And so, the awakening of Europe continues…
But of course, it's all because of those racist country bumpkins and elderly ethnic Italians who just don't understand they're on the wrong side of history
Continuing on
And so, the awakening of Europe continues…
But of course, it's all because of those racist country bumpkins and elderly ethnic Italians who just don't understand they're on the wrong side of history
Continuing on
Same thing is happening in France. The number of shooting licenses issued each year is quadrupling over the last. Europoors have to have a bit more money to get firearms but it is possible.
Have we started a fire?
Is your brain okay?
What is really needed is for England to purge its leadership, and then clean house. Scotland seems to be a lost cause.
FFS, make a general already, pastanigger.
Education = Marxist Ideological Brainwashing in all leftist rhetoric.
It never means STEM/sciences or anything functional and logical.
You do realize that shit like this is the Jew trying to keep you ignorant and uneducated, right? College does not indoctrinate you. Get educated, you stupid nigger. Go to school and don't be like the yard apes.
An uneducated White Man is a traitor to the White Race.
I can get just as educated - if not moreso- by reading at the library and finding free educational resources online, and without the crippling debt and Jewish indoctrination.
Nice try though, Schlomo.
>go to (((school)))
Fuck off, Bergelstein.
top fucking kek
We are fucking good at gun making.
Just pick a degree that is not cucked. I did engineering and only had 6 classes that were not math and science. Also, getting an associates from a community college will save money.
On topic: This is a great thing. I can't wait for armed Europeans to rise up.
How cucked is Biology, particularly related to humans? Would it be worth it if I could shed more light on racial differences? Or should I go for a short stint to gain more tech skills for my hobby and just learn a trade like Electrician/Plumber and be set up for life?
Bumping this thread, next time don't format like a Redditor though OK newfriend? Don't fucking pos the same quote twice in a row while doing so either. Can someone post the "how to make a thread" jpg, I don't have it on this computer.
I would be careful going for a biology or medical focus. There are a lot of people that do that. The pay is not all that great from my limited knowledge. You are competing against all the med school and nursing drop outs.
You would have to make it to a phd to have any hope. And even then you would have to get tenure first. And all that info is already known. Doctors know that different races react to medicine differently. You would have as much effect as American Renaissance or The Bell Curve at best.
It's a risky move. It pays well early, but does not have room for growth. Unless you go into owning a business or something. It is hard work and will take a toll on your body. But it can be great if that is what you want. I have also heard that the pay could tank if lots of people go into it (especially with the dropping male college numbers).
What hobby is this? You might be better off just taking online classes.
I can't wait to see which one tips off first.
Have you ever considered farming? Depending on where you live, and a few other minor factors, you could be, too. There are all kinds of people on (((Kiketube))), who are making thousands of dollars a month selling organic greens and vegetables from plots as small as a quarter acre to organic grociers. I'm thinking about this if I get my own place again.
Unless you're going into STEM, college is a waste of time. I went into IT and never needed college for anything other than to check off a box in employment forms. I'd be bitching about what a waste of money it were if I hadn't gone on full scholarship.
Why not do what the leftists did and saturate primary schools as teachers. They are screaming out for strong male role models in education and nobody is stronger than a white man. Impart strength and a love for learning and you will be shaping future generations of strong white men and women. Most countries have strong labour laws surrounding teachers too so they won't be able to oust you if they suspect what you're up to.
I already did nigger. He wasn’t hip to it.
buy all the guns and ammo you can afford pastaniggers, and distribute some caches to your euro brothers
Is something wrong with the pic?
I am envisioning a group of Zig Forumsacks becoming teachers and sharing a house to make the most of the teacher salary. They will share tactics and teach the youth the right lessons.
they're arming up for the coming purge. i love it
Oh fuck that then, overcrowded as hell in Utah.
I suppose being much younger than Taylor wouldn't help much either. Sobering fact right there. I did some temp work with some electrician companies and met some independent electrician workers (some of whom own their own business) who told me that they make an absurd amount of money doing simple fucking jobs. Given the massive expansion in housing and infrastructure we are undergoing I can see why. It's always a skill in demand but not particularly something I want to do that eagerly.
Video games, I'm kind of tired of my perceived lack of ambition hanging around /adgd/, though my new job offers employment and training opportunities and tech is a big market where I live now.
I would absolutely fucking love to do that. Own some animals and raise organic crops. I'd be following in the footsteps of my ancestors even if on a smaller scale than my Grandparents are managing right now across multiple states. It would also help people by increasing the supply of healthy food, my father would actually be able to eat better beyond the garden he tends. Fuck we need to make a thread for job opportunities and/or agriculture if it doesn't exist yet. I just realized how important this will be since the majority of landowners are over 55 and many are set to retire soon with a massive shortage of new farmers.
