yourself
Exactly, and this is why I've sympathized with accelerationists because it would allow for a level playing field. But I'm not so much of an accelerationist as some people on here, simply because I know the hell that would follow would be long lasting as well as almost terrifying. The best thing to do is save accelerationism till the "end", so to speak, and try to fix things without completely destroying the current way of life and/or current form of society.
No, bans for making unsubstantiated claims so often that it amounts to spam.
Now shut the fuck up.
This is more likely than it being any response to public opinion, or any moral decision.
Which is also a lie. Intent matters.
No money for you kike.
The thing you're not getting(same person) is that another effect of the slow death strategy being used on Europe is that Europeans will eventually be outnumbered in Europe. That makes accelerationism become a progressively worse idea as time goes on.
Hell is coming no matter what we do at this point. The question that remains is, would you rather have hell now, while you have numerical advantage, or later, when numbers are even or slanted in the enemy's favor? And make no mistake, they will be armed.
It’s called anchoring, user. What they want is something between what was proposed and what it is now.
Once they get the “compromise” legislation they’ll wait a few years then push further and so on
Politicians across the globe have figured this out. It’s why we have to get a license for everything now
Gun licensing is next. “Common sense gun control”
CloudFlare isn't safe.
what's up with the disinfo campaign? it's just been pushed back a few months, (from what i've read) (((they))) still want it passed. the EU hopes nobody remembers it in a few months so they can slip it through.
Best Emma.
fuck off retard. the link is in the archive link, you dumb nigger imkikey cock sucking jackoff
This made me chuckle. Do you have any sauce talking about these companies?
Kikes will no doubt try another route to get it passed. Just like they did with the Lisbon Treaty.
The majority of the EU money doesn't even get used up because corrupted officials block your papers expecting insane level bribes thus 90% of projects never take off. All people ditch them and just ask for bank loans.
t. Romanian
t. tfw worked at a large construction company years ago