How do you disprove this "Egyptians were black" bullshit that niggers keep parroting?
How do you disprove this "Egyptians were black" bullshit that niggers keep parroting?
Don't disprove it. Encourage them. Tell them that the kikes are their rightful slaves that were stolen from them.
Should be fun to see the kangz trying to enslave the kikes.
Niggers are mentally retarded, trying to convince them their feel good mythology is false is like trying to tell a 5 year old Santa isn't real. The real issue is the jews, as usual, who plant these thoughts in niggers heads and constantly revise history so that young White children grow up thinking niggers were kangz because the kikes put them in every media platform.
Shoot them
ay yo gibs me dat menorah fam
Being tanned doesn't mean being a nigger
one drop rule
Where do you faggots keep coming from
can we just admit that egypt had electricity
cuckchan tier nigger thread…… Jews strike again
Usually I disapprove of accelerationism but this instance it is acceptable. Low IQ is incorrectable, so Melanated Kings is the same as Wakanda is real. You can't fix stupid. More people see the stupidity, the more people will say fuck it, governmental change.
Kikes literally doctor Egyptian art so stupid niggers believe their race war propaganda.
sage for shit thread
why bother trying?
see, nothing about 3000 years ago matters to the conversation. niggers are violent and lazy and stupid and don't belong in the societies we own and run. period. that's the end of the story.
any and all diversions into ancient historical bullshit are only means for derailing from the point of the conversation. what does "niggers were kangs 3000 years ago" have to do with the bunny friend park shooting, or the mothers day second line shooting, or last weekend in chicago?
btw the same goes double and in spades for this "ancient aryans" shit. we don't need to justify jack shit based on ancient history, the modern record and the current situation is enough.
Trips of kekery. Even tho what the other user said is a dumb thing to enforce, it'd be fuckin funny as well.
Show them this.
You don't argue with niggers lol
But if they are from America then show them pic related.
Yeah, they've had a lot of time with that whole Moses thing and it really hasn't worked out. Let's try something else. Let them know they were slaves owned throughout antiquity and to this day the kikes consider them cattle to be bought, sold, and sacrificed as they see fit.
Or just tell them the truth, that the Jews have been peddling negros as slaves for thousands of years, and plan to continue doing so forever, proudly, as part of their cult.
Truth is always the way to go.
They plan on and have done the same thing to Ethnic Europeans…at least the nogs (in the only epic thing I have ever seen them do; and I fucking hate nogs) rose up and literally murdered every last (((Islamic slaver))) they could get their hands on during the revolutions in Africa. It was HIGHLY enjoyable to watch them murdering all the Semites. I have recommended Addio Africa to people before, it was not released in the USA, for obvious reasons, but it is one of the most insightful documentaries about nog intellectual capacity, africa and why nogs and EE's will never and should never mix…all those people who race mixed and chose nogs over EE culture and going to have to go back to Africa when the time comes.
It makes the best memes. Then reality only needs a little nudge to change it.
not killing all niggers is white suicide
Damn, those some primitive Air Jordans.
Response: "Take a look at nog offspring and other races who have been productive throughout history. Do you really think they actually designed and built the pyramids or the more likely scenario, the slave ball washers depicted in the hieroglyphs?"
You could take a thousand whites or asians and place them anywhere on the planet, eventually they would figure things out and build a society. Nogs not so much. Otherwise africa would be the greatest country on the planet.
You can't make people believe things that they don't want to believe, even if it's the truth.
Holy shit. Egyptians really fucking hated Jews and Blacks.
Sure they were in Egypt.
As slaves.
washing dicks
How could they be black if they had a history?
Egypt was a diverse place.
I see 3 skin colors here. Who is doing all the hard work and who is overseeing?
Some egyptians of "southern kingdom" aka Ethiopia were in fact black.
The primary egyptians of the great kings era were white. It's obvious from paintings and DNA tests.
Fuck off.
Where's the 'ya'll wuz dickwashers' pic
Simple, you just post truth right at their face and watch them chimp out.
They sure have come a long way.
African ancestry was mostly absent in Egypt until the post Roman period.
And by African I mean subsaharan. I know niggers don't seem to understand that there isn't some magic line in the Mediterranean and red sea that makes you a nigger when you cross it.
Also point out the size of Africa. Maps distort it but these are huge distances.
The slave coast is as far from the Nile as Tijuana is from Nova Scotia. It is also an impenetrable desert.
Egyptians were Middle Eastern:
Modern Egyptians are more Sub Saharan than Ancient Egyptians.
Because Im an Egyptologist and sheit ma nigga, I know a lot about the subject.
IMO the Taureg people of North Africa probably look a lot like the Ancient Egyptians. At least the Caucasian ones.
tfw no Taureg gf
Notice the difference?
Wrong approach. It isn't up to you to disprove anything. The claim that Ancient Egyptians were black is a positive claim, so the niggers have to substantiate it. All anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together has to do is point out how ridiculous the sources and 'research' they use is. There's more evidence to show that it's all the result of Aryan space men and Atlantis running/leftover from the great flood at the end of the last ice age.
Ancient Egyptian vs West African
Egyptians considered themselves darker than Libyans and Syrians.
