Only two thirds of Generation Z identify as 'exclusively heterosexual
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that one third includes OP
You have to suck dick at the lodge to get a good job nowadays. A lot of that 33% is gay for pay.
No one here is going to believe this propaganda.
The same fake news said hillary was going to win the election. It's just opinion forming pravda.
They use this to push gay marriage and other insidious agendas. Don't believe fake polls.
Boomers may be trash, but they are also not fags.
I'm still confused as to why they published this regardless of the obvious inaccuracy of this poll. If there's a difference of 1 in 5 people identifying as gay between generations, then there is no chance that the "born gat" bioogical cause meme could ever be true. Why hang potential red pills out there for normies?
This is absolutely, 100% false, a lie, and trying to push the idea onto youth.
I've talked to plenty of younger millennials about this and I've not heard a single one who agrees with the entire notion of "gender" they still use the word but it's more habit it seems, and of "sexual identity".
This is another (((study))).
Masons are fucking retarder in my experience. Half retarded, fully cucked.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Maybe free-based crackheads.
Fuck me the whole world has gone absolutely insane.
Exactly. This is bullshit just designed to gaslight the public and mainstream deviancy. It holds no value.
This isn’t truth. Kill yourself, queer.
The idea to me is that it's encouraging people to experiment from the peer pressure (everyone else is doing it/accepting it, why aren't you?). It can be a potential redpill for someone who recognizes that something isn't right, but the gullible will fall for it even if it's a lie.
It's the fucking porn turning people gay, dudes. Gotta outlaw that shit.
I would argue that it could still be true. Caused by all those chemicals in the water.
So basically the same as it has always been.
1/3 faggot is too much
1 in 50 000 men are gay, it's that fucking rare. Yet another coordinated bs. The left wing journalist agrees with the conservative.
"Hey dude I'm writing about faggots this weekend. Make sure you got an article attacking me so both of our sites gets visitors and we can keep up with the drama for long."
You are getting played.
unironically true
Because I like strawberry shakes I am queer? What’s a nigger gotta do to keep the animals off of him for a week?
Then we must enhance propaganda so that the 2/3rds destroy the other 1/3rd children in gladiatorial style combat. The future belongs to those who step on the bodies of the inferior and crush their skulls beneath their boots.
Technically killing off 70% of the men is a good idea. I'm either dead or end up with two wives.
That’s funny. Getting frogged doesn’t make someone homo.
Wear black to these homos means something. Can’t even pay my bills because of these faggots, and they want me to buy new clothes.
Yeah, but what they don't tell you is that another third identifies as National Socialist
You’re a fag Riggle.
Go on any non-Christian dating site and flip through dozens of "females" ages 22 and younger and take a drink of your preferred beverage for every white bisexeual, or worse, Roman Salute for every transgender. Maybe do a push up for every ham planet. I'm not doing this to cause you intentional harm, but to wake you up to the loneliness of /fit/ single white men that's being forced on them by jews.
It's "trendy" and being pushed HARD. My sister was a victim of this brainwashing thinking she was gay, born gay, always gay, SJW warrior then woke up one day to be a total hoe using guys left and right for free shit and going blank behind the eyes.
sadly, as a guy surrounded by sisters growing up, I know this feel…
they're probably just checking the "bisexual" box because they think Chads think it's hot, and that probably partially explains OP's results
this doesn't mean a third of white gen z males wants to suck dicks
I've seen this too. It's disgusting. So many young white women that identify as something or other that jews have push upon them. The amount of cuckolding couples as young as 21(mind you that are seeking a bi-guy too) that i've seen, haunts me. I don't know if i'll find a women in this world, born to this generation when media being push'd upon my people includes shows like "Gaycation".
this, it's trivial to get a woman/girl to fag-out. but guys usually have to be forced in to it, traumatized or have jewish DNA.
Right on cue, Rabbi.
nice thumbnail faggot, ur part of the 1/3
Most gen Z men are passive and effeminate af.
t. 35yo boomer
I used to think mass cuckolding was a symptom of the degradation of western society, (and it is, in a way), but females have been doing this for thousands of years. the cucking part is just an open "msm sanctioned" version of infidelity that females have always practised. the whole point for men to engage in a western style society is the chance/illusion that they all have a mostly fair shot at reproduction. the problem is that woman biologically are designed to counter this. (hypergamy) some interesting research on why the vast majority of females fake orgasem. (it's all about reassuring the male thats shes not cheating/giving him a chance at reproduction) women have always been the gatekeepers to reproduction, they only allow a few high status males access to reproduction through the exchange of goods,services and status. thats why counter strategies (like rape/male birth control/sex robots, freak them out so much). mass and open cuckolding is just a step to mass and open polygamy (now rebranded as "polyamorous" relationships. its one woman and one man, supported by one or more lower status males)
Women had to be virgin before marriage. The estate went to the first-born. Well there was a pragmatic reason behind this. There was no birth control and people knew women are whores. This was the one and only way to make sure the kid was yours. After the first child no one gave a fuck if she cheated since all marriages were forced. Same applies to homos. They all had kids for centuries passing on the genes of faggotry.
