Where are my race fag wizards today? You better get it up.
Where are my race fag wizards today? You better get it up
You've never seen a dead body let alone touched dismembered limbs or organs.
The only death you know is what you can cut and paste.
or maybe your grandmother as she lay in her casket, your mother holding your hand in some discount drive in funeral parlor in some shitty little town.
You're an online LARP
Is there a point you're trying to make?
That you are weak. And an online LARP.
That's nice.
Is it "Nice"?
Have you ever held severed limbs in your hands? Felt their fleshy, gelatinous weight as they cool?
Fed your enemy's ears to a dog?
Watch out, we got a badass over here.
I have. You're a LARP. A boy playing at being a man with images.
It's why your magick is weak. It's a LARP.
I fed from one of you last night. I let him build all day like bloated mosquito on my arm, lulled him into a false sense of accomplishment and skill. You're as stupid as the fags in Hollywood. In fact what you do came from them. It's not Aryan or Norse magick, its "Satanic" Witchcraft which Semitic in terms of the familiars it employs. You can't even come up with an original system for your movement.
Oh, it's vampirefag again.
I'm going to put this suit into production. Give me your address. I'll send you one of our pre-production rigs. I do ship across the Atlantic.
That's nicea nice selfie. I'm gonna go take a nap, enjoy being autistic.
incel goreposters are here
ITT: JIDF trying to blend in with weebs and getting butt hurt he doesnt
You should put your head down. You feel a little weak. Be careful not to hit your head.
Sage. Report. Hide. Ignore. You Summer fags need to lurk at least two years.
Absolute state of Zig Forums…
sage sage
sage sage sage sage