Prove you’re an Indian
In a wide-ranging speech in Montana on Thursday night, Trump appeared to mock the #MeToo movement and again referred to Warren as ‘Pocahontas,’ a reference to the Native American woman known for association with a colonial settlement in Virginia in the 17th century.
Trump makes $1mn DNA test offer to Elizabeth Warren
Man I wish I was fat and lazy
But back to the topic at hand, hmm?
Didn't Warren rule out a 2020 run because she's afraid of Trump?
Shit this might end badly my dudes.
Absolute madman.
Kek wills it.
That's still $5million more than she's ever seen in her worthless life
We already know she's a nigger animal with human rights, we just want to find out if she is a savage too? Because she's trying to make a point of it, we're just holding her to a standard that is reasonable for any human here on Earth. So she can't chimp out for being treated like a human when she wants to act like an animal.
I'd like Trump to prove he's not part jew
Hitler dubs confirm he's not defiled with cancerous kike fluids
Why are women allowed to hold office anyways? What kind of an insane world are we living in? The founding fathers are rolling in their graves.
This is the consequence of letting Stalin save the kike in ww2
No, as you'd expect, she's fucking loaded from all of those fucking lobbyists stuffing her pockets. She has no need for Trump's money; in 2015, her net worth was estimated to be over $7m. She lives in a mansion worth more than $5m by itself.
It takes more than a drop to be declared a teepee nigger. Tribes take that shit very seriously, mostly because indian blood is a passport to gibsmedats that dindoos can only dream about
I would have thought Hitler dubs would confirm Adolf wants proof to see for himself
That's why this setting has so much potential.
Sic the tribe on her that she's larping as and scalp her coon ass.
Well either way, start with this cock jockey and if the job gets done, then you can figure out how to get out of the Looney Bin and into reality. Because you and I both know Donald doesn't have kike blood in his system.
His children certainly do half jew DNA and his father bought land and donated it to the B'nai B'rith which isn't something that the average goy would do
heil'd and ooph'd
Succeeding in the real estate game requires you to befriend jews.
Stockfag here - All the stock exchanges and trading are completely manipulated. First of all Stock Exchanges double and triple charge for stock market data. This data is something WE THE PEOPLE should have for FREE. Anyone who has any access to stocks like 401K etc. Should get access to real-time data. THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE the DATA. Next all F.A.N.G stocks are fake business propped up to be monopolies. Think Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook etc. All monopolies designed to follow and control people and "lead them" to a type of group think. Here is the Facebook highlights. Also recent Facebook run was a Satanic Ritual after Facebook banned The Declaration of Independence. Think reverse, they ban the declaration and STOCK RUNS UP…Think logically!
I hope the implication isn't that this is normal behavior for folks of the Yiddish persuasion. Soros might throw money at things that destroy whatever nation he's currently mad at, Gates might flood the market with bad educational practices, Zuckerberg might pry into all details pertaining to normalfag life, but I have yet to hear about a Jew just giving away land.
And then not long after the war ended, he started making his own plans to throw them out of the Soviet Union.
Trump's kids DNA is jewish
What does that have to do with Fred C. Trump?
one of the two pieces of circumstantial evidence querying Trump's jewish DNA
What the fuck, I didn't even notice that. About the stocks raising after they labeled the Declaration hatespeech, fucking astounding. I mean, I'm not a stock person anyways, nor do pay attentions to them too often, but I'll start to now, considering trends like this says ALOT. Thanks for the post stockanon.
If it happens, there will be some noise of around 1-2% and leftists will cream themselves thinking that the test have such a fine resolution.
Neither are likely to pay for some bullshit 23andMe test. They'll get a proper test done that will leave no room for error
Enough d&c shilling for Trump's dna
Get back to the topic at hand kikes
What shall be done about Walters?
Stop projecting, commie scum.
No one is shilling for commies here bub
I guess that explains why my portfolio is up 243% in the past 5 years, right guy?
Is everyone here on a raid from >>Zig Forums?
Is no one questioning her narrative?
Has she become the new Clinton?
Are there any testicles left lurking this board?
