New Meme: Super Soyian, Philly ICE Edition
Get crackin boys.
very nice.
Damn. One right turn in life and this guy could have been jacked and useful.
It was the soy. Not even once.
Smuggies like these are so great because they're really not that much of an exaggeration of reality, even though they seem like it.
a new meme was borned
He looks like he's trying to pretend to be angry but he genuinely doesn't care that much and he's just not a good enough actor to virtue signal. Pretty lulzy stuff.
Can someone upload the cut version to youtube?
how could it have ended like this
Yet another immigrant you could have saved.
Nah, have you not seen angry soyboys? They seem like they're acting because they don't have energy behind what they're saying, but that's just par the course for anything they do.
Thanks user.
Antifa can take donations by way of Mastercard, Visa, Amex, etc - or use paypal - and their GoFundMe pages remain online and process finances for them.
"Rebel, Rebel" - in a pig's ass
This is how you know they are the Jews pets. Antifa is even labeled a organized crime cartel by the FEDS and they still have money flows. While the alt kike has been shut down.
This thing probably has a tumblr.
Life immitates art.
Could have sworn I saw him standing on a pile of dead Jews in schindlers list.
Wait, I sent like $200 bucks to laura southern asking her to show me them based civic tits. The payment went through.
Literal mental illness. And those cops need to go to the gym instead of eating at McDonalds.
Are you implying that the guy in vid related is a big guy?
That's what it seems you're implying and you're a fucking nigger if that is the case.
Which is a pretty enormous felony on the banks'.
He looks like bubbles from trailer park boys when he's angry
It's the little things, like a soy-powered sperglord melting down while holding a giant, brightly colored, floral beach umbrella, that make me think that God really is on our side.
The chubby taking the umbrella away was the cherry of the cake.
I can imagine the cops having a good laugh about this cuck after work.
I laughed when the Goblin King showed up to steal his floral ummmackshuallybrella of power and he didnt even respond.
This is cucked/10
This soy creature had its umbrella stolen by a hambeast
Oh fuck me that's funny
Oh my fuck
Also known as trying to get laid by the chick who grabs the beach umbrella. Some cuckolds will do anything for a sniff.
Antifa soyboys even get cucked away from patio umbrellas.
how have I never heard this before?
wow, this guy is out there actually making a difference and fighting for change while you neckbears sit around fapping to chiniese cartoons hopeing for another holacaust. you make me sick.
The telltale fluoride stare.
Take notes kiddos. This is what a REAL MAN looks like
In what, a cup of soy?
When are you having your dick cut off?
Alt-kike failed, it's a cost-saving measure.
Now they are trying to meme us into drinking Monster so we have heart attacks.
All the goyim say he pretty soy for a shabbos goy.
The granny umbrella puts this so far into the realm of absurdity that I am not 100% convinced that this isn't a deep cover Zig Forumsack with more balls than sense doing it for the lulz.
Underrated post
Sun Sensitive Soyajin
That's a dude.
Ill be honest. He looks completely suberted. Doesnt seem to hold any real ground and seems to be finding self confidence. Easily redpilled and yanked from subversion if someone does it right.
but… a Zig Forumsack with those noodle arms? Please no…
One of the protesters at the ICE child sex trafficking bust
maybe he starved himself like that movie the machinist
Nope, she isn't
Pure cohencidence.
user, you have no idea how right you are. Once I had a friend that knew this fatso that had her skin lenghtened in tabs of flesh so she could shove meathooks through them and be suspended off the ground so her bf could fuck her pendulum style, like a living fucksling
I'm always impressed at how well lefty men are able to display their impotent rage on their face. They have very animated faces. I guess it's the compromise that comes with being so weak and effeminate.
That's a dude.
How can these people be so unintentionally hilarious so often?
Every single protest or riot has at least one of these clowns becoming a living meme within the hour
God bless you user.
That shit right there is a whole lotta nope
How come every hashtag on yidder becomes some nationwide protest? Seems organic, I'm to believe these people, without being paid, are spending their time protesting to keep illegal immigrants here?
No, you're right, boomer.
They're all just paid. Nobody could possibly disagree with you. It's the Soros Jews illegally slipping pay checks to every one of them despite them being a part of the illegal terrorist organisation antifa.
Thanks, Wyatt!
Thank you, user.
Bless you, Wyatt Mann
lol que?
anyone else notice the tattoo on his left forearm?
Why is he holding a huge umbrella on a clear day?
You're cute. Post a regular pic
He doesn't have one.
And so he has returned
Probably runs tumblr ""but seriously she doesn't run""
nice one wyatt
his other left
Ponies and Morrissey are my favourite.
I laughed when the Goblin King was unable to handle the fabled Umbrella of Antifascisting