People are leaving America's most (((diverse))) cities in droves
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While New York and the Eastern seaboard is likely to go more South Africa in how the city is described, the Western coast is likely to go more towards Chinese versus the Mexicans. It'll be a very slow burn though, so we get to live through the happenings of a life time..throughout our entire lifetime.
But where are they going? Don't give my nice white town an infestation.
YESSSSSS, let it begin, i'm so fucking ready
Not a hood thing massive amounts of diversity has been following them.
What about Philly? I assumed the few Italians and Irishmen still left would be gone by now.
People are voting with their feet. "Action speaks louder than words" —. But I wonder what percentage of them would spout politically correct gibberish from their mouths if you asked them if they think Nogs or Arabs or Turks or Mestizos are safe to live near in a "community"..
I think what happens to many a cucked Normie is kind of like when a patient has a bad or fatal disease but they go into denial.
When I was there in the 80's wayyyyy last century all the nigs were on the north side and the south was daygo's.
I wonder if the niggers cracked south philly?
Diversity is such a strength, some people just can't take it any more.
And the cucks will have not learned a thing when they move into white America and vote in the same policies that fucked over their old homes. It would be my greatest hope that the delusions of the Jews, spurred on by them to clinging onto the real estate they stole from whites by having niggers move in has them, would have them stay and get torn to shreds by feral niggers and spics but I know that will not happen.
People need to realize that this is the (((progress))) that makes up (((progressive))). They are plague bringers, some knowingly some not, but the damage they do is wide spread and will not cease. First it will be the cities, but cities in every state. No state is immune as we have seen. The cities will run out, and the more rural areas will be next.
A line must be eventually drawn to secure white territory or before we know it there will be no area left that won't require a fight to aquire in order to protect our race, our values and our future.
Just by natural progression this will escalate, it is simple math, and the point to quarantine the plague is long gone. We are facing a point where we have no place left and suffer from the very real problem of being a shattered, disconnected and outnumbered people globally. Every day one more face unlike our own will be part of our neighborhoods across the world, not just the U.S., but everywhere. Anyone that thinks this will be a slow burn doesn't understand that by simple multiplication this isn't going to be a slow burn for much longer. 2050 becomes 2040, then 2030 and before you know it a few years. A line needs to be drawn for our future as a people.
We already are shattered, disconnected and outnumbered. We’re near bottom but if our heads are kept on straight there’s no where else to go but up from here.
Those cities will end up looking like a cross between Detroit and South Africa within the next decade.
Does anyone here honestly really miss white america to? Im nostalgic for the country of my youth, the people were mostly care free and nice and we were self contained in our own world
I miss white Scotland. I mean, it's still pretty white compared to the States, but now when I head into Edinburgh I'll actually see niggers.
No, not yet. It appears that way, but in actuality we can still walk in to a store or neighborhood and see whites. Feel comfortable.
I have seen what happens to an area after it has gone through the full (((progressive))) treatment. The realization that you are alone, the only white face in a building or neighborhood is indescribable. Like a primal fear of being surrounded by something that is not you. The smell is wrong, the sounds aren't familiar, you know that if you show any weakness you will not find an ally. This is why the whites that fall for the kikery and will continue to promote their own demise even flee. Their very human nature tells them that they are in danger and no longer in familiar territory every second they are there.
And it happens so quickly in reality. Everyone possesses some blindness at first, a few different faces and smells drowned out by familiar faces and smells in familiar places. Until it is too late.
Why do you think it's leftists moving?
I was born in a city and I hated it. Now I work on farm, and have lots of white redpilled friends.
It is in no way slow. California was lost in just one generation, that's lighting fucking fast.
Philly has a lot more white hipster type than nyc surprisingly
I have grown up in California. Didn't even live in a city, lived in a small town. I watched the cities start to spill in to the smaller areas. There are towns in California that have been devistated by cities on purpose. They began shipping criminals released from jail to smaller towns to "separate them from their friends and gangs". All it does it spread the problem and quickly. I guess seeing this shit happen so quickly and watching white conservative working class people unable to stop the hordes of shit gives me a good idea of how this works and how no area is impenetrable. Areas like California are basically the testing ground for what they will eventually be doing to every place.
