Cloud Theft: Top Iranian General Accuses Kikes Of "Stealing Its Rain"
what the fuck Iran
I say that Iran responds by saturation bombing Tel Aviv.
It is possible. See cloud seeding. If you drain the clouds of water while they are passing above your country, the country they pass next will not see rain. This can be done intentionally as a means of warfare too.
dude as much as you may that they're camel fuckers if you don't think there's something suss goin on with the weather lately I don't trust you tbh
Was thinking the same thing, but you should be able to notice above average rainfall in places prior to reaching Iran to prove that's the case.
Not necessarily. Depending on the way it is done, it could result in anything from complete rain to mild moist or mist. But even if it was raining, and Iran knew about it, the people would still not believe them.
Well, they probably are.
This is a fucking anime plot
I have no doubt that Israel has been cloud seeding for decades. The sentence "Israel made the desert bloom" is up there with "Israel is our greatest all" on list of what you will hear from kikes and evangelicals.
Trump is finally making anime real. At least he will keep one promise.
You can tell it's bullshit because the kikes haven't tried to sell it back to them.
It's possible, the "Dance Powder" in the One Piece anime is based on a real substance called silver iodide which is used for cloud seeding, but I'm not sure how you could "steal" rain this way.
I find it hilarious how the normalfags* are laughing about this proposal from Iran while this technology has been around since the 50s / 60s. Doesn't even have anything to do with chemtrails 'n shiiieet.
*Oh, and some 8channers.
They're not trying to hurt Iran, it's because
the rain is free
Low effort, but EVERYONE knows that being Jews they would steal the rain, clouds and air if they could.
That's why you have to gas a kike or it won't be right.
Wait, so have the kikes admitted that they control the weather to their own benefit?
Are you retarded?
Nutty all but bragged about it openly in video…it was the first thing I though…my only surprise was that it took the Iranians THIS LONG to say something (that doesn't bode well for their future). They better get some better intelligence in their ranks or the Iranians are fucked. First the jews talked them into RAPEMIXING with low IQ blacks and utterly destroyed their DNA and now they are taking the water…that is actually an act of war…so IDK…
They're right you know
Iran has really good intelligence.
Good enough that it took them a whole month to say anything? I am not feeling inspired with overwhelming confidence for their future. I tend to think they got too much black DNA when the jews talked them into rape mixing. They don't have as much black DNA as the jews (curly black hair and big noses plus the non stop "gibs [usury], massa, gibs…me dindu nuffin, me can't work for bread…massa, gibs")…but they have A LOT of it…having polluted their DNA until they were no longer White…at this point they have more in common with jews genetically (black hair, dark skin, brown eyes) via the black rapemixing of the Islamic slave trade than they do with us.