CUCKED: The Aut-Kike Hates Alt-Furries
Then why was everybody morning that faggot Andrew Dodson?
These people are fucking jokes.
You literally don’t have to listen to either of them to be alt-right.
I was alt-right before I ever even heard of them. And I don’t even listen to any podcasts, TRS or other wise.
Do you support and fight for the 14 words and are currently alive? Congratulations you are alt-right.
It is an ideological big tent, not an ID card issuing non-profit organization.
Everyone hates furries. I will never forget nor will I forgive all the shit I had to deal with from them mid to late 2000s. To say nothing of all the /tg/ shit I have had ruined by them in addition to forums and other communities. They are the Jews of the internet. Harbor them, pity them, and they will subvert and destroy you.
Remember folks, killing a Furry isn't a crime - it's a public service.
based nintendo , keeping the samurai tradition alive.
mother fuckers think this is kiddie shit just havent dived into the stories
Nah it's kiddie shit.
Horseshit, alt-right was a jew label they wanted to apply to give the lefty fucks something to fight against. There's the right and there's the wrong.
Lurk more.
would make sense, cianiggers love furrys
All furries are fucking degenerate, and deserve to be gassed. Theyre like the cryptokikes.
A good majority of the fandom whole heartedly supports dox and violence if they voted Trump.
I live in pittsburgh, and i wish a truck of peace would detonate in the middle of there convention centre during the parade.
I'm going to support the white race and battle the jew while jacking off to fluffy titties and nothing you do can stop me.
gg world brb kms
Hi Ian, the movement never fell apart. Mainly because you kikes frequently redefine what constitutes as "alt-right". Without bringing up the century-old boogeymen of "muh nuhtzess", all of your talking points and political stances are rendered useless because the threat is nonexistent.
Also, quit trying to pat yourself in the back after your cronies got decked in Portland by #MAGA types.
Aut-kike is a label they made up to pre-emptively demonize Whites. Gas yourself for submitting to their terms, newfag.
Andrew Dobson?
Who painted that?
No artist listed on e621. Probably an user did it as a joke, or else it was commissioned from someone that didn't want to be associated with it.
gas yourself
At least there's no AWB furries.
Is there any group that doesn't hate furfags?
Im glad I moved out of there a few years before the furfag convention was a regular thing.
Long as they aren’t larping the Masonic animal orders I don’t give a shit. When they start doing that shit I question their sanity. They literally have no clue what any of that stuff means.
How far they have fallen.
Either way, furries deserve the bullet
All i've ever wanted to do was draw cute girlies anthro or not and I couldn't hate furfags more.
Love how the author switches to first person and breaks that editorial third-person omniscient perspective whatever it's called, I forgot the term for it.
Can you fucking not?
The entire article has this catty, embittered tone towards white people with a vague sense of identity and comes off as nothing more than assblasted — I can feel the author's seething, assravaged tears of sour wrath through their superficial snark.
Reminder that Seanbaby is an unironic Bay area ANTIFA member for any of you soyboys that think "le Seanbbaby is le only decent Cracked writer xDDDD".
That argument is retarded
Fucking hell they literally coined, perpetuate, and expounded upon the term goyim to refer to us, yet we use it all the time.
I have never once seen an idiot say “Goy is a Jewish label and it shouldn’t be a meme!”
It's kiddie grooming.
(((David Wong))) also culturally appropriates Asian culture.
This is the image that triggered the lefties the absolute most.
It surprises me that that game was allowed to show racism as a somewhat gray area. It's still the generic "racism bad come on lets get along with the yiffers" shit in the end, but hey.
user, I…
It still portrays mixed race kids as being all kinds of fucked up.
Furries are the most obnoxious and unrelenting garbage.
They can take our guns but they can't take our knot!
Even 10bux goons out of all communities hated them.
We can't say we weren't warned about Mr. Lahey.