Bummer. Start fighting now or it will be to late get active be smart dont let Scotland be the US
Because its mission accomplished in those areas. Now its on the next 50 cities to destroy.
They are leaving to Canada and Europe because they aren't inbred rednecks like you and know the United States is on the verge of collapse. And if diversity is so bad how come Berlin under only half a century of diversity is leagues better than it was under Hitler and his Nazi buttbuddies?
Americans are cultureless they will never learn how to live in community.
200+ years later…still no oficial language, still no culture that wasn't designed from corporations such as rock "music"
The americunt is a cancer to the human species. The americunt and it's lack of culture is what motivates in this war. If USA is cultureless, then the world must be cultureless.
I can't wait to see you all in battle americunts :D I am a real european communist. because not even at leftism you cunts can be good. what you americunts call leftism i call centre right.
>>>Zig Forums
It's white flight. They are kvetching about the exact same phenomenon up here in leaf land. Whites don't want to live with the Kikes nigger pets. And niggers can't handle rural living - so we have an exodus underway. I bet you the true extent of it isn't being honestly coverred - it is probably larger than they are reporting. Practically every White I know wants out.
What you faggots don't understand is my "degeneracy" isn't hurting you at all. I haven't touched your property or infringed on the NAP, so shut the fuck up.
Oh my god when will you insuferable faggots stop.
What is the treaty of Versailles?
What is hitler and his band of socialist purity spiraling freaks ruining Germany by bringing them into an unwinnable war and gassing everybody he didn't like?
whine more stormweenie
Jesus christ. It's like an NPC, just the same exact nonsense over and over again.
Commiefornia is the testing ground for all their ridiculous 1984 leftist bullshit where whites aren’t able to defend themselves. State that I grew up in, the small towns are surrounded by fucking innawoods. To get to a city is driving miles upon miles of farms and innawoods. Lemme tell you about the fucking small towns, especially the small towns. The white people there don’t fuck around. Simple thing is, if you’re not a shady fuck, you’re not a dick, you don’t act like an entitled faggot, you treat people with proper respect and are productive for the town, you’ll do alright. If you chimp or bix nood ooga booga, attempt an allahu ackbar, or look like a shady nigger, mudslime, chink, or spic, you’ll find yourself being asked to leave with dirty looks abound. You cause problems or go on the offensive with a crime? Don’t be surprised you get your ass shot for being a chuckle fuck. Stand your ground and defend your castle. And even if you ran away from the city to try and bix nood a small town, you’ll find yourself dealing with the wildlife of innawoods. Hard to be a nigger when your ass getting chased by a pack of coyotes or a fucking bear. Plus with how stupid niggers are, and can’t into agriculture, they wouldn’t last anywhere on a farm without proper instruction. “Oh massa I a good boy” they’d probably shout and complain because they’d have to be doing some goddamn mother fucking honest work for once in their tribal nigger lives.
Your entire ideology is built on blindly following your fuhrer's orders to invade and kill others. You want to know why libertarians hate you faggots? You are WORSE than the commies, and that's saying something. At least they starved everybody equally, you pin all your problems and failures on life on da joos or nonwhites or whatever strawman of the month it is. We libertarians WORK for a living, we KNOW the economy, we READ theory, you whine about how you are entitled to positions of power just because you are white- remind you of any other faggots who think they deserve other people's property?
There are very few places left to run in America anymore. I live in a north suburb of Chicago, nice places here since it's where whites escaped Chicongo proper, but even THESE places are getting filled with niggers and spics now. Any farther north and you're right at the Wisconsin border. Same with all the Detroit suburbs. We're already at Brazil 2.0 status.
Normally those who want to leave recognize how retarded it is there.
Here's your (you), you fat little faggot. Libertarians are the worst because it's an ideology meant to placate fiscal conservatives who can think their way outside a paper bag. What has any libertarian politician ever done? Gary Johnson was a fucking joke. A lot of us supported Ron Paul because he was a step away from the neocohen kikery of the past century. His son though, little randlett, is a pathetic whimper in comparison to his father. Get the horse dildo out of your ass so you can get off your high horse you pathetic limp wristed furfag. If this were the 1700's you would have been a bloody Torrie. Don't kid yourself and pretend you and your I'll are doing anything to protect and defend liberty. I identified as a lolberg when I was 12 because I was smart enough to realize the filth my parents were watching on Fox News was just as subversive as liberal media. Neck yourself. Sage for off topic
Philly has almost as many hipsters infesting it as NYC/Seattle/Portland now. In the last ~4 years it's gone from no hipsters at all to being ruled by hipsters.
