Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux no platformed
NZ is fucking pozzed, and a mudslime bitched so hard that a couple of centrists normies got no platformed
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Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux no platformed
NZ is fucking pozzed, and a mudslime bitched so hard that a couple of centrists normies got no platformed
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For 100usd per month Lauren Simonssen will follow you on twitter.
Lauren Southern is a coalburner and attention-whore.
Nothing of value is lost there.
Molyneux is okay.
This is like being mad that Straya cunts keep Roosh the rapist sandnigger out. Let the puppets destroy each other.
there is a simple formula: allowed and famous on youtube means you are controled opposition. Youtube is the enemy, they are funding youtube with their content. Youtube allows them because they dont say anything to hurt youtube interest.
You are are one side or the other, you like youtube and think youtube/google are ok then you are ok with these two , you dont like youtube then you have to start asking why these two are successful on a platform you dont like. The answer is clear , follow the money.
They are controled op waste of time , the worst enemy is the enemy you cant see. They are deceitful but I feel strongly they are not to cause any change , they are only here to make money off of a cultural reaction to the current evironment and are using youtube (again bad company) to do it.
depending on the demographics and the product that might be a good deal
For that amount of money I can get legal sex for at least 2hrs with a young hooker of her caliber or slightly better.
We bitch and whine when (((people))) from other lands try to visit and tell us how to think. This is the same. I may not agree but it's their shithole.
I only bitch and whine when they want to stay in other peoples countries permenantly. Not for a brief visit like this example.
It's Molyneux who runs Freedomain Radio. Zero effort 'journalism'.
But isnt she a host sometimes like the article says?
Literal kike Stefan "Facts don't matter" Moneyjew and whore kike racemixing Southern are blocked from NZ, land of ugly feminist dykes?
Like poetry.
There truly is no place safe from this scourge.
All white countries belong to us, Schlomo.
i'm very aware of that you cultureless american barbarian
B-but I thought they were secret zionist Jews!
Thread over!
- Agent
I'm surprised the move hasn't been labelled as antisemitic. Oh that's right the the goyim aren't supposed to know they are Jews. So we will make martyrs of our own agents.
Indeed, like pottery, agents. D&C on some other board.
go jerk off to the one dollar man somewhere you useless faggot
Wow, Coal burning whore Sauthern won't be able to enter NZ. What a loss for our movement, what a loss indeed. Her only contribution to our cause was was making money on naive alt-kike beta males.
So, his mother was Jewish, that makes all of the hard hitting facts against globalism and immigration null does it? The answer to that is no. The fact that he even pushes these anti-globalist anti-immigration facts to light is a sign. Especially when he exposed that Israeli on call when the Israeli spoke about not wanting immigration into Israel and does want immigration into Europe.
As for Southern, the fact that she fucked some Christian le 56% doesn't nullify her work, also a picture with a black man does not = fucked, she takes photos with lots of people. There are people triggering bias with these D&C posts, the posts of which do not try to argue with any of the content these two put out, but of their association and background and it's hilarious that people fall for it. Everything these guys do is completely against (((their))) wishes by a long shot, the information itself that these people are shedding light on and disseminating is a huge threat to globalists, especially when their videos reach the normies. No one has argued against this point when I post it but have only called me a shill or a Jew, I think that speaks for itself.
We should hold this type of events in all cities, just to force the communists to reveal themselves.
The elected communists will not chimp out only when real fascists come to their town but also at anyone center right, because even low tier critique of communism can destroy the lie.
The only way communism can survive is censorship. And it seems like the western world is fully infected with communism.
✡ IS A JEW ✡
Watch Lauren Southern insulting evil 'racists' :)
Good. New Zealand shouldn't tolerate lolbertarians and nazbols.
He's literally a Jew through maternal lineage by his own admission.
Lauren "My grandparents fled the Nazis" Simonsen probably is too.
Truly clown world.
Nobody here cares about this eceleb kike. Fuck off.
But I thought borders were just imaginary lines on a map? Are you saying that the commies lied to me?
It's easy to tell who's illiterate by who concludes this based off the video where he says "My mother was born to a pretty jewish clan". If his mother was so Jewish why wouldn't he have just said she's Jewish? It's a retarded theory.
Its imaginary only when smuggling illegal aliens.
…and nothing of value was lost.
Whoever wrote that is terminally retarded, that's moly's not hers.
Good to see I'm not the only one who noticed.
She has been a guest more than once.
Proof: threats of violence may produce desired outcomes.
Is the lesson learned? Will it be applied?
Origins of this association were laid when in 1951 a Norwegian rapefugee ship called the
landed a bunch of Muslim refugees in a city named
How did nobody notice this would cause a problem later? The symbolism of these names is simply too much to ignore.
Molyjew admitted to being a kike. There's a jewtoob vid of it
also Johnny Gat - Good channel
He's said he's jewish on multiple occasions.
