The ultimate trolling of Jews.
The Jews spit on the Christians, threaten them, steal from them and light them on fire.
Also a massive redpill to the cucked Evangelicals who worship the Jews and Israel.
The ultimate trolling of Jews.
The Jews spit on the Christians, threaten them, steal from them and light them on fire.
Also a massive redpill to the cucked Evangelicals who worship the Jews and Israel.
Other urls found in this thread:
The jews do need Jesus.
Don't forget me… Christian.. Kun!
They're just trying to kickoff Armageddon
We all know Jews hate whites. But this is merely the secular continuance of a 2000 year old hatred that Jews have for Christians.
What are "white people"? We are the descendants of European Christians. That is what unites us and makes us one people. That is also why the Jews hate us.
Why is Leftism so rampant in the west? Because the west has abandoned Christianity and become vulnerable to the Jewish self hate propaganda.
Fuck off with your desert cult and take your zombie jew with you.
Yet another thread where (((christcucks))) desperately attempt to change the narrative.
Attacked by Kike on the beach in Israel at 34:50
Check out the retarded Jew in a wheel chair growling like an animal while he attacks the Christians.
JIDF detected.
There is nothing a gentile can do that pisses off Jews more than telling them to surrender to Christ. Seriously…nothing.
Jews would rather die at the hands of "Nazis" than be proselytized with Christianity.
"what are white people?"
descendants of europeans who arent jews. itd not a hard question to asnwer.
These young Jew reveals he is American before having to be dragged away so as not to attack. Another American Jew lays into the Christians.
Jews in America keep their mouth shut while trying to destroy everyone with immigration. In Israel, the American Jews show their true colors.
I don't think it will work If you try to use Christianity as an attack vector to push race-mixing and open borers for Israel. The Jews are behind Christianity. They are fully aware how destructive it is. They are clever enough not to spread communism on their own turf. They won't fall for Christianity as well.
But not clever enough to not have all the communist jews from Europe having political impact in israel.
There's a reason Tel Aviv is "the LGBT capital of the middle east"
What religion should the West have instead, in your opinion? Back to the Norse Gods? Would the Greeks go back to the Hellenic Gods? What about the USA, they don't have much of a history with the Old Gods.
If an answer you will aceept is christianity for americans there is nothing but deism, agnosticism, church of the creatir or cosmology
With regards ti "paganism"there is teh celtic pa theon and druidism.
This is never stated
Show this to your boomer mother.
Checked. Yeah, you can see how those (((men))) gesture like fags. The man in the center is the only real man there.
I don't know. I'm asking this question myself everyday. All I know is that we definitely don't need Christianity. We don't need another universalist, proselytizing, missionary faith to divide us and focus our attention on elevating the struggles of the third world. We need a White religion and most Christians of today are non-White and live in Spic America, Apefrica or in Asia. We don't need a religion that puts Jews on the pedestal and worships them as God's chosen people. We don't need a religion that supports race-mixing. We don't need a religion that preaches pacifism when we are besieged from all sides and we need to fight so badly. We don't need a myriad of various denomination fighting against one another. We don't American mega-churches, Pedo-loving Catholics or Soviet-infiltrated Orthodox authorities. We need a religion for White people only. Not for Jews and not for niggers.
>(((they))) gave much money to the soldiers, 13 saying, ‘Say ye, that his disciples having come by night, stole him–we being asleep; 14 and if this be heard by the governor, (((we))) will persuade him, and you keep free from anxiety.’ 15 And they, having received the money, did as they were taught
There is a desire in the Jewsphere for their chosen to intermarriage with whites. Their reasoning is this way they are easier to hide, harder to remove and that their destructive traits are always recessive, including a cult that will enforce these traits regardless. This intermarriage can be exploited to get Jews into birthing blacks instead.
How do those funny little hats stay on their heads without falling off?
Kikes literally just do the stuff the Bible warns us about. This one aspect alone is reason enough for everyone to keep a Bible around, and to read one.
We should ban this antisemitic hatebook immediately.
replace desert cult with ethnic identity and traditions.
You doubt a jew would bribe someone?
Past this around to churches. An end note for them should be to end all support to israel. Stop all US aid and boot every politician who supports them.
Celebrating Easter is the most antisemitic custom as Christ's resurrection shows beyond any doubt that kikes are a satanic scam.
There's a simple test of kikes.
If they say no, they are of the Synagogue of Satan.
user, doing a quick search of "christian persecuted in israel", most the results are people being apologists about the subject and going "It's just a small minority of Jews" or "We should still support Israel anyway because it is the 'Holy Land'" as detailed in this article:
It doesn't matter to them at all that even the U.S. Department of State came out and even stated that Israel is biased against Christians:
christcuck fairy tale isn't a basis for proving anything. jews jewing proves them scammers and christcuckery is a slave death cult mind poison.
