You'd think he would've been taken out when he was an up and comer, but it wasn't until he had won power and had the entire world fighting against him that he lost. Like all great men of peace he ended up dying far too early, but still you'd think (((someone))) would've tried to get to him sooner. Just how far can you go before you get JFK'd?
How Come Hitler Was Never Assassinated?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because the SS knew what they were doing.
The thing is, everyone loved him. It's only through the lens of (((history))) that it even seems like there'd be any reason for assassinating a guy that had pulled your country out of poverty, and turned it into a world power in a few short years.
Because he had the SA, the people loved him, and he threw out all the secret organizations in Germany. Go read Mein Kampf and stop being a newfag. Sage for low effort thread.
Hitler survived that through sheer luck. nothing more
The reason potential candidates that could threaten world Jewry are so quickly killed now, is because of Hitler.
That and he was a legit bad ass motherfucker
The fact his people loved him also went a long way, only leaders of jewish democracies require ten squadrons of security forces to stop the people killing them and bullet proof glass in every window
((They)) tried repeatedly, but its hard to assassinate a man who is fanatically beloved by 99.99% of the german population.
Reminds me of Heydrich, the supposedly pure evil "Hangman of Prague", who drove an open-topped car through the town on the same route everyday, and the Brits still had to smuggle ((British trained)) exil-Czechs in to assassinate him.
Really makes you think.
because he pioneered the body double and had several
would killing hitler really have destroyed natsoc or germany?
Couldn't you read a bit before creating this thread? They tried to kill him multiple times.
Because you are a retard who doesn't know that they tried quite often. Holy shit, how can you be this uneducated and ignorant?
He was playing 88D chess while jew sympathizers were simply relying on brute force and numbers. He was three steps ahead of every assassin. Ever jellywood films have him outsmarting would be assassins in every scene.
There where many failed and foiled assassination plots, of which we know but a few. The SS was started as a bodyguard force for rallies and such (hence the name, Schutzstaffel, Protection Squadron).
He supposedly died at 56 years of age with pretty bad health, having taken a combination of drugs to keep him able to do his job.
His cryptokike "doctor" should have been shot early on
CWC is twice on the same picture.
Basically this.
There were 2 major attempts from the (((inside))) but 99.9% of his people loved him enough to avert said tragedy. The man walked in public open air with armed men, and not one of them ever betrayed him or even thought about shooting him. Presidents and PMs nowadays can NEVER do that, Bush had to disarm everyone when he went to the middle east because nobody trusts their kiked politicians. He was the last and first.
Reminder he didn't kill himself either, and that's nothing but another garbage kike fanfic to paint him as a coward.
He retired to an unspecified location (rumored to be Argentina, but no real proof was ever found) and died in peace surrounded by loved ones, just as he lived.
Before he was in power, he had a million SA defending him from commies. After he was in power, the commies were all in concentration camps.
Why didn't he do something to thwart ZOG?
Straight up divine protection.
Because he was Germany's Darling.
Same reason Fidel wasmt
Because EVERYONE fucking loved him.
Aside from jews that is.
Nazi Germany wasn't so much as "occupying" European countries as it was liberating them.
No one truly understood why WW2 happened until after and they were told.
This has been memory holed.
It sure as Hell is taking a long time.
Because he christ the redeemer.
That sword of fire from christs mouth? Adolf spoke words and forged a blitz across europe like a firey sword.
You are the one spreading kike lies.
And Elser.
You can go to the stars with the right security to start with. Sage because you're a newfag.
Because Hitler was a zionist controlled opposition shill, put in place by the jews to justify the existence of IsraHELL.
Learn history.
He was adored by his people and was not only extremely competent himself but surrounded by other competent individuals.
For you
They tried several times, but they frequently failed. They probably overestimated him since they thought that he was stupid for being imprisoned.
He was impossible to kill, he survived being gazed and being bombed. Even when the traitors thought he was dead and tried to seize power most of the soldiers just ignored their orders.
He didn't abandon his people, he survived to carry on in a different location. There is literally no proof of him killing himself. It was either relocate or be torn apart limb from limb and his dead body used as propaganda. The CIA even acknowledged he was still alive long after the war ended. The suicide myth is a jewish lie with nothing to back it up.
Plenty of attempts.
Divine providence
Is-is he hiring right now?
that's true
I have read the CIA document and it's only a report they received a from a "trust able" source in argentina who claims hitler and part of his retinue arrived in argentina from a submarine. And that CIA is interested in this and will look into it. Nothing further than that.
If there is another document besides that one do elaborate.
He was dying. There's no reason for him to have fled and "carried on".
