Is 4/pol/ dead? It doesn't even feel like the same board anymore. It's infected with shills and porn. Use to be able to get on during holidays and weekends and talk about shit. For instance, the last 3 fucking days on 4/pol/ have been all about that stupid balloon in London. Is it time to cut ties with 4/pol/? Is inifinity Zig Forums better? How are things here, lads?
Is 4/pol/ dead? It doesn't even feel like the same board anymore. It's infected with shills and porn...
Other urls found in this thread:
dude i left that shithole years ago and i can barely post on here due to retards like you coming from that shithole
So, this place is just as bad and with a shittier UI. Great.
Both Zig Forumss are dead for 2yrs now. 4chan has college kids getting credits for creating slide threads and bumping them. 8ch has moderation that purposly drove everyone away and now its just left with people like you and the stupidest motherfuckers there are. And this was done to create a board for activism that is controlled. They ban everything that breeds a culture and allow endless white jihad, white (((esotericism))), and Christian recruitment because they know that this creates a perfect group of neo-nazi dumbies that can then use or at least demoralize.
Both is now demoralizing. No history threads, no culture threads, no philosophy threads, only garbage shit and weeb porn.
This isn't the right place, friend.
This wall of text is lying.
Holy hell, you’re too stupid to use the Internet.
4pol and 8pol are dead, and have been shilled into dust. there are better Zig Forumss out there user
Dead and comped since August 2014.
Not JIDF. It's obvious!!!1!
The Jew had to spread the cancer to /pol
Considering how often the (((mainstream))) has tried to censor it recently, or use it as a point to try ridiculing user, I would say it is still a useful weapon.
Can you please tell us where?
to be fair alot of redditors and twitter/fb people come here as well due to people talking about fight club but it is better than cuckchan tbh
Just scrolling through the catalog here doesn't look that much better than 4/pol/, but at least there's something. Have you guys seen the catalog over there? It's all garbage. I have better times on /his/ and /tv/ of all places. I learned so much from Zig Forums it's just sad to see it die.
Imagine, if you will, a scenario in which masses of ledditors, alt-kikers, and other fags come over to your house and start shitting up the place, all the while you are trying to keep some things clean and tidy. What would it look like after a couple of years? Welcome to what remains of 8/pol/
8/pol/ is fine
Ignore the JIDF that created the thread and the shills that respond. It's to demoralize us.
if you have to use tor to say that shit is not fine
Good to be here. Seems like a welcoming environment to talk about the ancient great thinkers and politics going on around the world. Do you guys have /comfy/ book threads here? I can't even remember the last reading list on 4/pol/.
your post only proves my point kike
slower than 8pol but zero cancer, endchan
Good to see I still get called a kike and CIAnigger for asking questions. Feels like home.
try not to be a faggot
Thanks, but I already know of Endchan. Any other decent chans?
There are some book threads further down the catalog, but they aren't especially /comfy/. You want /comfy/ head on over to meguca/pol/
there was .pl rip, people always spam the meguca/pol/ but its just anime girl pictures, Its time to make another chan
fuck off
megu/pol/ is solid but not as the main place a Zig Forumsack should visit. It's more of a relaxed experience for Zig Forumsacks who need to have stupid conversations and movienights every now and then. 8/pol/ is still pretty decent as a main place for current events and fast-paced discussions with natsoc/fascist anons.
Anons should learn to split their time between 8/pol/, end/pol/, and megu/pol/ so as to help maintain the larger Zig Forums community.
lol I just like chill threads where people can talk about shit. I like boards with so much interesting conversation going on I have 12 tabs open and it takes me a day to go through everything. I don't wanna make my life sitting in front of a computer screen and navigating 8 different websites.
Fuck you nigger. The UI sucks here, just admit it. Adblock is real.
There is no safe space for half-breed wanna be Nazis. Get out off your parents' basement, go out and play.
All it takes is you making a redpill thread a day. Farm existing threads for material if you must. Everyone do it, we'll keep the right content afloat.
I've been fighting against Zig Forums as well but I don't how to respond to their bigoted arguments. Take for example this:
How should I respond?
Herp, forgot pic
Awesome man, thanks for these.
I just came here from 4/pol/ per recommendation from a fellow user. Not sure if I can compare the two yet. I've been on 4/pol/ for at least two years (I'm still kind of new) but by God the amount of people from r/the_donald, shills, and raids on that site just astounds me.
Also inactivity of OPs on some threads have made some of us feel like we've been infiltrated deeper: some OPs will just drop by, make a thread, and just leave. All you see is just a single post from OP and he just leaves the thread altogether.
I'm gonna hang around here for a while to see if it's any better. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but still it is pretty insane how shit 4/pol/ has gotten, but i seem to have found a temporary solace here. We will have to see how it goes.