Except jews lie. They lie about being jews, they lie about their beliefs, they lie about converting, and they lie about their behavior. You can’t ask a jew anything.
Yeah, maybe if you post it for a 5th year we’ll all start to believe your paid jewish shilling.
Thanks anons, these are all good points.
I wonder if our people as a whole need to write our own Declaration, strict laws and Bill of Rights first of all, after as much discussion as possible on where we go from here.
I never said "prove". You said that. Who cares about proving?
My statement stands. It is a useful sourcebook of kike tactics, and, as such, is a precious item for all those interested in living in a modern reality.
But, because of that, you can actually reliably identify kikes. Well, there are a few false kikes as slippery. But you can tell they're not straight white males.
It's like how snakes engage in furtive movements, not realizing precisely those movements give them away.
Christianity has worked well for the jews, for millennia.
To those who don't know yet: jewry cares for destruction, thus the destruction of the European race that is. This pathetic mind-castrating religion is secondary.
How do you convince Christian friends/relatives/acquaintances that jews are not their allies? I like Marching To Zion, but it's pretty long and you can't just whip out your phone and show them an entire documentary in the middle of a conversation. What arguments do you use?
Have you seen their hair? It's like velcro.
Step on the gas Jews, do it. 999
< Christianity has worked out for kikes
Yeah, about that, we do have a Christian solution to the kike problem. Name the non-Christian solution. Stalin was a kike, and Karl Marx was a kike.
The jews say they'll help them. It positively says they did bribe them, and the guards did as told. It does not say that the jews helped the guards afterwards.
it as in christcuckery chapter and verse. No shit post this, from the fucking horses mouth, which in the face of this all you christcucks ever have to say is "you're a jew shill." No faggot, that's proving christcuckery is poison to which you have no real response.
Yes. First we resurrect Mnemosyne.
The article explains that Judaism, as a religion, splintered from the Hebrew religion after the fall of Babylon, and started following the teachings of the Babylonian Talmund (Also called the "Tradition of the Elders"). And, as for Jews as a race, the article also explains that they are not Israelites, but the remnants of the Cainites.
Reminds me of that guy that went to that University in Maryland after Michael Brown died and started preaching, calling Michael Brown a thug. I think some nigger punched him in the mouth.
Is that why they love jews and pissrael so much?
Thank God my Lutheran church is oldschool German and not part of the ELCA (hint: basically catholics since they signed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification in 1999).
But actually, judaism makes its first appearance much much much much MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
muuuuch later.
How long til he gets crucified?
Why get so bent out of shape about it? Did you get molested by a priest in your youth?
Anyone notice that Israeli Jews behave more like Arabs and have the same "explosive mentality"?
dob jej rabbi
tbh the army is protecting him.
All Christians, according to kike yidsraeli philosophy, are designated "insane" - they call it "religiously insane". 8^)
I'm a dumbass, it's Missouri.
fuck ur kike religion
That same Mossad shill:
It's saying that before Christ our differences are insignificant. Considering Christ is omnipotent and omniscient that seems like common sense.
Is part of a greater piece discussing the cost of following Christ. Your persecution of such just goes to prove it right.
This is saying to be steadfast when persecuted instead of sinning. Basically to show, by example, how people should be treated.
Additionally, the Bible states that the Antichrist will want globalism:
8^) Can't get to heaven & work @ a bank.
Cultured-Thug addresses why (((they))) are so anti-masculine.
Christians want to fund a cargo plane full bible-carrying niggers landing in your country to impregnate your daughters. I see this at every church. Maybe once they cleanse their own institutions from within they'll be in a position to prosylitize again.
It seems rather strange to me that the whole "revere your past and ancestors" thing has a good 1-2000 year gap where you're apparently supposed to think they were all kikes or sympathetic to such. And of course, these arguments appear ad nauseam whenever a topic even remotely approaches religion.
Really gets the ol' noggin joggin, as it were. It's almost like (((certain groups))) would have us tear each other apart before we've established any real authority or power over any particular place.
Yes it is, and it's wrong.
Yes it does, and it's bad.
Yes it does, and this is bad.
Modern deism / religiosity is the degeneration.
Prayer is all about "please great god aid me"
Ek trui a matt min og megin.
Traditional religions were different, for all of Evolas dislike of Jung he still explains traditional prayer as (paraphrased into Jungian terminologi):
Becoming the archetype of a god and drawing power from that.
Not meekly asking daddy god to help.
That only led to asking daddy state to help once (((science))) killed god.
You don't have to pick a religion, or you can pick almost any religion((((except)))). What matters is the way you approach spirituality.
Well usury is a sin, but like anything it can be forgiven.
That is a very real problem. It certainly isn't exclusive to Christianity, but it must be dealt with.
It isn't. A fat man is fat relative to a normal human, but his mass is insignificant if you compare it to the earth.
How is it bad?