Southern is a Jewess that dismisses Hitler in her blog 'book' as an "attention-seeking SJW". She shits all over muslims and boomers for all the obvious reasons but goes on to laud the kikes, making sure to bring to your attention how oppressed and victimized they are.
Good riddance. Fuck off we're full.
So that makes it OK to ban them from New Zealand because it hurts the feelings of some Muslim invaders?
Hello Achmed!
This, they are jumping off the boat.
Ali, you have to go anyway.
fuck off globalist faggot. NZ has the right to ban who they want to enter in the coutry. Just like South Africa has the right to take the land from the whites and killed them or arrest them or whatever.
Or nationalism is just when it suits your agenda you cultureless american faggot?
I don't give a shit about Trump's policies for the american either. I only hope we would shut down NATO like he said he would.
I didn't say anything about banning him or Simonsen. Just that Moneyjew has admitted in more than one context that he is jewish.
This is Auckland not all of NZ
Winston holds the balance in the NZ gov
The Torjew strikes again
No one cares about your paid jews.
E-celebs begging for shekels, who would've guessed.
This, and its not even all of Auckland based on the shit that lefty cocksucker is getting in that twitter thread.
That's some lame D&C and people are retards for having this line of logic. Whatever they do to those milquetoast nationalists is what they'll do to others.
Color me surprised, you're telling me that leftists actually want less white people? It's no coincidence that they have these contradictory views frequently.
The fucker said that the facts about the Holohoax don't matter because ebil nutzis were still ebil.
Fuck off with your autrite bullshit.
This is how you know if a woman in the movement is compromised or not.
Remember how most "heroic" women spies the kikes portrayed in movies were all thots too.
Now compare them to women of Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany. Hell, even the non spies whores of the USSR too.
Thots are always a bad sign in a movement.
I do no care.
I like the guy. His videos are good and factual.
if you really think that doesnt mean anything you are retarded and/or also a kike
Good fuck moneyjew and the coalburner
you know he is lying, if not outright then by omision
he is a kike
he is crafting a world vision where kikes are somehow not at fault
he blames central bankers but (((forgets))) to mention the jew influence
he constantly ebegs for shekels
he litterally calls them shekels unironically
wtf is wrong with you?
why submit yourself to jewish propaganda?
Are you really gonna justify your reddit-spacing with `readability`? Because it quite does the opposite of helping.
In which degenerate state?
If that really is Lauren's sister then it only goes to show what a bunch of virgin queers MAGApedos are cos her sister actually has a nice arse.
Honeypots in the old days required the women to be exceptionally beautiful now they can be bog standard ho's to lead an army of virgin mutts
I am not submiting to jewish propaganda
You are a jew and I don't believe you.
There's been a hard push to poison every louder voice on the right (I use the term loosely). Everyone is a jew, traitor, e-celeb, thot or something else. Even Hitler. Trust no one, white man. Stay in your basement and be a good goy.
Fuck you and your ilk. Your words are poison.
Farmlands was great and I'm sick & tired of the purity spirals… is she /ourgirl/? No.. has she done good things for White identity? Yes.
Allah is gay was a good larp.. so what if she tries to monetize everything.. the beta bux she gets would have just been spent on something else probably owned by a jew. We live in a capitalist system and nothing she is doing is harmful to the state.
Pretending it's the muslims that are behind the destruction of the West and NOT the jews, is just another jewish psyop distracting the goy away from a solution
I'm pretty sure molyneux is on bitchute and you don't have to watch his stuff on YouTube at all
Not sure about southern though, the subscription thing looks a little scummy
Saying we should ignore all problems except for the jews, which is the last one we will actually solve, is what shills say. Yes cutting off the head of the snake sounds best in theory, but a dose of reality shows the more immediate threat is the invading muslims and spics.
>(((jewish psyop))) goy
Being that most of you know very little about New Zealand:
Its a lefty hell hole.
the population is politically apathetic.
IQ has been dropping for decades.
poverty is serious problem.
Has the highest rate of homelessness in the OECD, 0.8 % of the population.
Has had massive immigration from China and India in the last 20 years.
Has a huge housing bubble about to burst
there has been no difference between left and right politics for about 30 years.
The last prime minister (((John Key))) tripled the national debt.
20% of NZ citizens live in a diaspora, mostly in Australia, UK and US.
Suffers from excessive brain drain, most of the smart people left over 10 years ago.
Corruption is a huge problem there but its never addressed.
the reason why the show was cancelled was probably poor ticket sales as the place is full of broke people so the NZ appearance was turned into a publicity stunt.
Spoken like a true fashy based neocon jew
The immediate threat?
Are you aware that the mass invasion of Europe by non whites started in 1948
Britain was colonised by blacks from the 70s onwards, that was when the National Front died out because the Conservatives, pretending to be based and fashy flooded the country with so many muds that now the natives cannot demographically vote their way our of it anymore
Did you mean to post this?
