Congress Demands Arrest of Hillary Clinton
Other urls found in this thread:
Great! It only take him more than two years to do something he could have done after inauguration.
Anyway…when is Trump going to end with NATO like he said he would?
Stupid op. KYS promptly.
Fake news
Real jews
This video is a few months old.
so…. it’s a drill?
Notice how shills bump the thread.
Noted. When Congress make this announcement?
The ticker looks fake as hell, can't find a source
Obvious Slide thread
Wonder what they're distracting from.
youtube has it published on July 4th.
Inb4 Clinton deploys her regular assassinations made to look poorly like suicides, or unfortunate car accidents for either congressmen or any investigators.
lol these fucking demoshits
Notice how the population of shills went through the roof the second the last mod was fired? There's a higher percentage of shills here than cuckchan. The faggot nigger moderating this place now needs to worry less about moderating and more about the day of the rope.
Shills go through the roof constantly. There were more domestic 8ch shills here when /leftycuck/'s kikey owned the board as he was trying to destroy it.
>16 posts in a thread, 7 of them are shills.
the ultimate state of cripple chan
Bullshit. There was very little traffic, but the quality of the threads was much higher. The old mod banned so many users because that's how many shills were spamming the forum. Now all those shills are de-banned and back at it.
Gas the (((shills)))
have a bump
Kiky was a subversive mod who was trying to destroy Zig Forums slowly. He was cancer and would have banned you for your post because you made it here and not on >>>/metapol/
He would post the most obnoxious ratchle maddow avatar and make the most shitty leftists arguments for hours and hours on end, and would ban anyone complaining about it.
Nobody was sad to see him go except him and his subversive fagot friends.
Yes. And you're making that out to be the new mods' fault. They've had what, 4 weeks? to ban IPs etc. Of course there are going to be more IPs.
Kikey banned people who didn't check dubs.
Kikey banned people for misspelling shit.
Kikey banned people for calling out obvious shills.
Kikey was not good for Zig Forums. Zig Forums was consistent and populated because of happenings. Then at the end of kikey's ownership of Zig Forums it dropped to 1700 regularly. That's good to you?
It's summer m8. A lot of these newfriends don't remember or are intentionally not remembering that kikey was proven to be from Zig Forums
Here's the YouTube link. See for yourself:
Mods need to delete this slide thread.
I realize that. I just wasn't going to fucking search google and youtube for the video because I don't give a fuck.
You brought evidence to the claim, so great job!
That's all that was needed rather than;
pick one, nigger.
one was a joke and the other 6 were spot-on. looks like you need to GTFO. there are other boards for your type
Only july 27th we have the greatest blood moon of the century along with a powerful influence of mars. The last time we had one of these, was when the WATERGATE SCANDAL broke.
This whole thread is bullshit except for those portentious trips
That it is. If I find the time, I'll get a thread going for this alignment. It makes for good memetic materials.
Hold on, I'm confused. They have openly accused Hillary of criminal misconduct (we know she's guilty, but bear with me) on national television but somehow it's not news? Is there something I'm not getting here?
Lol wut
Kikey banned any user who wasn't jewish and openly shilling for ZOG
dont blend me bro
Tbh that was an awful post
We have a Republican president and AG and Hillary Clinton hasn't been arrested after a year and a half. Am I missing something here?
I understand and share your frustration but expecting the old hag to be drawn and quartered the moment Trump took the seat is just unrealistic. She's protected at every level. That said, it does look like her luck is running out at long last.
That should not be. For someone to flagrantly violate the law and it's out in the open and nothing is done about it because of who she is, shows how corrupt this system is.
They should have demanded her arrest. They should stand up there and cite the laws she broke and stop being cowards. I'm not expecting them to even investigate the Clinton Body Count, but fuck me everybody knows this bitch broke several federal laws including mishandling classified information and obstruction of justice.
No shit. And it would also be great if we could kick out the Mexicans and gas the Jews, but things take time, even when there's broad agreement. Here's the hill that has to be climbed before Clinton sees the inside of a jail cell:
Like it or not, she's got half the country at least passively supporting her as part of a bullshit culture war. She's their totem, and they'll take her arrest as a "loss" for their "team." No president can ignore that mass of discontent. Public attitudes shift, but that takes time and propaganda.
She knows people, and people know her. Everybody who's ever terminated with extreme prejudice owes her a favor, and if she starts blabbing what she knows as part of a plea agreement, half of the national security state is going down. They will literally kill us all to prevent that, so it's going to take time and effort to pry Clinton loose from their protective embrace.
Rich people have a different experience in the justice system than everybody else does. Clinton has the lawyers to keep a not-very-enthusiastic set of prosecutors running from pillar to post for years. There's no end to the resources this old bitch will burn to spend the last 15 years of her life free, and it makes a difference to the outcome.
She is a Yale-educated lawyer herself, and nobody in the whole world is more careful about saying incriminating things. She's actually been triangulated into admitting several felonies, which was an impressive feat for the House committee Gowdy is on, but she's a greasy fish, and every single sentence that comes out of her mouth will be parsed to within an inch of its life in an effort to keep her out of the federal ADX.
There's more, but I hope this helps clear up what Trump meant when the crowd was chanting "Lock Her Up!" and he replied "it's complicated business." It is complicated, in that the fucking state will collapse if a significant cog like her is knocked out. She made herself a load-bearing structure in a crooked house, and now she has to be carved out with great caution. Frankly, I don't even think anybody would bother, except throwing her in a dungeon is still really popular with the other half of the country.
Sage faggot op
Thats some nice reverse psicology.
Fake news tough.
Thank you, based janitorial artisan.
Fuck you, OP, for your click-baity title.