Angry cashier launches foul-mouthed tirade at a customer and then exposes her BREAST saying 'that's my t*t bi**h'
When the customer refuses to leave, saying that the cashier is 'weird as f**k,' the male restaurant employee says he's going to call the police and tells the customer to leave because she doesn't belong in the restaurant. The cashier 'works here and you don't. We are closed!' he says.
The customer and the male employee continue to argue and then things take an unexpected turn.
The cashier, who is on the phone and apparently on hold with the police, suddenly steps back from the counter and yanks her shirt up, revealing her right breast.
'That's my t*t bih,' she says. 'Get the fk out.'
The video ends with all three people continuing to argue while they wait for the police to arrive.
The incident appears to have occurred in February, with reddit users quickly ferreting out additional details about what happened.
According to one reddit user, the cashier is a full-time college student, in the middle of midterms, who was also working at the restaurant. She had finished her last shift of the week and was at home, drinking, when she was asked to return to work to cover for another employee before the incident occurred.
Since the video was circulated online, the cashier appears to have been fired from the job as a result of her actions.
At one point, she apparently had a GoFundMe page posted to raise money while she looked for another job, but it has since been deactivated.
Restaurant workers who have been in similar situations were quick to come to her defense and praised her for doing exactly what they wished they could've done when faced with a difficult customer at closing time.
The cashier was even offered an apparent gratis tattoo immortalizing her moment of internet fame. The tattoo features an image of a bird — a tit, naturally — along with the phrase, 'That's my fkin' t*t, bih!'
Another waste of a white woman. Less than 100 years ago, such behavior would have been unthinkable for any but a tawdry street whore. Now it is considered "brave".
Don't worry user she gets the rope too.
Sage for a low effort Reddit re-post you fag
Fuck off leddit.
this is /b tier shit
A thread died for this.
Lurk more please.
Nah it was pretty much thinkable 150 years ago. Just read Ragnar Redbeard. The absolute state of man and woman has been in a centuries old decline only visible to the few in their time but recognized by the whole near its finality.
How are tits supposed to be punishment?
why the fuck did you even post it, then? fuck off
She's mad at the guy so she shows him her tits…. huh? This is just confusing, like most of modern society.
"That's me flabby stomach and a-cup mosquito bite bitch!" Both these women blast rap in their pontiac grand ams.
Who cares?
You expect us to get behind this girl?
You got any other videos of a white girl telling a nigger to eat her asshole?
Like, the niggers are obviously niggers, but so is the cashier.
How else you gunna eat her ass?
What kind of kike redditfaggot puts asterisks in the middle of words?
What kind of faggot who needs to lurk moar has never copypasted an article?
Why are you even here?
y u mad?
Why are you wasting our time? you faggot.
if anyone is interested, here's the tit. i cut it down so i could make it best resolution possible (original resolution is shit, so don't expect much). not sure why sounded fagged out, but here it is
fucking openshot. sorry, i should have checked the vid before posting. here's a more proper one. still don't know why audio is retard
How is this politics and news related?
You know they make a build of kdenlive for Windows, right? Openshot is trash.
Its a cute titty.
the virgin leftovers from corrupt the record are freaking out because they've seen one tit for the first time in their pathetic loser lives.
If God existed, these "people" would not
I watched her whip her tit out like 50 times already, but now I finally noticed her co-worker averted his gaze. What a faggot.
Yes. She probably exposed it because she knew the video would get lots of views (she even mentioned it, "I hope you get views, bitch") and she's proud of her tits and has exhibitionist tendencies. She's probably been checking the view count on various websites where the video is hosted and rubbing herself. What a whore.
Why is this a thread?
who gives a shit
The customer is always right. She should have given them back their money.
Can he be #metoo'd if he looked?
"The customer is always right" bullshit is the reason that niggers act like fucking howler monkeys, screaming at the top of their lungs and flinging shit. Think of it this way. If you didn't want to pay for something, and all you had to do was yell and act like a chimp, to get everything for free, at least 90% of the time, wouldn't you do it? Niggers have been taught this. Much like a dog, rewarded with a treat, to do a trick, years of niggerlution have created a nigger, that feels entitled to everything for free, and who knows, even services and goods can be gotten for free, via yelling and chimping out.
fuck you halfway gay homos and fuck you niggerized whites and youy nigger loving whites posting this garbage
i have a daughter and she isnt even 1
nigger use blender or FFMPEG
Someone cheer me up.
The decline has accelerated unbelievably fast in my relatively short lifetime.
nigger that was a jingle from the 1970's for burger king, of which burger king has since stopped using it…. why you ask, the answer is….. niggers.
It worked when America was white and we were driving around in 1976 Monte Carlos.
Just imagine walking down the street and seeing that tattoo decorating a lamppost. :^)
Not when it's a nigger.
That didn't help.
Ah. A patrician. Ironic how niggers have adopted such iconic American models for their ghetto fab bullshit.
Sounds like nigger behavior.
user, please do not insult birds.
It was literally imitating a nigger.
Why do I care about this?
Ignore . Here's a good one.
dunk white woman flashes uppity nigger before getting fired while soyboy looks away
She was clearly drunk. I can't blame people drinking themselves to a silly stupor being how modern society is.
A dindu pissed off productive white workers.
Drink weakens the body and dulls the mind. Our duty is to be strong cells of the superorganism. Only with self-discipline and focus will we again win our Volk a home worthy of our ancestors and fit for our descendants. Liquid Judaism is degenerate to the extent it interferes with preparations for the race war.