Women didn't turn bad because of current culture, this is how they actually are.
Faggotry isn’t genetic
It's like schizophrenia. You must have a predisposition for it.
This is just brainwashing. Can you say one man is more handsome than another? Oh well goy, you're slightly gay. Anyone who is completely heterosexual is old fashioned, and not very inclusive, trendy and awesome.
This rheteroic is ridiculous, but it is what authorities inculcate young people with. It's the same for nationalist sentiment. What is a British person anyways?
Just because you can judge aesthetics doesn't mean you want to fuck the person! Jesus. Some paintings look better than others - doesn't mean I want to get my dick involved with them.
as added info, most users on here will already know this but it bares repeating, the (((elites))) already know how this shit works. so thats why they push homosexuality on white men, affirmative action/media programing to artificially elevate black and brown men to a higher status and feminism to make women hostile and undesirable to white men (while blacks and browns will fuck almost anything) not to mention the (((state))) with its seemingly infinite resources also plays on woman's hypergamy. and the state loves women popping out a nearly infinite supply of malleable chattel. all of this leads to the destruction of Caucasian/Europid people.
right, society led by women is basically bonobos.
indoctrination works.
They're brainwashed. Just put them in a room with a bunch of average looking naked guys, and they will straighten up immediately. After the pimplebacked horrors I saw in the first shower in basic training, all homosexual tendencies were immediately purged from my mind.
this, if you have same message being hammered into your head everyday eventual it's going to stick. when the parents, media, school, government, and social network are all (seemingly) saying the same thing. thanks to all of them being controlled by the same (((entity)))
Then why is it that the biggest whores are the women whose father was a preacher?
because lots of women have daddy issues, and (((society))) glorifies it.
There are 3 types of daddy issues girls:
1. Hedonistic and impulsive, easiest to fuck some will be legit hookers. If you can take the heat they are fun for a while.
2. Conservative and cold. They're all control freaks looking for the perfect husband. You fuck them you can't get rid off them, then they try to change you.
3. Asexual manhaters. Your typical mentally ill feminist.
Had my fair share of experience with all of them in 2 different countries. Generally people with childhood issues of the parent of the opposite gender will have a fucked up dating life and trust issues combined with a toxic form of shame.
t. 35yo boomer
This is sort of off topic but aren't the "progressive" leftists, Marxists, and anyone more left leaning than your typical liberal supposed to be against the (((media))) as much as we would? It seems like they will only believe it when it fits their narrative. Like how Antifa claims to hate the police but then they call them anyways when it comes to clashing with right wing rallies.
Are they just under the impression as if literal ebil gnatzees control it? For many years the (((media))) has been glorifying degeneracy and anti-White bias and yet somehow the leftards still think old White traditional men are in power? They tend to call the (((MSM))) as "corporate media" because apparently it's majority right wing in their eyes.
How much do you really have to pander to the subhumans? When will they ever be satisfied? Even if you show them the crime statistics of niggers and shitskins in the whole country, they would either think it's "institutionalized racism" or "racist conspiracy theory". Are they even against the (((system))) as they claim themselves to be?
Leftists don't have any true motives. They exist only to destroy natural order in favor of "getting on with the times". Specifically the commies only start revolutions just to spread their kosher ideology, not because they actually care for the people's cause. They claim to but I'm not seeing it, at all. So as much as they go around saying "abolish capitalism", they're against political ideologies that are also against (((capitalism))) (i.e. National Socialism and fascism).
Girls this age can think because they get warm fuzzies when they hug their girlfriends that makes them a dyke. They're that stupid and easily confused by the kike propaganda to make them feel special and part of an oppressed class. Nothing that a proper dicking doesn't solve, but kikes have a lot of nerve trying to confuse teen girls with their LGBTP death cult they promote as a tribal identity.
I wonder (((who))) is responsible for this.
Mossad identified:
And before social media we had gossip.
Nothing new under the Sun.
The saying "nothing is new under the son" is a reincarnation concept. 8^)
You forgot the most important strategy, paternity testing. Want to see women freak out? Invent a story about a place where all humans are forced to get a pregnancy license so that the government can take such sweet care of them, the women will be so into it. Then pull the rug and say that the price of this is an enforced program of paternity testing, you will see women turn 360 and walk right away in front of you
How little you know about Jesus and God. Did you know that reincarnation is never questioned in the Bible? That's because everyone already knew it was true.
< posting fake glocks
360. KYS.
Just looked it up. Now I want to cut my penis off and become a girl.
They are real traitorfield xds's, and I know you know the 360 meme. Just thought it was a funny pic because the xds was famous for having xds 3.3 and 4.0, basically just the chadder version of 3.3, identical in all except longer barrel.
Since when was everything the lying media claimed true?
Learn your generation, nigger. If you are under fucking 60, you're not a fucking Boomer. Your parents are Boomers. You are a Millennial. If you have an older sibling, they're GenX. Gen Z are in their teens right now. Fuck's sake.