It certainly doesn't mean you shouldn't defend yourself. If it did, why did Paul flee?
Are you a Christian? Otherwise, it seems rather hypocritical of you to be an outsider while claiming knowledge and dictating terms.
Given that we hate jews and leftists for doing the same thing.
No Christianity == No Enlightment
Enlightenment == European
No Enlightenment == No Europe
spics and niggers are your kissing cousins, not mine and there's no comparison to your imaginary invisible friend, he doesn't exist.
A fair set of points. It's forgotten that Christianity was very interested in science and innovation, if but for the sole fact that the more people learn about the universe and its intricacy, the more likely it is that it is of intelligent origin.
pic related
Wrong, Whites did what Whites did in spite of christcuckery, not because of it.
Yes, that's pretty much the basis of dispensationalist/rapture theology. Nevermind that most of the shit they expect is not biblical and generally speaking trying to promote the events in revelation is probably a cataclysmically bad idea. The book was a warning, not a play-by-play, but they're hell-bent on seeing the temple rebuilt in Jerusalem because that's their sign for the end times and then they think they'll meet god. They might but it certainly won't turn out well for them. It's suicidally naive and comes from a very superficial understanding of scripture so it shouldn't be of any surprise that it's the most popular brand of "christianity" in America.
Just as E. Michael Jones said, the Germans were running around chasing pigs through the forest before Christianity. I really don't get why there are people in here talking about fighting Jews by rejecting Christianity when northern Europeans were about as irrelevant as North American Indians prior to Greco-Roman Christian civilization coming to their lands and transforming them.
The thing about apocalyptic accelerationism is that it makes no sense. Why would any Christian try to force the Father's hand?
Which is why the vast majority of European art was geared towards Christianity, ye?
It's baffling to see the Rapture theology, pretty sure it's not being taught in Europe at all, which makes it all the stranger.
Its why as a Christian the only reason why i dont hate them is because they are fucking brainwashed.
My hatred for their Christianity inspired death cult is lnly surpassed by my love of Christ
top fail, pre christcuck art trumps christcuckery art any day.
Yeah runes on stones are so much better than the Sistine Chapel
That's because it largely came through (((Scofield))). It's the theology his zionist propaganda bible promoted.
Isn't it illegal to preach Christianity to the jews in Israel? I remember there being a law in Israel that you can't preach Christianity to the jews in Israel.
Baroque is the best, sorry 'bout your taste.
pic related has nothing on huts and runestones
Remember, when you make a claim, you have to back it up with evidence. You should really adopt better standards, any White man should strive to be the best he can be, after all.
(((Enlightenment))) was entirely masonic, It doesn't define Europe whatsoever, it gave way to proto-globalism, also known as liberalism, and the modern left-right dichotomy, which is entirely materialistic in nature.
Also, conflating Christianity with the (((Enlightenment))) period is retardedly Ironic, seeing the rise of secularism anti-clerical sentiment at the time.>>11815466
Hello Roman and Greek art, no contest, arm and leg tied behind the back.
What, converting them? All the did was create the Jewish equivalent of "le BASED godly niggers" out of the Jews they could get their hands on and disperse the ones that they couldn't.
Does anyone have any material to redpill Christians on Jews? Like that time the Catholic Church found out about the Talmud?
Greeks need to realize that Arachne did nothing wrong and help her grow into a goddess of weaving and banter instead.
Επίσης είναι πιο καύλα από την Αθηνά.
Trillions of US dollars and soldiers blood. Might as well go and make the best of it. A pilgrimage. Take a shit in the street for AIPAC.
A syncretic composite of Indoeuropean panthea, maybe with strong influences of Dynastic Egypt religion mythology plus Ebola-chan and meme figures. Also Heroic/ancestral worship should be emphasized and enriched. historically confirmed cultural figures like Julius Ceasar, Vlad the Impaler, Theodore Roosevelt and Hitler should stand next to volkish legends like Hercules, Achilles, Odysseus, Beowulf and King Arthur as equals just like Alexander achieved.
Christians have a long, detailed history of preaching even where they may be persecuted for it. I can't help but wonder if that helped inspire ideas like free speech in the west.
I respect this guy. And here I thought most Christians had gone limp-dicked.
Lmao that last pic.
Damn near every point in bold is repudiated by the sentence after it.
Example is "however these people were called judaizers"
It so fails to leavr out how shunned they were and how even Paul himself later apologized for breifly thinking it to be rigjht and for misleading peter
Protestantism is the only way to serve Christ, for its founder not only spoke against the heresy of the Catholic Church, but also jewry. If only modern day Protestants saw how kikes are manipulating them now.
Paganism is also for niggers.
Wow nude pottery and some fancy columns how fucking advanced. Let's see the Roman equivalent to the Sistine Chapel, or were your precious romans too busy taking orders from kikes to kill Christ and sodomize little boys.
Get that subhuman faggot shit out of here.