I noticed that too. Fuckers.
Stef's new Sweden video is really good.
It's not like this uncommon. Michael Savage has been banned from the UK for over a decade.
I swear I'm not a newfag and know how to embed, guiz
Nothing will be changed without getting to the root of the problem, I'm sure Moneyjew and Simonsen know that, both being at the root themselves.
Is that you're only argument? Stef could take a 23 and me and be 50% jew, it doesn't invalidate all his work or make him wrong.
He's right about the borders, immigration, single moms, etc…
The entire purpose of the jewish aut-right is to blame anyone but the jews
Lauren Southern and Peter Molynjew's entire MO is to pretend it's not the jews, what don't you MAGApede's get?
I remember watching some of his 'advice' videos, the ones were he gives 'life advice' to people who mailed him. There was this case of a woman who was like "why can't I stop dating gay men!?" and the immediate conclusion of this kike was "it's your parent's fault you're dating gay men, they want you to fail so you don't leave them!" even when nothing the woman said hinted to anything of the sort.
I remember the fag was a pretty big on telling everybody to defoo from their families because they can only be harmless, all because his own family was utter shit to him so he projects his shitty memories on others. Nowadays he doesn't use the defoo word itself but subtlety tries to make people do it by advising people to eject 'abusive' parents and family out of their lives and see how it improves.
They've both addressed Jews but they don't make it the only thing they talk about. Also, has it occurred to you that they'll be demonetized and banned from everything if they start fully naming the Jew?
The lesson the world needs to take from this censure, ban and denouncement of Southern & Molyneux is that you don't gain by mincing your words. You might as well be straightforward, name the Jew, call the Muslims violent primitives - our age-old mortal enemies - unfit to live among us, say the Jews are parasites, hated throughout human history and expelled time and again, etc.
Over and over we see Alt-Lite cucks lose their website or their jewtube channel or be barred from entry to some 'politically correct' (.ie. "cucked & doomed") nation.
The stooges will call you a racist and a Nazi even if you tiptoe around issues and are careful to only present moderate opinions.
So, as the old saying goes; "If you've got the name, you may as well play the game."
You realize a lot of this has to do with his own fucked up childhood, right? There's a lot of truth to what he has to say about how children are raised and why it causes them problems later in life.
They are both jewish frauds
this is Zig Forums, despite the jewish hijacking and endless Trumpstein promotion, every user knows this, only jews keep pushing these kikes as /ourguys/
They're not /ourguys/, they're useful in shifting the overton window and agree with /ournarrative/ for the most part.
What do you want? A youtube superstar to reach pewdiepie levels of fan then say "gas the kikes, race war now" Will that make you happy?
Fuck NZ, they're just as pozzed as Europe. What a shame, too, because it's truly a beautiful country that has everything to lose with retarded "open border" policies.
every fucking time, jesus christ
You don't have to agree with everything somebody says just because you agree with SOME of what they say, and you don't even need to like them in order to agree with some of what they say. Fucking hell.
At least pewdiepie did that, and went a step further by getting youtube Jesus to call out the kikes
the jew controlled opposition you're promoting here are lying kikes
You completely missed your mark. I don't like jews and I speak out against them all the time but trying to discredit every singe White advocate there is by using dislike of jews is the game (((they))) play. Farmlands is great and she does a good job reaching normies with her stories.
It's a broken record Schlomo, one that I have heard enough to tune out.
LS isn't jewish and I'm not a fan of mollyjew but I'd rather have an unwoke conservative than a white communist who hates their own race. He draws people from the left into the right, not the other way around.
I pretty much don't agree with anything the lying jews Molyneux and Southern says
The only direction the 'Overton window' shifted was towards Tel Aviv
Isn't that molymeme's station?
No we really need to make people realise they are the jewish poison that got us in this mess
no he didn't, pewdiepie accidentally said "nigger" during a livestream, paid some muds on Fiver to hold up an ironic anti-jew sign then lost his disney deal
Then you aren't paying attention.
Yes. FDR is Molyneux's network. They fucked up.
Well said. NZ is pretty awesome outside of what you list but all countries and governments at local and national level are hellishly corrupt.
jej the audacity of these alt kikes
Right, because the majority of white Americans are going to suddenly "wake up" and purge the country of every nigger, spic, and jew all at once and they will be 100% goosestepping every step of the way. As much as I hate TRS and every other retarded alt-right platform, the term "purity spiral" is a very real concept and you're doing exactly that. Just because something doesn't align 110% with your exact goals doesn't mean you have to completely reject everything they ever have to offer. Shit, even the most devious, manipulative of kikes know to at least use those who otherwise oppose their views for their own benefit.
But go ahead and keep pushing your D&C narrative, shill. Your pozzed mod can't ban us for pointing out your bullshit anymore. Get fucked.