White Nationalist Kyle Chapman Arrested for Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Based Stickman in jail with no bond. Is Texas cucked?
White Nationalist Kyle Chapman Arrested for Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Based Stickman in jail with no bond. Is Texas cucked?
Nothing of value was lost.
trying to get a few more 0.02 shekel deposits in your account before your shift ends?
Daily reminder.
Based civic nationalist man in jail where he belongs
Does he just drive around assaulting people.
Based mods. Educate yourself, OP.
this fucking mod edit
with that said it's fucking ridiculous stickman was locked up even though he's a civnat at best
stay mad spic, he's whiter than you.
Oh that sucks.jpg
Rice is cooked, user.
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Cook the rice, pay the price.
Sleep with red, scalp your head.
Bed with abbo, you’re so far into bestiality territory that you don’t deserve a rhyme.
fucker looks like John Dillinger
John Herbert Dillinger (/ˈdɪlɪndʒər/; June 22, 1903 – July 22, 1934) was an American gangster in the Depression-era United States. He operated with a group of men known as the Dillinger Gang or Terror Gang, which was accused of robbing 24 banks and four police stations, among other activities. Dillinger escaped from jail twice. He was also charged with, but never convicted of, the murder of an East Chicago, Indiana, police officer who shot Dillinger in his bullet-proof vest during a shootout, prompting him to return fire; despite his infamy, it was Dillinger's only homicide charge.
did you come just to reply to me kikey?
you're right user I see evil intent in both their eyes.
Wow, a mod edit trying to uphold standards. I'm impressed. The threads here have been extremely low effort lately. We need more of this.
Chapman is a perfect example of what happens when you huff Scotchgard.
Thank fuck a mod finally stepped in. This board needs to be scrubbed with gasoline.
neck urself faggit
looks like it but my guess is hes paid by a Soros group ,not blm ,or antifa one other than the 13 or so known
This thread is fucking garbage but the mod edit is legendary.
He could actually help the movement by getting murdered by niggers in prison, but sadly he's a massive faggot so he'll suck for safety. Him and Tommy Robinson are having a suck off. We call it the Sargonpalooza. "Which cuck will suck the most!"
I'm starting to like the new mods, they've been very effective banning shills and deleting shit threads and OP's.
Polite sage for off topic
This is why the right wing is weak, you never help your own
I would no way associate with the idiots in that video at the bottom any more than I would with Antifa. I hope they kill each other.
haha I had no idea he was like this. Nice touch with the proud boys song btw.
He did more to fight the enemy of White people than you ever have.
Did you buy a shirt?
What a fucking faggot. Isn't this someone Alex Jones looked at as a hero?
"whiter than you"
what a fucking joke, stop being a fucking sheep nazi fag. This phrase displays the extent to which the new nazi cult can think.
You have no fucking ideas, no depth, you have no new ideas nothing has expanded on mien kamph. You all worship a dead man that lost a war and there has been no other decent leader on your side since then. Fucking 70 years and you cant get 1 guy to be a good spokes person.
Its the color white so it must be good ….. and where does that stop are American whites ok? Is it German, French, English …. what about Italy. Russia white, Canada white? Your movement is literally as shallow as your skin tone.
Queue the one line responses because that is trully the extent of their logic. One line.
-kill niggers
-white power
-kill jews
the best youll ever have is hell on earth because you fucks dont think about anything else but a world of killing things, youll have no society no civilization
I think they mean yellow fever civnat cuckold.
He's a rice farmer and a noodle lover.
well thats two lines, so i guess there is hope
This. Pic related
Fuck this guy. Whats sad is that had he not already been a race mixing faggot he probably could have been converted from 0 to 14 to 88 over a six pack. The Jews got to him first.
He comes off to me as another Milo/Alex shill. Either he's a fullblown kike (milo) or he's a controlled oppo shill (Alex Jonestein) and has been making it lucrative with his (((brand))).
Isn't Uhuru the black version of DotR for the Boer?
yes, hail hortler
This site, don't you think, exists to drive traffic, thereby ad revenue and such, to line the pockets of the alt-kikes?
This is what happens when you let kikes, sheboons, mexigoblins, and marxists become the prosecuting DA. They always go out of their way to target non leftists and give their own a pass. If they can't get charges to stick, they will still drag out the process until you are bankrupt and broken.
Based stickfag is a tranny loving civ nat, but at least now he can sue them for defamation and lose because of diversity hire judges and jury selection for calling him a white nationalist meanie.
Given that we constantly denounce everyone in the ✡alt-right✡ and do not support any of them, I can’t imagine where you’d get that idea.
and kikey finally anchored it
Yes, this is very interesting. All of the extremely interesting or important threads get anchored. This place exclusively drives traffic to aid the alt-kike shekel snatchers.
What a fucking cohencidence.
what a fucking joke, stop being a fucking sheep shill fag.