The problem is that these faggots flee their cities and move to nice, white, red areas and immediately start voting for "muh progressive" agenda even though they know damn well it's what ruined their old city. They WANT to spread their misery.
Spics did. What was once known as the Italian market, a street with old fashioned Italian food shops, is now completely in Spanish and has a bunch of fat goblins selling burritos. No Italians left.
>People are leaving America's most (((diverse))) cities in droves
ad they are already destroying the places they moved to with the same retarded politics that destroyed their old home.
This, those places are already so infested with turdskins that """people""" fleeing them isn't a good thing. Also live in California, and in my once 99% White rural town the last few years there's been a boom of spics invading and in less than 3 years the census has gone from 99% to under 75 and dwindling fast. These people are parasites, make no mistake, once even a few plant their roots it's over for wherever you're at.
People that have not witnessed exactly how quickly and thoroughly it happens can't imagine it. Your small town will be isolated. Sure, absolutely no niggers will come live at your farms. That isn't how it works. What happens is a combination of the city growing out, lessening the distance between your rural area and the city. Maybe they will building some housing outside your area, or depending on property prices the liberals will buy property near yours and build their McMansion. Maybe an investor will go for track homes. Whatever it takes to move the white flighters to your area, and that is how it starts. First the white liberal flood and then your voting demographics change. No one is going to shoot some yuppie faggots in your neck of the woods, they may resent them at most. By the time they are set up in your area it is too late. They will locally vote for whatever will get shitskins to follow and more restrictions on your protection. As a matter of fact I have seen a small farming town turn in to a crime filled nigger city in less than 10 years.
Miles of nothing means cheap property in quite area, usually with good views.
So buy land and build some cheap houses.
People running from the problems they caused go to houses. They'll commute. Or maybe work remotely. Go to the city on the weekends. Visit your swapmeets and farmer's markets for the "charm". Your funs make them uncomfortable, so they will focus efforts on voting whatever will restrict that. You aren't diverse enough, so they'll vote for that too. After all, you are the ignorant one that grew up here. They are the smart city people, you just need to experience faggots and niggers more to see they are great people. Before you know it peaceful bumfuckville, a true American home town is Bumfuck suburb with farms on the outskirts. Mom and Pop's Trinkets est. 1932 is closed because Walmart was built 10-20 miles down the road. So you have to buy your toilet paper and toothbrushes there now. Walmart hired Wakanda and Tyrese. They brought their families. They will probably get fired for stealing, but it doesn't matter, gibs are given out now.
Every fucking time.
Oh, and they will forcefully "restructure" your voting district. You won't be voting your way out of this.
So, say "nuh-uh, not here" and remember you are just one of very many that said the same shit.
Philly is infested with niggers and run by leftist faggots. The infrastructure is garbage and it has all the ugliness of new York city without any of the opportunities. I would suggest living in a suburb and going into philly, instead of living in it.
Oh, and your coyotes and bears? They are no concern. They avoid the paved suburb areas. Plus, there will be an incorporation effort. Animal control will take care of those threats should they make way in to the yuppie faggot yards because their territory is shrinking. Used to have Black bears where I lived. They don't anymore. Coyotes are a non-issue once they have all of their fluffy faggot dogs and cats to eat, plus the trash.
Then the pitbulls. Those will replace the coyotes for the most part. Niggers flood the area with pitbulls, but do nothing to keep them trained or restricted. So you get wild pitbulls sneaking in and killing your livestock. You can kill them, but you never know who fucking owns them because they don't bother with tags or trackers. They become wildlife that put coyotes to shame and continually breed at the nigger houses. If you have kids they are at risk from that as well, plus the standard shitskin risks.
Watch the video and tell me that.
If the US collapses, so does Canada, >>>Zig Forums
Zig Forums actually believes berlin is not a third world shithole
Cars are expensive, user. I live in a small city with a transit system and federal government make-work projects.
Fortunately since it's federal government, we get higher-class francophone blacks (not off the boat Haitians either).
