If you had the chance to write the syllabus for high school English/History classes, what would you include?
I need suggestions for next semester, after the summer. I'll teach first and second year students in high school.
If you had the chance to write the syllabus for high school English/History classes, what would you include?
I need suggestions for next semester, after the summer. I'll teach first and second year students in high school.
You will have to follow the State curriculum and you know it. Teachers haven't written their own syllabus since the 1960s.
1. Brave New World
2. 1984
3. Fahrenheit 451
These set the stage for today.
#1 is already in the list of options iirc.
brave new world is the correct book
1984 is trash propaganda written by a communist where the good guy resisting the evil warlike government is named goldstein. peace and love goy you want brave new world, which is whats actually occuring and thus is not as widely read and never promoted in the curriculum. huxley wrote to orwell saying your book isnt as good as mine
Also some good stuff here:
'Areopagitica: A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England', John Milton, 1644
mein kampf
Pro-Commie faggotry
Orwell wasn't a communist, moron. He released a list of British communists and exposed them.
Goldstein never existed. He was a government controlled-opposition program. You never even read the book.
I agree nix 1984
Replace with these short stories:
2.1 The Stranger, Katherine Mansfield, 1921
2.2 Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino, 1972
No you are incorrect it shows what happens when marxism takes over.
Something only a marxist would do tbh.
yeah because jews are scapegoats. have you read animal farm?
The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it. It seems to me nonsense, in a period like our own, to think that one can avoid writing of such subjects.
Brave New World is still being read by many students, but plenty of districts are aware of its contradiction to the narrative and do not mention its existence. Do not have your students take it home to read; it must be read in class while you emphasize the important parts.
the governments in 1984 and brave new world are polar opposites; the brave new world government is the one we are witnessing the one which uses a story like 1984 as propaganda to achieve its ends. you havent read either book.
Homer, Vergil, and Shakespeare: These are the classics, and they are the birthright of these students, by imperium if not by blood. Marxists have been attempting to deny them these in favor of lessers, but give them these and they will have a grounding in truth.
Spenser's Faerie Queene is an intensely Christian work of no uncommon beauty. It's no longer taught for a reason.
Ovid is taught even more rarely, yet was Shakespeares favorite, and considered one of the greatest poets in the western world for a millenia before.
Thomas Carlyle is an ur-reactionary. Him or Spengler would be good for extra credit. Carlyle's History of the French Revolution is utterly right-leaning, and beautiful prose.
Cicero's On Duty, Tacitus' Annals or Germania, Lipsius' On Constancy, Thucydides' History of the Pelepponesian War (esp. good for young men), Marcus Aurelius' Meditations (good for young men as well), and the works of Seneca are all good works for them.
Introduce them to some Aristotle if you can, and make them aware that there is philosophy before Socrates, and much of it is more relevant than academicians would have them believe.
Milton is a Whig. A dissenter. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice is about Calvnist dissenters as much as it is about Jews. Why? because dissenters are usurers and spiritual jews. Nevertheless, he is an artful wordsmith.
Isn’t it funny how this kike lie keeps being spread? Go fuck yourself. We see both. Orwell more than Huxley.
huxley is also a better writer
Histories by Herodotus
Reddit as fuck fam
1984 is over rated as fuck and Huxley was more right than Orwell anyway.
Play "The Money Masters" documentary over a day or two to your classes. It's on goytube.
Sage for this being a stupid thread. You should either lurk more or otherwise you'd already know what to teach them. It's not even like anyone can verify that you're really going to teach anyone and if you did you'd only lose the job after some feminist jew shill found it.
I mean, this is basically a blog post asking to be spoonfed and the OP is still a (1)
you think we are being conditioned more with negative reinforcement than with positive? we are a society that endorses hedonsim as the height of philosophy and culture look at our media our curriculums what they promote. people are being seduced and deceived not pushed around by force.
go back to leftypol philip rosen
I never said he was redpilled in any way, just that he wasn't a communist. He narrowly escaped being executed by communists during the Spanish civil war. He was a socialist
That's a hot reddit take you got there, kid. Here's an upvote.
everyone should study the socratic elenchus and be immune to sophistry the root of all jewry
AND we are a society that actively and constantly destroys and erases contemporary historical truth. It’s not a case of “everyone knows the holocaust didn’t happen; they just don’t care”, it’s “no one knows the holocaust didn’t happen and damn well might care if they did.”
Not an argument. Kill yourself, dipshit.
Socrates is only good if you add Diogenes to the mix because he teaches kids not to be so full of themselves, and that anything can be argued against.
Perfectly worded.
orwell is trash
huxley is alright
Goldstein wasn't even a real person, he was a fabrication of the ministry of truth… fake controlled op.
I never moved the goalposts. You said he was a communist. He wasn't. You're still wrong.
Yeah, I'll say it again. Go back to reddit if you want to talk about books you haven't read.
If you can manage to pull off an "English-Literature" section of your class, you can teach Beowulf and perhaps the Canterbury Tales.
