Why is German and Norse magick so weak? It leavened the rise of National Socialism in the 1930s which popped like a soap bubble in 1945. What is the metaphysical root of its weakness?
Why is German and Norse magick so weak...
I wouldn't try if I had your job either.
Hey, its mr ''Genetic Drift" again.
Hahahaha. Fuck off you suck at magic you worthless nigger jew. Perthro.
Job? I'm just a concerned citizen. Exercising free speech. We both know the real fight isn't in the streets. It's not too late to repent and worship at a church of your own choosing.
oh, I get it now.
>>>Zig Forums
The one true religion of the European People.
Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the most basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again?
Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. This simple fact has far-reaching implications. It requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural pre-sets.
I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern's walls. But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight. Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce.
We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars.
Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves…the day we can prove we no longer need it. And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand.
And the African people. And the Latino people. You would have us let them into our countries in droves, kike lover.
MOD can't handle the psychic pressure. He's next if he deletes.
Fucking Rune Soup "kek"
They need not to forget banning anyone who bumps this garbage.
It's a pretty obvious ploy by faggy christians who don't believe in NatSoc.
Trust me when I say that there's plenty who do, and we have no *real* qualms with stringing up our brothers, should they choose to try and side with The Beast.
Hi JIDF. Another failed operation?
Hey I know that girl, she's jewish.
Yes yes, JIDF promoting religious D&C, we get it. Ok, let's fight guys.
Not concerned enough to be convincing. How do they pay you shills anyway, by the post or by the hour?
The faces of Europe
Israeli jews call african migrants "cancer to the nation"
Why are you using a spelling for the word magic that was created by Alistair Crawley just over 100 years ago when he wrote his fiction book.
Did you think it is ancient and super elite.
Don't forget to write fairy as Fayerhie on your deviante arte bloge.
because they don't sacrifice foreskins to their god
What's this low effort shilling? JIDF didn't bring their best. I'm disappointed.
20% of top 50 billionaires are jews
Jews are 0.2% of world population.
20 / 0.2 = ?