How come I've never seen this guy talked about on Zig Forums?
Seems like it should of been required analysis.
How come I've never seen this guy talked about on Zig Forums?
Seems like it should of been required analysis.
World Brain = wiki
Open Society Foundation
You've posted that twice now in the last 30min, kike. It's not going to work.
kek you silly summerfag bitch do you think you have any power here? H.G. Wells worshiped at the alter of kike equality and the fact that you made shit tier thread about him doesn't help your case. Get bent nigger.
I mean it just keeps going. Gentrification and post modernism:
Obama, China
Marxist China
Nazi Germany (book is written in 1933)
needing role models, kek
Good God,what a deranged individual, truly sick.
Are we sure he isn't at least somewhat Jewish?.
Why am I dodging this? He was a Fabian. You're such a fucking reactionary loser you can't see I'm posting this for the very reason of his connections. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Should have been required analysis, you negroid.
Not ashamed. Pretty pleased actually. You niggers always out yourselves on your own volition.
The London School of Economics and Political Science, today a highly respected and authoritative institution, was founded by the Fabian Society in 1895. That is to say that the professor priesthood has been steeped in Bolshevik doctrine for quite some time. And people wonder why there's such lefty bias in schools…
For the record, this could have been an interesting thread, but you fucked it up by starting with a low-effort OP and now it's bumplocked. Had you put a minimal effort to explain your position on Wells and where you though the discussion should go, this wouldn't have happened. But no, you had to be a faggot.
The pathetic arrogance and demands of some nobody loser faggot like you as though I work for you. Have fun with the 50 boring retard Imkikey controlled threads. Go back to youtube and comment on how the free entertainment isnt up to your satifications.
making no sense. As though exposing NWO writers is bad.
IMKIKEY playing the discordian again, driving people away as a global mod
No, pathetic arrogance is one that can't be humble in the face of constructive criticism. Have fun screaming into the void about imkikey, you impotent faggot.
Edward Bernays is more important.
lol, you're not humbling anyone weeb. And it wasn't constructive it was destuctive and you anchored the thread because you're a creepy little freak with gross fingers Kikey