At this point an entire country said that. Yet here we are not even a century out of the 65 immigration act
Pasta here, only an italian would bring up this absurd myth about america being cultureless. Ironically, it's modern europe that lacks a cultural identity of its own, since american media eats at it. And Italy is the one that suffered more from the process.
Go Salvini, kill 'em all
Bots are cheaper than Shariablue cultists. They probably have a rotating vocabulary of 50 or so insults. (I haven't heard shitlord in a while, they should bring it back.)
Niggers may not be able to, but spics certainly can, and the farmers who employ them as slave labor don't help. Seeing a bunch of gnomes picking berries while you're driving through the countryside is an eyesore. Also, if the kike golems can't handle the rural, then the kikes will just transform it, (((Walmart))) is pretty much everywhere now. Once wherever you live gets a (((Walmart))) it's over, that's when it all starts.
People leaving urban shitholes? But why?
The cocky confidence that it won't happen to me is a very big weakness that remaining whites need to overcome. I understand it, but it is a weakness none the less. Even in the face of evidence that it is explicitly designed to happen to us, we believe that it won't. California wasn't always a pozzed shithole full of shitskins and inherently afraid of guns, promoting degeneracy and such. It was changed to become that, and (((they))) have only learned the most effective ways to do so in the process because it doesn't stop there.
imagine being this jewish
OP a faggot once again
Spics have completely overrun the area where I grew up. It feels like living in a foreign country now. When you've lost your home and all that is good, there is nowhere to turn anymore.
This is spot-on. Feeling like a unwanted stranger in your own land happens *really* fast. Shitskins take over unbelievably quickly.
So the "lefties" are fleeing the thoroughly "diverse" cities in the USA because diversity is "so great?"
If "diversity is strength" then why do lefty useful idiots always flee the brown favela shitholes that they create?
You leftards really are a blight upon nations.
From the 45 declared goals for communist takeover of America:
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
You even admit it.
Gas yourself, commie.
Why don't they move to the beautiful marxist paradise that is Venezuela?
Exactly this.
It's like they are literally incapable of thought.
Typical NPC.
You clowns know nothing.
I doubt that you have EVER read anything about the actually ideological values of NatSoc.
You just hate it because the kikes tell you to.
1. We are not faggoty "neo nazis." We don't "blindly follow" anyone's orders. Many of us here aren't even "NatSoc," although to completely dismiss NatSoc thought is stupid. It has many good points.
2. WE (Whites) are the ones being invaded. Our countries are being invaded by non-Whites RIGHT NOW all over the world.
3. WE (Whites) are the ones being killed. We are the ones being genocided, and the main group pushing the genocide forward is KIKES.
By opposing White nationalism you are supporting White genocide.
You support genocide.
We oppose genocide.
You are the villain.
Not us.
Keep redpilling Whites on just how bad things really are.
White people thinking that "it can't happen here" or "things are going to be OK" are literally the largest obstacle to White nationalism.
Whites need to be violently shaken out of their stupor.
White nationalism and the reestablishment of White nation-states is the only way to have a future worth a damn again.
White genocide is the disease.
White nationalism is the cure.
The fact of the matter is every white that isn't beyond hope, by being brainwashed in to being self hating, needs to be equal parts afraid and angry. I think advocating baseless fear is pointless, but this isn't baseless. We are being targeted globally, the entire world, for extermination. At the moment it isn't with threats of being hunted down and killed (well, not entirely that but we have seen such threats made), but with celebration of the replacement of our race. With advocating that we cease breeding, cease speaking, cease claiming our homes, cease putting any and all importance on who and what we are and instead making any and everyone else more important than ourselves. Our children are mentally and physically abused, encouraged to deny their race and sex. White masculinity is punished, while masculinity in other races is put on a pedestal. Our women are told to crossbreed or not breed at all, to become men, to vilify their brothers, fathers and husbands. To sacrifice their sons.
Our land and religions are spat upon, infiltrated and destroyed from the inside out and every which way.
Our means to protect ourselves and our loved ones are robbed of us, bit by bit, our truths labeled lies and our strengths weaknesses.
There is no 'it won't happen to me", only a when. When will it be my town? My family? If that doesn't instill a primal fear and anger in a man then that man is just as broken as the world we are facing.
