Hamas: Gives a kid an IED tells him to run at the Isreli military. (Kid gets shot) The Media: Oh my God how could they kill a poor kid.
Give me one reason why child suicide bombers shouldn't be shot
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Anyone that aims to harm a jew is a hero to all non-jews
He deserves to be shot.
He should have run faster.
There isn't one, an enemy combatant is an enemy no matter their age.
Nigga, please. Quit trying to pretend this is anything more than a kike false flag set up by mossad.
No. My enemy's enemy is my next target, after I've let them kill each other for a while in order to wear them down.
prove it
but no seriously guys, I'm in an argument with someone about the Israeli/Palestine conflict and this is the argument the guy made. I'm trying to think of a reasonable counter argument because I believe the jews shouldn't be killing children, but I'm coming up empty. Give me a real response please if you have one. This is the link to the argument imgur.com
Because Israel is an illegitimate faux-country.
You're basically asking why you shouldn't be allowed to walk into someones house, shoot them, shoot their kids, and then live in that house.
Zion will burn.
seriously nigger?
they all deserve to be shot. even their children.
sage and report
Found the kike.
Welcome to nu/pol/ newfriend
I have no issues with muslim children strapping bombs onto themselves and blowing up kikes.
Say what?
The enemy of your enemy is your enemy?
jews are the enemy, anyone that harms jews is alright by me
Give me one reason jews shouldn’t be wiped off the earth
semites killing semites
Realistically? Kike soldiers should just lie down and accept their death. The child suicide bomber may be a retarded nigger, but at least he's partially human unlike the kikes who gun him down. All he's doing is slaying monsters.
Btw, eat shit and die OP
sure cuckchan in here.
If he was killing kikes then he was doing gods works and should be hailed as a hero.
If he was killing whites then he should be shot and his whole family should be shot.
Its been cuckchan in here since the new moderation started.
They refuse to ban anyone for more than 6 hours at a time.
There you go.
fag detected therefore polite sage because yes why would someone just not shoot them they're fucked either way
That doesn't follow.
The enemy of your enemy is just the enemy of your enemy.
He is, by no means, your friend.
The most dangerous enemy, yes.
Then you're a fool.
Because killing jews is a heavenly work.
'cause he could have killed jews
you know that's a fuckin jew in your pic, right shlomo? get the fuck back in the oven kike.
Remember when the kikes tried to use this same shit against Americans killing gooks with bombs? Can't have it both ways moshe.
You're not going to find one in this scenario. It's obviously a justified shoot, and anyone that sends a kid at the enemy with a bomb is reprehensible. Concentrate on two things:
1. Are these the full facts of what happened? (I wouldn't be surprised if the Kikes fabricated it to cover an unjust shoot, but then again I wouldn't be surprised if the sandniggers did this for real.)
2. None of this would be happening if the filthy Kikes hadn't stolen their country to begin with.
Anyone that kills, maims or at least attempts to harm a hair of your greasy jew scalps, is okay with me.
Because Israel isn't a real country
Israel honored the jewish terrorists of the LAVON AFFAIR On March 30, 2005
Happy anniversary OP.
Because the casualties would be jews and that would be a good thing.
Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.
Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.
Because then only one rat gets purged from the earth.
Because in that scenario, the child's doing God's work.
hey another
Enemy of my enemy is my ally is greatest mistake ever.
It propped China. Now Murica is going down because of China.
Have principles stop been opportunist slime.
Thank you! You actually have a serious response. It is impossible to prove that they are carrying bombs and they wouldn't be sending children out to commit violent acts if Israel didn't take Palestinian land by force in the first place. Finally an actual answer
The enemy is the jew
Anyone that tries to deal with the jewish problem is okay by me
Anyone that promotes jewish interests is my enemy
Now you have China that actually invaded your land instead of straw man scare USSR.
How would this redpill them on the (((issue)))?
Also, redpills need to be short and to the point.Interesting read nonetheless; perhaps valid advice.
yeah those poor jews get to occupy other nations, colonize them and genocide them because one of them shot a bottle rocket that damaged a bit of concrete worth 3 whole sheckels. OY VEY!
