The white race does not care about you. It's over.
Stop fighting. This is the end of history.
The super mutt will inherit the world.
The white race does not care about you. It's over.
Stop fighting. This is the end of history.
The super mutt will inherit the world.
Fuck off D&C kike
Hey look it's that pathetic Hapa at it again. I would almost call this blackpilling but you are doing it way to obviously and more importantly like an utter retard.
Are you going to kill yourself soon?
The cancer has already taken root. There's no fixing it, we can only begin again.
For now we're going to have to ride the tiger until this civilization finally breathes it's last.>>11818070
Is that your girlfriend?
I'm not white I'm a Slav thankfully.
Is this your best? Shitskins really can't compete even at shitposting.
atleast JIDF shills get paid to d&c, so they're relatively good at it. this shit is just annoying
Slavs are going to get fucked hard
Zig Forums made you guys smell like fear. So we went black.
The right will win, win, win and there is nothing you can do except cry about it.
Fact that you devote your time shilling here means you know that is true.
Zig Forums please stop projecting your cuck fantasies onto us already, but if you ever need a white bull ill be happy to fuck your wife for you if shes under 200 pounds.
I don't get why they don't just find a big white chad to fuck their wives instead. Much easier than trying to import them over seas.
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
They don't have coping skills. That's why they are here. They can't even sit down at a restaurant without having their hats pulled of their heads.
This thread is a distraction. See you somewhere else. Race fag.
White survival anxiety: The thread.
You're not white and you feel the need to cope with it by attacking us for it because daddy made a little abomination, address the problem by killing your parents and then yourself and any mutts you know and the pain will finally be over.
t. not FBI