Stop White genocide
Expose ZOG
Expose kikes
Reestablish White homelands
What other ideas do we need?
For now, anyway.
Very few here "worship" Hitler. That would be stupid.
What most of us do is recognize that National Socialism had some very good points and that the "Nazis" were nowhere near the "evil monsters" that kike hollywood and lying press has depicted them as.
There have been a few, like Rockwell and Pierce.
That said, a leader is not really what we need right now. What we need is to redpill more Whites.
What we need is White nationalists. That requires a shift in the minds and hearts of Whites. That requires breaking the ZOG indoctrination that we ALL have had forced upon us our entire lives.
Hence, the redpill.
White nationalism is not about "color," it is about shared blood and heritage. It is about having a people again. It is about stopping the ongoing genocide of White people. Race is not cosmetic. It is genetic.
You shills are most commonly the ones calling for killing people. Funny, that. Projection?
I don't advocating for killing anyone. I advocate for separation via deportation followed by strong border control.
White people exist. White genocide is real and ongoing. White genocide is wrong. The cure for White genocide is White nationalism. White nationalism means separation. It means White countries for White people and only White people.
It does not mean killing. It does not mean war. To a White nationalist peaceful separation is the ideal.
Having said that, the ongoing genocide of White people must be stopped.
If all avenues of peaceful separation are cut off by kikes and multicultists, then whatever is left will be what is necessary.
Look at this.
How can anyone call this racemixer a "White nationalist?"
Gas yourself.
We know what your demonic "talmud" says about us.
We know what your rabbis say about us.
And more are being shown the truth every day.
The only way to MAGA is to MAWA.
Denouncing drives their popularity and so on. Prohibiting sites has the effect of not driving traffic.
This is basically "Jezebel-Gawker 101". Bad press = good press, because it = ad revenue.
And it's all about them shekels.
So the thread up about the tranny Laura kikerland is there to pour cash into that trash's pockets. Even if critical of "her". A "critique" is an opportunity.
The same is done on Drudge.
Drudge will feature bullshit happening on YouTube. Stupid controversies that are fraudulent. Then you think, "gee, why wasn't it deleted", and so on.
But it's just that it's a kike making money by pushing his channel, and if ads are enabled, on the ads.
So it's actually just clickbait that drives people to their stupid shit sites so the kikes can grab them shekels.
Not really.
What I mean is, once upon the high plain of the demigods, the mind of the learned finds interest in certain things, this among them. Below there is little interest in anything, other than the animal.
Hes also 'huwite, part Jew.
McCuck appropriated it from that anti-White nigger faggot, Gazi Goatse or whatever its name is.
Fucking based.
Was sticknigger the faggot who became a commie after people insulted his mutt brats or was that some other useless civgnat faggot?
Paul Nielan?
Honestly, if you've ever heard this guy talk, he's a meat head with a lukewarm iq. Nothing of value was lost.
< don't defend the white man, goyim
< goyim, you don't own nothin (((we own pol)))
Time for a med check.
< punish your own, goyim
Sounds like a great plan, kike.
Still believing the hollywood prison rape meme i see. You've obviously never been in jail so good on you but rapes are almost non existent. I'm a correctional officer and have worked at a prominent California prison for 6 years now and the number of actual successful rape cases i know is 22 less than 4 a year. Now the amount of fights and beatings from a attempted rape is probably around 150. Fact is 99% of all inmates will fight and would rather catch a bad beating than giving in. Also this isn't the movies where guards are paid off to look the other way does that happen sure but again rarely ever happens because there are cameras everywhere and if a guard is caught doing anything close to that they will be terminated immediately. We officers pride ourselves in our jobs and trying to get to any altercation as quickly as possible even when lights are out we have plenty of fights in the cells at night and i would guess our average amount of time to get to any one cell or prison location to break up a fight is around 1min 45sec. So it would be pretty dam hard to get a rape session in if the victim is fighting back and the officers are getting there in under 2min. And lastly another fact that movies do show but not to the extent it happens is there are tons of gay inmates who sell their bodies at low cost and everyone in the prison knows who they are and what they're offering. So there's really no real reason to try and forcibly rape someone and get punished for it when you can get it for a bag of chips from one of the fem gay boys. I just find it funny that the hollywood jews in movies can say anything something that's extremely over exaggerated and the public will just buy it hook line and sinker. I can understand people wanting to believe that it's true but fact is the whole rape thing in prison is not really that big of a deal because most everyone in jail has balls and will stick up for themselves.
((Just my 2 cents because i see this prison rape thing brought up pretty often in threads))
Hey, fuckface, go get Terried.
i don't think he's civ nationalist anymore user. I saw him in an interview with vice fags and he's been spouting alot of anti-kike, pro-white stuff.
2 years of cali trying to fuck him up the ass has changed him
this. i was locked up and ALL prisoners were big anti fags. If anyone had any suspicion someone could be a rapist they'd get popped before they got the chance