Go fuck yourself you fat fuck. There is absolutely no need for this thread. Lurk moar, or better yet, since you're trying to datamine and gather "research" kill yourself.
Social critic Neil Postman contrasted the worlds of Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World in the foreword of his 1985 book Amusing Ourselves to Death. He writes:
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions." In 1984, Orwell added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that our fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that our desire will ruin us.
Journalist Christopher Hitchens, who himself published several articles on Huxley and a book on Orwell, noted the difference between the two texts in the introduction to his 1999 article "Why Americans Are Not Taught History":
We dwell in a present-tense culture that somehow, significantly, decided to employ the telling expression "You're history" as a choice reprobation or insult, and thus elected to speak forgotten volumes about itself. By that standard, the forbidding dystopia of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four already belongs, both as a text and as a date, with Ur and Mycenae, while the hedonist nihilism of Huxley still beckons toward a painless, amusement-sodden, and stress-free consensus. Orwell's was a house of horrors. He seemed to strain credulity because he posited a regime that would go to any lengths to own and possess history, to rewrite and construct it, and to inculcate it by means of coercion. Whereas Huxley … rightly foresaw that any such regime could break because it could not bend. In 1988, four years after 1984, the Soviet Union scrapped its official history curriculum and announced that a newly authorized version was somewhere in the works. This was the precise moment when the regime conceded its own extinction. For true blissed-out and vacant servitude, though, you need an otherwise sophisticated society where no serious history is taught.[33]
OP has not made one single reply in over an hour since creating it.
Sage, hide, report and stop replying to obvious slide/datamine threads. OP would know the answer he seeks without making the thread, from simply having lurked long enough.
i never said he wasnt only that his name is not pure coincidence. in our world the jews are also imaginary controlled opposition right? we are living in 1984! omg wtf i love jews now
This but unironically.
you are jewish and therefore a liar how is that not an argument
2. Swordfighting
He was given a jewish name because he represented Leon Trotsky and how he was used as propaganda after being exiled from the USSR.
Literally who says this ever?
Zig Forums mods don't even do anything about (1) slide threads anymore apparently
Fuck yourself, yid. You’ve admitted you were wrong.
no i called you out on being a liar and rightfully assume you are jewish you dont even deny it you just keep doubling down jewish style even threw in an oy vey there
Thanks for admitting you were wrong. Huxley and Orwell are simultaneously being experienced; Orwell is the more prominent.
everyone who isnt on /pol thinks jews are innocent scapegoats of history and that their world control exists only in the minds of delusional neo nazis; 1984 isnt helping by calling the ebil government scapegoat goldstein
I specifically did not recommend Plato because he's abstruse and impractical, and his Republic can lead far too easily to liberalism.
how so kikearoo
You don’t belong here
You were already explained this.
you say 1984 is more pertinent to our experience and post no evidence so i call you a liar and post evidence
you still say orwell is more telling and you havent posted evidence for it yet again. you make bogus claims without evidence i call you a liar
Evidence was posted. Fuck off.
are you employed as an english school teacher mr rosen?
For fucks sake. Can we cut the Reddit tier recommendations?
Seriously. Neither of these two are enough to teach kids how to live through the hellscape of modernity. They need a worldview! They need something that provides them an non-degenerate view of life and gives them the ability to recognize actual beauty and truth.
They need the abilty to recognize what's good in a leader, what's good in a MAN and follow him to the ends of the Earth in his conquering path.
Seriously, FUCK Orwell and FUCK Brave New World.
somehow the first is more true than the second which is what you have claimed repeatedly without evidence you jewish slime
nah include brave new world and fuck orwell and do teach more than just brave new world. brave new world is not reddit tier 1984 is
Controlled-op implies that the government would be propping up Zig Forums and that the JQ is a red herring. Nothing could be further from the truth. Go to Ursula Haverbeck's prison cell and ask her if she feels like things are more like Brave New World or 1984.
It is entry-level shit for a person who has no knowledge of anything before modernity.
It is suitable, perhaps, as a secondary reading, but it is not a particularly good source of education. It is the pleasure reading of high-schoolers, not the educative work.
Eat shit, shill. Huxley and Orwell are simultaneously being experienced; Orwell is the more prominent.
Eat shit, shill. Huxley and Orwell are simultaneously being experienced; Orwell is the more prominent.
Why are you replying to the same posts multiple times? Are you forgetting to change your IP address?
how is orwell more prominent? you just keep saying that over and over again
the government does prop up anti jewish movements most are controlled opposition and not sincere
You had this explained to you half an hour ago.
Forgot the parts it says "races all coexist" and "that poor Jewish mother was running away" when the rocket fell.
the supposed evidence you posted did not back up your claim that orwell is MORE prominent. no explanation for how he is more prominent only that there are some aspects of 1984 that we see
you never explained and im calling that out
Go fuck yourself. You’re done. Your entire premise is flawed, you were explained how it is flawed, you refuse to accept anything that questions you.
