Left Eats itself alive: Blacks mad DNC hasn't protected Maxine Waters
I mean if her and her friends weren't protected, why would they still be a topic of conversation? Any sane government without systemic corruption would have had them all executed eternity ago.
Who could have guessed that a group composed solely of niggers, obese women, emasculated faggots and schizophrenic kikes would ever self-destruct in the end every time?
I'm not American but I've heard lots of shit that this woman has said (I listen to a podcast where they talk about California a lot) - this woman is nuts if she actually believes half of the things she says. "Not protected" my ass. If someone who wasn't a black, leftist woman had said the things she's said about a group that leftists liked they'd be out of a political career before you could count to ten.
Nig nog nig nog nigger nog nig.
I think the insanity and the immunity are related. Liberals are always privileged in some way that makes them immune to criticism, and thus, lets them develop absolutely absurd ideas that never get challenged. The more they build their thoughts of madness the more they get locked into it, because the older ideas become obvious, basic or standard to them. Then so many more of their other batshit insane ideas rely on this absurd foundation. This is why they have such a shrill/mocking/"I can't even" reaction to poking holes in them, because it causes their entire previously unchallenged world to fall down around them.
A thread died for this
sage negated, niggerlover
do they realize how profoundly retarded this nigger is? I'm not even exaggerating this time. this is one really, really dumb nigger. its amazing to me she's even survived in congress. she must have a (((dedicated team))) behind her
It is a dead heat between the sheboon and the guam tip over nigger
high af
*A thread at the bottom of the catalog for weeks that was likely bumplocked died for this
And in spite of yet another instance of chronic self-cannibalization on the DNC's part, shariablue will kevetch until their bloated faces turn purple about the "inevitable blue wave" that will magically undo everything Trump has accomplished in under a year.
I love the difference between the two camps when it comes to guns. Some of them are afraid to even be around guns.
They don't care that she ran her district into the ground.
No mo free rides. No one is getting protected from their own stupidity.
The left sees the Armalite 15 as the personification of primeval evil, as a symbol of death, destruction, and worse. Like the primitive african savages that preceded their backwards thinking and cargo-cult sensibilities, they ascribe to that object all their worst fears and seek to ritually destroy it in order to remove its evil from them. its basically idolatry.
Well said, completely agree. Well-deserved trips.
Never forget or forgive
What a disgusting, evil, niggers. Pretty much a living embodiment of stupid niggerdome.
The sick thing is that it's commiefornia. They'll never be voted out of office. Same as pelosi.
Okay, just finished watching this. Their group is called "Trigger Warning."
That's actually very funny. Reminds me of the old days, when I wasn't planning to kill them all. Well done, faggots. Try not to shoot your eyes out.
This has nothing to do with California. Mad Maxine's district is 6 million percent nigger, and they all vote Democrat. It's the safest seat in America, so the DNC found the dumbest nigger they could to occupy the place for them. Her only real challenge every two years is to be slavishly loyal to the state party that appoints her.
Even on the rare occasion she has a challenger, she always wins in a landslide because niggers who live in the ghetto, whose son is underground at 17, whose other children would literally starve if kindly whites didn't buy their food each month, think voting for a corrupt sheboon who's married to a banker is a blow they can strike against the wicked white man.
Niggers are fully retarded, no matter where they live. Waters would be just as big a problem if she represented a majority nigger neighborhood in Boise.
Now they like guns haha. Too bad you're about 250 years behind the average non-liberal. If you start a war its guaranteed fags and trannies are DOA. Minorities will take your ass out just because you're white and that don't have time for your bourgeoisie nonsense.
That's exactly how sheboon Sheila Jackson Lee stays in office here in Houston. Her district was redrawn about 5 years ago to be completely on top of the nigger hive. The area is 90% black and it's THE ghetto. Everybody hates her, but she'll never be gone.
She is also a poverty pimp user, half the charities that run on government money grants owe it to her to keep as many people in poverty as possible and grow that population even bigger, for the grant money is a few thousand a month for ever homeless person on their registry. That and all those free heroin rigs and naloxone kits and shootup clinics and warming station mats and breadlines and even the blankets all cost money, govt money, and the govt gets charged much larger amounts than all that shit costs, before its's dumped on the homeless. It's profitable as all hell, and they need their "Auntie Maxine" to keep everything a slum and stop any employment opportunities in the area to keep the gravy train going.
You'll find the same thing everywhere in the PNW, and practically the same kinds of people running it.
they don't care that she ran her district into the mud.
I would be on death row right now if I said what that nig said. This country is so fuckin weak on the nigger issue, its disgusting.
on viewing that first webm, i want to strangle that cuck with his own intestines and pull his tongue out his slit throat. This lads is why we should never allow women any decisions ever again.
Secondly she's saying she gets to say what happens to the property of others outside her house, not what's inside. That, right there, is the crux of their argument, that they can order policemen to seize the property of others on a whim because they won't allow it in their own home. They know very well what would happen if they tried it on themselves.
Yeah, like the "Union Gospel Mission", fucking pieces of shit give sanctuary to tweakers while pocketing large sums of public funding, stolen from average americans. Their objective is to prevent anyone from getting back on their feet, by forcing them in at hours that prevent them from getting jobs, while keeping them stuck in a psychologically dependent mindset. It's fucking sickening.
You gone and done what was asked of you, Maxine. You done good. So why the hell are they turning on you like the packs of lying dogs theys are?
Maxine you need to be worrin about your own ass honey. They gonna bury you if you let em. Best to get it all out in the open now, before they can shut you down. It'll be good for your soul honey, you'll live in heaven forever if you do!
I love watching them tear each other apart.
It’s racist to say she’s exceptionally unintelligent.
You got to say “they trained her wrong as a joke.”
White nationalists should take over the Democrat party. They are in such disarray now that we could probably do it easily.
A sane government would not allow a negress to be a part of it in the first place.
she dindu nuffins …the whole time she was head of the plantation
i'm curious…what does she say that could spawn this reaction? i mean, i never listened to an american saying something that wasn't retarded, insane…or both, so i'm genuinely curious. it seems the american specimen this thread is about is even more insane and retarded than the average american?
We allow you into our country. We treat you like a cherished guest. All 37 of us willingly came in your ass… and THIS is how you show your gratitude?!?
Get out, Eurosimp and take the Canadians with you!
dead policymakers can't kike up the nation
Dont respond to obvious D&C. Anyone that tries to get you to hate all Americans or all Brits is a shill
it would be a shame if someone shot and killed waters
Who died of AIDs and made you the lead pole-guard in this faggot parade?
it would be a continued shame if her corpse was then drawn and quartered in downtown LA for all to see
He's right you idiot.