Brit/pol/ #2845: DESPERATE Edition

EU Elections Stream


Tory WARNING: Farage to be PM if Tories FAIL to deliver on Brexit, says radio host
NIGEL FARAGE will become the “de facto” leader of the country if the next Conservative leader fails to deliver on the vote of 17.4 million Britons in the 2016 Brexit referendum

Brexit Party forecast to win the most votes
The last polls (taken before voting day) show that Nigel Farage's Brexit Party was likely to gain the most votes in the UK

Philip Hammond: PM cannot ignore Parliament on no-deal Brexit
Chancellor Philip Hammond has warned that it would be very difficult for any prime minister who backs a policy of leaving the EU with no deal, to retain the confidence of the House of Commons

Change UK could form partnership with Lib Dems
Change UK leader Heidi Allen has suggested the party could form a partnership with the Liberal Democrats

Le Pen warns Macron to ‘DISSOLVE PARLIAMENT’ after defeat
MARINE LE PEN told Emmanuel Macron to "draw consequences" and "dissolve" the French Parliament after dealing him a major blow as her far-right National Rally party topped La Republique En Marche in the European elections, according to latest projections

Trump in Japan: Ring-side seats at sumo
President Trump attended the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament as part of his trip to Japan

Artist claims she was banned from Facebook for selling MAGA hats that she turned into Nazi armbands and KKK hoods
Kate Kretz from Maryland said a photograph of a Nazi armband was taken down by the site, which claimed she had 'violated community standards'

75% of Congress calls on Trump to boost intervention in Syria, to ‘pressure’ Iran and Russia
While Trump threatens Iran and Venezuela with new wars, 400 Congress members, including leaders from both parties, want to intensify the eight-year war on Syria, to weaken Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah

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don't worry its inflammable

Wonder if the retards will ever accept reality or just keep denying it tbh.

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use the BNA flag then

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Gibraltar (South West) result:
LDem: 77.4% (+10.2)
Brex: 8.0% (+8.0)
Grn: 5.0% (+3.8)
Lab: 4.4% (-4.8)
Con: 2.7% (-14.5)
UKIP: 0.9% (-3.1)

Give it back to spain tbh

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The mindset of children.

It's nice having Zig Forums feel like Brit/pol/ again.

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i can see their point, but are these people so spooked by spain to not realise the smuggling opportunities that brexit would bring?

Jesus what a load of cucks, they can fucking have it tbh, that or we need to purge it.


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What's the seat allocation all added up?

tbh, very nice. although it does bring pol out of the woodwork

How'd we do lads?

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maybe we could trade it for a spanish island? is gibraltar really necessary anymore?

It's not been too bad tbf, only a couple of spastics.


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I'd trade it for access to resources or a fuck load of money and not the shit tier paper kind, but the pure gold or silver kind.

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Lads….are things actually going to get interesting soon? Are labour going to be forced to actually change their tune on brexit - and thus reveal how empty their expressed position was? Are we going to see a pro remain coalition attempting to thwart brexit? Is there going to be an emergency general election? Imagine how fucking angry people would get if labour, lib dems, the greens and the faux nationalist parties conspired to reverse the leave vote.


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The real winner here is Adolf Hitler.

I get told I look like a tall young tom cruise tbh lads

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Lads, how come "alternative" parties like Ukip (and now I TBP) can do really well in the European elections but do badly in the GE? Are normies that brain dead they just revert back to the red blue mindset or is it that the powers that be put more effort in to control the votes for GE's?

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thread seems to have finally slowed down

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nice humblebrag tbh

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Well yeah everything is in for now 'til tomorrow.

Because GE has a lot more tactical voting and press+polly manipulation going on.

the price of speed tbh


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If I have to have a guess, I'd say it is because those are more important so they are rigged heavily tbh.

never minded Zig Forums passing through, it made the night shifts much funnier when there was a grockle itt that you could bully/anglicise. lots of yanks come around to our ways once they've witnessed some of that bants.

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The iron skillet is down and the heat is on.


I suspect you are the yank.

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Be quick lad, you can do it.

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I reported the yank.

Sorry lad, shit is moving quick didn't notice tbh.

s'alright lad lel, I was just agreeing with you

grassfed butter for your oil lad

Are there any wog Brexit supporters?

Bless him.

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Oh fair tbh, my tiredness is fucking with my reading ability tbh.


She was over the hill in that movie tbh

they're a minority

I wonder how many hookers’ asses that thing’s been in. Must store many memories.


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Like 50 of those are my vpn.

Then she climbed a fucking mountain, shit lads.


That's around our usual number tbf

no worries lad, go for a kip so you can get up and enjoy the morning salt


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I would if I could tbh, no worries tho either I will fall asleep or I will get my second wind tbh.

Surprisingly few people are interested in a painting of tranny-ized Lucy. I conclude you’re faggots.

He’ll be missed. Did he really marry a supermodel?

oh ok, I never normally look unless its a night like this.


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Gonna clean my fish tank then have a bath then bed
What a great result

I wonder how many kikes are shorting the pound right now.

might go for a quick kip tbh

I wonder how many nutjobs have manipulated the markets for the past four years

Bit anti semitic lad

Lucy would probably be fun to play table tennis with, even if she’s a tranny.

They did it right after Brexit, thebankahsthebonuses are fucking autistic

It's not a trannt retard, give it a rest

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Good night overall. Been nodding off for the last half an hour but pleased with the result. Especially France and Italy. Brexit party was a certainty but I wasn't sure how things would go on the continent. Looking forward to tomorrows salt.

have you lads seen swiss money? it's kino

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Oversaturated monopoly money.

nn lad

That does look kind of cool tbh.

I can still love Lucy, even if Lucy is a tranny.

Did I say kike instead of globalist salamander-men?

papist heretic

Reminds me of something a try-hard art student would churn out while experimenting.

hate yanks
hate poles
hate racism
love are nige
love pakis
simple as


we're fighting fascist europe for a GLOBAL Britain

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jus sanguinis, my fellow huwhites.


Tbh lads don’t seem especially friendly, you sure about that white unity thing?

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kingell lad

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Tbis tbh, all clay is rightful Anglo clay.

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According to Britain’s lead scientist, the moon is a hologram.

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Thought you were going for a sleep lad smh

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Remember when he offered to sneak Assange out, in a diplomatic package or something? is sweltering so I'm having a pint in the garden with the fire.

The watchers never sleep, laddy.