I guess so
pic related.
Stop LARPing Qcuck. Warren doesn't need help making a fool of herself. Also, those are the most Schizo "doodles" I have ever seen.
Classic jewish projection
"a pox upon both your houses!" tier curses really. You can do better than that.
Reminder that most DNA tests are shit and you're better off talking to your grandma about the family history or finding a written record of your ancestors. Even without testing companies diversity hires mixing up results or changing them simply "to fuck with racists," the models they use differ wildly from company to company. Statistical fuckery can exaggerate noise so that you can be 10% anything. Saying "DNA" just sounds scientific, and the general public is gullible enough to believe that DNA is 100% undeniable scientific proof.
Also, when you take DNA test you have the choice between having your DNA unprotected so that the government or any future company may be able use it against you, or you are agreeing to let the company use and sell your DNA for any other future research forever. Either way you are jewed.
HOLY SHIT! It's like my Japanese animes!
her opponent for her seat is an actual Indian
and she already sent Warren a fucking DNA test kit…
>(((your mom)))
Oh come on now. Really? Is that supposed to be a cock or part of a really long bi plane?
Legit mental illness.
Or just fun shitposting, I can't even tell
Hitler dubs confirm the opposite, you dellusional redditor shill.
afo faofwiof
Metal Gear?
Here's something rather curious…
(pic related)
Something else rather curious…
The "bots can't read text" meme is literally the_donald tier. even fucking adobe pdf can read text from images, and bots can crack the capcha anyway, how is your light scribble supposed to stop that?
meant 4U
At least he has the kind of 'tism that's fun to engage with.
So it turns out…
Oh yeah. It's really fun when they start bringing out the "curses" like that shit is going to do anything.
Got a link?
< be different
< you must be autistic
Lad, you are all kinds of nigger.
< multiposting
< normieposting
Oh wait. I just fucking missed it.
Get out normalfag scum.
I think he's trying to say that we're the same person because we've both engaged him and are being friendly towards each other.
The correct term would be "IP hopping" by the way.
You fucking everlasting multiposting normie.
He also used the term "normie." I have a sneaking suspicion he is either a cuckchan refugee or a boomerposter.
< talking about someone who is present
< oh, this will make him angry
< and will show others how he must be autistic - after all, we froze him out
jej. Nobody comes here for losers like you.
Not a boomer, I think he's using some shitty nip website to draw his crap.
However, he could just be fishing for giggles.
Get or Gimp, user.
I only know about Oekaki from /v/'s built in one. Didn't know it was its own thing. Nito.
But in that case, you're doing it too.
Also your act slipped, a sincere user wouldn't give a fuck about a kike bot reading shitposts.
itt, itt.
Desperate. Your turn.
8^) why did you report… that guy?
He had such cool pictures, but now it says "file removed due to copyright claim"…
…i'm pretty sure those weren't copyright.
It's just imkikey's "revised" file delted pic. I didn't report him though. I was having fun. Someone else spoiled it.
I didn't report shit! I was having fun with him!
Why contain it?
Here's what he may have seen:
He was rather fun, wasn't he?
I could tell from your reddit spacing and the way you type that you were the same guy. Don't shit up threads with single image replies and you won't get banned you autistic refugee.
< text obfuscation
(((gee, why would it be a crime to obfuscate the text nasa skims?)))
What guy?
Look, nobody can be banned from this place…
"reddit" spacing is a sign of an education.
If you see an extra space between an id and text, like so:
like this, this is actual genuine reddit spacing.
But you're summer.
You didn't even know wtf oekaki is…
Try it.
But I did. I just didn't know it was it's own website. Should have recognized that from the embed feature, but not everyone can be on the ball. Besides, Gimp has much more features and is easier to use for the OC industry. You have also just admitted to ban evasion and are now spamming the thread. Heads up for next time, cuckchan scum, it's normlefag, not normie.
I only visit /v/ for occasional game recommendations. Zig Forums and /sw/ are my homeland.
Also you just posted seven times in a row, asshole.
Ah! I too use /sw/ a lot. You might recognize this piece of shit.