I guess Otto Gunsche - one among the few still in Berlin with Hitler at the end - just lied his ass off to David Irving for 30+ years. You stupid kikes will say anything to make Hitler look like a coward who ruined the German people. Fuck off.
Clearly he's been hiding in someone's attic.
To be fair, there are very glaring contradictions beween all of the surviving witnesses's testimonials, and the alleged bones by Hitler taken by the Soviets were later found to be female.
Everyone loved him. The only people to try were cowards afraid of communism and would rather give up than fight.
t. Ahmed
If Hitler did indeed escape, I would expect a trusted confidante to do exactly that.
That's ironic when suicide is widely said to be the "coward's way out."
I have no clue one way or the other, but I'd like to think he escaped. He did his best for his people, there was no benefit to be had from sticking around to have his testicles crushed and be paraded in the showtrial at Nuremberg, neither was there a benefit to offing himself needlessly. Escaping to a quiet retirement would have been a small victory against the Kikes, in the face of a tragic defeat.
Why would anyone want to assassinate the most loved person in Germany?
This. The attempts that happened where done by undercover gommies anyway.
We he was starting out, there were dozen men like him (Strasser, Streicher etc.). When it got clear that he was the one, he had already hundreds of loyal guards.
Apart from that there were also many attempts to kill him.
Also: He was the chosen one.
Man beyond time.
We brazillians could've very well done it, but we didn't because we had nothing against him, as we weren't there for war.
Roberto de Pessôa, a General of the Brazilian Army, was sent to Germany to attend the Olympics in 1936, with the goal of unveiling the secrets of the Nazi regime's physical education methodology, and the secret formula which made German athletes nigh unbeatable. He was able to gain free access to the stadium and the Olympic Camp with his (Army-supplied) press pass, became friends with the Hitler Youth and the Gestapo, and even shook the Führer's hand, making friends with him. He gained access to the German sports field and a German paratrooper training camp, where he would gather information on the prowess of German athletes and some of the secrets of the Luftwaffe. Ever wondered who was that guy sitting next to him on the balcony?
Divine protection. He was not to leave until he finished his purpose on earth.
It's called predetermined fate.
What the fuck am I reading, who are we going to shill against next?
Fleeing makes him appear like more of a coward than dying in Berlin. There is no fucking evidence he fled to Argentina.
OK one, (citation needed)
Two, he was burned with Eva Hitler!
Not when you are faced with torture and sodomy by communist kike subhumans like Mussolini and his entourage was. Furthermore in warrior culture and ancient European culture killing yourself was often but not always an honorable thing to do. Japs did it rather than surrender to their enemies all the time, Romans involved in the civil war that put Caesar in power also killed themselves when loss was apparently, Cleopatra killed herself as well. Capture is far more embarrassing than death.
He said himself, "It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know that I was right." and because I hold him to be a honest man of incredible integrity, I'll take his word for it and profess that his spirit is rising!
Can you not read? The context of his post is asking why Hiter did nothing while supposedly hiding in South America.
And what do you call a captain who doesn't go down with the ship?
You'd like to think (without a shred of evidence) that the Fuhrer of the German people saw defeat and said "Whoops, that didn't go so well. See ya!", and lived the rest of his days in comfort (impossible with his state of health) while his people were raped and tortured to death by enemies on all sides, because you're a fucking kike. Show you've a sense of honor and kill yourself.
Sources. Eva was with him.
do you kow what it is?
I would love to try it
Probably because he was crushed militarily from every country in the world, outnumbered thousands, possibly millions to every one man he could muster for his defense, and would have been burned at the stake if he ever showed his face. I have no idea what he did in secret, but, the question fucking retarded as the answer is implicit in the circumstances surrounding his escape to South America, and it is an obvious attempt to shill against Hitler as opposed to being a genuine question. You probably knew that already anyway, as I can see by the other retarded shit you've posted like "Fleeing makes him appear like more of a coward than dying in Berlin. There is no fucking evidence he fled to Argentina."
About the first thing the allies where ordered to do after Germany was defeated was to destroy books related to physical fitness.
Fuck. I can't imagine the quality of information that was lost. It's hell knowing how much information is held back from us every day - energy sources, nutrition, high-level technology, spirituality just to name a few.
Bump. Sieg heil
No it's not a fucking shill attempt it's a basic fucking question, dumb or not. One we would all like to know the answer too.
How is that retarded? Refute my argument you double nigger. Running away despite dying and risking future capture looks more like cowardice than an honorable death. I didn't think I would be more annoyed than when trying to defend his decision considering the circumstances in the face of stupid normalfags.