Do not worry goy we dont see ourselves as yahweh's chosen people who get to do this all the goyim such as yourselves, you guys are our allies and are the expection, I swear! Obviously us jews are not allowed to lie to the goyim.
Then you're a fool, because plenty of those people are absolute trash of the highest order, just behind the kikes.
Hating Jews does not make you good. There are plenty of boy-fucking muzzie inbreds who hate kikes, and they're just a hair's width less awful than the kikes themselves.
People actually try to make sense out of what any of these sand people do. One sand tribe straps bombs on a kid, another is so notoriously shady that they will shoot innocent kids and say they had bombs.
There is no side to take in this, because neither of these groups are human. They are both groups of low IQ sand people that are cowards and threaten whites by their very existence.
Kick out the kikes and the mudslimes and if necessary glass the area once they are all back.
Bear in mind that this place is getting raided hard pretty much constantly. The serious Zig Forumsacks are still here, you just need to be good at applying filters (and the mental filter is the most important one) to bring the signal-to-noise ratio back up to a reasonable level.
I literally can't. Isreal wins again.
there are EIGHT BILLION humans. we dont care about ONE of them. >:C
Of course a suicide bomber should be shot even if it is a child. How else would you stop it?
China is only a problem because of Jews. I'd tell you to investigate how Mao came into power, but as you are a Jew that would be pointless.
And notice that, when my reply bumped this thread after a day, within three minutes there were three more garbage replies added. This is a useful metric to apply when filtering.
Because they blow up jews.
That was easy.
I'm growing tired of this same old trick. Kikes trying to make you believe that muslims killing jews is somehow a bad thing.
No but they're killing you and i'm very pleased with that.
gas is what you get for siding with islam
Absolutely pathetic.
Theres a reason those mudslimes act this way tbh, every time any political solution shows up Israel assassinates the leadership that shows up with airstrikes, etc. More importantly, never trust anything said without more information.
off topic, but why don't you ever hear about moslems attacking jewish institutions in the west?
Same reason ISIS never attacks Israel.
I really don't know whether this is very talented shilling or genuine, because apart from characterizing me as "absolutely pathetic", I would agree with everything you said.
It's on topic, it's mainly because ISIS and the rest of the mercenary terrorists are a mossad false flag
Call it what you want. The most important thing is to focus on what else the Palestinians are supposed to do. Especially when you consider the aforementioned point and also the continual shrinkage of their land and conversion of Gaza into the worlds largest open air prison for all intents and purposes.
Give me one reason I should even care about what a shitskin does to a kike, or what a kike does to a shitskin.
This thread is on some CIA NIgger shit
Sure, that works, these are definitely points that can resonate in the mind of a Normie. I still don't know If you're genuine or a very sophisticated shill.
Because Joe Normie cares, and we're fighting for mindshare.
Shoot the kid to set off the bomb. Cost them a bullet. Every penny counts to a kike.
I'll side with islam until the last jew breathes his last.
Once the jew is gone islam can be removed from Europe and they can all stay in their own countries where they don't bother us, and with no jews around to import them into white countries we'll finally know peace. The oven awaits you.
It's self-defense.
The media is run by Jews, so the media is not really upset, they're just acting like they are.
Well…my superiors have bumped my pay to 10shekels a post because of your compliment, so thank you.
Realistically the best avenue of attack with this issue is to galvanize the anti-conflict groups that already exist within Israel
Some D&C back at the Kikes is certainly a worthwhile plan.
Give me one good reason why the entire state of Israel shouldn't be gassed?
Worse example of Hasbara I've ever seen.
the jew fears the pan-nationalist axis
Yeah, nah. glass the entire middle east and the jews along with it.
Epic dude. Truly epic.
Welcome to nu/pol/ indeed.
why side with islam when one can kill both kikes and jihadis
Merkel is a devoted Zionist, she is the reason why Muslims are there in the first place. Hamas and Hezbollah do not support their men leaving their nations for Germany and elsewhere in Europe; they are considered deserters.
tbf it's not muslims' land either
They are getting paid too much
I have no love for the muslims. Inbred faggots like them should be burned alive
Not your personal army.
We've heard it all before, kike. Your tricks don't work here.