Millenials are fucked, but this is lugenpresse black pill degeneracy.
Just look at this sentence;
So, see a dick, suck a dick? And sucking dick is a, 'lifestyle'… Maybe, for food, because if you're so weak minded that you partake in filthy because everyone else is doing it, you're fucked, for life. That's what these assholes don't get. They're destroying the tax base. Shlomo can't sell them anything anymore. Their nice retirement in Florida is off because the checks are going to get smaller. THEIR kids are just as pozzed. Dumb fucking jews are so debased today compared to their grandparents (the real evil kikes) that they can't even do math anymore? Whose going to out last who here? They want to play literal fag games with a global base of 15m let's say? hahaha the perversion they spread will be their holocaust.
Gen Z here and you are completely right, fuck these lugenpresse, our gen hate's degeneracy, even our gays hate the gay community. zion will fall to us and we will take back our lands as ours not (((there's))).
I once rented a room with a couple, one of which was the preacher's daughter. She kicked me out because I wouldn't fuck her.
Are you retarded?
There's actually no evidence this is true. There's no evidence their means of gathering information are real, or unbiased, or not intentionally misguiding. There's no evidence of anything other than the media and the like producing propaganda for decades to try to artificially generate social change, and even if they can't, they simply tell us things have changed in an attempt to warp peoples' perceptions of reality. There's no immediate hard evidence to back up the vast majority of the shit that comes from these people. There's no evidence their studies aren't complete bullshit. There isn't. Give me one good reason why any of this should be believed. One.
Great, now fuck off. It's be nice if you were a bit more right-wing than they try to tell us, but you're still too young for anyone to give a shit about your opinion.
Especially when the controlled opposition dress up as nazis.
What happened to you were born this way huh?!!!
Fucking kikes, i'll kill you all.
Anybody who's met a mason knows they're too fucking dumb to hold any real power. Most masons these days are random boomers who think the symbols are cool and like talking to other boomer masons about stupid shit.
These 'polls' are specially prepared to trick general public into believing that homosexuality is a common occurrence and therefore that it is normal sexual behavior. I wouldn't take those results for granted. Similar case as it was with the polls giving Hillary a landslide victory.
But also self-identification of sexual preference is just virtue signaling.
Shalom my (((fellow Aryan)))
Male faggotry is. All female are gay by default but in the rape masculine culture her preferences doesn't matter (no rape culture is not a bad thing).
Stop spreading lies, Jew. Homosexuality is spread by pedophiles raping children.
Faggots do not produce offspring to pass on their genetics.
Third time's the charm.
>Research by (((Ipsos Mori))) found that 66 per cent of young people, aged between 16 and 22, are "exclusively heterosexual" - the lowest figure of any generation.
Ipsos Mori is latin for "the men will die".
It's a fucking propaganda by a cult-like NGO, just kill OP and everyone who responded.
Without gay propaganda on general public and mainly children, fagots would simply die out so for them and kikes indoctrinating youngest population is matter of survival.
Faggots genetics don't prevent them from inseminating women. You should learn basic facts first.
No shit Sherlock. And what the fuck does it help them with? First things first, genetics are not the dominant factor in making people gay. If one has a genetic tendency to be gay there is greater chance that he will be gay but it is conditioning that has the predominant effect on that. People with childhood issues are the most likely to became faggs. Even if fagg impregnate woman there is a very distant chance that his offspring will be gay. That's why faggs and kikes need to brainwash children with their ill (((agenda))) to sustain their numbers.
Prove it.
Until you’re a grown man being drugged and raped by homosexuals, I think you should not comment about it. I have been drugged and raped by homosexuals. It will ruin your life for quite a while.
It's a meme on cuckchan.
It is the women skewing the results. All women are slightly interested in other women. My current GF has had sex with other women and admits being turned on by them. She says she cant handle being with other chicks because it is "too much drama." At least she realizes they are all insane. My GF before that in college would make out with girls at parties, her favorite porn was girl on girl, and we would go to the strip club together and she would put dollar bills in her mouth and strippers would take them out with their titties. She even spanked a stripper one night while she was rubbing her ass in her face. Kek good times. INb4 degenerate. Girl on Girl is perfectly natural.
Did you make faggs pay for what they had done to you?
Most of these studies are made on liberal university campuses with a small sample and a very large bias. It's not representative.
Women are useful idiots ,in most cases, and they do what is trendy at a particular time. Control the trends control the women. Retake media and woman will be as based as you want them to be. It is as simple as that.
It doesn't? Homos are minuscule part of population as this genetics indeed doesn't have advantage to spread?
Most important it self reporting. Self reporting about sex is just bunch of made up stories like
The only way user believes this possible is more women openly will sleep with a woman and an a man at the same time. Many women.. Are attracted to other women but would never date or marry another woman but are more than willing to share with a man or use each other to seduce said man. This whole movement is taking advantage of some innate primal instinct that most women have.