Thousands of educational textbooks, political books, many that probably lead Hitler to the path of creating National Socialism. Imagine the history that was lost in this destructive process. I wonder if anyone hid any or escaped with some of this information, keep in mind no one has found the sacred Blood Flag they used in the coronation of new flags which was last seen in 1944.
Irregular schedule (very important), excellent protection and so on..
Hitler on possible assassination attempts etc:
"In the two really dangerous attempts made to assassinate me I owe my life not to the police, but to pure chance. On gth November 1939, I left the Bürgerbraeu ten minutes before the appointed time because of an urgent conference in Berlin which it was imperative that I should attend. In the other attempt my life was saved because the would-be killer, a Swiss, who stalked me for three months in the neighbourhood of the Berghof, regularly missed me when I went out, and when he tried to continue his stalking in Munich, he was discovered by a railway official. The man apparently had out, and when he tried to continue his stalking in Munich, he was discovered by a railway official."
More in the screenshot
Radio Stormer Narrations: The Greatest Hate Crime – Book Burning
It is estimated that over a third of all German books had already been destroyed by bombing in West Germany alone, but even more would go after the war, in an attempt to censor everything and anything patriotic or National Socialist.
Censorship of books is not something new, it has happened since the dawn of the printing press, when even Gutenberg’s Bible was supressed.
Included in this narration is the 1735 trial of New York publisher John Peter Zenger who risked his life for freedom of speech.
Reports taken from and narrated by Sven Longshanks
Compare this to the 2000 or so mostly pornographic books with obscene content that were burned by the NSDAP.
There were many attempts on his life by traitors, none were successful. Truly he was meant to live by divine providence.
If memory serves me right, a major factor to their success was the unrelenting morale in their nation's strength and people, no surprise there. Other factors included a "fearless fighting spirit" to face challenges head on, as it was taught to Luftwaffe pilots and the Fallschirmjäger. It gave them a positive "can do" character and stronger personality. For example, in fencing, French athletes would wear masks for protection when training, while German athletes would discard masks and have their heads bare when training as to develop courage, resistance, and precision (so they wouldn't hit their training mates' faces).
Indeed. Why did Hitler trust Theodor Morell to be his personal physician? I very much doubt that he couldn't find someone far more competent to treat whatever aliments he had. Morell was also very obese and supposedly also half-Jewish.
Hitler never said this. He said something similar, but this quote is a fabrication. I'll look up a source in a bit.
I did a bit of long sword hema a while back and the german teachers were saying they used swords that were a lot sharper than the ones we had. They said something about it feeling like the swords were magnetic because they would chip into each other when they blocked and stick a little bit. They were by far the best swordsmen of the lot but I never made the connection between outright danger and performance. Necessity really does wonders for skill.
Don't bother, unless this is also wrong.
"[…] For the first time Hitler now admitted to Ribbontrop that the war was lost. He dictated to Ribbontrop four secret negotiation points to put to the British if he got the chance. If the Continent was to survive in a world dominated by Boshevism, then somehow London and Berlin must bury the hatchet. He instructed Ribbontrop to write secretly to Churchill in this sense. 'You will see,' Hitler predicted. 'My spirit will rise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right.'
Hitler's War, Millennium Edition, Page 823
I can't find the quote either, so apparently it's fake and this is the real one.
The bones were determined to be female by a skull scraping. It is not possible to determine sex by scraping a skull.
People really do give it their all when some sort of danger is present.
Also pardon my mistake; the man on the second photo is Hans von Tschammer, German Minister of Sport. However, Roberto de Pessoa was in fact there as well. He spoke highly of Hitler's demeanor and personality.
Not quite. There were three known attempts on his life. One failed due to a fluke of scheduling. One failed because the assassin couldn't get close enough to fire. The last failed because the bomb wasn't quite powerful enough; although it maimed him and paralyzed his arm.
However the SS were able to capture the perpetrators of all plots fairly quickly. The third plot they were anticipating but expected to happen a week later. After the bomb went off they had everyone in chains within the week.
Of course the people who loved him would also cover him you idiot
because assassinations are only carried out by certain (((groups))) remove said (((groups))) and you remove the (((threat)))
Hitler gave him the chance to fix his ailment after Morell guaranteed a timeframe, and Morell succeeded. After that Hitler's famous stubborn loyalty took effect and he gave Morell free reign.
Just gas yourself, kike.
That same stubborn loyalty is why he protected Half-jew Emil Maurice who saved his life by bravely standing up to communists as his chauffeur.
This. I hear other (((world leaders))) employ this strategy.
the catholic church tried to assassinate him repeatedly you retarded faggot
learn basic history
Banksters Created Hitler to take control over europe, that's why.
Anons: filter [b83828]
Anons: report [b83828]
They tried many times you retard.