And the (((solution))) to this is to import more diversity into the suburbs and countryside.
Preaching the choir, we all know that
American Culture= Jewish Culture
For the White race to survive America must die.
Alisky teaching in my Zig Forums?
You ain't doing shit, Ari.
Oklahoma legalized it only for medical purposes. It's not legal for recreational use in the state, but that doesn't stop anyone.
A Russian typing all that shit out…
Ironic considering uneducated Russian peasants where the precondition for mass cultural and ethnic suicide and a civil war that put nothing but jews in power over Russia permanently.
This. Entering into a Walmart is literally hell on Earth.
I'm from Chicago planning to move to nc cause of all the shit. Let the libshits burn in the coffins they built.
I can believe that you are a communist.
Not entirely untrue.Washington went into Pennsylvania to collect tax shekels because the people there were getting kiked by the taxes and revolted.
Once federal legalization happens, you're going to see market consolidation (it's already happened in Canada even before recreational is legal in October) and mail-order for places that won't tolerate government package stores or independent dispensaries.
It's going to be boring as fuck, and they're going to make underage sales and transfer practically the same as rape. Maximum 14 years in the leaf law for smoking up a minor. The only ones complaining about it are the pedos in Vancouver.
It's a commodity like hard liquor. Move on to something else to kvetch about.
user i cannot agree with you more seeing as i was also born in city ape land. This (((gentrification))) shit that half of Zig Forums laughs off as a HWNDU crapain, is in actuallity the beginning stages of acute nigger cancer tumor. Bewarned
The kikes are very effective at country vs. country D&C. It's because of this is why we'll always have brother wars.
>article (((claims))) it's muh sunshine
Learn to read and more importantly, extrapolate, Hymie.
All I hear is 'nigger' from you.
He's not wrong though.
Doesn't mean they're never part of the problem. A nigger might recognize greener grass, but they're still a nigger.
So people are moving to midsize cities with warmer weather where they can afford the rent.
Colour me surprised.
The reality is, Oklahomans voted for it. Face it, you're already infected.
For the white race to survive, the civic entity known as America must die. FTFY
Leftists move and implement the same bad ideas that caused them to run away from the territory.
imagine not knowing what america used to be and what folk music was
do you need a reddit /snip or whatever the fuck you faggots do? maybe its because you're a brainlet commie burning trashcan but one can easily agree with how fucked America is without the kvetching of a useless manchild that doesn't even have a solution to any problem he feeds off of in his endless arugments.
That guy is a shill called greekfag. He is scared shitless of Golden Dawn.
Irish are the ones who let in the liberals to ruin every fucking thing, fuck the Irish
They're Jews.
They won't stop until you put them in a camp.
Why do the mods delete posts instead of banning posters?
This merely results in posters never changing their ways, and experiencing no penalty for their violations.
Because that would be "banning for wrongthink". Don't you just love being a global board now?
Californians have already ditched Commiefornia to head off to other states and they immediately bitched and moaned about the laws of the place and want to turn it into another Commiefornia.
No. Its shit.
The old mods were shit too, mind you, this is just a different kind of shit.
This is the turks fault. If he didn't let his niggerloving out of the bag, this board would still have a mod. A shitty mod, but a mod nonetheless.
Deleting posts by IP deletes all posts, no exceptions. To individually delete posts is inefficient and basically impossible. There is an alternative delete by IP in a thread but all posts in the thread are still removed.
The turkish roach was always shit m8, but its not his fault the current moderation is shit.
That's the current moderations fault and no others.
No, it doesn't.
Case in point:
>polvol2 hidden 23 minutes Zig Forums Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread:
They can do it by thread now.
So, how about this: When someone makes a series of obviously spam or shill posts… You ban them.
And not for 6 hours - you ban them for a week.
Actually make it meaningful, as opposed to allowing them to hop IPs all day because the fucking moderation here only ever bans for like 6 hours at a time, and usually doesn't even ban just removes posts, which gradually degrades the board's culture because shills are allowed to shit up a thread and then the mods just remove the evidence of them doing it and pretend they don't just keep doing it or go to another thread and do it, which they do.
Is Maine a great state to move in to? The population is 95% White though I get the feeling it's full of liberal race traitors and it doesn't help that almost everyone there are descendants of Eternal Anglos.