This is why I spend a lot of time trying to redpill my friends who are studying to become teachers.
So while I have some room to be on topic here here, Italy always seems to be a bit ahead of the curve here being the creators of Fascism in the past that lit a fire in the spirits of Europeans everywhere… Does this mean Germany will soon pull a miracle and follow suit? 4th Reich when? Hungary, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Czechia, and Poland! WHO'S NEXT? Are you kikes reading this shitting your pants yet?
Hey, we are in the same state.
If you do go for a degree, try to get an associates from a community college. At SLCC the classes are designed to feed the U of U (they even have the same class numbers) and it costs half as much.
The european style governments are more prone to rapid change. It should be interesting to see what happens over the next few years.
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
criminally unchecked
It just means they're not educated!
Don't you love that meme? If you aren't indoctrinated for 4+ more years after getting indoctrinated 4 years in highscool then you are inferior to them.
So they are proving that the self-preservation instinct is more likely to be intact in groups that have recieved less (((modern education))) brainwashing?
Thanks for telling the truth for once (((media)))
I have a feeling (((they))) will start hate crime legislation soon. Even the dumbest among us can see that if more people own guns, a lot of dindus are gonna get shot.
soon you guys are gonna be best at shooting dindus.
A couple of dindus complained just today they were shot in the streets in a drive by with soft air guns. The Italian Anglin noted that usually people around here would rather use real guns like Traini did.
No archive because it is just an Italian sauce.
(btw, this "vox" was freshly banned from twitter and he is "one of us")
First he needs to reverse whos at fault defending yourself at home, and then top it off with carry gun licenses. Those two would be a massive step in the right direction.
The world would hate Salvini a lot more if he were speaking english instead of italian.
Can't believe he still averages one rally per day since the election. Fuckin madman
Sure, for the right price he can. What is he offering?
Fucking based
Truly a man of the people.
The fire rises!
went to Cambridge. Studied science.
Effectively, learnt fuck all that I couldn't have learnt faster with books (at the time) Self-education via internet way more effective.
Only good bit was the old libraries - finding an original 'origin of the species' in the aback of a dusty biology library was cool, but it means nothing in the information age.
Be good to know if there are Zig Forums approved online guided education courses, though.
I dont know what the utubers are doing making 1000's a month but it is not that simple to be Certified Organic.
Anyone can slap a label on some carrots and call them "organic" because after all it is true, organic merely in a chemical sense means any carbon based compound which is all life forms on the earth.
Now to bump up to the new certified organic entails a lot of regulations and such to receive official status. Your dirt/soil has to have no modern fertilizer, pesticide or herbicide applied to it for a minimum of 3 years, then it has to be tested for trace results. You have to have a buffer zone from neighboring farmers that use modern practices. You can have absolutely no womanized wood in contact with your soil on your farm (arsenic).
There are tons of scammers because after all this market will see exponential growth for the forseeable future.
Also I would posit that if you live in the city and want to do a small scale operation there is a good chance your soil could never be certified as organic, which means you would have to do some type of raised bed or in a green house and bring all your clean soil in to raise vegetables. I help my cousin at the farmers market sell his organic grains and beans 90% of his customers are total bernie bros and leftists. I have to constantly hide my power level and focus on maximum sheckel extraction from the retarded city dwellers.
t. grew up on a farm cousin has been certified organic since 1988
Sure, you can get something, but it must be secured in a safer inside your house, with ammunition not easily reachebale and crap of that kind.
Legal/conceal carry? Not even in the dreams.
Someone reports you to the Police as a possibly dangerous individual? You get your permit revoked and weapons confiscated.
Look at Varg Vikernes, who got swatted for two hunting rifles.
Keep cranking out more sexy black rifles, Italy.
I live in a small city, or relatively small compared to cities outside my state. There's still some decent land over where the water table used to sit, but they are developing it more these days. If I wanted to grow year round a greenhouse would be much more efficient for that purpose considering how cold it gets during the Winter. Thank you for your advice and experience, I'll do some more research.
The sad thing is that they probably turn around and chug the fluoride while they do this. If I did this locally I'd hardly encounter such people because it's not a Bernie friendly area thank god.
Reminder that almost all the Swiss have a gun (required by law) and Switzerland has almost zero gun deaths. Hate to quote a rap artist but: guns don't kill people, people kill people.
"guns don't kill people, niggers do"
Guns don't kill people, I kill people. With guns.
>tfw you were still in high school when this came out on my birthday no less
Hello there fellow HWITE people!
The only issue is to pull traps high enough.
Can we trust the pastabros this time when we get the band back together? They dun goofed last go 'round but they're consistently making the correct choices recently.