Agreed. Would suck on.
I agree, but we need to get the kikes out of power first. The NSDAP didn't have the excellent programs that they had put into place until after they had attained power.
God is a Jewish construct.
Dualism is a jewish construct to separate power from people.
That file name haha.
omg, this is the go to response for 'tits or gtfo' from now on
Reminder Imkikey killed the HG Wells thread after a few posts and this one has 61 and threads are being deleted that are real and great. And users are leaving again
Reminder Imkikey killed the HG Wells thread after a few posts and this one has 61 and threads are being deleted that are real and great. And users are leaving again
last time I checked 8chans stats they showed a dramatic rise in traffic since the mods were shoah'd…like a million place jump in the popularity traffic stats. not saying it's a good thing, just observing.
boom bitches party.
bans were lifted and less are given but Imkikey still controls what we get to talk about.
How is this a thread? Why are all the threads anti-Trump and pro-Hillary, or this kind of bullshit that demeans white people?
Meanwhile this important thread, which threatened to help a real non-alt-kike white man was deep-sixed, for here the mods detest white people, and are the defilers, oh curse them and their land of yidsrael, the kikes be curse, zion be cursed, yahweh be cursed.
Damn them, damn them, damn them.
Another thread that was deleted, a black beating up a Mexican with a brick.
This would have been another effective pro-white op.
The kikes who control this place deleted that thread.
This place with efficiency serves the desires of the kikes of CabaList. It is their tool, property, completely.
That reverb effect is obnoxious, this would not sound good without that.
redheads ahahhahaa
Prove you're not a kike and curse zion.
curse zion.
Imkikey doesnt exist, watch.
There are some good jews.
See. Kikeys gone.
It's "tits OR GTFO" not tits AND GTFO.
I love kdenlive but the current Windows build is still just a bit too unstable for my tastes, and despite continued attempts I can't get FFmpeg to allow me to export in webm and MP3, despite following the instructions exactly.
Shotcut is a good alternate choice.
Old as fuck plus the bitch got fired
OkI curse zion and every disgusting parasitic ratlike jew and every shitskin subhuman race (((they))) use to dilute us in our own land.Some want to placate and work with them, i choose total extermination of all non whites and the traitor white whores with half breed ugly niglets on this planet period.Anything else would be weak.
I run a start-up, sometimes I have to deal with retarded and annoying customers and clients, some of whom are niggers. In fact, there's a pretty big overlap between niggers and terrible clients because we get government subsidies to do business with "low-income communities".
At no point did I ever consider yelling at a customer, telling the customer to eat my asshole, whipping my dick out in front of the customer or any other obscene behavior. In cases where the customer is getting on my nerves, I either end business with them and walk away, or call security/the cops if they are on my property.
This cashier deserved to get fired because she obviously cannot conduct herself in a professional manner. Angry customers are a fact of life, something you need to deal with in almost every business. How do you expect any normal person to defend this trash?
I am not normal but for all intents and purposes I appear that way and I support this white girl because she is white and the customer was a nigger.I will always take the side of my own race and not be ashamed of it what so ever because of bullshit morality indoctrination by the rat jew fuck them and fuck all shitskins.They bitch and moan and cry about our supremacy while they can't survive without us and follow us to the ends of the earth like the parasite fish that follow sharks in the ocean.Non whites are parasites then once engorged on our BLOOD & SOIL feel entitled to something they can never create left alone to their own devices.Multiculturalism is a disease and the root cause is the fucking kike.
Asking a cashier to not show her nipple while on the job is not asking too much. If she was working for me, she would be fired immediately. The part about her telling the nigger to eat her asshole is forgivable, but obscenity WHILE BEING RECORDED is not. She damaged the reputation of her presumably white-owned business by acting this way.
Support and rationalize her behavior all you want against leftists and niggers, that's fine, but you aren't among leftists and niggers here. I would never apologize or take the side of a nigger at any point, but her behavior was objectively reprehensible.
Not sure how I feel about this
pretty cute face and nice tiddy / tummy.
would probably wife tbh even though she's insane, all women are insane
niggers always do this shit, come into businesses when closing and act like fucking retarded apes then pretend to be victims when they get told to fuck off
See Babylonian mythos on the blood of Kingu/Enki/Christ (the heir of God) being used to fashion mankind.
If the power of God went into the blood of mankind when HUE-MANS (Ethnic Europeans were made) then the only access to God that is left to us is through ourselves.
The jews (the destroyers; Marduk; murderers of God) KNOW that we (EE's) are the last presence of God and they routinely trick God into requiring 'religion' (their parasitic presence in religion, government, finance, education, entertainment; it is all the same systematic operation) in order to commune with God…but the only place that God resides on Earth is inside you, inside your very DNA, blood, genetics. You are the last remnant of the presence of God on Earth. If you cannot find God in yourselves God will not be found anywhere on Earth.
What do you need a parasite for to 'instruct' you in yourselves?
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
"Know ye not that ye are Gods."
and why exactly?
fucking faggy jews
hope she gets hired by chick fila or other WN brands
you're a faggy jew
the time for politeness and appeasement is over, kikeniggerlord
that redhead is awesome, if you had any white balls you'd promote her to management
Agreed in this one. It was completely uncalled for.
I was ok with her until she lifted up her shirt in front of customers. Telling this nigger bitch off and calling the cops was ok, albeit her speech was a little too ghetto for my liking.
As long as she is pro-white cock, then it's all good.