Germany: 'Decapitating' Freedom Of The Press?
Germany: 'Decapitating' Freedom Of The Press?
Fuck all the apologist police forces
Such is life in Occupied Germany.
Single mother.
Coal burner.
Race mixer.
I don't know if the police are covering it up to protect the illegal nigger or to prevent people from connecting the dots about why race mixing is wrong. Great propaganda event though.
Toll paid pretty hard.
Where is the video? We should spread it.
On one hand, this is fucked up. I'm of the opinion that restraining order should be handed out, given enough evidence for potential violence (He is a shitskin so duh).
On the other, the toll is paid. Feminism took a step back for shitskin accommodation. Leftism killing itself again.
What a clown world.
At least the mutts that destroyed them are suffering on an even larger scale.
at least the nog killed the mulatto as well
Hang every cop. Hang every politician. Hang every journalist.
tbh nothing wrong with that fam. This guy has my respect.
Nothing of value was lost.
They want to conceal the fact that their ideas are objectively bad. Same will happen to the US if they have control as well. To them, it's not about execution, it's about image.
The right will win.
[✓] PAID
So after learning she would need to be a woman and stay at home mom a roastie used her womans privileges granted by the laws of the land and enforced by courts by accusing him of abuse or threats to fuck over a shitskin invader and he hilled her.
Not seeing the down side unless they let him go.
Ive had enough of this shit right about now. God fucking damn it.
Allahu akhbar!
But the fucking liveleak doesn't play for me. Nevermind back to drinking.
I posted the damned mp4
And every single one of you fags are missing it.
Whites are not mutts you kike.
I saw it. Can't wait until we can watch Liveleak videos of Whites mowing down shitskins instead of this crap. It would be so cathartic I am so angry right now.
Where? : ^)
Protecting the image of "refugees" is more important than protecting citizens. There's a term for governments who directly or indirectly kill or harm their own citizens, it's called democide. And that's exactly what is happening here. Government is deciding that non-native citizens and immigrants are more valuable than natural citizens.
Is this supposed to be news?
Sounds nice, I like it.
I found it.
But it's a crime scene not the murder itself.
The lack of urgency anywhere at the scene is striking. Let's just let the body bleed out everywhere while we talk to you folks.
another dead whore and dead mutt baby that would grow up to turn europe into a shithole
based nigger
Every time stories like this come out of Europe, it displays how little empathy Europeans have for their own ethnic groups. They care more about their "duty" in whatever line of work they're in than their people. How then, Zig Forums, am I supposed to care about these people? I know for a fact any of them would stand there and watch me be slaughtered.
I am never fucking traveling to Europe. These people are fucking deranged. You get locked up for defending yourself. They overlook violent crimes against you if you're white. They don't bother to help you if you're white and dying. What the fuck?
hey germans…. kill your police judges and teachers
Should have taken the mutt home and in 10 generations raised his villages average IQ by one point with the addition of the European genes.
Dont….No, no, just no.
Dont ever say something like that ever again.
So the white guilt germans raided the house of the based Christian African who filmed the slaughter. Ha, just when things couldnt get any more goofy, they do.
Why would I help other people I don't know, and I am not ever going to meet again in a democratic society? If some idiot gets killed by a nigger then what of it, the victim got what he or she voted for? Who am I to go against the practical manifestation of democratic will of the voters?
As long as people support democracy, I am not going to lift a finger to help them in their self-caused problems.
So if you get killed you're getting what you voted for, because by your own logic, everyone else voted for all the problems. You're a part of everyone else to every other person. Nice D&C.
Yeah, if I am retarded enough to get into such a situation then I get what I deserve for being a fucking retard. Is "actions have consequences"-concept that foreign to you?
Oh, I see, so those "grooming gangs" that raped hundreds of little girls were justified because actions have consequences. Sure thing, Shlomo.