Syrians were the lightest color. Most similar to Southern Europeans.
Libyans were also white but closer to Berbers.
Egyptians were darker but with a reddish pigment. (women were depicted as yellowish) like the Taureg posted above.
Nubians were, well…niggers
surely you could have posted an uglier negress for your unbiased and purely analytical post
The Taureg seem to be a mix of Byzantine and the Ethiopians.
They reconstructed a skull and it was Caucasoid.
Niggers still think this is black though because the wig looks like dreads even though Egyptians were mostly "bald" and wore wigs.
Egyptians were Mixed-race, now get fucked. Whites tell too many lies. Kek.
Whites tell lies and claim Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi plotted White Genocide with the hybridization of all Whites.
The Eurasian-Negroid race looks most similar to ancient Europeans.
Middle Eastern people are mixed up anyway so these people were not you Austrian cousin fuckers. They were Mixed-race with Negroid admixture or Semitic Arabs.
And 11:59PM niggers weren't washing dicks. They were performing a circumcision. Suck a cock, kys and stay BTFO. I'm from the real master race. The Roman Empire were in awe at what my kind did in Egypt, thousands of years ago in their prime and in their near final form.
My kind will be manufactured again and ascend to the highest level. We will trade polytheism for nihilism and scientific advancement, regardless of ethics or morals for those we deem lesser than us. You mutts will die with the turdskins and your Kike overlords.
Make up your fucking minds.
Either Coudenhove-Kalergi never conspired against Whites and you are all full of shit and grossly cherrypicked and misinterpreted Practical Idealism, or, he did and you confess that he admitted the Eurasian-Negroid race he allegedly wanted to turned Whites into strongly resemble the Ancient Egyptians of 3,000 years ago. Egyptians who required serious IQ to build Egypt and had a disdain for Kikes, signifying they were based before Whites.
wow what a sperg
well he goes on to say that ooga boogas have been brainwashed, which is totally correct
Why bother? Niggers are hopeless. If anything its good that they shout like they do. The more their claims clash with reality the more obvious their worthlessness is.
Reality always wins.
oh. is that how jews have subjugated the most powerful nations on the planet using nothing but lies?
Wrong. The Arabs mixed with niggers, and THEN with you, thousands of years later. This is what J1 looks like, modern day "middle eastners" (>what are Levantines, your subset) are a mainly mongrelized J2. In fact, even Mohammed had ginger hair (as did Tutankhamen), it's why its holy in Islam. Modern day Egyptians have almost nothing to do with ancient ones.
Yeah, but not because da jooz. They brainwash themselves. I'm European and I've seen them posting that google "white people" shit as proof that real Europeans were black, believing it whole hartedly. Niggers are dumb, nothing newsworthy.
Just because something is so now doesn't mean it will not change and it doesn't make it a law either.
Yeah, 100% this.
Don't forget, the Black Nationalist Nation of Islam used to be very outspoken about the fact that the Jews were indeed largely responsible for the African slave trade. Reminding the Blacks as to who their real enemy is should always be a priority.
eheheh i love so much how the jews get blamed by the transatlantic slave trade, when literaly it was my country who created that.
we always pass in between the rain drops :D
Easy, show them this book, or the nigger dick washer paintings:
You sound fucking stupid. The mainstream, maybe they are much older timeframe between the building of the pyramids, and Cleopatra, ist shorter than between Cleopatra and the fucking Empire State Building. Thousands of years of a rich civilisation exposed to racemixing result in your pic related.
*is longer, not shorter, damn it
Zig Forums was kangs?
We are going to meme the castration of all jewish males and the enslavement of your entire race by niggers and there is nothing you can do about it.
And yet here we are. How much time and effort do they put into subverting and lying. The media, education, money, politics etc… for decades. And in just a few years its all falling to pieces in part because of the simple ability of people to talk anonymously directly to each other.
Lies and deception work, but only for a while.
In the end reality always wins.
castration of jewish males and forced breeding of all jewish females with niggers
It's not immoral because they'll enjoy it. I'm not even kidding.
Every old Zig Forumslack left?
except for this guy?
Guess what nigger, they had to clean cocks before circumcision
Any study about skin cancer on egyptians? it will solve a lot of questions (check australians).
The Egyptians built stuff and made things so could not have been nigs.
The beauty of the current timeline is over 50-60 years have passed since nogs have been given every advantage humanly possibly and still the majority have accomplished jack shit. Reality is starting to bite them in the ass hard.
It doesn't "disprove" it, but it is extremely effective at removing their legitimacy, whatever shred of it they may have had.
Wealthy peoples did very little manual work and tended to stay in doors a lot so thus lighter skin
Anyone that wasn't invovled with manual work had lighter skin, in particular craftsmen/women. Soliders and Farmers were the darkest skinned because they were always out in the sun.
That simple really.
look at their skulls, blacks have a protruding jaw (from a profile), none of the egyption paintings or mummies have protruding jaw bones
That pic of the Book of Gates is like 5000 years old, nigger. In order it depicts:
-White Libyans
-Black Nubians
-White Asiatics
-Red Egyptians
The Egyptians most certainly did consider themselves, and actually were, darker than the white Libyans and Syrians.