d-did this get posted already? no bully
Why are Swedes such overly gooey wankers who revert to obnoxious video editing and gay as fuck droning background music to fire home their cuckery? Gods teeth I hate that country and its people so bloody much
A message from Sweden to Switzerland
Boy the jew sure likes using the same slaves wherever they go civilization destroying.
We know you are D&Cing. But I wanted your thoughts on the following:
20% of top 50 billionaires are jews
0.2% of world population is jews
Jews are over-represented by a factor of 100, or in other words 10,000%.
52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’
Try posting that second article on, but not exclusively to places like T_D and other normalfag gathering spots.
Why are they even making a video directed toward Switzerland anyway?
I noticed that diversity in the video too.
That's their next video.
Only 1:51 long but could not get past 40sec. entirely too much
Any yodelfags know what the fuck happened?
do these shame tactics actually work on people? it just makes me want to dig my heels in
literally no one cares TORtard lmao
It's for the rest of the world to see and shame Switzerland.
but they're all americans, all working for american globalism
The soppy background music actually gave me a headache.What is it with Scandinavians and dirgeful music?
Jesus Christ, will someone think of the
Sick in the head.
Rating and commenting disabled. Authors of this video are so soft that they must hide in their safe / comfort zone 24/7 and can't cope with any criticism? Anyways, Sweden has been going down the slippery slope for too long time. This country seems like a fucking lost cause. Swedish men must beg their wives for written agreement to have sex with them, while thousands of rapefugees rape swedish woman on a daily basis in hundreds and get away with that in 99% of cases. What the fuck happend to this country?
There should be a summary and some sort of context.
Pitiful thread, OP, tbh.
Useful data. Redpill material.
I suspect that it is more than that, though.
Certain (((very rich))) people and groups don't get listed (usually) because it would be too "redpilling."
The redshields and certain (((royal families))) for example.
Gas yourself
haha what, fuck off you gimp
direct democracy at its finest.
Gas yourself
this isn't representative of Sweden at all
The irony
This, it's virtue signaling at it's finest.
Goblin actors aside, the message to ban prostitution is nice.
I'm not sure how much there is to debunk but there's a lot. Let's start off by dividing these leftards. Most feminists in the west say that it's a choice to be a sex worker. boom
Tor works to seperate IP from identity, nigger, and you know it.
How, exactly ?
Switzerland is a kike haven and playground and Sweden is fucked. Who cares.
OP is posting kike country vs. country d&c. Saged &reported.
so… the US should be doing a video like this against Sweden?
Behold the typical american, even inferior than the anglo, the american abominates all types of competetion and inequality outside race for this pathetic creature knows it is no match for human beings.
Only if youre sure to include immigrant rape statistics.
"Sweden, why do you allow state sanctioned rape?"
Your first d/c attempt?
top kek
Here's the thing faggots, stop shilling against the swedish people. First of all, if you paid fucking attention, Sweden is not a democracy. They have an illigemate government as of the election of 2014 were the people voted "wrong" and the government said fuck it and decided to form one major party instead.
Second of all, the media is controlled by jews. The useful idiots who creates videos, who is in said videos, who are the journalists, who creates the "culture" of modern Sweden etc, all live in the same place. It's a tightly knit social circle of useful idiots who all live in the hipster-Oasis of Södermalm in Stockholm. They look down on normal swedes and are the ones that is featured most of the times in media and what's leaking outside of the country to international and alternative media.
Here's the thing, these people do not represent the swedish people. They are fucking insane and paid by kikes. "Our leaders" are paid by international kikes or complete nuts and we are in a shitty fucking situation. But, we never signed under any of this shit. There were protests already back in the 80's to send back immigrants, did they listen? No, because that was going against the plans of destroying our people.
There's only one solution to this but it's not helping with supposed "based red-pilled" anons shills against the swedish people. What comes out media-wise does not represent the majority of the swedish people, which is a very normal kind who don't sign under all this shit.
A message to Sweden from Australia:
Sweden is full of
Switzerland has a 30% stronger economy than Sweden. Sweden is like a chihuahua telling a Great Dane what to do.
gtfo back to >>>/a/ animeshit
Video was uploaded by "Frauenzentrale Zürich" roughly translates to "Women's headquarters Zurich". So it's not Sweden expressing cuckery, but a really bad shilling attempt by Swiss feminists.
Sidenote, as a proud Swissfag, i have absolutely no problem when they confuse people from Sweden with our people. We share a lot of ethnic traits and have, in opposite to our countries, generally a lot in common. The biggest difference between our countries is, that Sweden became a shithole in the last 50 years and switzerland will eventually become a shithole in the next 50-100 years.
Did i actually bump this? Oy Vey