Kill him or suffer the dysgenics
It's not so simple as that. Most of that and our views is just American projection on Europe and Europeans. They had all those instincts and far healthier until the Second World War and we crushed it out of them with liberalism and hyper individualism. They're still far more communitarian than we are. The idea of sitting around and doing nothing is wholly an American concept where we mind our own business and stay in our lane.
Now 70 years of America's absolute dominance on the continent has irreversibly changed things and set it back to our low-level thinking but they'll come out ahead in the end. I mean add American liberalism, far worse than either fascism or communism because it destroys the culture, along with jews dominance and you have what you see today. An atomized society that was begun long ago right here in America.
Plus she was a race traiting nog with a half-breed. There's really no purpose in the story other than to propagate to the emotionally weak that would never lift a muscle in their body to do violence. They're only good for give us the mass support we need to unleash our own version of violence toward our enemies.
Account closed.
Bunch of stupid bullshit. I've seen plenty of Europeans working together in the past and today to protect others.
Jesus Christ. Just looked it up and apparently the coalburner had 5 children from 4 different fathers.
Nothing is better than when the nog kills both the coalburning whore and the mongrel spawn, he basically did the work for us.
Once you go black, you never come back…
…Because you are dead
Toll status: PAID
Just look at that disgusting bitch, she's even sporting nigger hair, and look at the subhuman filth she gave birth to…
This is one of very few instances i am glad a white woman died, at that point she was irredimable.
Race traitor whore.
Yeah that bitch is another one from Finland, sorry.
Same trash tho.
Here is another one from Orwellistan.
Is that the same person? In the op it says "Sandra P."
It's not. Heidi Jalid from Finland.
Oh okay, thanks. Did she get killed too?
He has to go back.
Does this perhaps imply this is something they actually see regularly, but you don't hear of it?
You've got it. They tried very hard to not mention that directly.
One of them still made it.
That isn't even a real smile.
And they fucking wonder why AfD and the 120db movement are both becoming appealing to normalfags.
It doesn't matter what you or I think of that, conquerors have the right to rape and pillage, and have always had the right to do that. Just because retards pretend that they are living in a civilized society doesn't mean that their civilized rules apply to those that have come to conquer their lands.
Lol fucking gross
Cruel but true. Inferior commoners shed their own blood for universal sufferage.
They fought and begged the nobilities for it.
Now it is time to take responsibility for your sufferage that you fought for?
Don't like it? Too difficult? Just beg for rulers again, as you have always done, plebs.
Damn, these nazi scum will do anything to cover up for their death squads, huh?
Toll paid with interest.
Sure, if you kill all your ZOGbots so they don't come over to bomb our shit if we do that.
Well, holy fucking shit.
Germany, meet Streisand Effect.
Neither, they do it to protect the narrative that niggers and strong independent mothers who need no men are great for society.
If the nigger can't keep his women and is a violent murderer its bad for the image of nigger rapefugees painted by political correctness.
And if the single mother can't protect herself, her child and also makes bad decisions its bad for the narrative of feminism.
Also since European political correctness places feminism higher than cuddling niggers, there is the danger that even bluepilled leftist normies will change their view based on such a event.
Hence why the police needed to act quickly to keeps this news from spreading.
I bet they had to close the train station to hose away the blood. Think of all the people that were late for work.
They're not police forces if they do this, they're jewish pawns and should be investigated/routed out.
Yes, coal burner got what she deserved, correct. But the real issue at hand is what is filling my body with heat and causing me to feel so much hatred yet again. The International, Jewish press has once again attempted to, poorly might I add, pull the wool over our eyes and deceive the public. Those that care, that wish to see the politicians and press pusher shot, are not so easily deceived or lied too anymore. The public, however, will go about blindly and even if they were to be shown this, they have been demoralized and will not blink. I can not even imagine what the future will hold but godspeed to the young men and women that are going to be giving the press, and the governments of the world, and everything else terrible for Aryan blood, a big fucking problem.
Fornicating with non-whites is a sin unto death. Every last coalburner and oil driller will be slain with death by Jesus