In before “the holocaust is not the foundational event of the post-war era”
1984 is overrated. It includes an alleged "Jewish revolutionary" (even though he is fake), a scene of a "poor Jewess running from the explosion" at a scene, compares Communist Russia to NatSoc Germany, claims that all races coexist and it hardly matter what race each party member is, and honestly makes no sense at its second half. Plus, it is too "character-centric" and puts a lot of effort to show narcisistic emotion and "muh love", basically targeting at women and soyboys.
It's probably pushed by some sort of (((Conservatives))).
this is exactly what brave new world is about and what your jewish ass is doing here - the important thing you keep saying is that orwell is MORE prominent and therefore more attention should be given to him than huxley; i call you out repeatedly that you never proved this you only said that we also experience elements of orwells book but you conclude that it should overshadow huxleys novel.>>11823274
in brave new world people do not care for the truth because it is overshadowed with bullshit like your posts thats why you stress orwell is MORE important and only provide evidence that his book is somewhat relevant. by saying orwell is more prominent you dont want people reading brave new world youd rather they read your pro-jewish book embraced by the modern curriculum 1984. ive called you out on your comment that it is MORE prominent and like a true jew you keep obfuscating and saying youve already explained yourself
the OP is still a (1)
yall niggas posting in a datamining thread
Why are you replying to the same posts multiple times? Are you forgetting to change your IP address?
Your entire premise is flawed, you were explained how it is flawed, you refuse to accept anything that questions you.
Feck off mate.
Well then I should mention that:
No a single jewish Haplogroup or Haplotype.
Because it is a belief system based on plagiarized stories appropriated from Persian and Sumerian culture.
Josephus is a thief.
Like all jews.
im not pretending to be multiple people
Isn't it funny that nowadays, books that Zig Forums approved like 1948 and Farenheit 451 are now being chucked away as "Jewish propaganda"?
How long until the one and only Zig Forums approved book in existence is Mein Kampf?
As it should be
You were banned for a reason. No one believes a word that you say, yid.
no argument found
The only thing I would include is Operation Paperclip - it is such a "what the fuck" moment that will be the beginning of the redpill
Sorry jewniggerfed, Tor works to seperate IP from identity, which is why you use it behind your jewniggerfed proxy.
Looking at your 12 posts itt doing nothjing but whining, you are the slippery jew.
Saying the truth is a lie is what jews do.
I am not a jew.
Click through this and show me jew dna:
Or show me how all people are the ancestors of niggers:
Phylogenetic tree of human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups
You can't.
You were banned for a reason. Absolutely no one believes your lies. Jewish DNA readily exists and is readily distinguishable from that of whites. No one here will ever accept you as white. No one here will ever save or protect even a single jew.
Changing your IP does nothing, paid shill.
Huxley and Orwell are simultaneously being experienced; Orwell is the more prominent.
HG Wells but Imkikey sperged out and anchored it
How? It's a book about people willingly surrendering the right to information to swallow blue pills via TV and have the state protect their fee-fees.
I'm dissapointed in you all
In a age of equality at any cost, this is relevant. Also isn't wrongthink enough to set of the bad goy alarms.
This is what you get when faggots pretend to be intellectuals. Stick to finger paints and eating your own refuse, junior, it's more to your speed.
It really makes you wonder.
If I personally would be to direct my own history class I think it'd focus mostly on the nature of mankind, that being "I take whats yours if I can." and how that hasn't changed.
I'd start with the Greeks, teach them about that for a month or so, explain to them that democracy is not somehow anti-war or pro-peace, it in fact leads to more wars than monarchies ever did. I'd then try to talk about the rise and fall of Rome, how it got to be an empire and why we revere it today, could be some opportunities to draw some parallels with modern 'Murica, and show that even with its immense strength, Empires are fragile things if not properly maintained and with no ethnic identity they're destined to fall and fall hard. Then I'd get into the years of the bankers, being Napoleon up to WW1 and naturally leading into how WW2 happened. I'd then explain maybe why the Soviets failed and how the USA still views the rest of the world with alot of hostility. In the end I think the main goal would be to establish in their little minds that the world is not all sunshine and farts, that nationalism is the natural process of the human condition and that part of that condition is as I said earlier, that people try to take what they can from others, and only nations that are equipped to defend themselves spiritually and physically can survive.
How does any of that prepare them for the transhumanist agenda we're going to see implemented in the next few decades?
Adding Brave New World to my syllabus.
I'm in Europe. In some EU countries we have a lot of control over the syllabus.
Yeah, I'm datamining kike.
"it is such a "what the fuck" moment that will be the beginning of the redpill"
summary and resources? t. lurker
I hate faggots like you.
We studied all three. Maybe I was just lucky and had redpilled teachers.
Sorry, meant for
Unlicensed printing…but hold up there, we now have (((copyright))) goyim!
Richard Spencer would be the Emmanuel Goldstein today.
"We can't teach that book officially since it's not on Circular 14, but take these photocopies that you didn't get from me…"
It's now called the "Trillium List"
I have always assumed that Farenheit 451 was leftist/commie shit. I recently re-read it and realized I was wrong. (((They))) have attempted to co-opt it in schools and the media; we need to take it back. I encourage you all to read it. This is our book.